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Messages - Fed03

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Currently the hash algorithm checks a pixel's color against the next pixel in the series and records a binary value for whether the next color is a higher RGB value or not. This eventual binary string of pixel comparisons is converted to a decimal number and is the final hash code. There is no rule anywhere that says this is how the hash code has to be built.

Some food for thought on the matter (from my gf who is into image processing):
So you could separate images based on the overall average color, for example, and make sure you have equal sized subsets. Then you chart the pixels in each subset that are different amongst most images in the set and those become your pixels.

An alternative approach I thought of would be to take the entire database, for each pixel in each image, record the color of the pixel so you can build a frequency chart for each pixel (histogram). You could identify which pixels have the biggest spread (flattest bell curve) and then use those pixels. This would be easy to write an algorithm for and may yield good results. If there were still collisions, a second step could be used.

omzy could u pls point me where is located the hashing algorithm in tonberry src files?

tnx messiahgov, but shouldn't be collision, hash1, hash2 and objmap be inside the hasmap folder? plus why we can't remove hash1map if w have all taht separate hashmaps from single mods?

Video is private. :)  I was hoping I might be able to help, too.

PS.  Updated my hashmap post with the French and Spanish hashmaps for SeeD Reborn!  German and Italian coming soon!

right...XD try now

Yes, I want you to merge these 4 files. Don't care about the order, the program will reorder them internally.

done, nothing changed.
look at this video so you can understand all the problem I have

That seems to be some kind of collision between textures... I need to work on that too.
Do me a favor please: put all your hashes in a single file ( into the hashmap folder, but paste them in a single file, call it as you wish ), and then move all the other files to the "disabled" folder. Test if the problem still remains and report it here.

in addition to collision.csv, objfile.csv and hash2map.csv coming from tonberry hashmap v1.3, I've

Do you want me to merge these 4 files in a single one? if so in what order?

For some reason, the hashcodes that have special exceptions seem to be messing with how Tonberry works with this new file structure.  I rearranged the hashes for SeeD Reborn and Tripod and I think these should work better and cause less glitches in missing textures.  Check my post with the links for updates!

thank you mcindus, card problem gone but after tonberry 1.6 now I've this sort of problem

Are you using the new version of Tonberry?  Enhanced v1.6?  I believe this will fix the issue if you're playing using the English version.  Let me know if this helps!

hi mcindus! I've the 1/3 problem too, reinstalled today ff8 from ssteam and usng tonberry 1.6 with the hasmaps linked there. no changes
The problem showed up just some days ago, so it is not present from the beginning. Also it seems that the number over the cards are now very pixellated

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