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Messages - Osprey

Pages: [1]
Hi, thank you for a great mod! I like that there is this huge variety in difficulty throughout the game. Nothing feels generic. :) I also appreciate the many surprises. I have stayed away from the forum until now, because of potential spoilers. I am at the exact same point in the game as KittyJaws. And the "Exit" materia trick/glitch? works for me too. But only in this particular cave. I also have a question regarding "Guidebook". Is it obtainable from the "Ghost ship"? I tried morphing it by calculating its health by casting poison and multiplying it by 32. However, the enemy seems to "die spontaneously" when its close to 0 HP.(no poison) Not letting me morph it. Am i doing something wrong? So I temporarily turned of HC mod and got the item, and turned it back on. Until i know it is obtainable. I am planning on kicking Emeralds &%* the long way. :)   

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