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Messages - miruss89

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Thanks to albert's information i have updated the editor (and the wiki).
v1.0.3 Changelog
- Added Quistis Blue Magic Hit Count
- Added Quistis Blue Magic Target Info

If anyone finds bugs or new information about unknown flags, please let me know in this thread or in PM so I can update the editor.

Download v1.0.3

Thank you so much bro.  :cry:

Attack Flags don't work correctly because the byte structure in kernel.bin of Zell's and Rinoa's limits are different from the others. I found a fix for just for Zell's Limit but is similar for Rinoa's limit i guess. You just need an editor like
As documented in Zell's duel moves start at 0x48B8 and each move consists of 32 bytes. The byte that represents Attack Flags is the 12th instead of the 9th as is said in the Documentation. So you need to leave the default attack flags in Doomtrain and then go to the 12th byte of each move and change it. In particular if you want to break the damage limit you have to set it to 08.

Can anybody recompile the editor with the new updated findings?

Thank you so much. its works.

Do you know which offset in the file controls Squall's Renzokuken Finisher? i've tried edit each weapon in the kernel.bin with Doomtrain to just enable certain finisher but the game keep crashing. Maybe parameter which are controlling the Renzokuken Finisher are stored in EFIGS.dll or the .exe?

i've got no experience in either programming or reverse engineering. i've tried downloading Ghidra. But don't know how to use it. LOL :'(

Finally i've found ways to hex edit the EFIGS.dll to make Renzokuken Finisher to always Lion Heart

To set the Renzokuken Finisher to Lion Heart permanently, change 0x2DAE93 from 8B 16 to B2 03 and 0x2DAEAC from 8B 0E to B1 03

this tools can unpack/repack OBB file from the android version of FF8 remastered. Just Rename the extension from .obb to .zzz and you've be able to mod the android version of FF8R

Sorry, the second offset was slightly off. Try 0x2ECB33 from 0 to 4 instead.
Thank you so much. its works.

Do you know which offset in the file controls Squall's Renzokuken Finisher? i've tried edit each weapon in the kernel.bin with Doomtrain to just enable certain finisher but the game keep crashing. Maybe parameter which are controlling the Renzokuken Finisher are stored in EFIGS.dll or the .exe?

i've got no experience in either programming or reverse engineering. i've tried downloading Ghidra. But don't know how to use it. LOL :'(

could you share it with us?

@darknesshah66: Cover works as usual for me in Remastered, with or without the alteration. Did you maybe overlook the fact that it triggers only for low health characters that also need to be adjacent to the one that has it equipped?

@miruss89: Yes, I had a look at it. To set the Crisis Level to 4 permanently, change 0x2ECAB7 from 75 to EB and 0x2ECB36 from 0 to 4.

i've tried it with FF8R v1.0.2 but not working.

@darknesshah66: Cover works as usual for me in Remastered, with or without the alteration. Did you maybe overlook the fact that it triggers only for low health characters that also need to be adjacent to the one that has it equipped?

@miruss89: Yes, I had a look at it. To set the Crisis Level to 4 permanently, change 0x2ECAB7 from 75 to EB and 0x2ECB36 from 0 to 4.

thank you good sir

Most of the data that's in the exe in 2013 can be found in the EFIGS file in Remastered, but searching using the old strings doesn't help in most cases, as regs are usually different compared to the 2013 version.

To change the Angel Wing multiplier to 3 in Remastered (version 1.0.2), locate offset 0x2E46C4 in EFIGS and change 8D 04 80 to 8D 04 40.

To remove the damage reduction from the Cover Ability, locate offset 0x2E46E3 and change D1 6E 34 to 90 90 90.

so thats why i've never finds which offset for limit break crisis level in the Remastered version. do you know what offset should i locate to change the limit break crisis level to always level 4?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC]Revival - A FFVII Enhanced Mod
« on: 2021-08-31 14:07:58 »

¿Qué es Revival - A FFVII Enhanced Mod?
Revival es una recopilación de los mejores mods de esta comunidad y algunos que rondan por internet empaquetados en un solo archivo .iro haciendo estos compatibles entre sí.

En este pack se incluyen las texturas más fieles y amigables al juego original intentando no romper la estructura e inmersión del propio juego, es decir, que no existe ningún tipo de textura de tipo realista y que además hacen que el juego no luzca realmente tan bien, como por ejemplo algunos modelos 3D y alguna otra cosa, Pero claro, quizás puede que haya alguna excepción.

