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Messages - Percival

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Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2024-02-01 15:00:47 »

It would be a tedious process to find and replace every instance throughout the entire game. The effect would likely not be worth the effort. Also, this game was made in the '90s, and the vanilla Squall very clearly identifies as a male and uses he/him.

If you've read the description of this mod, you should know that my main goal was to retain as many elements of the original as possible, even as I made every change. Squall is one of the most well-defined characters in the FF series, making FF8 much less of a roleplaying experience and much more of a standard story. I didn't go out of my way to change anything about his character or his identity unnecessarily. I also didn't attempt to self-insert any aspects of my own identity onto Squall in order to make him better reflect my own experience. I simply wanted to develop and reinforce what I considered to be the most well-written aspects of Squall's character that were already present.

The game does allow you to rename Squall and Rinoa whatever you want, however. It’s probably the best role-playing option in the game, and I recommend utilizing that function to its full extent.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2023-07-31 01:32:40 »
@Lunarian Hey, Lunarian!

Thank you so much for all of the feedback. I appreciate the time you took to type up the google doc, and I’ve already made any appropriate corrections to the script. I also have a few points of clarification, if you are interested to know my point of view on some of the creative decisions I had made.

•   Writing: Seifer says that “Squall doesn’t protect damsels”. The use of ‘damsel’ threw me off – odd word choice for a ‘cool’ teenager, though maybe we’ll find out why later.

Spoiler: show
Seifer still has a ‘romantic dream’, he just doesn’t speak about it so plainly. His entire motivation to be a war hero and his desire to overthrow Galbadia is tied up with his self-perception, that is, his notion of himself as a White Knight. My goal was to retain this motif as the subtext for his character but never state it explicitly. The use of the antiquated term ‘damsel’ is the closest Seifer gets to overtly admitting what he sees as the difference between Squall and himself.

It is also a direct reference to an event that will be explained much later. The player isn’t supposed to fully understand Seifer’s problem with Squall or the context of that statement at this point.

•   Writing: When Quistis says “You’ll dance with just anybody as long as they ask?!”, the punctuation was shocking. The combination of a question mark and exclamation mark makes her tone sound very tense, as if she’s really angry with him. This seems incongruous with Quistis’s personality and with how she talks to him before and after.

Spoiler: show
Your impression is correct. In that statement, Quistis is absolutely being incongruent with her usual behavior. This is a brief lapse in her typical calm and charisma affectation. She’s clearly in a heightened emotional state, and as a result, she’s pushing boundaries. Squall calls her out on it, and she immediately recovers her composure. It’s the same tone for the vanilla script as it is as mine, even though the original lacks the exclamation point.

And it is in keeping with her character animations. I took great pains throughout the game to match all of the dialogue (or as much as I could) to the sentiment portrayed by the accompanying animations. This was generally a very good thing, because it forced me to follow the original emotional direction of each scene, keeping it more faithful than if I tried to change the animations to match the new dialogue. In the vanilla, Quistis is visibly upset that Squall danced with Rinoa but doesn’t seem to have any interest in speaking with Quistis. So I imagine that she is raising her voice, possibly even to the extent that Squall might wonder if someone else can hear them.

Maybe using an exclamation point was too much, but I wanted to make sure that the player didn’t continue reading that line with the same inflection as everything else she has said up until this point. I would rather the player assume that she sounds too exasperated rather than not exasperated enough.

I admit that it's very hard as a writer to convey exactly what I intend through dialogue without any voice acting, facial animations, or narrative descriptions, especially when the models are just standing there. What I would really like is two different exclamation points: one that is severe and one that is more moderate. In this instance I would have used the more moderate one. As it is, I think it needs something more than just the question mark.

•   Writing: “Things will likely be changing pretty rapidly soon after tonight.” is quite an awkward sentence. So many adverbials in one short sentence.

Spoiler: show
Do you mean that you find the sentence hard to follow or merely hard to diagram? I got to admit, this sentence sounds perfectly fine to me. You could even call it efficient. I speak like this on a regular basis. (Is this why I don’t have any friends…?)

