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Messages - ShinRa Inc

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 ... 12
General Discussion / Small bit of FF7 trivia
« on: 2003-04-07 02:43:45 »
What was Sephiroth's equipment during the Nibelheim flashback?

Archive / A FFVII PC Mod
« on: 2003-04-06 17:27:18 »
That site hasn't been updated in a year.  :\

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 Minigames
« on: 2003-04-06 03:11:11 »
There are .hrc and .rsc files in the bike game's LGP, but they don't work in Ifalna.  


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 Minigames
« on: 2003-03-31 21:16:29 »
According to Fice's LGP tools, Sub.lgp contains 10 .tex files, nothing else.

I'm looking for the models of the actual ship models used in the minigame

General Discussion / FF7 Battle models
« on: 2003-03-31 21:06:47 »
Don't rely on a file search;  Look for yourself.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 Minigames
« on: 2003-03-30 20:27:50 »
Has there been any looks into the various minigame mechanics and models and all that, by any chance?

specifically, I'm interested in the models for the Sub and Bike game..

General Discussion / FF7 Battle models
« on: 2003-03-30 20:21:26 »
There's a program that views the FF7 battle models for the PSX version.  I sent it to Fice a while ago, and it's on his website.

And yes, the Battle.lgp file is in a different subdirectory than the Flevel and char LGPs.  Look harder.

General Discussion / FF7 Battle models
« on: 2003-03-28 01:54:00 »
Battle files are in "Battle.lgp", not "char.lgp"

Archive / Field Sprites
« on: 2003-03-18 03:02:33 »
..actually, I have a list, sort of.

