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Messages - gjoerulv

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 41 42 43 [44] 45 46 47 48 49
Gameplay / Final Fantasy VI - Definitive
« on: 2008-02-13 23:52:10 »
I'm not certain. I'll check it out.

Gameplay / Final Fantasy VI - Definitive
« on: 2008-02-13 23:42:29 »
I managed to make an FIght to Attack .ips. You want it? or shall I rename more commands? As I said the battle command list are et offset 18D0A0. I use v 1.1 but I highly doubt that matters.

Gameplay / Final Fantasy VI - Definitive
« on: 2008-02-13 23:04:09 »
I got this from Lord J' web site:

Code: [Select]
Offset  Start:    Stop:     Length:                            Description:
        FFE00     100000    8*vary                             Words: blitz descriptions
        1000AE    ?            ?                               Words: percentiles, Esper freebies
        10D400    10FF00    10871 + 3 scrap? + 134 spares      Text: team dialogue in battle       
        11F200    11F9A0    1952                             Words: spell/attack results in battle

You may want to check out this table (it's quite long)

EDIT: Actually the command names are at offset 35E4A I think. I can make an ips. patch for you to change the names if you want (at least I can try).
EDIT2: lol nevermind that is the skills menu. </stupid>
EDIT3: I found where battle commands are stored. At offset 18D0A0. I'll try to change it and looks what happens.

Gameplay / Final Fantasy VI - Definitive
« on: 2008-02-12 16:15:09 »
Have you tried to edit with FF3usME642 from at Lord J's web site?
With it you can alter the battle script which contains the dialogue in battle. I haven't tried it myself though so backup, backup before you try.

Gameplay / Final Fantasy VI - Definitive
« on: 2008-02-11 13:56:04 »
Good luck! Looking forward to the beta  :-D!!

General Discussion / Re: Real Life believes
« on: 2008-02-11 11:53:36 »
I'm a christian. Please don't hate me lol. I drink, curse, have casual sex, but I don't smoke (used to he, he). I believe everyone is evolving their own "truths" in life based on what they experience. And the more fed up on it we become, the harder it is to change our minds. And it is our "truths" that separate us and creates hatred and love for each other. We fear the unknown, but at the same time struggle to adjust. Mankind surely is a paradox. The hatred/disrespect for other's "truths" will always exists, 'cause there is only one truth. Your own. Amen lol!

The game is much more fun if you not level that much. I remember the 1st time the only times it got hard was on some bosses. I still liked it though. After that I remember doing a h*ll of leveling up in Midgard so that I could claim Beta from Midgard Zolom the 1st time 'round there. The game than was not even a walk in the park. The next thing I tried was to keep the level as low as possible. The game got more challenging  and fun.  :-D 8-)

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2008-02-09 15:55:49 »
I'm gonna finish it dudes, just took a break due to... what I said. I did some tweaking yesterday after spending 8-10 hours programming in C# for a school assignment, so I kinda got in the mood for it. :-D

From what you posted it seems like you have tons left to do.   I personally wouldn't even make a goal as huge as that.    I find it extremely difficulty to decide what enimies to change and how the change will be done.  I normally take days thinking about what to do and sometimes days to finally get my ass to do it.   And then it may even take days to complete that one enimy.

It's not THAT big. I don't switch out enemies. I fill the gaps where there are room for more enemies. In some scenes there are 1 or 2 enemies (as you know). The only "bosses" I've added so far is those on YT. I'm only gonna edit the field to add new boss fights/monster-in-a-box.

Of course if you or anyone want to share files/ideas or help out it would be great.

Archive / Re: Rude bug in the sunken plane
« on: 2008-01-22 13:59:47 »
ok I'll give you an example (sorry for late reply):

Here is CMD.Grand Horn's AI (lvl 37 scene 73). That starts at offset 0x1000 in the scene:

Code: [Select]
Pointer section (32 bytes): FF FF 20 00 FF FF AA 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
You see the "Counter death" (CD) pointer is 0xAA (AA 00 in the code). This means that CD section starts at offset 0xAA in this enemy's AI.

This is the CD script:

Code: [Select]
12 70 20 02 A0 20 90 60 20 61 15 03 92 73

12 (Push Value) 20 70: Target
02 (Load Address) 20 A0: Opponents
90 (Set Address)
60 (Push Byte) 20: This always precedes an executable ID. It either pushes 0x20 or 0x24 (I think it was). Dunno why.
61 (Push Word) 03 15: The attack ID
92 (Run Command)
73 (Script End)

In C++ code It'll be something like this:

} Or something like that...