One thing to remember is that while I was writing this, I was almost never thinking about grammar. Unlike most writing, this game is almost entirely dialogue. When writing dialogue, I never hold myself to the same grammatical standards as while writing narration. (This includes the use of commas, and especially for FF8, ellipses and dramatic pauses.) So, my primary concern was always to make each character sound as natural as possible with regard to their own unique voice. In dialogue, things like grammatical accuracy and complexity of sentence structure only exist to reflect how intelligent or sophisticated that person happens to be. And Quistis is easily one of the most intelligent and sophisticated characters in the game.

Though, now that you mention it, I am starting to think that I should add a superfluous comma at the end of 'rapidly'. It is a supporting adverbial phrase, but it might prevent someone from thinking that 'rapidly' is supposed to modify 'soon'. Also, I imagine a brief, natural pause before 'soon after tonight', and the last phrase would be said in a slightly more wistful tone. I'm curious how you would change this sentence without losing any of its meaning.

•   Writing: You could just say “lead”.

Spoiler: show
I had originally spelled ‘backlead’ with a hyphen, but the hyphen look a little odd, so I deleted it. I decided against using two separate words to retain its sense as a single concept, hopefully reducing any confusion for anyone who was unfamiliar with what it was.  I have since added the hyphen again, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. My goal was always to draw attention away from the idea that Squall 'couldn't dance' and toward the idea that they just weren't dancing well together, largely because Squall initially didn't want to.

I was a little concerned about using a term that might not be known to anyone who is not a dancer, but I felt that simply saying something like ‘lead’ was not nearly accurate enough. Leading can be understood in purely military terms, and it is usually considered a good thing. Back-leading is almost universally a bad thing, and it is a far more intimate faux pas. By using this term, Squall is accusing Rinoa of bad etiquette (while at the same time deflecting away any blame for poor performance on his part). Of course, this implies that Squall is well-educated enough to actually have a notion of what proper etiquette on the dance floor is. It also may imply either that Rinoa is not as well-educated, or that she is too presumptuous to care. In this way it helps to establish the dichotomy between their characters. Squall is rigid and duty-bound. Rinoa is wild and free.

More importantly, interpreting the dance within this context helps to frame the entire trajectory of their relationship. Rinoa begins by being impulsive and charismatic, but also clumsy and rude. Once it’s clear that things aren’t working, Squall begins to take initiative, accepts responsibility for the situation, and asserts his own leadership. Rinoa responds favorably to this, begins to follow his lead, and before you know it, sparks fly.

Though I am not convinced that the original writers did this intentionally, the vanilla story throughout disc 1 comes really close to following that same structure precisely, especially during the missions in Timber. By only changing a few key lines it’s possible to interpret the dance scene as a(n admittedly simplistic) foreshadow for their entire relationship.

Unfortunately, some of that nuance is lost if you only presume that Squall was criticizing her for trying to step up and lead him somewhere he didn't want to go. (And even more so if anyone thinks that Squall didn’t know how to dance at all, and he magically learned how in the course of one song due to Rinoa's incredible power of love and friendship.)

Please, excuse me if this was unnecessarily long. I spent years rewriting this story, and I have a lot of thoughts about it. And admittedly, not all of them made it into the final product to the extent that I would have liked.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2023-07-31 00:19:23 »

  I agree! Unfortunately, I can't think of any way of making that happen unless both of us worked on the same mutual file. Otherwise one of us would be stuck with a specific outdated version of the other's work.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2023-03-31 23:14:17 »
Hey, harkren!

Thank you so much for finding all those corrections. Some of them were already found for the last update, and I’ve fixed the rest for the next version I upload.

Just so you know, I haven’t alter most of the optional dialogue, including the Chocoboy, the Shumi village, and most of the NPCs in places other than Balamb Garden. I did my best to focus on the main story, and I didn't go out of my way to correct typos or grammatical oddities for incidental dialogue in the original script.

Also, I think I agree with you about that scene with Squall and Rinoa. It was a VERY difficult scene to write, given its original structure and all of the various things I was trying to accomplish at once. While I do find it to be minimally functional for what I needed, it definitely doesn’t pack the emotional punch that I had originally envisioned. There are a number of scenes that I still feel that way about.

If I’m able to revise that scene into something I like better, I’ll be sure to highlight it as its own update in the future.

Thanks again, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2023-03-31 21:28:40 »
@Percival - please do consider posting a paypal, buymeacoffee, patreon or similar service, to accept donations for this fantastic effort  :)

Thank you so much for the praise! It was a labor of love, but I'm truly considerate of the desire to support my work.