aaaa.hrc - n_cloud_sk
aagb.hrc - n_tifa_sk
abda.hrc - sd_cid_sk
abjb.hrc - sd_yufi_sk
acgd.hrc - sd_ballet_sk
adda.hrc - sd_red_sk
aebc.hrc - sd_ketcy_sk
aehd.hrc - sd_vincent_sk
afec.hrc - bu_sk
afie.hrc - pcloud_sk
aggb.hrc - ptifa_sk
ahdf.hrc - pyufi_sk
aiba.hrc - pballet_sk
aihb.hrc - pcid_sk
ajif.hrc - crew1_sk
akee.hrc - crew2_st
algd.hrc - hyde_sk
alad.hrc - sd_lufas_sk
amcc.hrc - scaret_sk
anbd.hrc - sd_hojyo_sk
anic.hrc - sd_rudo_sk
aodd.hrc - sd_leno_sk
aqgc.hrc - chocobo_sk
arfd.hrc - oldm3_sk
asbf.hrc - man10_sk
asjc.hrc - guid_sk
ateb.hrc - mtra7_sk
atfe.hrc - rkret_sk
auda.hrc - vinsen_w_sk
aude.hrc - mtra6_sk
auff.hrc - n_earith_sk
avhe.hrc - trb_wood_sk
avfe.hrc - saveicn_sk
awae.hrc - trb_glow_sk
awcb.hrc - ippan_1_sk
awbe.hrc - mtra4_sk
awhf.hrc - shinra_sk
axja.hrc - tifa_sk
axdc.hrc - avawoman_sk
ayfb.hrc - c_brllet_st
azbb.hrc - earith_sk
azhe.hrc - guard_sk
badd.hrc - dancer_sk
bbab.hrc - swordc_sk
bbge.hrc - swoman2_st
bccf.hrc - guid2_sk
bcgd.hrc - crew_sk
bdcd.hrc - iruka_st
bdga.hrc - cat_st
beec.hrc - dog2_sk
bfca.hrc - fatman_sk
bfhe.hrc - old1_sk
bgjc.hrc - sefiro3_sk
bgdc.hrc - siera_sk
bhff.hrc - clouds_sk
bijd.hrc - yvin_sk
bidb.hrc - tifa15_sk
bjfb.hrc - cmother_sk
bkbf.hrc - prisilla_sk
bkhd.hrc - n_sefiros_sk
bljc.hrc - doctor_sk
blde.hrc - man_sk
bmee.hrc - girl_sk
bnaf.hrc - zangan_sk
bngd.hrc - daing_st
bocc.hrc - cfold_sk
bohe.hrc - snwom_sk
bpdc.hrc - muki2_sk
bpjd.hrc - sd_leave_sk
bqfb.hrc - man7_st
brib.hrc - cloud_sk
braf.hrc - w1_sk
brgd.hrc - c_bike_sk
bsfc.hrc - obasan_sk
btec.hrc - nurse_sk
buac.hrc - tifa7_sk
buge.hrc - cloud8_sk
bvda.hrc - tfather_st
bwab.hrc - sd_hei_sk
bwfd.hrc - avman_sk
bxjb.hrc - md1dr_sk
bxbe.hrc - avafat_sk
byba.hrc - nmkdr_3_sk
bybf.hrc - nmkdr_1_sk
bydd.hrc - trb_mety_sk
bycd.hrc - nmkdr_2_sk
bygf.hrc - potion_b_sk
byib.hrc - mtra3_sk
bzda.hrc - sd_bic_sk
bzhf.hrc - heri2_st
cade.hrc - smkdr_sk
cahc.hrc - earithf_sk
cbfe.hrc - woman_sk
ccha.hrc - potion_sk
ccbc.hrc - man_sk
cdja.hrc - ippan_3_sk
cefd.hrc - man_13_sk
cfbb.hrc - beggar_sk
cfha.hrc - usan_sk
cgda.hrc - child_sk
cgif.hrc - boy2_sk
cged.hrc - girl3_st
ciac.hrc - man_14_sk
cige.hrc - nman_sk
cjif.hrc - m4_sk
cjcc.hrc - man9_st
ckfc.hrc - sman1_sk
clbb.hrc - sman2_sk
clgd.hrc - cloudup_sk
cmde.hrc - highrez_st
cmif.hrc - man1_sk
cnfb.hrc - _kisya
cnhf.hrc - _kyaku
cned.hrc - zuta_sk
coad.hrc - obasan2_sk
cogb.hrc - emother_sk
cpca.hrc - girl2_sk
cpjf.hrc - ifarna_sk
cqga.hrc - earith5_st
crca.hrc - man2_sk
crid.hrc - man_12_sk
csed.hrc - man16_sk
ctbe.hrc - mtra5_sk
ctcc.hrc - fstaf_sk
ctib.hrc - boy3_sk
cufc.hrc - v1_sk
cvba.hrc - v2_sk
cvge.hrc - v4_sk