¿Por qué elegir Revival?
Si bien existe la posibilidad de modificar el juego a tu antojo, trate de hacer que este paquete sea lo las fiel e inmersivo posible haciendo que disfrutes de una experiencia increíble, evitando así dolores de cabeza e intentando hacer que la mayoría de los mods funcionen entre sí, cosa que muchas veces se hace algo imposible o que puede llevar mucho tiempo si no tienes experiencia o tiempo suficiente modificando montones de archivos.

Con Revival podrás pasar de la experiencia original a la modificada simplemente activando o desactivando el mod sin mayor complicación.

Además de empaquetar los mods en un solo archivo y haciéndolos compatibles entre si, recree muchas de las texturas para que luzcan aún mejor o mejor dicho para que no rompan la inmersión, aun asi, hay muchos mods que están en desarrollo, por ende no están totalmente completos, como por ejemplo escenarios y enemigos, lo cual se irán actualizando a medida que los propios mods se actualicen.

¿Cuáles son las mejoras que incluye Revival?
Escenarios: La mayoría de los escenarios, por no decir casi todos, fueron reescalados 4 veces más a su resolución original haciendo que estos se vean mucho más nítidos, y otros fueron recreados con herramientas 3D.

Mapamundi: El mapa del mundo fué reesclado y retexturizado. Ahora luce mucho mejor.

Magias: Todas los efectos y texturas de las magias (incluye summons) fueron cambiadas y en algunos casos mejoradas para que se puedan disfrutar de estas visualmente en alta resolución. Los Summons si bien no tienen nuevas texturas aún, lucen muy bien.

Modelos 3D: Ahora los personajes tanto en batalla como en el escenario son de alta calidad, así como también los modelos de los vehículos que se pueden utilizar a lo largo de la aventura. El mod no esta 100% completo, por eso faltan algunos modelos de enemigos y quizás algún npc. Serán actualizados a medida de que el mod se vaya actualizando.

Interfaz: Ahora la interfaz de usuario se ve en alta resolución incluyendo muchas mejoras, además de nuevos avatares que hacen que la calidad visual de los menús en general se vean mucho mejor. Aca me tome el trabajo de modificar muchas cosas para que luzcan de la misma manera tanto en ingles como en español.

FMVs: Los FMVs mas conocidos como cinemáticas o videos ahora se ven en mayor resolución y tasa de refresco. Si bien siguen siendo las cinemáticas originales al menos pueden disfrutarse con mayor calidad.

Luces y Sombras: Ahora los personajes y enemigos del escenario tendrán sombras cosa que antes no existían, y las sombras de las batallas dejaron de ser poligonales o prácticamente solo un circulo en la mayoría de los casos y se pueden apreciar como sombras verdaderamente, vamos lo que en realidad deberían ser y no solo una mancha negra.

Otros: Revival además incluye la opción de activar algunas cosas que quizás si las dejara por defecto no te dejaría la posibilidad de cambiar algunos aspectos, como por ejemplo la retraducción de la aventura al español, cual mejora muchos horrores de ortografia asi como la posibilidad de configurar los controles y quizás alguna que otra cosa.

Instalación: Simplemente tienes que importar los archivos REVIVAL al juego base ORIGINAL con 7th Heaven y activar el mod desde la interfaz, configurar a gusto y disfrutar.

Siente final fantasy 7 como un verdadero remake...

English: (Google Translation)

Spoiler: show
What is Revival - A FFVII Enhanced Mod?
Revival is a compilation of the best mods of this community and some that roam the internet packaged in a single .iro file making these compatible with each other.

This pack includes the most faithful and friendly textures to the original game, trying not to break the structure and immersion of the game itself, that is, there is no type of realistic texture and that also makes the game not really look that good , such as some 3D models and something else, But of course, maybe there may be an exception.

Why choose Revival?
While there is the possibility of modifying the game to your liking, try to make this pack as faithful and immersive as possible by giving you an incredible experience, thus avoiding headaches and trying to make most of the mods work between yes, something that is often impossible or that can take a long time if you do not have enough experience or time modifying lots of files.

With Revival you can go from the original experience to the modified one simply by activating or deactivating the mod without further complication.

