Author Topic: Just a quikc question on how the maps work  (Read 5327 times)


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Just a quikc question on how the maps work
« on: 2007-10-31 19:49:46 »
Ok so i've always wondered how the maps work.

So im assuming from the picture above that the map is a rendered picture. The picture is broken into layers (is it two, or three?). Then a "walkmesh" is added for the character to walk on. So my real question is, if the one picture is loaded above the character model (allowing the character to "Wallk under" things such as the pipes... How is it when they are at another point on the screen they may be able to walk over top of it? Is there like a statement like:

If Collision with walkmesh segment 1 = true (walkmesh that is "above" the pipe)
   load layer 1
   load layer 2
   load character modle
else if collision with walkmesh segment 2 = true (walkmesh "below" the pipe)
   load layer 1
   load character modle
   load layer 2
end if

is this how its done??? Have been curious about this SINCE i first played FF7

Synergy Blades

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Re: Just a quikc question on how the maps work
« Reply #1 on: 2007-10-31 21:34:40 »
There was a thread in the Tech Related forum about this a while ago, I think. Ultimately it transpired that each sprite for the background picture which may be in front or behind a model at some point is stored in a separate layer and has a "depth value" that is compared with the model to decide whether the model is behind or in front of that portion of the background.

Here it is: