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Messages - Sebanisu

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There a pull request :D

I just noticed there might a issue if RaW isn't installed. I forgot to check if the folder existed.
 I just did a commit to fix on my fork. Do I do another pull request or just wait till I've done more?

I'm gonna eat dinner. then mess with the ffmpeg audio some.

I guess we could ignore the last post now. I made a class to deal with ffmpeg stuff. It's using the newer API. I still need to finish audio. I redid the current video functionality that Aforge did, with color corrected I think. At least for me the video had Red and Blue switched. Some issues with linux that should be able to be worked out per the FFmpeg.Autogen github. So now I will go back to audio and try to get that going. After I look at some Java for a friend.

Audio should be a drop in the bucket now as the video code is known good. I just need to tell it give me the audio and tada, I hope.

I've committed everything locally. I think I need permission on Github to submit to you. It should probably go in it's own branch to prevent messing anything you are working on.

For fun: I added the squaresoft logo to the front of overture. The intro movie to new game.

I started messing with ffmpeg last night. I found some src for the goal i think in c++.
Mainly just was trying to add audio to the video player you made to see how good it would work.
I am stuck on one line of the c++ that I can't seem to find the correct cast for one of the variables.
I don't know if the lines below this will work till I get this line functional.
code i'm referencing.
line i'm having trouble with.
Code: [Select]
       // convert input frame to output buffer
        int got_samples = swr_convert(
            &buffer, out_samples,
            (const uint8_t **)frame->data, frame->nb_samples);
frame->data is the issue. it's throwing an error cannot cast byte_ptrArray8 to byte **.
I'm using ffmpeg.autogen from the NuGet. And the newest ffmpeg 32bit dlls.

Gonna take a break and watch some anime.

--- edit
Code: [Select]
uint8_t * data [AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]// pointer to the picture/channel planes.
if i were to make it in c#, i think it would look like
Code: [Select]
byte*[] data = new byte*[8]; so I did make one of those and copied that data one byte at a time to it. But then I couldn't make byte*[] into byte**;
I might of got past this part.. there is a extended_data variable. Which I think is the same thing but it's a byte** instead of the other.

So now it's just getting all this data into a form i can play it back.
PROGRESS!! :D sound at last!

Sound is playing but it's not in the correct format so it's sounding like garbage :P. So I just need to get the code working that converts the sound to 16bit pcm.

i might be celebrating too early after converting and it still sound bad i'll know :P
well I think I was just getting random garbage to play.
swr_convert is returing a -22 didn't notice it at first. I found the errorcode function and turns out that is invalid argument. So I don't think it likes extended data.
I sware i tried using fixed before... It still isn't working but i am sending data.
Code: [Select]
byte*[] a = frame->data;
                int frame_count=0;
                fixed (byte** b = a)
                    frame_count = ffmpeg.swr_convert(swr, (byte**)&buffer, frame->nb_samples, b, frame->nb_samples);
                    if (frame_count < 0)
                        throw new Exception($"{frame_count} - {averror(frame_count)}");
I got rid of that error finally. I guess I had a issue with my swr context. Or the channel_layout was 0. I changed both. :P

For some reason the loop is not working correctly at least not on all the files... I'm 99% sure my code is correct but on '512 The Loser.ogg' it's obvious that STARTLOOP is being ignored. So it is looping the whole sound effect. So I look forward to ffmpeg.


Are you sure?  LOOPSTART should be absent when you don't want a loop.  LOOPSTART=0 will loop from start.

I just found the reason OpenAL is ignoring LOOPSTART and LOOPLENGTH. Monogame has a variable to set for LOOPSTART but it just doesn't do anything. Though if I set LOOPLENGTH it throws an exception. heh.

there was a commit to attempt to fix. now I'm wondering if it's using openal. or if the commit is live in the version i'm using.

I think all opengl projects default to using openal for audio via these functions. The function where I set the LOOPSTART ->
I'm done messing with this for now.  :P

just going to fiddle. I was thinking I might be able to do the ingame menus just need to learn how more of the things these classes work.

It's expected behaviour- I am not converting ADPCM to PCM stream due to NAudio compatibility issues with Linux- instead I'm forcing to play compressed sound.
I realized all this after a while. I spent a lot of time trying too google a way to convert the adpcm to pcm. Just kept finding the function that you already were using in windows. I actually thought I fixed it by removing waveout from the equation. Till I went to check again last night and i then realized I was looking at the wrong function as the problem.  I was thinking of comparing the bytes of the pre and post converted audio. *shrugs*.
Vorbis OGG is also a compression format, just like adpcm. They both need conversion to basic stream, which FFMpeg will be capable of this.
Naudio.Vorbis uncompesses the audio to a 32-bit float WaveStream. I found a function to convert it to 16 bit. So the ogg music is playing and looping in Windows and Linux.
I'll be moving to FFMpeg soon- that will solve this problem
Sounds good. I was thinking of finishing up the ogg music playing stuff. It works like the directmusic stuff. So I was going to setup my code to mirror what you have there.
I'm sorry for these posts. I was figuring things out as I went. I shoulda came back and edited more as I figured things out.

--- edit---
For some reason the loop is not working correctly at least not on all the files... I'm 99% sure my code is correct but on '512 The Loser.ogg' it's obvious that STARTLOOP is being ignored. So it is looping the whole sound effect. So I look forward to ffmpeg.

symbolNames in module-field_debug doesn't seem to be working. Just a black screen. i'm getting string[1] with a lot of 0 values. On testbl3 it gives a out of range exception on the line of
Code: [Select]
epe[i].labelASM = symbolNames[epe[i].label];"C:\\ff8\\Data\\eng\\FIELD\\mapdata\\te\\testbl3\\" I guess this is supposed to be a bunch of strings. It's many 0 and 255 values instead. I was getting a lot of index out of range errors when it was trying parse it.
I uncommented statupscript and started seeing images. with some exceptions which might be why it was commented :P

I'm looking at the diffs in github's app might try to commit tonight.

I got some audio playing in linux but it's all distorted for some reason. I am loading the entire ogg into a byte array to add to a sound effect. I heard something but it's noisey, lots of static.

Okay after much time. I found the answer on a form for what i thought was the problem and issue solved.

I'm unsure what the other sounds format is but i might run the bytes through this function and see if the distortion goes away for those.

I didn't know WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream() was there. I just attempted to stick it in but it didn't like the vorbis source. So i guess we stick with the current version for now.

Well I was fiddling with Naudio and managed to get the Overture ogg file to play. I'm unsure about the portability. I'm gonna D/L ubuntu and install in vm. To see if it works. Looks like I need to make a helper class to enable looping. Just wanna see if it works in linux first before i put more effort into it :P

Man Virtualbox is going slow. I think it's the hard drive slowing it down. I didn't wanna use my ssd space, but it's maxing out my hard drive speed lol.

Maybe it's because I was only giving it 1 core and 1gb of ram. it was probably chocking it's self going in and out of the virtual memory/swap.

Yep that fixed it. I sat here for like an hour watching apt-get stuck on something lol

I was thinking that the instructions line "apt-get install mono" should be changed to a link for at least for me mono isn't a package. after adding the repository the package it told me to install was mono-devel.

Maybe need to add "sudo apt-get install monodevelop" to instructions

space bar gets past the overture

arrow keys move around menu

enter selects

when in the battle screen controller or mouse and keyboard wasd can be used to move around. Though mouse is hella sensitive.

Escape exits the program

unsure what button leaves the field or battle screens.

For fun I've been messing with adding controller support to the menus. Unsure if Maki would like me to commit my code to github. It's mostly functional. I had to check for double inputs because it was putting inputs into the next menu before it loaded. :P Maybe I broke the delay check. Though it's 100ms maybe I just am too slow to let go of the button. It gets my brain working if nothing else.

I installed Roses and Wine W07 full with installer and it renamed dmusic to dmusic_backup so I guess just need to add a if statement to check both folders? For me everything was still working just the music didn't play.
Contents for dmusic:
Code: [Select]
Contents for dmusic_backup
Code: [Select]

Could be if any files are missing from the music mod being installed.
Just looking it tries to load /Music/dmusic/FF8.dls and gets later on .sgt files.

It doesn't like it if the FF8.dls is missing. I just renamed mine and it errored. So check to make sure those files are there.

What mod are you using?

I got the code and I'm looking at it. :D I got it to run no problem. I'm kinda new to C# and don't know much about reverse engineering.  Maybe if I can come up with something that helps. Just looking at the code and getting ideas. I have the steam version and the psx version.

Maybe this should have it's own spot under "Project forums" with q-gears.

I look forward to trying this.

Support / Re: FF7 Strange Graphical Glitch
« on: 2019-03-04 20:04:10 »
Good to know I had this problem last time I tried 7th heaven. So I just gave up heh.

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-29 15:00:09 »
Which irc server and channel you guys use?

I'm not sure what to do for unit tests. Since I haven't wrote any of this, I'm not sure how it all works. I spent some of last night trying to follow along. Maybe I should run in debug mode and step. hmm

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-29 01:23:01 »
hmm Now that I got something working that I can fiddle with. I wonder what goal I should have. What thing I should try to work on?

Should I start a new thread and let this thread end?

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-29 00:37:16 »
I tweaked the code to run qgears in a window.

Now i can run in multi monitor. I'm not sure why it wasn't workin.

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-28 23:31:12 »
--deleted--- misunderstood so I said something that was wrong.

