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Messages - Arthandas

Pages: [1]
What a great tool, I used it on the psx version to set the lv 2 required exp to 9999999 to enforce a lv1 challenge :) Thanks!

Hi. I wished I have this kind of almighty power ^^'
No, it is not possible to increase the data size of the PSX version to my knowledge, so inserting the heavy FMVs of the PC version in the PSX disc image is out of reach, even before considering format discrepancies.
I had to ask :) I know it won't run on original psx even if I managed to swap them but I'm hoping it's somehow possible when emulating in RetroArch for example.

If you want to do the other way around, it might be possible with other tools.
Why would I want to swap those high res movies? xD
Anyway, thanks for your time :)

Hi, is it possible to use your tool to swap the fmvs of the psx version with PC ones?

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-08-23 11:37:23 »
I don't know why but this pack causes a lot of stuttering. Every few seconds the game will stutter and for a brief moment drop to around 90% speed. This happens even if I stand still in an empty room. I know it's not my hardware since I can run it at 10x res with 60fps hack at rock solid 100% speed and the game keeps stuttering even if I drop the res to 1x. For reference, I have i5-7500, gtx 1060, 16gb ram, win10 and a ssd. Also, I'm playing the European version.

My ppsspp.ini:

Spoiler: show

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Can you port the original backgrounds?

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-09-05 16:14:50 »
Can the fix be ported?

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-30 05:40:50 »
HiRes images were never kept.
It wasn't really common practice to save source or resources
Except that's not really true. Competent companies weren't losing their assets left and right - it's mostly a Square's thing. How many source codes did Nintendo lost? Blizzard? Id Software? Any other major company? If you're in business of making software, you keep backups of its source code, that's just common sense and embarrassing yourself is by now Square's modus operandi.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-29 18:57:33 »
Over an hour of gameplay here
Damn, those backgrounds... I can't believe those incompetent idiots lost both the source code AND the original high res backgrounds. Jesus Christ, the more I look at them the uglier they become, how's that even possible.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-29 11:42:41 »
Not saying that it is censorship but afaict the other summon models aren't "redesigned".
Because they don't need to be. Siren looked like she had a pubic jungle between her legs but if you look closely (or check the concept art) it's just "feather armor". Now it looks like a feather skirt and the design as a whole is clearer. Whether you like it or not, there's no other version of that particular model so you can't call it censorship. Unlike Squall, I think this model is a huge improvement.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-29 08:56:49 »
siren is being censored
That's not censoring, it's just an updated model with better design.

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-20 22:47:37 »
Can't agree with this enough.  And I've said it before 1000x but this is why we get nowhere with today's game companies.  They know they can get away with laughing in our faces.
Yeah, and to add insult to injury, the current owners are expected to buy it again with no discounts for almost twice the price of the original :D

General Discussion / Re: FFVIII Remastered
« on: 2019-08-20 17:08:58 »
That's also why is only costs 19.99$ which is an amazing price
Wow, 20 bucks for a THIRD release of the same game except now it has 10 updated models, retextured summons/bosses and backgrounds smeared in vaseline yet some fanboys STILL think they're paying an amazing price.

Has any other emulator reached the perfection of mednafen for FF8?
There's Beetle PSX HW which is a better fork for libretro.

Man, reading through the database is a pure pleasure. I love how everyone is so pedantic even about the smallest fixes. I didn't know you're also fixing the psx bugs. Reunion as a whole is a lot more than we could hope even from a proper remaster.

That's awesome, who cares about achievements anyway? "Win your first battle", "Use X's first limit break", "Complete the first part of the game"... I'm surprised there are no separate achievements for buying, installing and starting the game xD All for a colored icon on your Steam profile no one cares about.

I see ff7.exe got a lot of edits, could you maybe remove that stupid Square Enix account login check from the Steam version? I was using 7h to basically downgrade the game to the 98 version but I'd rather use Reunion and nothing else.

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