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Check out Lazarus - No, not the dude who came back from the dead.

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Although, perhaps it's named this way because Delphi came back from the dead.

Been a while since I used it, but it's had a major release.  Open source, cross platform IDE for Pascal language. If you can't stand C, like me, and can't abide what they did to Delphi after D7, then this is for you!

Pascal? I thought that was dead. I hate Pascal with as much (if not more) passion than you hate C. >:(

no one can hate c as much as me haha. Those headers alone are a nightmare compared to Delphi's lovely declarations in the same unit. I doubt IDEs based on Pascal will ever die.  The language is too neat and usable to die off. I'm trying to get to grips with Aali's driver source, and, to be frank, it's a nightmare.  In Delphi, I can look at code and know exactly what it does and where.  In C - I am hunting multiple files and debugging is a wreck.  Is this C in general, or just C++?

C in general is way more complicated with its #ifdef and #define keywords. It's completely asinine IMO. C++ is just much cleaner. Still no implicit headers, though so it's still a pain. I think C# fixes a lot of those issues.

C is much harder to use without things like gdb.


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