It's on my list of things to do, right along with the Remastered version...

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2023-01-08 02:09:36 »
Hey, Castilho!

  Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm sincerely humbled by the positive response.

  I worked really hard to produce a story that both ardent fans and ardent critics would appreciate, since I often find myself in both camps. While I acknowledge it isn't perfect, on the whole I'm very satisfied with the general standard of quality I was able to maintain. And I'm very excited to see that you don't disagree. This mod may not be for everyone, but it does manage to fill a niche for some fans (including myself and now you) who always saw the potential for a richer story that was never quite realized within the bounds of the original.

However, what I liked most was how better some characters were, such as the obvious Cid, Seifer, Quistis and even NORG (Like, NORG's claim is making sense? If there was choice there I might have sided with him lol).
Spoiler: show
  For NORG in particular, I followed my general policy for all villains. We don't need to believe what they think, but we do need to accept that THEY believe it. The bad guys need to have a logical reasoning we can follow. This was actually pretty fun, because it allowed me to indulge in some of the most scathing criticisms out there for the plot in the first disc, and then frame them as NORG’s reason why Cid was incompetent and needed to be removed. It’s the only way I could think of within the given time to make NORG compelling in any meaningful way.

  I did something similar, to a lesser degree, with the pacifist mayor and his wife in FH. Their perspective gave me an opportunity to voice the concerns of many fans who see Cid’s treatment of the Garden students as bordering on highly abusive. (After all, he did raise an army of child soldiers, knowingly exposing them to magical entities that, while raising their combat potential, also produced severe adverse mental effects. And he did this entirely to serve his own goals, all while making exceptional personal profits.) And, while I like indulging in these alternative perspectives, I did my best to challenge both of these possible interpretations of Cid with my own revisions of the actual plot, as well as Cid's own words accounting for his actions.

Only negative thing I can really think of is that the whole game screams "I need more content" now, since everything is more interesting. Most characters, such as Quistis, could really use more screen time, though I am sure it goes beyond the scope to add new events and scenes. I really wonder what you could do with all needed resources.
Spoiler: show
  With regard to more content, I understand the sentiment. While it is technically possible to add extra scenes (and possibly even far more) I decided early on that it was not realistic in terms of time investment. It would require a solid understanding of the syntax of the coding language, and a lot of testing to determine the practical limits of what the game could handle. And from my experience the results quickly became a little unstable. I did make about half a dozen small edits to the code, mainly music changes, but much more than that may have been to open Pandora’s box. And besides, as you said, I thought it was far more within the spirit of my mod to focus on revising what already existed, rather than begin creating something new from scratch.

  Also, I admit to having a bias toward Quistis as a character, to an extent that rivals Rinoa, and that has helped lead to the extra attention I devoted to her whenever possible. This can result in a certain amount of dissatisfaction when left with a lack of any meaningful resolution to her arc. I would like to apologize for this, but my bias won't allow me to confess that I did anything wrong, only that I lacked the means to complete something that I had at first done right.

  Thanks again, Castilho, for your post. It’s always deeply encouraging to hear that my labor of love has been enjoyed by others as much as it was a joy to create!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2022-08-30 03:58:39 »
  Hey, DiscoCokkroach!  The files should not be the same. The Succession files are the 3 Field files, and the Martial Law files are the 3 Main files. And the 3 different files for each should be: FS, FL, and FI.

  While I would highly recommend trying out Martial Law, or even Ragnarok, I also totally understand wanting the vanilla experience. I tend to be the same with the graphics. I love all the visual mods, but I still end up going back to the vanilla look.

  I'm confident that you'll enjoy Succession, and feel free to let us all know what you think when you're done!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2022-08-13 03:56:46 »


  Hello, everyone!

  At long last I finally have a meaningful update. It’s nothing large, so don’t get too excited. I had recently received some quality feedback from someone who just finished the mod. It was about the scene in the Ragnarok conference room immediately after the team returns from space.

  I never quite felt like that scene captured what I had originally wanted, and I never thought the original had captured what the writers were hoping for, either. I am specifically talking about the dynamic between Squall and Quistis. Without going into too much detail, I changed my whole approach to the scene, and I rewrote almost the entire thing. I think it flows much more smoothly, now. It also makes more sense in light of how Squall and Quistis should be feeling at the time, as well as taking into account the changes I made with regard to Rinoa.