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-28 23:28:23 »
Oh disabling multi monitor fixed my issue.

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-28 23:19:39 »
I'm kinda scratching my head to why I'm getting this glitch

the screen is being drawn in the top left corner. I think I'll try disabling my dual monitor setup and see if that fixes it.

But I'm pretty sure when I just built with cmake and mingw it didn't do this.


Any free font should do for that debug text. I'm unsure how font's are handled I spent a few mins skimming over the documentation.
You could add another few lines of code after the thing and maybe make it try another font. I'm not entirely sure how fonts are handled though I only skimmed over the documentation

Code: [Select]
    m_Font = Ogre::FontManager::getSingleton().getByName( "CourierNew" );
    if( m_Font.isNull() )
        LOG_ERROR( "Could not find font \"CourierNew\" for debug draw." );
Code: [Select]
    m_Font = Ogre::FontManager::getSingleton().getByName( "CourierNew" );
    if( m_Font.isNull() )
//        LOG_ERROR( "Could not find font \"CourierNew\" for debug draw." );
          m_Font = Ogre::FontManager::getSingleton().getByName( "thisotherfont" );
          if( m_Font.isNull() ) {
                 LOG_ERROR( "Could not find font \"CourierNew\" or this other font for debug draw." );

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-28 17:27:19 »
i do not build ogre the builds are the builds on the ubuntu/debian repos.

I misunderstood. I misread the part, where you were testing with ogre 1.9 and ogre 1.8, as compiling ogre for some reason. :P

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-28 02:23:12 »
One thing I noticed, before I called it a night Thursday, is that the one I built in cmake made a blackscreen. The one I built with code::blocks won't stay full screen. So I think I might be linking the wrong version of the libraries or something. *not sure what else it could be yet*
I picked the libs for boost mt-s.a for release and the mt-sd.a for debug. But I don't know if that is right yet.
And for Ogre I kinda picked all the libs accept the direct3d one. So I might be linking something that isn't even being used. :P

I think you aren't linking those library files. I had to add them on mine.
I got a similar error and found files that had program_options and filesystem, in the filename, in the boost lib folder and added them to the linkers.

About the mutex errors I think that is caused from ogre u built not having threading enabled. My best guess.

The problem with cmake when it create's code::block projects just add shortcuts to the mingw32-make instead of using the built in features of code::blocks. So you click build in code::blocks it runs mingw32-make with the pre-setup directions from cmake. From my google searches it seems projects made this way won't let you debug. Maybe I'm wrong though. I did try to force debugging on with cmake but it didn't help. Code::blocks errored and said it couldn't debug this.

It's been a couple days of working so I hope I'm not misremembering anything.

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-24 23:36:42 »
Okay it is working.

I thought Debugging wasn't working but it just happened to be going slow.

I gave up to quickly. I'm gonna probably be done for this week.

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-24 17:11:24 »
I had an idea. since cmake is working. I could use the cmakelists as a guide on what to include in the project. :P

edit: yay code::blocks compiled something.

I kept getting linker errors so I had to keep tweaking it till I got it to finish.

Though I think I am including more ogre and boost libraries than I needed. As I wasn't sure what was needed.
So I like added a bunch of stuff to the linker settings at-least with ogre.

Now I am recompiling in the proper folder location so now I can see if it'll run. Also to kinda make sure the first time wasn't a fluke. :P

edit2... I think something still off. I tried running it and nothing showed up. I'm compiling in debug mode hopefully something will tell me what is wrong :P

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-24 16:31:19 »
Well Cmake is working great for building.

I think i got code::blocks working. (building now)

I'm on Windows. I think QTCreator and KDevelop aren't options for me. I ran Linux for a little bit, but I like playing games, and my computer is too slow to run most things with Wine.

If I ever get around to updating I might try to jump back in. My CPU is only 2.2ghz and my video card is only a Geforce 465 GTX. So some games barely run on windows. :)

edit: Oh QTCreator runs on windows. I'll install it and see what it is like.

edit2: it failed to compile then i seemed to make it worse trying to fix it :P

Q-Gears / Re: Trying again :)
« on: 2014-04-24 00:49:13 »
I tried making a code::blocks project with cmake...
It will compile but you can't debug. Because it becomes kinda a front end for mingw32-make.

I think to use code::blocks. I'll need to make a new project file and readd everything manually. Probably starting with dependencies making sure it builds lua and such.

I'm not sure how easy it is to fix the existing code::blocks project from the repository. It just couldn't find anything out of the box. And I'm kinda a noob with code::blocks. :P

I feel tough if I don't have an ide setup I can't debug. Other than change the file and compile and see if it worked. :P

I could always use eclipse. I donno which is easier. I use eclipse for php and python scripting.

I use Notepad++ for editing batch files.

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