Final Fantasy 7 > Troubleshooting

[FFVII]Scene.bin - Specific Scenes...overwrite okay?


Hello All,

A few questions about modding Scene.bin

1.  Am I safe to replace scenes 0, 1 , 2, 3, 4, 238, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, and 255 without consequences?  (only thing I could foresee would be the debug room battle being replaced, or breaking the debug room battle for some reason)

2.  Scenes 62, and 63.  Apparently they contain four formations each for a singular level 7 Grunt in Shinra HQ - are Scenes 62 and 63 used anywhere?  Same question as above, can I replace these without consequence?

Basically, I'm just trying to determine which Scenes I can use to create different iterations of the same enemy.  Once upon a time, I knew the answer, but too many years have passed and I'm having to relearn FF7 modding.  Thank you!

I don't know the exact numbers off the top of my head, but there shouldn't be any harm in replacing those in your first group. Just remember to update your KERNEL.BIN's SLUT when you recompile.

Sega Chief:
You can replace all those scenes safely, but I would maybe avoid 255 until last and make a copy for testing before modifying it. Maybe I was unlucky, but I remember not having any luck getting formations in that scene to load.

62 and 63 are unused. Scene 74 with a single Mystery Ninja and Capparwire in it are also unused.

Thanks guys.  Much appreciated!

I'll avoid 255.  Thanks for the tip about Scene 74.  I will be certain to update the Kernel.

Thanks again!


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