  Whenever any of you get around to playing through it, let me know what you think!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2022-07-11 02:13:52 »
Real life is probably busy for them atm. :)
But i still have hope that this will continue to be updated eventually in the future! lol

  I love this mod, and I always appreciate the support from all of you, but yes, lots of real life, unfortunately. Also I have largely moved on to my next writing project, and I am trying to devote my free time to that.
  Also, my CPU finally died, and I lost most of the next update I was planning on posting. It wasn't large, mainly small typo fixes. And I lost my small progress on the Remaster. Not the end of the world, but still sad.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2022-07-11 01:43:36 »
I haven't read all the comments earlier so I apologize if this has been asked before, I didn't want to spoil myself on anything, but I was curious if this was a straight up retranslation that's accurate to the original Japanese script or the original translation rewritten with your own flavor to it?

  It is DEFINITELY rewritten with my own flavor. But I went out of my way to maintain the original sound and characterization of each of the main characters. All of the characters have a greater degree of depth and maturity than the original, but they still maintain their original identity. As I mentioned in the description, the greatest deviations were with Headmaster Cid and Seifer. Rinoa has also received a lot of attention, but that is primarily in terms of adding to her backstory and motivation, not her personality.

  I do not speak Japanese, but I had originally attempted to use a number of 'more accurate' versions of the script for reference and inspiration. But everything I found was so strikingly similar to the original that I gave up on that very quickly.
  The version we received was remarkably faithful as a translation. I would only argue that it was fairly poor as a localization.

  And also, despite what you may have heard, the great Ted Woolsey did not actually appear to me in a vision, providing me with his own immaculate localization. That was a joke.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2022-07-11 01:02:02 »
Just a quick question in regards to compatibility with ragnarok:

You mention several times to install ragnarok and then overwrite with your "field.fs files"

would this be ONLY field.fs, or all three of field.fs,, and field.fl that would be needed for the overwrite?

Yes, sorry. That can be confusing when using these files for the first time. Whenever someone refers to the field, the main, the menu, the battle, or any other files, they always mean all three. I should be more specific.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-05-02 00:04:30 »
@Rikku There is absolutely no reason why your game should freeze as long as you installed everything correctly.
  If you use my mod with any other, the only thing that will happen is that you will miss out on any features from that mod that are a result of editing the field.fs files, which are the only files that I have changed to create my mod.
  Thankfully, so far, no gameplay or graphical mods drastically edit the field.fs files, so Succession is MOSTLY compatible with them all.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-29 18:31:51 »
Is this compatible or partially compatible with the Crystal gameplay mod? Would love to try the combination out.
  Yes, partially. It won't be compatible with any features that alter the field.fs files. This would include new side quests, new item and card locations, altered drawpoints, and extra bosses. Just about everything else will be fine.
  Just follow the install instructions for the Crystal mod, then drop in the Succession files at the end.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-25 05:52:56 »


  Odine's end game exposition has finally been updated!  For all of you who recognized how cramped and convoluted that dialogue felt, I have improved it for you. I've simplified my explanation of the Succession, as well as the nature of Ultimecia. And I reduced the number of words for Odine by about 2/3, making it much more digestible.

  I have also removed all description of Ultimecia from Odine and given it back to Edea, where it belongs. I was able to find the perfect place to add extra dialogue for her. I have re-written the optional scene where Edea discusses the idea of a Sorceress' Knight with Rinoa. Now instead she uses that time to tell Rinoa about Ultimecia and the Succession. This lays the groundwork for the discussion with Odine, so that he can focus on telling the team what they need to do next.

  It now feels far more straightforward, if perhaps also more simplistic. I think you will all find this to be an improvement in pacing, as well as a clever use of a scene that is otherwise often overlooked.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-25 05:44:06 »
I'm currently returning to Balamb, and I'm delighted that NORG has been alluded to in the past and I won't just get chucked in with Squall's epic dialogue "What a surprise" on learning of NORG.
As a long playing fan I'm really happy to see Sorceresses mentioned in texts previously, to see a recognition that everybody WENT TO THE SAME ORPHANAGE, along with reasonable explanations that many seeds were originally orphans.