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2008-01-22 13:19:38 »
Are people still interested in this? If not I'll give it a break for now and continue when I feel for it. I've planned to make plenty of new enemies and bosses for the scene, but due to vacation, college and work I haven't been able to work on this since mid December. It's not like I don't want to finish this, but if no one really urge me to finish this I'll put it on the shelf and maybe continue in a month or two.

What say thee?

Archive / Re: Rude bug in the sunken plane
« on: 2008-01-11 16:12:09 »
remember the 1st section in the enemy AI? That is the pointer section, and usually consists of many FFs. This is the only section in the AI that always is 16 * 2 bytes for every enemy (Each pointer is 2 bytes). I don't know what eery pointer is but here are some:

1st: The AI setup script. Most enemies have this.
2nd: Main. Every enemy got this one.
3rd: Counter General. This script is executed each time any action are done towards the enemy. No matter what (A bad status effect may prevent it though)
4th: Counter Death. This script is executed when death occurs
5th: Counter Physical.
6th: Counter Magical.

I believe it was like this. I don't remember any more. 0xFF means no section. The 1st pointer, either the Setup or Main, will always be 0x20. If you add a section you'll have to add the script to or the game will most likely crash or hang.

Archive / Re: Rude bug in the sunken plane
« on: 2008-01-07 21:29:26 »
Actually he does the same thing in my version. But it seemed I figured it out cause I gave Reno a counter attack. That evened it out a bit I think.

In my files he has 0x51615 HP doesn't he?

Only in scene 229 is it 0x51515. And there is another mistake in scene 230. Offset 0xF12 should be 0x62, not 0x61.


This is the final battles + spell list. Jenova has not much HP (for testing purpose). Easely fixed by an editor. Spell list is dumped by TheSaint I believe.

Archive / Re: Rude bug in the sunken plane
« on: 2008-01-03 14:49:42 »
hmmm, in my ver he doesn't do that I believe. Either that, or the AI automatically jumps to a shoulder tackle if that variable is 0. That variable being 0 alone can't trigger a command.

What I did with Meteor Rain was to change AT and NU to 00 and XX number of times the attacks. I didn't expect it to work but it did. The only ID I changed was that in the attack data... If I remember correctly. I'll have to see what I did 1st, my memory is getting rusty lol. Return home on Friday.

If this doesn't work for you then I dunno. It also works on Comet 2 for instance.

Archive / Re: Has anyone ever heard/seen one of these....
« on: 2008-01-01 23:19:53 »
Then change the impact animation. That is possible for weapons I believe.

It isn't possible to change the color. You'll have to do that with the 3D model.

If you want a "monster-in-a-box" you'll have to field edit yes. I'm new at this one too. Check the wiki.

Archive / Re: Rude bug in the sunken plane
« on: 2008-01-01 23:14:49 »
If I remember correctly opcode 0x10 loads an address (in this case 0x60 (10 60 00)). And then opcode 0x60 pushes 1 byte on the stack. After the 01 is there a 0x90? 0x90 sets the address so in that case change the 01 after 60 to 00.

Agreed lol.

I was planning to do a guide on how to create enemies in FF7. I just have to get home and finish to mod 1st. It really isn't that much to it but still somewhat hard to explain (I still feel like a noob on this lol).

@The Black-caped Man:
Did you figure it out? I didn't know his fire attack didn't print. How 'bout trying the Diamond Flash BA.

Archive / Re: Advanced Hex Editing Scene.bin
« on: 2008-01-01 10:37:35 »
I have a tip for you. Download SceneEdit v1.3.0 by M4v3R. Load a Scene file with a long AI (Sephiroths for instance). Then you can view the AI opcodes and their effect. Quite neat!

Archive / Re: Rude bug in the sunken plane
« on: 2008-01-01 10:34:01 »
I kinda did the same thing (just no bugs). It's not easy to say whats wrong with Reno but does Rude do anything? The error with Rude is that a variable is set to 1 (I think it was) if he uses something besides Shoulder Tackle. The AI checks if that var is and if it is, it eventually jumps to the end of the AI. Check if there is a 60 01 in the AI after each attack is executed. However I don't remember if it was 1 or 0 it was set to.

If you did it correctly with Rude's attacks it should work. Double check everything. What exactly did you do with Reno? That might be the problem.

1) hmmm... It should be possible. I think a TD (type of damage) could be it. Not sure.
2) Hard to answer too. I haven't figured out yet why it print on some attacks. My beliefs was that it was tied to the body animation, but as i see your example I kinda doubt that. Are you sure you tied the right body animation (BA) to that attack? What BA did you use on Apocalypse? Does Diamond Fire print when he use that? Try to compare the attacks, differences and similarities concerning attack data and body animation.

Try to change the body animation to that of diamond fire. It's actually quite usual tat an enemy has more of the same attack that is never used, or only used during berserk or manip. If the attack data is the same then it doesn't really matter.

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