Project forums > Aali's Custom FF7/FF8 Driver

Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.7.11b]

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From Halkun: Only Aali Can post in this thread. Other posts will be deleted.

Extract the archive into your ff7 folder (where ff7.exe is), run one of the .reg files (if you used the Nvidia TNT mode before, use the "tntfix" one)
FF7 will now use the new driver. (To revert the changes made by the .reg file, run FF7Config)

Known problems
Z-coordinates are way off for high-res 3D models, for this release I've adjusted them to appear in front of everything, this leads to many glitches but atleast you can see where you're going.
Movies are not shown (and the skipping routine is a total hack which may break some things)
Some things are missing, some things just look wrong.
The snowboard minigame seems to hang at the intro screen every time.
DirectInput breaks if the window loses focus (so don't use alt-tab)
The camera is a bit "off" in battle sometimes.

If you find any other issues, please post screenshots, relevant information from APP.LOG and if possible, a savegame.
If you get a crash, make sure to note down the module and offset from the error report.

In a flash of genius I figured out what was throwing off the Z-coordinates for high-res models :-)

Since I could not get the new models to align with the "old" stuff, I simply threw out the old stuff
The fix is even possible to implement in the 0.1a release, simply replace the config file and vertex shader with the files from the following archive:

Technical details follow;

The thing I had overlooked is that TLVERTEX (Direct3D vertex type) bypasses _all_ transforms, projection AND viewport, in OpenGL its not possible to bypass the viewport transform so I had to setup a projection matrix to "reverse" the viewport transform, it was this projection matrix that messed up the Z coordinates for "everything else", the high-res models were in the right place all along.


Extract the archive into your ff7 folder (where ff7.exe is), run one of the .reg files (if you used the Nvidia TNT mode before, use one of the "tntfix" ones, 64-bit Vista users will have to use one of the vista64bit files)
FF7 will now use the new driver. (To revert the changes made by the .reg file, run FF7Config)

Known problems (issues marked with an x are already fixed and hopefully wont be present in the next release)
Movies are a bit dark and oversaturated (this was actually a bug in ffmpeg) x
Snowboard minigame has some annoying glitches, but is no longer unplayable.
Alot of small glitches/issues related to blending/Z-ordering. x
Some things are still missing, even though I fixed all those missing battle effects. x
Field looks terrible with custom resolutions*, even if you use a multiple of 320x240. x
Movies do not sync audio&video properly if your system is too slow to play it.
320x224 movies are stretched to fullscreen (320x240 is supposed to be fullscreen, 320x224 should have a black border) x
Sometimes you can't see the text and menus during scripted sequences with special effects and/or fades. Just keep mashing the OK button if this happens.x
Software movie scaling (the nice_movies option) is a bit unstable under the right (wrong) conditions.
Battle swirl is missing. x

Otherwise, this release should be fully playable, if you can stand the minor graphical glitches :-)

If you find any other issues, please post screenshots, relevant information from APP.LOG and if possible, a savegame.
If you get a crash, make sure to note down the module and offset from the error report.

* hi-res patch still works fine and if you're lucky you can lower the resolution without major glitches


Extract the archive into your ff7 folder (where ff7.exe is), run one of the .reg files (64-bit Vista users have to use the vista64bit file, the TNT fix is no longer required)
FF7 will now use the new driver. (To revert the changes made by the .reg file, run FF7Config)

Known problems (issues marked with an x are already fixed and hopefully wont be present in the next release)
That darn snowboard glitch. x
KOTR will crash FF7, don't use it. x
Some textures don't load properly. x
Some custom models aren't shown. x
Blending issues that are so insignificant you won't even notice. (Tifa's slots, healing wind, possibly more)
ff7.exe needs to be started with the install dir as working directory or shaders wont load. (Not going to be a problem unless you use a 3rd party launcher such as FF7Music, see posts further down on this page for a workaround) x

New features in this version
Window mode - FF7 can now run in a decorated window aswell as fullscreen
Fixes for all known crash issues in 1.02 (this is not really graphics related but everyone will want to use these fixes anyway)

There are no more glitches in field when running in a custom resolution (non-multiples of 320x240 have some very very minor rounding issues, but thats it), which means you don't have to (and shouldn't, since it will just add a bunch of glitches) use the hi-res patch. Some credits go out to our good friend TheSaint for this, for pointing me in the right direction, even though I ended up going with a different approach.

So what does all this mean? Well, you don't have to apply any patches but the official 1.02 patch from Eidos to get a fully playable and much enhanced FF7, which was really the main goal of this project :-)

And as always;
If you find any other issues, please post screenshots, relevant information from APP.LOG and if possible, a savegame.
If you get a crash, make sure to note down the module and offset from the error report.


Extract the archive into your ff7 folder (where ff7.exe is), run one of the .reg files (64-bit Vista users have to use the vista64bit file)
FF7 will now use the new driver. (To revert the changes made by the .reg file, run FF7Config)

Known problems
Some very minor graphical glitches.

New features in this version
Support for the French 1.02 version of FF7.
Linear filtering can now be turned on in the config file.
Not really a feature, but a workaround has been implemented for the triple buffering problem, it should work fine with vsync now.

If you find any other issues, please post screenshots, relevant information from APP.LOG and if possible, a savegame.
If you get a crash, make sure to note down the module and offset from the error report.


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