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Messages - Fraggoso

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Are you going to add different methods to your mask?
I tried your mod and the only grudge so far is really the horrible PC mask. xD

If you want, I've a better method of processing the masks.

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-02-01 17:42:29 »
As fated courage did a waifu HD pack, maybe it would be good to ask him about the checkered effects. :)

Hi Satsuki, maybe you can try this out?

It seems very promising on dithered color palates.



I've both fields in their respective folder. :/
From my understanding is, that your script use the alpha from the pc version for the masking or not?

I want to use the psx masks instead.

Can you adept your script to take the PSX layers instead of the PC layers?
As the PSX Fields are stored in CD_X it's not as easy I guess?

I want to use the PSX Layers, Filter them and use them later on for the final cut.

Hm... If I run I don't receive the - match_PC_PSX.json but Duplicated_PC_Images.json

Error Message is:

Any clue? ^^

Are you compressing your tex with DX5?
I opted for no compression ARGB and it looks better  but of course your filesize is bigger (packed it's still 2 Gigs or something). maybe you want to give that a shot as well. :)

You should mention in your readme that it's vital to uncheck one specific Field in the extration of the PC Fields -> Opening-For-FMV or else HW will crash everytime. :)

So far I'm using the PSX masks to combine the layers, then the PC masks (upscaled without refiltering) when I de-compose to the original tiles. Seems to works nicely so far, so I doubt I will change the method.

Ah yeah, that works. I, for myself, found the masks too ugly though that's why I used another Methos which works and looks cleaner (at least for myself ^^).

So did you use the PSX masks and just used 4x size without any filtering so you get a crisp clean but blocky mask or did you upressed the masks as well?
If yes, how? :)

An general issue has been detected in the denoising process : Some grey lines may appears on a lot of background.
This has been fixed in the scripts, next version will be a lot cleaner !

Is this because of the masks?
I had this problem as well but solved it using another upres algorithm.

Congrats to your first Mod.
You should let it transfer into the release section.

I'm really impressed, great job. :)
If you need help with anything, let me know. I know the Fields very well. =)

It looks very promising if you can sort out the glitches and maybe, and that's only if the Vid isn't too compressed: Use ARGB on inserting instead of compressing the tex files.

It's really great to see so much sharing and carrying in the community.

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-12 08:52:03 »
What's the problem ingame? The mask looks really clean. :/

Do you really want to release a small slice of the whole mod?
How did you cope with incorrect layering if I may ask? I saw the picture of spindle wheel.
If you load the tiff from HW you may've noticed that the chair (or ta le) is positioned above the spindle wheel or at least some parts.

Another Example is the clock in the field of lindblum church.
One layer is above the clock animation and if you don't at least layer them correctly for the whole image before you use esrgan, you end up without animations at all.

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-11 14:47:47 »
Can you post a psd file of that so I can have a look on it or was it multilayered tiff?

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-11 14:39:40 »
Satsuki, can you also give the FFVIII background a go? I want to see if your way of masking result in a fiber/better mask then my technique.

How did you cope with alpha Yagami Light?
ESRGAN just puts black where alpha is.

Did you upsized with an alternative alorithm and extracted the alpha?

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-11 13:19:02 »
I just tried my scripts with Gimp 2.8 and ther're no holes there.
I hate the new algorithm in 2.9.

Well, here is the result.
Tell me if it's okay for you.

Here's also my two scripts that I use after upressing:
Filter Animations -> Semiflatten -> Settings with Semi Flatten -> Collor HTML Code: FF00FF
Leave everything else as it is.

Afterwards use this one
PKHG -> Select by Color -> Select by Color
Normally the Color should be automatically set to FF00FF. If not, set it to that and click ok.

After that you should heave many pink lines/seams.
Select from Alpha, copy from the ESRGAn image and paste it as a new Layer.
Do that four times and you have your layers without any holes if you use Gimp 2.8 with 400% Sin (Lanczos3) algorithm.

Oh you've a ton of dublets in your script.
If you want I can upload a dublete free Field ID per Field ID information.

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-10 11:38:58 »
Post your resluts please as I#m maybe also opting to use that instead of my workflow for masking. :)

Nice ! I've come across your mod searching if it was possible to re-inject the background into the game, seing your mod was a deciding factor :)

Great to hear! :D

I need more informations than that in order to generate images that will be handled properly by the GAN. It was trained with full images, and doesn't cope well with uncomplete layers & transparencies (ie. a door on a black background, it will try to find pattern between the black & the door that are not suitable for the final result).

In order to do that, I don't only need the animation layers, I also need to know that a layer (in the tiff file) IS an animation layer (vs. static background), or if the layer has parralax, and if so, what is the depth of that layer.
For lighting effects and other stuff, I also need to know if a layer a different blending mode.

That is already handled by Hades Workshop.
Or do you mean you wanted to automate a script to look over all layers instead of going hand by hand to decide if that#s an animation or transparency?
As I did it before hand by hand, I'm really fast on doing that on my own but if your scroipt works without issues, that's great!

I would not like to duplicate works here.
I don't know if you do that manually or not, but I wrote scripts that does that automatically (by reading the script field id from both versions in order to match them properly), and that the correct layer from both versions (as your said : blending layers from steam, real background from the PSX version).

Is this really working? if yes, I wished I had this beforehand! xD

It's a classic layering issue. The main problem is that both version doesn't handle semi-transparent images, so the edges of each layer are sharp, instead of having some semi-transparent pixels in order to blend over.

The Steamrelease use half transperancy on some. For example when Zidane and garnet flees from Steiner in the meeting room, the hatch under the table uses haƶlf transparency. Or the shield/sign that get knocked off in Alexandria.
I tried to replicate it but Tirlititi inserted only opaque as it gave us problems with seams.
I asked him to do another test with HW as I maybe know why that happened beforehand.

I'm still unsure if I will use the PSX layers with a neighbooring algorythm, or something similar to what you did, but from early testing, both solutions seems workable.
As long as you've one pixel over that should work. I decided against PSX masks as they're blocky as hell and it didn't really looked good with higher res Backgrounds. :/

ie .this kind of artefacts on the edge of the wood :

It's not due to the masking.
I've the same issue in photoshop is a perfect mask that I couldn't in-engine, but that I use for ground truth when testing.
It's due to the fact that the wood is interpolated near black pixels.
I've tried to extend the pixel borders to avoid that : I can reduce or increase the artifact effect depending of how it's done, but I'm only manage to get a perfect result when it's interpolated with a recombined image.

As long as you've one pixel more than the PSX masks, that will be completly gone, trust me. That's why i opted for Lanzos upres with 400% and going over some of my scripts to get rid of the half transparency.

If you need more information, let me know. :)

Can you post a comparison between your GAN and manga 109?

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-09 19:22:54 »
I'm using a new gimp version where the algorithm is slightly different. I can give you my two scripts that I use and normally no holes should be visible.

Like I said, FF III is a bit different and gimp uses another upres algorithm.
I just wanted your opinion on general. If you like it, maybe you can tweak it a bit or use another gimp version for the old upres algorithm. :)

WIP / Re: Final Fantasy VIII - Graphical Update Mod (WIP)
« on: 2019-01-09 18:55:12 »
I need to tweak my tools a bit as FFVIII is a bit different then IX, but still, give it a try.

I've included the upressed version, the cut version and the AI base png.

Tell me what you think of the masks.

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