In addition to packing the mods in a single file and making them compatible with each other, recreate many of the textures to make them look even better or better said so they don't break the immersion, even so, there are many mods that are in development, therefore they are not completely complete, such as scenarios and enemies, which will be updated as the mods themselves are updated.

What are the improvements that Revival includes?
Scenarios: Most of the scenarios, if not almost all, were rescaled 4 times more to their original resolution making them look much sharper, and others were recreated with 3D tools.

World Map: The world map was restyled and retexturized. Now it looks much better.

Magic: All the effects and textures of the magic (includes summons) were changed and in some cases improved so that they can be enjoyed visually in high resolution. The Summons have no new textures yet, but they look great.

3D Models: Now the characters both in battle and on stage are of high quality, as well as the models of the vehicles that can be used throughout the adventure. The mod is not 100% complete, that's why some enemy models and maybe some npc are missing. They will be updated as the mod is updated.

Interface: Now the user interface is seen in high resolution including many improvements, in addition to new avatars that make the visual quality of the menus in general look much better. Here I took the trouble to modify many things so that they look the same in both English and Spanish.

FMVs: FMVs better known as cinematics or videos are now seen in higher resolution and refresh rate. While they are still the original cinematics, they can at least be enjoyed with higher quality.

Lights and Shadows: Now the characters and enemies on the stage will have shadows, something that did not exist before, and the shadows of the battles are no longer polygonal or practically just a circle in most cases and can be seen as truly shadows, let's do it. which should actually be and not just a black spot.

Others: Revival also includes the option to activate some things that perhaps if left by default would not allow you to change some aspects, such as the retranslation of the adventure into Spanish, which improves many spelling horrors as well as the possibility of configure the controls and maybe something else.

Installation: You simply have to import the REVIVAL files to the ORIGINAL base game with 7th Heaven and activate the mod from the interface, configure it to your liking and enjoy.

Feel final fantasy 7 like a real remake...

Video Demostracion/Preview:

First Release:
Addon Español (Only For Spanish Users):

Install Guide:

TrueOdin, NinoStyle, Satsuki, Cosmos, unab0mb, aAvok, Chryzalis, L@azaro, Felix LeonHart, Jusete, Grimmy, Orichalcon, Kela51, Kaldarasha, Bonez, Me.
If Someone isnt in credits let me know.

Thanks All

wow looking really great

WIP / Re: [FF8-R] Squall Hair Remodel Progress
« on: 2020-07-11 14:49:18 »

I've made some progress in remodeling that god awful sasuke hair of Squall in the remaster to something that is more resembling to the OG Squall.
In making this progress, i extracted the battle model file using Noesis app. The model file type is in .fbx format. Blender is used to import the model and made some changes to the vertices. Vertices count remain the same.

Now, the stumbling block is to export the edit model back to the .dat file and then battle.fs file. Any pointers?

nice.. can't wait for the completed work!

is the mod compatible with FF8 Remastered?

just a quick question. How do you change the character HP beyond 9999?

@miruss89 @Sebanisu so maybe as long as there are at least two finishers the game shouldn't crash, but if those percentages are written in the kernel, they they could be manipulated in order to give for example 1% for the first three finishers and 97% to the lion heart, also what about the positive statuses, is there something in the kernel file that could allow to modify the auto-abilities? for example: we have auto-reflect, so i would modify that and substitute the effect of reflex with the invincibility effect (you know, when you become transparent and fully invincible)

just in case i will explain myself better: if in the kernel.bin there are the datas about the auto-abilities such as auto-reflex , then i would like to change the equipped magic in that auto ability , and substitute the effect of reflex with the effect of invincibility (when the character become transparent)

the invincibility effect is also called peerless

actually i've tried. But kernel.bin didn't allow for something like that. I think all the percentage calculation for renzokuken finisher is hardcoded in the .exe. But you can do something like this:
For each Renzokuken Finisher such as Rough Divide, Fated Circle and Blasting Zone, change the magic id to Lion Heart, but don't forget to change the Hit Count, Target Info and Attack Flag parameters box to match the original Lion Heart Finisher. So when your getting Renzokuken Finisher in game, it should be Lion Heart for all the finisher except that maybe the old finisher names still not change.

And in kernel.bin you can't put Invincibility into Abilities Junction. But you can edit Mad Rush abilities to trigger Invincibility/Aura. So solved.

There's a wiki on doomtrain that lists almost everything in the kernel that they know about.