cwed.hrc - w3_sk
cyae.hrc - marine_sk
cyif.hrc - camera_sk
czed.hrc - pinbl_sk
czgb.hrc - cash_sk
czgf.hrc - hana_sk
dabf.hrc - mtra8_sk
dafb.hrc - w2_sk
dbec.hrc - sd_tuon_sk
dcic.hrc - man5_sk
dcfb.hrc - potion_g_sk
dcce.hrc - plr3rop2_sk
ddha.hrc - man_sol_sk
deda.hrc - m3_sk
deie.hrc - dog_st
dfgd.hrc - merchant_sk
dgcd.hrc - boy_sk
dhge.hrc - taru_sk
dhaf.hrc - sd_leno_sk
dhhf.hrc - ladd_sk
dhid.hrc - gun_e_sk
diff.hrc - earith10_sk
djfe.hrc - tekotu_sk
djfa.hrc - tkklen_sk
djid.hrc - wagon_st
dkie.hrc - md62dr_r_sk
dkjd.hrc - md62dr_l_sk
dlfb.hrc - cloudw_st
dmia.hrc - fm1_sk
dmcb.hrc - old2_sk
dndf.hrc - muki3_sk
dnje.hrc - muki1_sk
doga.hrc - tifa_w_sk
doib.hrc - woman6_st
dpef.hrc - man17_sk
dqae.hrc - woman9_sk
dqgd.hrc - man8_st
drif.hrc - lnchss_sk
drcc.hrc - m6_sk
dria.hrc - lnchyn_sk
drje.hrc - lnchsm_sk
dsgf.hrc - wold1_sk
dsbc.hrc - fw1_sk
dtic.hrc - clnbpl_sk
dtce.hrc - rkt_m_sk
dtjb.hrc - buka_sk
dufa.hrc - youjinr_sk
dvbe.hrc - youjinl_sk
dvhf.hrc - korneo_sk
dxbd.hrc - reifuku_sk
dxje.hrc - oldw2_sk
dyfd.hrc - king_sk
dzbb.hrc - sold_sk
dzgf.hrc - ippan_2_sk
eaga.hrc - wcrm1pl_sk
eagf.hrc - wcrm1rp_sk
eaid.hrc - heri_st
ebca.hrc - spotlgt_sk
ebjf.hrc - bleldr_l_sk
ebec.hrc - cboy_sk
ecbf.hrc - woman7_st
ecae.hrc - bleldr_r_sk
echd.hrc - blin1_sk
ecib.hrc - woman_sk
edea.hrc - onna_sk
edjd.hrc - oldm4_sk
eefb.hrc - sptarm_sk
eegc.hrc - sd_palmer_sk
effb.hrc - bl664ft_sk
eghe.hrc - potion_sk
ehhc.hrc - cloak_sk
ehbe.hrc - woman5_st
eiac.hrc - woman_sk
eihd.hrc - hei1_sk
ejdc.hrc - zacks_sk
ekbf.hrc - hei4_sk
ekjb.hrc - yhojo_sk
elgc.hrc - gast_sk
emdf.hrc - man15_st
enab.hrc - cloud13_sk
eoac.hrc - key_sk
eoce.hrc - kanhuta_sk
eoea.hrc - readc_sk
epfb.hrc - nibl_sk
eqib.hrc - tifas_sk
erha.hrc - n_sefiros_sk
eseb.hrc - hei2_sk
etfe.hrc - boy_sk
euaf.hrc - girl_sk
euhb.hrc - coldm_sk
evfe.hrc - sd_eriana_sk
ewbd.hrc - cfman_sk
ewje.hrc - cfwo_sk
exga.hrc - condor_sk
eyie.hrc - car_sk
ezcc.hrc - cat2_sk
faae.hrc - potion_1_sk
fabb.hrc - potion_r_sk
fabe.hrc - potion_2_sk
facc.hrc - bigpl_sk
fadc.hrc - potion_4_sk
fbba.hrc - report1_sk
fbge.hrc - r_ketcy_sk
fcaf.hrc - report3_st
fcgd.hrc - report2_st
feea.hrc - r_yufi_sk
ffha.hrc - fish3_sk
ffec.hrc - fish1_sk
fghf.hrc - hmtra_sk
fgfb.hrc - kuken_sk
fgae.hrc - fish2_sk
fgec.hrc - semkwnd_sk
fhaa.hrc - kaitei_sk
fhic.hrc - ujneldru_sk
fhjb.hrc - ujneldrd_sk
fiba.hrc - maru_st
fjaf.hrc - mark_sk
fjbd.hrc - hai_sk
fjcf.hrc - c_red_sk
fkdf.hrc - rgirl_sk
fkca.hrc - jeno_arm_sk
flac.hrc - woman_sk
flge.hrc - swoman1_sk
fmib.hrc - sgirl_sk
fmcc.hrc - sboy_sk
fnef.hrc - man11_st
fndf.hrc - _bal_toy
fobe.hrc - begg2_sk
