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Messages - Jenova's Witness

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Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-28 22:32:04 »
All that changes absolutely nothing of what I said. 1000 Links won't.
You're not willing to listen to evidence?

Islam is absolutely and totally opposed to Judaism and the Jewish people.  That's a stonewall fact.  It is an historical fact and verified very well by the Hadith and the Koran. Palestine [Hamas] is currently at war with Israel - mostly because Israel is Jewish.  A Jewish person is not going to work behind the scenes to promote a religion or ideology that wants to see it destroyed. Iran, and Israel's neighbours, have consistently called for the state of Israel to be wiped off the map.
I don't care.  That's not my problem, it's theirs.

Anti Semitic conspiracy theories are just that: Anti Semitic conspiracy theories.
Posting links to articles written by Israeli citizens, living in Israel, for Israeli publications that are hosted in Israel is a conspiracy theory?

You must be Jewish.  There's no other explanation for your incredible capacity for double-think.

I am not concerned with Judaism.  I'll start worrying about it when it has bombs strapped to it or it is running amok with AK 47s in multiple countries or flying planes into buildings.
Well when your local Jewish community advocates bringing Muslims in don't come running to me for help.

Israel is the only real democratic country in the Middle East.
I don't care what they do or what they are, as long as they do it over there.

Perhaps concentrate your efforts on the fact that it is legal in around 10 Islamic countries to kill people for being homosexual - and many more where basic freedom is denied.
Again, as long as they do it over there I don't care.  Not my problem.

Talk of Jews is a nonsense that needs to stop. I will go no further on that subject.
Pointing out facts to cucks until they mentally shut down and stop arguing is a victory in my book.  I accept your surrender.

Cucks will always and eternally cuck for their favored minority.  It's a mental illness, a form of projection.  They can't help it.

Meanwhile, very interesting development between Turkey, Israel and Russia. Turkey has formally apologised to Russia (never saw that coming) and formalized a "reconcilation pact" with Israel. Makes me wonder if Turkey will still go ahead and join the EU.
By the time Turkey joins the EU the only country in the EU will be Germany.  We all know what happens after that.

The problem I have is that Muslims blow the world up and suddenly Judiasm or Christianity get brought up out of nowhere.  I don't think it's at all relevant.  When those two groups are creating the carnage here and now, today, I will be more open to debating them.  But it simply isn't a key concern. I make it clear that I find all religions are against true free thinking, but Islam is the very worst.  Also, I frequently see people blaming the bombings and 9/11 on Jews, which isn't just a distortion - it's plain bad.
I disagree that Christianity is against free thinking.  It's against (or used to be against) degenerate, self-destructive behavior, but it's not against non-degenerate free thinking.

Free thinking often isn't that useful.  The scientific method, yes.  Free thinking in other areas, not so much.

Strictly speaking, is it a good thing that we are allowed to have unlimited amounts of porn available 24/7 on the internet?  Is it damaging to people, to relationships, and to society?  Would we all be better off if there were checks in place to reduce the amount of porn on the internet?

I don't think porn should be legal.  That is 100% against free thought.

I am sure there are legitimate concerns, but I've seen too many coming up with conspiracy theories.  I don't do conspiracy theories.  I do hard fact.
Except when people provide sources.

When Muslims are responsible for the massive number of atrocities world wide, I do not suddenly say "JEWS!".  It doesn't make any sense to do that, especially when you take a few hours to study the life of Muhammad and the Koran and Hadith (which is the life of Muhammad mostly).

It should also be noted that a lot of Muslims still believe that 9/11 was an inside job by the Jews to discredit them. It's this kind of nonsense I have no time for.

Oh - and here's the latest
I'm only concerned with Muslim attacks that damage ethnic Europeans.  They can kill each other all the want, as long as they don't kill my people.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-28 00:32:01 »
IS isn't a caliphate.  It desires to be one and to own enough land / control to be a legitimate one. Saudi doesn't recognize IS as a true caliphate. That's the thing - that's why some of the crazy lunatic countries like Saudi and Iran will fight IS - despite agreeing with their overall message. IS undermine their authority.
DLPB, the one true authority on Islam who couldn't tell the difference between Sunni and Shia.  You're acting like those liberals who are 100% authorities on Islam, even more so than actual Muslims themselves who kill Europeans in the name of Islam.