  Thanks!  As you can tell, I went to great lengths to construct a logical progression of events throughout the story. Often times, the original would provide what should have been a very strong payoff, but it didn't deliver, because it lacked the necessary set-up (like the amnesia).
  I did my best to provide effective set-ups for every significant payoff throughout the story. I also tried to put a little extra thought into the world, and how the setting might color the perspectives of the main cast.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-24 04:24:17 »
@gunner_1207  Ha!  You're too kind.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-22 18:15:18 »
  It's great to hear from you. I'm so glad to see how much you liked it!  It was indeed a massive undertaking. I have spent so much more time on this than I would have wanted when I first started. But the result is also so much better than I would have ever imagined. And all of the feedback I have received has been invaluable.
  I'm about to release another update, so I will make sure to include your typos/corrections.
  And about your questions...

In Dollet the seed mission why change the squad ranks? ,selphie now a mechanic
Spoiler: show
  For Selphie, the primary reason why I wanted her to be a mechanic was to give her a justifiable excuse for suddenly being able to fly the Ragnarok. I would have made her a pilot, but we already had Nida. So I wanted some other way to give her some technological skill. I thought about calling her an engineer, but that sounded a bit too lofty. There is also the scene after they escape the D-District Prison where she is gets into one of the cars and is suddenly able to start it up without any problems. I originally wanted to imply that she had the ability to hot-wire it.
  In my original notes I had generated a lot of depth for each of the main characters that never made it into the game. For Selphie in particular, I had wanted to make her into a bit of a manic, autistic savant. The idea was that, even though she was socially awkward, a little crazy, and often sounded and acted like a silly girl, she was actually a technological and mathematical wizard.
  I had hoped to make this clear during the missile base mission. When we got a chance to hear her inner thoughts, I wanted to dramatically contrast her thoughts with how she spoke. Even though all her spoken conclusions would make her sound wildly eccentric, the way she would arrive at those conclusions would be through the inner monologue of a genius.
  I thought it was a hilarious idea, but as you can see, the construction of the dialogue in the missile base didn't ultimately allow me to execute it effectively.
  Beyond that, Selphie loves trains. And I've never met anyone who loves trains that wasn't also an autistic savant.

After the seed inauguration party in the training centre after helping ellone, you called the white seeds 'exotic soldier' why?
Spoiler: show

  The reason why I eliminated the White SeeDs is connected to some of the changes I made to Edea's backstory, and the removal of Time Compression.
  In my mod, Time Compression is no longer a thing, and Edea never meets Squall in the past. Without meeting Squall, there is no good reason why Edea would ever strive to create an army to defeat her, especially given the changes I made to her backstory with Cid and the orphanage. I didn't intend this. It was just one of several unintended consequences of removing Time Compression. But it meant that I also had to change where Ellone's protectors came from. The name 'Exotic Soldier' was just a way to provide a sense of mystery about them.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-06 18:18:24 »
Oh man, just saw this, right the field.fs files. Would it be a big undertaking for the creator of Ragnarok to insert your dialogue in their mod and compile the field files?

  As far as I am aware, I would have to copy and paste all of my dialogue into the Ragnarok file, or copy and paste all of Ragnarok's altered code into my file. Either way, I can't currently justify the time. At least, not until I do the same thing for the Remaster.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-06 18:15:04 »
I gotta tell ya, I actually shelled out another ten bucks for the 2013 Steam release just so I play the game with your script!
Back in '99, I always felt there was a decent story somewhere in this game and that it just wasn't being told quite right. 

  Thank you so much!  I had the same feeling when I first played it, as well. It surprised me, especially after playing games like FF7 and FFT. I had come to expect more, and I didn't quite know what to think.
  This mod was an attempt to act on those feelings, and to see if I could bring out the best in this game's potential, without breaking the original entirely.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-04-03 19:19:03 »

   Yes, I have a lot of respect for Mike and Casen, and I greatly enjoyed their analysis. Every point they discussed was one that I am already intimately familiar with (as well as many they didn't mention), and I have attempted to address them in some way with my mod.
   For example, I have given special attention to the messaging (or lack of messaging) in the intro cinematic, and have developed a more coherent theme throughout the story, one that focuses on the conflict between Squall and Seifer, and between Edea and Rinoa. I have also provided numerous call-backs to the dialogue in the intro, in order to provide greater context and significance of those words as they related to Squall and Rinoa's relationship.