fpcb.hrc - woman8_st
fqab.hrc - kisya_l_sk
fqcb.hrc - yballet_sk
fqbb.hrc - kisya_s_sk
fqjb.hrc - dainy_st
frgd.hrc - mayor_sk
fsge.hrc - fm2_sk
fsdd.hrc - potion_3_sk
ftcf.hrc - fmw2_sk
ftic.hrc - fmw1_sk
fufe.hrc - v3_sk
fved.hrc - korts_sk
fwae.hrc - esto_sk
fwgf.hrc - dyne_p_sk
fxjc.hrc - guard_sk
fzcc.hrc - dragon_sk
gabe.hrc - wiz_sk
gajc.hrc - dio_st
gbia.hrc - costum_st
gchc.hrc - jet_sk
gcbd.hrc - mstaf_sk
gcjc.hrc - kanran_sk
gdic.hrc - bat_st
gebb.hrc - noppo_st
gehd.hrc - semusi_st
gfdf.hrc - hang_st
ggef.hrc - ght2_l_sk
ggid.hrc - clossl2_sk
ggfe.hrc - ght2_r_sk
gghe.hrc - cursor_sk
ggjc.hrc - clossl4_sk
ghad.hrc - w4_sk  (fMac)
ghgf.hrc - mech_st
giha.hrc - ude2_sk
gjab.hrc - ude1_sk
gjcf.hrc - bal_toy2_sk
gjha.hrc - kaku1_st
gjeb.hrc - bike_sk
gkcf.hrc - kaku2_st
gkid.hrc - kaku3_sk
gleb.hrc - kaku4_sk
gljd.hrc - mogrif_sk
gmha.hrc - mogrim_sk
gnca.hrc - mogriw_sk
gngb.hrc - mogriy_sk
gofd.hrc - cgirl_st
goac.hrc - mogrip_sk
gpcd.hrc - race1_sk
gpjb.hrc - race2_sk
gqfe.hrc - race3_sk
grcc.hrc - gldelev_sk
grga.hrc - cm_sk
gshc.hrc - cos_pro1_sk
gsbe.hrc - cg_sk
gsje.hrc - cw_sk
gtfc.hrc - cow_sk
guib.hrc - cos_dor2_sk
guba.hrc - cb_sk
guhc.hrc - cos_dor1_sk
gujc.hrc - icemap_sk
gvae.hrc - cos_ant_sk
gvee.hrc - 4hmatb_sk
gvbc.hrc - cos_tori_sk
gvce.hrc - 4hmaty_sk
gvdc.hrc - 4hmatg_sk
gvea.hrc - 4hmatr_sk
gwaa.hrc - planet_sk
gwcc.hrc - bu2_sk
gwib.hrc - sparkle_sk
gwif.hrc - man2_sk
gxef.hrc - man3_sk
gydc.hrc - rkt_w_sk
gzad.hrc - ycid_sk
gzgb.hrc - rkindr_l_sk
gzha.hrc - rkindr_r_sk
gzhf.hrc - mac_sk
hagb.hrc - hmtra2_sk
hcef.hrc - hahen_sk
hdbb.hrc - utma3_sk
hdgf.hrc - utman_sk
hecd.hrc - utwom_sk
heib.hrc - utwo2_sk
hffb.hrc - utma2_sk
hgia.hrc - ori_sk
hgaf.hrc - utchi_sk
hgjd.hrc - godoo_sk
hhhd.hrc - husuma1r_sk
hhic.hrc - rolldr_sk
hhjf.hrc - shinobi_sk
hhge.hrc - husuma1l_sk
hjga.hrc - trbox_k_sk
hjhf.hrc - rollobj_sk
hjdc.hrc - kuromtra_sk
hjie.hrc - line_a_sk
hjjd.hrc - line_b_sk
hkac.hrc - line_c_sk
hkjc.hrc - demon_sk
hkea.hrc - kao_sk
hkhb.hrc - jtmpobj_sk
hkbb.hrc - kabe_sk
hlfc.hrc - man_st
hmif.hrc - batta_sk
hmbe.hrc - woman_sk
hnif.hrc - hana_k_sk
hnaf.hrc - frog_sk
hneb.hrc - bero_sk
hobd.hrc - coralkey_sk
hpib.hrc - snman_sk
hpce.hrc - snchi_sk
hqgc.hrc - sori_sk
hqhc.hrc - board_sk
hrff.hrc - toge1_sk
hrae.hrc - triflag_sk
hree.hrc - rock_sk
hrha.hrc - toge2_sk
hrhe.hrc - toge3_sk
hrce.hrc - trb_metb_sk
hseb.hrc - icecle_sk
hsjd.hrc - ultima_sk
htje.hrc - chair_sk
hvcf.hrc - kisya_m_sk
hvjf.hrc - P_red_sk
hwib.hrc - para_sk
hxbc.hrc - robo_sk
hyfd.hrc - jenova_sk
iajd.hrc - beam_sk
ibad.hrc - lzacks_sk
ibgd.hrc - szacks_sk
mmmo.hrc - sd_leno_sk

