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Messages - blues

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« on: 2021-03-14 07:27:12 »
Having played 1.5 quite a while ago, I'm so glad to see that you've continued working on this mod since then!

A little initial feedback: I'm pretty early on in the run but the edits in Type B are pretty jarring. Much of the cut content appears to be cut just to be different, which is fine - that's the point of Type B, after all - but the replacement content is substantially less in depth and not fully integrated. Some examples:

1. The Reactor 5 Airbuster encounter is removed in favor of a fight against 3+4 basic "SOLDIER 3rd" enemies (in fact, they are used as random encounters in the Shinra building less than 30 minutes later). And the Rufus + Dark Nation fight is also removed in favor of fighting this same grunt (renamed "COMMANDO" but functionally identical, it seems) 1 on 1. These feel like placeholder changes. 

2. The dress up section in Wall Mart is removed in favor of four grunt mob fights referencing the FF7: Remake Corneo Arena. This eliminates a lot of very iconic Wall Market content with no real replacement because this is basically just four random battles intercut with a few lines of ported-over jokey FF7: Remake dialog. I know we've all done this part a million times so maybe this was intended as a QOL improvement, but it might have been nice to require that you get some Key Items in order to enter the arena, however (maybe a few slightly different things need doing in order to get an Entry Pass?). I don't know, it again felt like a placeholder edit, and it was bizarre having so many memorable moments such as the squat competition, the Honey Bee Inn and the Don Corneo's mansion interior segment removed in favor of a handful of random encounters.

3. The Sector 7 plate is never dropped, which results in the cutting of a great deal of content (such as the Reno boss fight, the death of the minor AVALANCHE characters, and Elmyra's exposition regarding Aeris' past), and nothing replaces it. I found this change really confusing because it undercuts much of the gravitas of the Midgar section (Shinra's evilness and, to a degree, the party's motivation, is GREATLY diminished by this), leaves out critical details/foreshadowing regarding Aeris, and renders quite a few dialog lines nonsensical (for example, Barret talks about "reforming" AVALANCHE - but aren't Jessie, Biggs and Wedge alive?). More problematically, several NPCs actually directly reference the plate being dropped still, including two which show up immediately after exiting Midgar (in Kalm).

I assume these issues (and a few lesser ones I didn't include) exist because 2.0 is still a WIP, but I felt compelled to note them because NT 1.5 Arrange had an absolutely INCREDIBLE amount of polish. In fact, NT 1.5 Arrange is, to me, the definitive version of the game, adding tons of new content, cleaning up what was already there (such as the integration of Yuffie more cleanly into Kalm), etc., and I still play it from time to time.

I really don't want this to be taken as just a guy complaining - you are doing an amazing (and unpaid!!) service for every single fan of FF7 by working on this mod and I am grateful beyond words - but I thought maybe you'd like a little feedback. Please feel free to ignore me, of course!!  :-D :-D :-D

@Tirlititi: Regarding the crash, I tried on a clean file and the tab seems to work. I'm not sure what in my mod is preventing it from being opened... if I can figure it out, I'll let you know. Odd, since there doesn't seem to be any other issues.

Regarding the World Map Mist, I'm currently tooling about in the Blue Narcissus and it's still coating the entire World Map. It's been a while since I played the PSX version, but I'm fairly sure that the Mist did abate by this point and the sky was blue, not white. Seems like another function of a poor Steam port, although I suppose it could be a result of my mod somehow...

EDIT: Loaded up a clean (non-modded) FF9 Steam and the all-encompassing Mist is still there. Google Image search suggests the skies should be blue. Guess it's another port problem alongside broken SFX and mis-aligned worldmap textures.  :-\

@ammudava: I definitely appreciate the time and labor that goes into a project like this; the first line of my original post thanked the author, whose efforts have immeasurably (and for no compensation!) enhanced my experience with an already fantastic game, for this very reason. I was merely curious, and so asked a simple question, and would happily take a "I have no idea" as an answer if that's what the answer ends up being. As for why it matters at all, there are certain things Memoria can do better/more easily than HW (see, e.g., engine modification, which HW has problems with due to the buggy CIL editor), and there are certain things HW can do better/more easily than Memoria (see, e.g., property editing). Why wouldn't I be interested in a union of these two amazing tools into one super-tool?

@Tirlititi: Thanks for the update. I know you've probably been asked it a million times already and that it's probably pretty hard, if not impossible, to predict, but any thoughts on when HW-Memoria compatibility will arrive? Also, I wonder if there'll ever be the ability to edit the worldmap (clicking the tab for it in HW instantly crashes HW) so as to, e.g., correct its texture problems (misaligned grid, permanent Mist on all continents regardless of where one is in the story, etc.)? Or is that possible already via some other method and I'm just missing it?

First, thank you so much for this excellent resource. It's enabled me to extensively modify the game with minimal hassle.

That said, as has been pointed out, the CIL editor is pretty buggy in that many methods simply cannot be edited without crashing HWS. I wonder, would it be possible to prevent these crashes in the next build? Or is the plan to wait for Memoria compatibility (which would presumably eliminate the CIL editor entirely and replace it with something more user friendly)? I'd really like to do things like cleanly (no work around) increase Darkside's HP drain and introduce true turn-based combat (which Memoria can easily do I guess, but I prefer HWS for various reasons).

Also, is there a more effective way to add enemy skills than copy pasting preexisting skills? I ask because when one uses the copy+paste method it completely breaks all of the enemy's pre-existing skills, requiring tedious manual correction.

EDIT: I should also mention that there are a few methods that have apparent errors in them even if no change is made by the user/modder. For example, opening btl_stat::AlterStatus, making no edits, and then trying to close it via OK (instead of Cancel) will report the following errors and prevent closing:

 - IL_012E : 'IL_03B0' is out of range for tbis instruction's short form
 - IL_0135 : 'IL_029B' is out of range for tbis instruction's short form
 - IL_0139 : 'IL_029B' is out of range for tbis instruction's short form

("tbis" seems like a misspelling of "this"). The result is that no edits can be made to AlterStatus since it cannot be saved (that is, closed via OK) due to these apparent errors.

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