  Regarding the characterization, I agree, in the original the characters are very well realized (with the possible exception of Irvine, who was poorly introduced). The unique personalities of the main cast was possibly the most enjoyable thing about creating this mod, and I have done my best to retain and elevate that aspect.
  The main problem with this story was never its characters in general, but how disconnected they were from the plot and setting (a point that Resonant Arc drove home). And that is perhaps the greatest thing I have improved. The motivation of the characters from scene to scene is now far more natural, and the decisions they make have far more justification, set-up, and payoff.

  Beyond that, I have also raise the apparent maturity level of every single character in the game. While the original felt a bit like a story about teenagers, aimed at adolescents, my version feels more like a story about exceptional and surprisingly mature late teenagers, aimed at 20+ year-olds. The best way to harmonize the setting with the characters was to assume that the main cast were gifted children, and nowhere near 'typical teenagers', with the possible exception of Rinoa. This results in the tone of the entire story feeling closer to college level rather than adolescent level.

  But, be warned that I have made several strident changes to a select few characters. Seifer, Rinoa, and Cid have been altered the most from their vanilla characters. I have very good reasons for this, however. And so far, it seems that everyone who has played this mod highly approves of those changes.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-02-16 05:19:10 »
She also needs Squall to share her issues with him and demands his attention then getting shocked by his complete refusal to relate.
  I know, right!? 
  I worked really hard to broaden the tension between the two of them during that scene. I wanted to give them something more tangible to disagree about, rather than just their feelings for each other, while doing my best to maintaining that same emotional dynamic between them.
  Let me know what you think!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-02-16 05:06:48 »
I'm guessing this mod will conflict with Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod, correct?
Looking to play FF8 again, but with some new challenges. Perhaps a new story would be great too.
  In regards to Ragnarok, as I have said before, Succession is compatible with anything that doesn't change the field.fs files. That makes it compatible with almost all graphical mods, and around 85% of Ragnarok.

  I use Ragnarok regularly, and love it, and Succession is compatible with all of the battle related changes, and character/ability/junction changes. But any event related changes (extra battles, quests, item rewards, drawpoints, card locations) are, very sadly, not compatible at this point.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-02-16 05:00:08 »
Hey there.
Looking at my original comments on this mod, I sounded like a dick. Sorry.
Did you finish the mod as you intended?

  No worries!  I knew this mod was going to be a little out of the box, and not necessarily what most people were looking for.
  I would definitely say that, for the most part, I have wildly exceeded my own ambitions for this mod. But there are a few small challenges I haven't been able to overcome, and other posters here have done a good job of calling attention to them (and I greatly appreciate it).

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-01-23 19:02:00 »
@zenebazh Thank you for all the feedback!  I was very excited to hear how much you liked it.

Things I would do differently

Spoiler: show

  • Rinoa coming-out as sorceress in FH really cheapens Elliones reveal a lot for me. Its just 1 hour of gameplay between it and it does not give the player and Squall enough time to digest. Up untill Elliones confession we just had heard of evil sorceresses,  thus making Squall now revalue his worldview. It doesnt feel natural for Squall to stay calm and not adressing the matter after discovering that another sorceress is in their midst.

  Yes, I agree that, in terms of pacing, those two moments are too close together, and I would have changed that if I could. The problem is that there is no other appropriate moment for Rinoa to share her secret with Squall.
Spoiler: show
  I agree with you that Squall needed more time to re-evaluate his view of sorceresses. I was looking for another scene during disc 2 that would give him that opportunity, but I couldn't find one.
  Also, I never wanted for you to think of Rinoa's reveal as cheap, but I did want it to have less of an emotional impact than for Ellone. Squall idolizes Ellone, and for most of the game, he has much stronger feelings for her than for Rinoa. I wanted to make that contrast very apparent by showing how differently Squall reacts to each person's reveal.
  When Ellone tells Squall she is a sorceress, it shatters his entire conception of her, and forces him to re-evaluate how he sees the world. But when Rinoa tells Squall she is a sorceress, he thinks she's joking.
  At this point in the story, Squall doesn't value Rinoa's safety enough to be worried for her, and he doesn't think highly enough of her to realistically consider her a threat. He is also attracted to her, so he doesn't want to consider actively fighting against her. So, until something changes, he is unsure what to do, and he simply agrees to keep her secret for the time being.
  My goal was to highlight how wrong Squall was to dismiss her when we see her pivotal role in the events of the 3rd and 4th discs. This is especially true since I changed the circumstances surrounding Edea's loss of power. It is now the result of direct action that Rinoa knowingly took in an attempt to 'cure' Edea, rather than Rinoa simply being the victim of bad luck.
  Of course, please let me know if I failed to convey any of that.
(Also, which music did you have for the concert scene? If you chose anything but the full 'Irish Jig', then you got a far more truncated conversation. The 'Irish Jig is the only one that gives Rinoa the chance to argue her case for Squall's support, and it's the one I would recommend achieving.)

