Author Topic: Reverse-engineering LZSS encoding?  (Read 1691 times)


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Reverse-engineering LZSS encoding?
« on: 2011-03-13 19:23:36 »
Some of the unused DAT files of FFVII are not LZSS encoded in any version of the game, but a couple of them are encoded in the first Japanese release but not encoded in all subsequent releases.

Contains a lot of script in FFVII-J, but not encoded in FFVII-I.

Has no dialogue in FFVII-J, but is encoded in contrast to its FFVII-I counterpart.

Speaking as an amateur without any programming skills, and without actually knowing what an "LZSS encoding" is,
I wonder if it might actually be possible to reverse-engineer this encoding process and thus unlock the unused files which are not properly encoded in any version of the game.

Could it be done?