Kernel Weapons list which finishers squall can trigger. But it's percent i think is fixed. Googling it led to like 25% per finisher but on weapons that have fewer than 4 get the extra 25% added to the most powerful. so when the weapon has all 4 unlocked it's 25% for each. But if you have only 2 it's 25% and 75%. I donno if this is right I can code but can't reverse anything to confirm. But is works wonders.

Yeah it's true for Squall Finisher. Also in Doomtrain you can enable/disable which Finisher you want\don't want with Squall Gunblade but then when doing renzokuken in battle it will crash. I already try it with FF8R.

hey Tirlititi, can u make a beta version, can u set the Max hp above 65k, i think steam version can bypass this limit. i found this when using a tent on a boss it heals above 9999

also tool crashes when u load up steam version and click on stats tab.

Yup happen to me also, steam version crash when on stats tab

I saw that AP Ammo uses a formula that's been called 'Terra Break/Great Attractor' in the tool; is this just a physical formula that ignores defence?
Yup, its ignore defence. Already try it with Lionheart finisher with break damage limit on. The result is 60k damage for each 17hit. Overkill!  8-)

What do you mean by "a little off"? Do you mean the camera animation, the character animation or the damage animation?

The finisher animations. i edited the rough divide to becaome Lion heart, whenever the renzokuken finisher prompt to be rough divide,  squall attack with lion heart but at the end of the finisher he just attacking empty spaces. The enemy is disappeared from the finisher sequence.

Sorry for my bad english

I didn't test it but maybe you could get around this by simply editing rough divide to be lion heart but you'll lose rough divide this way.

Already tried it. But animation for Lion Heart finisher is kinda little off. Dont know what happen though. But i tried change the Doom commands to become Lion Heart and it works flawlessly but not for Rough Divide, Fated Circle and Blasting Zone.

i'm trying to edit Squall Weapons Renzokuken finisher to just Lion Heart only but getting error (the game hang) when trying to getting into renzokuken mode in battles. Is there any parameter i should change besides each weapons finisher? i'm already try changed the renzokuken finisher parameter but still getting error. Is it hardcoded in the .exe?

By the way, thank you for the great program. Really make my day for modding greatest rpg of all time for me.


Code: [Select]
*       Section 5 - Weapon Data        *

Code: [Select]
struct Weapon {
WORD name_offset;
BYTE renzokuken_finishers; //0x01 = Rough Divide, 0x02 = Fated Circle, 0x04 = Blasting Zone, 0x08 = Lion Heart
BYTE unk;
BYTE character_id;
BYTE attack_type;
BYTE attack_power;
BYTE hit_bonus;
BYTE str_bonus;
BYTE weapon_tier;
BYTE unk[2];

i tried changing the renzokuken finisher to 0x08 for the Lionheart Gunblade weapon data and it just make all limitbreak finisher to be just Lionheart only for an encounter battles with one enemy, but if more than one enemy in a battles, the game crash if i select renzokuken rather than normal attack. Sorry for my bad english.

Gameplay / Re: FF8 (Steam) Limit Breaks always active
« on: 2016-08-03 14:31:58 »
nvm i figured out how to do it with DLPBs Hexediting tools! my first experience with Hex editing and I made my game draw 100 of magics everytime and give myself Limit Breaks everytime with Crisis Level 4!!! thanks for the help all!!!

Which address change the draw quantity for magics? care to share it with me? thank you.

Gameplay / Re: FF8 (Steam) Limit Breaks always active
« on: 2016-08-03 14:30:35 »
I could provide you with details, with 2 caveats:
1.) it would involve patching the memory using something like CheatEngine or hex editing the EXE
2.) There are 4 crisis levels (which determine the power of the limit break, see this link), always setting this to a fixed level is easy, varying it is harder

Also which language of the game do you have?

for FF8_EN.exe (the Steam English version), there are at least 2 ways to do this, one would be to patch the EXE at 0x9431E or the memory of the process at 0x49431E:
Code: [Select]
from: 7D04
to:   EB09
That will permanently set the crisis level to 4.

The second way to do this (the way the Steam version does it) is patching memory address 0x1CFF838 to 0x01 - which sets the crisis level to always be 1 - you could set it to anywhere up to 4.

However, the addresses would be different for other versions of the game.

how did you find the actual address for the crisis level? i almost give up find it with cheat engine.

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