If IS declares that they are a caliphate, I'm inclined to believe them.  If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it acts like a duck, and if other ducks around the world treat it as if it is a duck - then it's probably a duck.
Baghdadi was born Ibrahim Awad al-Badari in 1971 near Samarra, a city 50 miles north of Baghdad. He took a master's degree and a PhD in Islamic studies at the University of Islamic Sciences in the Baghdad suburb of Adhamiya. When the US invaded Iraq in March 2003, the pious Baghdadi was still studying and was not thought to be connected to either al-Qaida or its local offshoot in the early years of resistance.
A professor, teacher, former educator, recognized preacher, and a graduate of the Islamic University in Baghdad, where he finished his academic studies (BA, MA and PhD). He is known as a preacher and a person of knowledge in Islamic culture, Shariah knowledge, and jurisprudence, and possessing vast knowledge of history and lineage. He had extensive relationships and a clear influence on members of his tribe in Diyala and Samarra, to the extent that they declared, by their own free will and their total certainty, their pledge allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and its first emir, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi al-Qurashi. They pledged allegiance to the Emir and his State when it was first created and appeared on the jihadi battlefield in Iraq in the official declaration of the State in the last ten days of Ramadan 2006. Afterwards, Dr. Ibrahim Awwad was recognized as one of the most prominent figures of Salafist Jihadism and its most recognized proponent in Diyala and in the city of Samarra through the Mosque of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, may Allah have mercy on him.
Turki al-Binali's tract continued by highlighting that prior to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Baghdadi received his PhD from the Islamic University of Baghdad, with a focus on Islamic culture, history, sharia, and jurisprudence.

Do you have a PhD in Islamic Studies?  Technically you've lived your entire life in the Caliphate of Albion, but he lived in Iraq and later Syria his entire life.  He's a little closer to the source of Islam than even your average Londonian.

Besides that, Saudi Arabia is doing a shit job of fighting IS:

Also, while I agree Judaism and all religions are hardly bastions of open mindedness - they aren't blowing people up all over the world or using nuclear weapons, despite having them.  I wouldn't trust Iran with a popsicle. Israel has shown amazing restraint.  If you were a people constantly threatened on all sides by Islamic aggression - had rockets routinely fired at your people - and had countries openly calling for your very destruction - how would you behave? 
Well I wouldn't invade my Shia neighbors - as Israel did in 1978 and 1982 - and treat them so bad that they literally form a Shia militia to defend themselves.  You'd think that the Israelis (who nominally invaded to oust the PLO) would be smart enough to work with a people who were glad to be out from under the boot of the PLO. 

Considering that the Israeli policy in the event of a military defeat is to launch nuclear weapons - combined with their non-stop militancy against their neighbors - it can hardly be said that Israel is a rational actor in the middle east.

Israel and Jews are not the problem.  Islam is.

Calling me a progressive is a bit silly, since I am constantly at the opposite end of the political spectrum from them.  The BBC, for example, is clearly anti Israel.  So is Obama and the current American administration. I am not sure why the Jews keep getting brought up when Islam is the religion killing and slaughtering - all over the world.  Why are we even debating the Jews in this thread?  They are not responsible for IS or suicide bombers or Muhammad or the Koran.
^Israel airlifts illegals from Eritrea (a Muslim north African country) to Sweden.
^Barbara Spectre wants to teach Europeans how to be multicultural.

Without Jewish people like Barbara Spectre, there wouldn't be as many Muslim invaders in Europe.  Other than that, there are myriad examples of Jewish people being involved in subversive activities that target Europeans, for whatever reason.  I only use sources that are Israeli publications or books that are written by Jewish people, to avoid conspiracy theories.
^A foiled Israeli false flag operation that was intended to kill Western tourists in Egypt and blame this on Muslims.
Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast’. Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having ‘to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an “up yours” to these people’. Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on, ‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.’ Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. Porn is no longer of the ‘what the Butler saw’ voyeuristic type; instead, it is driven to new extremes of portrayal that stretch the boundaries of the porn aesthetic. As new sexual positions are portrayed, the desire to shock (as well as entertain) seems clear.
^Note that this was literally written by a Jewish Rabbi.
A Program for Jews and Humanity by Rabbi Harry Waton published by Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, New York City: Astoria Press, 1939.

