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Messages - Timu Sumisu

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 ... 71
Completely Unrelated / New Compie!
« on: 2013-01-02 16:06:23 »
Finished building most recent PC. Not the greatest pics, but had no tripod, nor decent light setup. Maybe another time.
No overclocks yet.

32GB Gskill RAM
MSI Mpower motherboard
360GB solid state
4.5TB hdd

DLBP... where did you get that list?

While I was not as disgusted as you were with it, and I did have a lot of fun with this part 1, I agree, Jackson seems to be trying too hard to 'epic' the Hobbit up.

Part of the reason Gandalf is always leaving the party is because their task just isnt /that/ important.

Onto the actual film, I quite enjoyed the characters, even the dwarves (some got the short end of the character development, but with 13, what do you expect, hopefully more in movies 2 n 3).
The main cast came across quite well, and by in large all the book based plot points fit in line with the level of the LOTR series.

The big shortcomings came in over CG'd action.
-Stone Giants? Where did this come from? why is it in the movie? you don't need a godzilla fight to give the characters the excuse to rest in a cave... They'd just do that anyways.
-The white orc/defiler, I do recall him being mentioned in the LOTR appendices or in some mention of history during Moria in the books, so kudos to digging for a villain instead of making one up. Overly CG-ing him was unnecessary though >.>
-The whole goblin mountain sequence - I know PJ loves these rediculous action scenes with extensive chases, unrealistic falls, and all that, but its not a cartoon. Even in the cartoon of the hobbit, they kept it more down to earth. (check that animation out, very oldschool, cute rendition of the hobbit, whole book in ~1h)
-Radagast the stoner? The character design on this guy boggles me. He seems to have jumped out of narnia, not middle earth.

General Discussion / Re: FFXIV - A Realm Reborn (2.0)
« on: 2012-12-17 12:37:44 »
Please do. My hopes arn't up, but I am interested.

I'm not too impressed either... they'd have been better off picking up random cosplayers for the shoot.

Graphical / Re: WIP Tifa
« on: 2012-12-11 16:54:19 »
It's not unprofessional in this context, as we cannot have ripped material on this forum. A professional would have no problem showing a watermarked version of their texture sheet, or a wireframe of their model to back up their claim. If there is cause to believe work posted is not original, its not uncommon around here to ask about it.

Completely Unrelated / Re: People are stupid
« on: 2012-12-06 14:08:18 »
My mother and step-father have a 10-years gap between them, but at the age they're at, it doesn't seem wrong or anything.

half the older person's age + 7! always safe~

Completely Unrelated / Re: People are stupid
« on: 2012-12-05 12:46:02 »
If you can stand up to this on a forum, do it in reality.

@ dlpb,
In Vgr's land its 16, but 18 for anal intercourse!

Worth being sticky-ed, in my opinion.

Done aaaaaand... Done!

Just tested all my new computer parts tonight, will have it built in the next few days and can get testing/tweaking on this. At a quicdk go on my laptop, it said mathutils didnt exist >.>

Will have to update my python stuffz.

Note: Said computer is notably awesome, and sweet pics are sure to come!

I should get this working to make blender scripts!

Love game theory, good show. I'm hoping for another Zelda episode :D

Graphical / Re: Handicapable Cloud + Nanaki
« on: 2012-11-11 18:59:27 »
A few plates on his thighs and maybe a 'helm' and it'd look pretty sharp!

General Discussion / Re: FFXIV - A Realm Reborn (2.0)
« on: 2012-11-11 18:32:34 »
Is square trying to get hype for 14 with this? Uninspired character creation menus and a 5 minute clip of running around... Hopes are not high.

Graphical / Re: Handicapable Cloud + Nanaki
« on: 2012-11-10 15:52:34 »
Cid could be in an astronaut suit :P

Graphical / Re: Handicapable Cloud + Nanaki
« on: 2012-11-10 02:45:13 »
Barret could be missing his other hand too! Give him one of those really tiny hooks.

Graphical / Re: Handicapable Cloud
« on: 2012-11-09 18:02:25 »
Ramps for everyone - Especially in the Shinra building.

Graphical / Re: Handicapable Cloud
« on: 2012-11-09 00:58:09 »
Maybe the chair has a seatbelt of sorts

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2012-11-07 15:46:22 »
Very nice

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2012-10-30 15:53:30 »
its also a matter of getting the fluid to simulate the way you like it with the right lighting and glow. If there were animated frames to it, i'd suggest doing this, but for a single frame, the fastest and most accurate (to original) results will come from a matte painting.

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2012-10-30 15:18:33 »
I'd do the water via matte painting. just get some appropriately shape waterfall/water resources and shoop it up at the appropriate resolution. Fluid dynamics will was yer render time.

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2012-10-27 14:15:37 »
Keep the distorted geometry, just have em look like the originals.

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2012-10-24 17:34:49 »
yes, but when highly zoomed out it can mess up.

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2012-10-24 17:03:13 »
This kind of thing is usually caused by polygons being too close to eachother, try making the pickets thicker

Team Avalanche / Re: [HD Remake] WIP Sector 5 slums
« on: 2012-10-24 15:54:07 »
What shaders are you using?

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