Most of the names are easy to figure out.

I think Darkness was just referring to the graphical aspect of the field files, btw Fice.

General Discussion / Gomen everybody
« on: 2003-03-13 14:25:17 »
Quote from: ficedula

ShinRa Inc: Yes, I could put that list into the program easily; send it to me and I'll do so. Cheers.

It is done.

General Discussion / Gomen everybody
« on: 2003-03-13 02:45:20 »

Suggestions;  If it's possible to make the Mouse the method of moving the perspective around?  Also, the ability to move backwards, as well as forwards?

Also, I've compliled a pretty accurate list of which file is what battleground, if that'd be helpful at all.

General Discussion / Gomen everybody
« on: 2003-03-12 20:53:07 »
Quick question;  Where's the new "Zangan" program I've been hearing about?

The Gelnika Serpent only uses Aqualung rarely.  Most people get Aqualung from the second Jenova.

Look for a FAQ at

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 Translation
« on: 2002-12-09 18:24:37 »
The in battle texts are overlayed exactly like the "assistance" text stuff you can activate by hitting select, just on the top of the screen instead.  So, I'd think they'd be stored similarly, and not as graphics.

General Discussion / FF7 Questions..
« on: 2002-11-28 02:56:53 »
*travesty ?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Here's my odd idea!
« on: 2002-11-15 20:56:46 »
Nanaki:  James Earl Jones
Cid:  Clint Eastwood

Some friends of mine made a whole voice casting list a few years ago.  Too bad I lost it.


Cait Sith:  Gilbert Gottfried

General Discussion / FFVII-2??
« on: 2002-11-12 03:48:51 »
that, and the supposed PS2 remake of FF7 has been 'in the works' since PS2 first came out.

Speaking of distance stuff....reminds me of a minor Ifalna issue.  You can't zoom out far enough for some of the larger models.  Ultima WEAPON is the best example thereof.

Resizable preview window in Biturn; Works fine, as far as I can tell.  The only thing is, it has a tendancy to align the model to the far left of the screen after resizing, instead of to the center if you have the window at a non-square size.

Other thing;  How about disabling the Always-on-top setting.  Otherwise, you have to minimize or close the Preview window in order to select a new model to view.

Resizable window!?  <3_<3 finally~

::sacrifices fatted politicians to Alhexx::

General Discussion / FF7 Model Viewer/Editor
« on: 2002-11-04 17:24:17 »
Forgive my usual ignorance and whatnot, just got in after a few days on the road...

Is it just me, or do the battle sprites (at least) look somewhat metallic in Biturn? o.O

Other minor note is, textures are being applied with a hot pink background.

Two frames down.....87 to go? =o

I shall resume being quiet now

::downloads a copy of Alhexx.  Stuffs him in his trunk and uses a small taser to force a new Ultima release or something:: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / .DAT files
« on: 2002-10-30 20:49:40 »
.dat files are standalone files.  As in, not compiled withing LGP archives.  Check the individual file folders via Windows Explorer or whatever particular OS browser you're using.

General Discussion / FF7 Model Viewer/Editor
« on: 2002-10-28 18:41:20 »

Or something.

The gun thing was partially a test for another project I've been working on for months, too.

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