This book declared that Jews will inherit the entire earth through the control and spread of Communism.,7340,L-3342999,00.html
We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish
A Jewish publication notes that many member of the first Soviet government (who were responsible for the deaths of millions more than died in the Holocaust) where Jewish.
A Jewish man admits that Jewish people have "taken over" academia.

Also, if it's the conspiracy theory that Jews enjoy spreading Islamic destruction, then I would just point out that no true Jewish person would want their own destruction - because Islam and Islamic doctrine is vehemently opposed to them.  That's why they are under attack from all sides in the Middle East. The idea that Jews are behind the scenes plotting to help Muslims is far fetched, to say the least.
1. You're not Jewish (are you?) so you can't rightly say what a true Jewish person would or would not believe or do.
2. The issue isn't that Israel helps Islamic State.  The issue is that Israel prefers them (according to one of their defense ministers) over Iran.  The Israeli airstrikes on Assad's forces clearly demonstrate their stated preference.  I don't know about you, but I call airstrikes assistance.,7340,L-4755215,00.html

Israel is as much a problem as Muslims.  They should both be deported to their homelands, so they can live in peace there (or not) and we can live in peace in our nations.

Simple fix: eliminate dual citizenship.  Since all Jewish people are granted right of return by Israel, we could buy their assets and send them home.  Israel definitely needs all the people it can get and would welcome the people it needs for defense, labor, and scientific research.

More than that, it seems that Jewish people are not comfortable in mono-ethnic and mono-religious societies.  This is unfortunate, but if they have a problem with us then they are the ones who need to change.  They have killed as many of us as we have of them, as demonstrated by the Holodomor and other Soviet atrocities, so the have no moral standing to cry about the Holocaust when we attempt to hold them to the same standards we hold ourselves.  They need us more than we need them, as Barbara Spectre demonstrates when she "teaches us to be multicultural" by helping millions of Muslims to come to our lands and rape our sisters and daughters, abuse our benefits programs, and terrorize us with murder and violence (and the billions of dollars in assistance we give to Israel every year while our own infrastructure falls apart and our people sit idle).


If you are a Muslim or Jewish person, then you have to go back.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-27 01:08:00 »
No, I'm getting my information from the Koran, historians like Robert Spencer, Hamas, Saudi Arabia and a dozen more. Islam is and has always been backward.  It's leader, Muhammad, was a war mongering conquerer - something that isn't disputed by the Koran, Hadith, or historians.

It isn't going to change the fact that Muhammad killed people, had child brides, said the things he did, and conquered Mecca.
It's debatable if he even existed.  Therefore it all comes down to what the specific books and religious/clerical traditions say.

Sunni books and traditions explicitly say that they must go out and convert the unbelievers, either by guile or by war.  There is no compromise for this.  Therefore, Sunni are on average complete shitheads.

Shia books and traditions basically say to stay put, protect your people and your lands, stay faithful, and wait for the 12th Imam to appear.

Iran wants a caliphate. So does Hamas. So does Saudi. So does IS.
Iran IS a caliphate - a Shia caliphate.  What you see in Iran is the entirety of their religious practice, which basically amounts to doing whatever the fuck they want within the borders of their nations/enclaves, protecting other Shia from Sunni or Israel, and cooperating with people of other religions without trying to convert them.

Compare Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah to Islamic State, which is a Sunni organization that considers itself a Sunni caliphate.

Here's something else: Pakistan has nukes.  Pakistan is a Sunni state.  Pakistan literally helps the Taliban and protected Osama Bin Laden.  Yet you don't see Pakistan all over the news, but you do see Iran.  Could it be because Iran threatens Israel's encroachment on Lebanese and Syrian soil?  Hmmm, I wonder!

Literally the only reason we've got a hamster up our collective asses about Iran is because Israel doesn't like them.  I don't give a fuck about that.  Israel is a big boy; Israel can take care of it's own messes.

What I don't understand is why you defend Israel when Israel has threatened multiple times to nuke capitals of European nations if we don't help them.  Would you help China if China threatened to nuke our ethnic homelands?  No?  Then why are you such a cuckold over Israel?  Israel doesn't give a flying fuck about you, Israelis have stolen state secrets from the USA numerous times, Israelis gave the secrets of the nuclear bomb to the Soviets.

Are you so house-broken by progressives that whenever you would have a patriotic impulse to protect your own people, you instead feel patriotism over Israel?