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  • I actually liked how in vanilla the player can only guess Rinoas sorceress status after the Battle of the gardens but is still left in the dark untill she finally tells us at the Raganrok. You already put a lot of hints in your rewrite which would make the vanila reveal more natural and coherent already, without losing the arc of anticipation it already had.

  I'm afraid I may be misunderstanding you, but I'll add this for the sake of clarity.
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  In the original game, no one is a sorceress until they inherit powers from another sorceress. Rinoa did not become a sorceress until the Garden battle, when she gained Edea's power. One of the most significant changes my mod made was to make Rinoa (and every other sorceress) a sorceress from birth.
  That is why I wasn't able to wait until the Ragnarok scene to reveal Rinoa's nature, because in my mod, her entire motivation throughout her life hinges on her being a sorceress, and suffering a massive guilt complex as a result. Unlike the original, I worked really hard to ensure that Rinoa was more than a mere 'damsel in distress'. I really hope I was able to properly convey that.
  What I had hoped to bring to culmination in the Ragnarok was far more than the revelation that Rinoa was a sorceress. I wanted to show her sense of despair that she could never live a normal life because of her 'curse'. This was a fear that had been plaguing her since she was a child, when she first discovered she was a sorceress. After seeing the problems she had caused in space (and elsewhere), she finally gave up hope. And this provides a much more personal sense of justification for her willingness to sacrifice herself for 'the good of the world'.
  I think this is by far the most impactful change to the story that I've made, especially considering how vacuous her vanilla character was. But since I haven't received any particular compliments for it, I'm starting to wonder if I utterly dropped the ball in trying to elevate Rinoa's story.

White SeeDs:
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  • Overcomplicating the White Seeds origin. I dont see any contradictions with them being dispatched by Edea to keep Ellione safe. This explains much better why Laguna wasn't abel to find her again. Instead of thinking she is dead.

  Yup. I'm glad you mentioned this. I didn't see a contradiction either, at first. While it doesn't create a contradiction for the plot, it does create a massive contradiction for the motivations for certain characters, namely Edea and Laguna. And please forgive me ahead of time, because this will be a bit long.
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  For Edea, there is no contradiction in the original game. She met Squall in the past, and therefore began making plans to create an army that would be able to defeat her at some point in the future. Perfectly fine.
  But in my mod, Time Compression isn't a thing, and she never meets Squall in the past. Without meeting Squall, there is no good reason why Edea would ever strive to create an army to defeat her, especially given the changes I made to her backstory with Cid and the orphanage. I didn't intend this. It was just one of several unintended consequences of removing Time Compression. But it meant that I also had to change where Ellone's protectors came from.

  And for Laguna, the vanilla game has one glaring character contradiction that (in my opinion, at least) is easily as bad, if not as obvious, as the amnesia.
  Why did Laguna ever stop looking for Ellone?
  Please imagine a scenario with me. As a child, you had a father who loved you. But when you were five, he decided to send you off to live with your mother, and you never heard from him again. Then your mother passed away, and you were forced to live in an orphanage until you became an adult. Years later, you discover that he has been the president of Japan for FIFTEEN YEARS. When you ask him what he's been doing with his life, and why he never bothered trying to find you, he says this:

"Your mother was dead.
 You were missing.
 My job kept me busy."

"I was left here thinking
 about this and that
 and before I knew it,
 all this time had passed."

