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Topics - Jef

Pages: [1]
Hi, I've started making my own FF7 spinoff game (hopefully one day I can share it with you all), but I've run into a few issues when scripting one of the bosses. I'm pretty new to this, so perhaps I'm missing some obvious stuff. Basically what I want to do is create a boss fight that is along similar lines to the Beatrix battles in FF9. In that, when the "Battle end" condition is met, the boss does one last big attack to wipe out your party, then there's a few lines of dialogue from the boss, then the battle ends.

I've actually made a fair amount of progress here, but there's a couple of hurdles I can't seem to overcome. I'll include a snippet of the script below, but first I'll quickly summarise what I've done so far. So I have the boss call the final attack (to which I've assigned the attack ID 02DD), this is set to reduce each party member's HP to 1. I chose this over death because I couldn't work out how to override the game over sequence (if you even can). Anyway, then I have a few lines of dialogue, and then set the end battle flag (the one that's also used for the Weapon and Sephiroth battles). This is how it looks.

Code: [Select]
12 2070
02 00A0
60 20
61 02DD
93 “Placeholder text 1
60 24
60 00
93 Placeholder text 2”
60 24
60 00
12 2110
02 2110
60 08

The problem is that, using this configuration, the battle ends before the text displays. I tried moving the last part to another script in order to delay it, but none of the things I tried were successful. If I set it on the next turn of the Main script, then the players can attack when they're not supposed to. If I add it to Pre-Action Setup, then the battle ends before the text displays. And I couldn't get Custom Event 8 to work at all (I guess it's hard coded to specific enemies or something). Is there any way that I can delay the battle end until after the dialogue has ended?

Also, another issue is that the reducing everyone to 1HP tends to fill up the limit meter almost immediately. This is bad for two reasons: First, the "limit alert" text box gets in the way of the boss's dialogue text boxes. And second, active limit meters don't exactly mesh with the "party being wiped out" thing I'm going for. Is there a way to either prevent an attack from filling the limit meter, or to clear the limit meter, or anything that basically stops this from happening?

Finally, I'd like to say thanks to everyone here for all of the resources that have gotten me this far!

Pages: [1]