According to Haaretz - surely the most anti-semetic news source on Earth - Christians are routinely spat on by right-wing Ultra Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem.

The first principle of being right-wing is to preserve your own people and defend your homeland.  Technically, this means that right-wingers in one country would get along great with left-wingers in another country who want to bring them in, at least until the right-wingers are a majority.  That's the mistake that left-wingers make with Muslims.

Just because someone is right wing doesn't automatically make them an ally, or even a friend.  They must also be part of your group, either ethnic or religious.  Thus Israel is not our ally, but neither is Iran.  That doesn't mean that we should hate them; it means we shouldn't interfere with their business nor should they interfere with ours.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-26 23:25:36 »
Fighting IS doesn't really mean much when you read into Islam...  basically all of its divisions are bad.  And many of them argue on the caliphate.  They all believe IN a caliphate, the question to them is who is the true bannerman. 

No, they don't.  Where are you getting your information from, Israelis?

There are 3 major divisions of Islam, and various non-Islamic sects (they aren't considered Muslims by anyone except themselves, and sometimes not even then).

Sunni are the expansionists.  They want a global caliphate.  They are something like 85% of all Muslims.  Notable countries/regions include Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Chechnya, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Islamic State, most of North Africa, Malaysia, and Indonesia.  In other words, what you usually hear when you find out the ethnic group of a terrorist.  These are the retards you see yelling "Allahu Ackbar!" in videos because they believe that god guides the paths of their bullets (hence their inability to aim).

Shia are the second major division.  They pretty much want to be left alone to hang their gays and stone adulterers in their own countries.  They are about 11% of all Muslims (and of course Sunni and Shia don't consider one another Muslims, and hate each other).  Notable countries include Iran, Assad's Syria, and ethnic enclaves in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon.  As long as you don't fight them, don't let them into your country, and mind their laws in their countries you will never have an issue with them.  These people are currently fighting Islamic State.  There are Christian and Yazidi units in their militias in Lebanon and in Syria.  Christians in Lebanon prefer their militias and paramilitary units over those of Israel.

The third division - the Ibadi - exist only in Oman.  They are so mild-mannered that I didn't even know they existed until about a year ago.

Other weirdos include the Druze ( and the Yazidi (  They are mostly harmless.

Jews are very closely related to Palestinians, and Palestinians have screwed over every community that tried to help them.  Don't believe anything any of these paranoid middle-eastern tribes say about one another until you actually research it yourself.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-26 06:54:19 »
Oh, indeed. I had no delusions to the opposite. It's just that because OF THAT that the British said "enough" and voted to leave. That's not the only reason to leave, but it was the tipping point. Allowing free movement from France to Britain will allow all sorts of "legal Europeans" into the country. Oh wait, this is almost exactly what is going on between Mexico and the US except it here it's illegal.
What's wrong with illegals, goy?  Don't like not getting a raise in the past 20 years?  Here, let me import a few million h1b visa workers from China and India - and you know what, I'll pay you to train them to do your job!

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-23 00:22:46 »
Rule 3. Hide the truth.  The truth is the enemy.  Change words and phrases so that the elephant in the room is removed. Rewrite history.
They're destroying their own support base.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-15 20:53:37 »

Introducing Alexander Jahans, a truly eloquent spokesman for the left.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-12 23:22:01 »
Ah, interesting.  I wasn't aware it was documented :P As for kids, although I am sure I'd be a great dad, I will not bring them into this world as it stands.  Certainly not this useless country (Britain) as it currently stands.  Maybe if I were loaded....
You'd rather British women marry muslims?

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-12 22:57:14 »
I've noticed that leftists seem to have a rather bizarre ranking system - with Female lesbian Black Muslim at the top (if you can find one before she is killed) and White Christian Heterosexual Male at the bottom.  The thing is - Muslim ranks above Black or white male or female (I am aware that Muslims are either one of the two, but the point is the ranking system).  So if non-Muslim women or gays think that the left will protect them, they better think again.  Islam trumps all in the left's insane pecking order.
That is the Progressive Stack, which coincidentally is also an example of leftists appropriating terms from the hard sciences and engineering (Computer Science in this case) to make their nuttery sound legitimate.
^Examples from the OWS

The progressive stack is applied intersectional feminist socialism theory.