  THIS is how Laguna attempts to justify his utter complacency to Squall. Laguna had become the president of the most powerful country in the world, and yet he couldn't be bothered to divert any resources into continuing to look for his surrogate daughter, the girl he had already traveled across the entire world in order to rescue.
  Somehow, for over fifteen years, he couldn't be bothered to find the time or the money to have someone ask around Winhill in order to discover that Raine had died while pregnant with his child, something that every other member of Winhill most likely knew, or to find out where the kids were sent after Raine passed. I personally have the resources to hire someone who could do that for me right now, and I'm not even the president of a small country, yet.
  This, in my opinion, is not only a contradiction in Laguna's character, it is a ridiculous plot contrivance which only exists to allow the rest of the events of the story to take place.
  Laguna needed a far more definitive reason to stop looking for Ellone. That's why he had to think she was dead.

  I admit that how I accomplished this may be overly complicated, and even contrived, but at least it doesn't allow Laguna to remain a dead-beat father who was apparently indifferent to causing Squall and Ellone significant abandonment issues. Issues that serve as one of the defining aspects of both their characters for the entire game.

Ultimecia/Time Compression:
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  • Your other big rewrite is the Time Compression. Besides the poor execution and explaination, I hadn t such a huge problem with that aspect from vanila, though I understand why others had.
     I like your concept of this ancestor-sorceress power source (reminds me of the Bene Geseritt in Dune), but the way you deal with Ultimecia actually worsens the problem people had with her to begin with. I get that you wanted to keep it ambigous with what she actually is, which would have worked in good Final Fantasy Tradition of a bizarre looking diabolo-ex machina. But she has a very distinct design that gets introduced earlier in the game, which makes it unsatisfying that she is just a personigication of a hive mind. Making her a witch of the past makes more sense with the final dungeon and Ellione junctioning them to the past. Question would still linger why she choose to intervine now? Was she already controling Adel? Was Edea the first who was weak enough to succumb to her? Does the discovery of the lunatic pandora affected it? Pushing Ultimecias introduction by Edea at the start of disc 3 to Odyne at the end is might the reason the explanation feels so cramped

  I think I agree with your first point. I don't have a problem with Time Compression as much in theory as I do with how it was explained and implemented. (Though, as a rule, I would try to avoid time travel in any story unless it was a story specifically about time travel, because otherwise it invariably becomes deus ex machina.)
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  I definitely agree about how cramped it feels at the very end. It was and continues to be my greatest disappointment with my mod. I had originally intended to keep Ultimecia's reveal where it was, with Edea's scene at the start of disc 3. But I wanted to offer more information about Seifer and the Lunatic Pandora, as well as focus the scene on Rinoa's plight and Squall's reaction to it. I think this was a very good decision, especially considering how much praise I've received for that scene specifically.
  But, in order to keep THAT scene from getting too cramped, I had to push back discussion of Ultimecia all the way to Odine. This is because the plot moves at lightning speed as soon as you get to Esthar. This is great for pacing, but awful for establishing a final villain to an epic tale. This was just as much of an issue with the vanilla story, given how poorly Ultimecia was explained by Edea in the first place. My struggle in this area exposes the structural problems that already existed in the original story.
  What I really want is an extra scene with Odine and Edea discussing sorcery, right after they get to Esthar, before they go to space. (I still don't see any justification for why Squall was allowed to take Rinoa to space in the first place. It was a waste of resources and an obvious danger to everyone. Practically speaking, Rinoa and Edea should have been confined and monitored until Laguna and Ellone returned. And Odine should have used that time to study them both and explain everything he knew to Squall. Of course, then we wouldn't have had all that fun in space.) Unfortunately, I have to work with what we have, not what would I wish for.
  I've got another idea. Would you be willing to accept a data log entry at Squall's desk that explains everything in detail? (Just kidding!)

  I am working on a revision of Odine's monologue, and I'll release it as soon as I am able. And thanks again for all the very astute feedback!  It's been highly valuable, and has helped me clarify my perspective.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2021-01-08 18:27:02 »

I finished FFVIII and it was fantastic with your mod.

I have to admit that I'm happy I used it. I was watching my GF play through the rest of the game, and whew.
It's just... not as good as yours. So thanks for the amazing experience. I'll never forget it.
  Thank you so much!  I knew this mod would be a little out of the ordinary. I'm very glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

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