When socialist states implemented their forced equality, there were still differences between individuals and groups of individuals.  Instead of taking the obvious gambit - these are probably the result of biological differences in individuals - they just assumed that they weren't being socialist enough, and they endeavored to be socialist not just in terms of economics and politics, but in terms of EVERYTHING.  Thus you have Black Lives Matters protestors freaking out over a few thugs getting shot and ignoring:
1. White people being far more likely to be shot by cops than black people,
2. Black people committing far more crime per capita than white people, and
3. The huge body of published scientific research on the fields of heritable mental and psychological traits such as intelligence and behavior.

Also, I was a liberal until around the age of 8.  I lived on a rough neighbourhood and saw the scummy thug types laughing at the law and creating misery all around them.  Back then, I used to wonder why the people on TV were saying things that made no sense - things that I knew were false (like "helping" thugs and "rehabilitation".  They just needed to be understood  - and other nonsense).  I figured that I was too young to understand.  One day, years later, it dawned on me that at 8 years of age, I was smarter and more clued up in how the world really is than most of the liberal elite and government.

And it's only gotten worse since.
I  hope you have kids, my friend.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-12 21:58:46 »
I'd wager the people who are pro illegal immigrant have never lived in an area affected by the fruits of it directly.
Exactly.  I was a leftist - a literal socialist, in fact - until I actually had to live with the diversity.  Most leftists project their own low-time preference and high trust societies onto the third world hordes.  They never stop and wonder, "Why is the third world so shitty?"  They always bite take the bait and blame everything on White people.

The fact is that the numbers are unsustainable - and the country suffers as a whole when you import or allow huge numbers of people from failed states.  It's plain common sense. And there is never an end to it - because the failure keeps on failing, they keep on breeding, and then they keep on coming.  All you do is lower the standard for everyone  - hence Churchill's comment that socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
In an era where onanism is celebrated, you can't expect anyone to display common sense.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light," said Max Planck, "but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

Although in this case, it doesn't quite work out that way because delusions that lead to death have a funny way of kicking everyone in the rear end.

If the recent night club shooting - the largest mass shooting in US history, where a Muslim man killed at least 50 people in a gay nightclub - is any hint, leftists need to actually have their lives threatened before they wake up and face the mess they helped create.  It's one reason why I sincerely hope that Hillary wins, even though I'm voting for Trump - watching leftists eat crow as their pet minorities devour each other is hugely entertaining.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-12 21:07:30 »
Just imagine Trump literally exiling millions of illegal aliens from the country. The USA was founded on the principle of fleeing a bad situation and starting better lives, which are exactly what these illegal aliens are doing. That is a pretty big reason why we are aren't England 2.0 right now, it is against the basic foundation of this country's principles.
How exactly will we pay for all these illegals?

Also you're wrong.  The USA was founded explicitly for White men who owned property.  It says so right there on the founding documents.

How are we not England 2.0?  We have a presidential candidate who wants to outlaw gun ownerhship (like Britain), we have unlimited immigration for people who can't contribute anything but menial labor to the nation and who commit violent and sex crimes at rates much higher than the White population (like Britain), and we must pay for these knuckleheads too (in the form of free health care, free K-12 education, food stamps) (also like Britain).

Look, if you think that these brown people are so great you should go live with them.  When Trump wins you can go live in Mexico.

If you import Mexicans into America, you don't make the Mexicans into Americans.  You make America into Mexico.

General Discussion / FF7 PSX ASM hacks?
« on: 2016-06-12 19:45:33 »
Are there any interesting ones out there?

Releases / Re: [FF7PSX NTSC-U] Enemy long range attack mod
« on: 2016-06-12 19:44:38 »
Why not upload a PPF file, Bosola?

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-12 19:39:05 »
Progressivism is a death cult.  Libertarianism too, in a way.  They are both the products of the Enlightenment, that is radical individualism taken to it's logical conclusion.

I'm a Populist Nationlist because I understand that the individual is not the most basic unit of society.  An individual alone can accomplish nothing of value, it is only when individuals work together for their greater good that their lives improve.  However people are fundamentally unequal in abilities and dispositions, so it is pointless to hold back the most fit to care for the least fit... with this in mind, the purpose of social safety nets is to eliminate the need for social safety nets.

Moly is an anarcho-capitalist, but he's coming around to my point of view.

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