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Messages - Saint Gilgamesh

Pages: [1]
FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-15 22:40:41 »
I am getting this error with the newest version- mscorwks.dll cannot be loaded.

Archive / Re: Materia editing
« on: 2008-06-24 18:50:48 »
Darn. Oh well.

If any hex editing geniuses are interested in seeing if this is possible, please let me know what you find.


I was messing around with the program AttackEdit and I was able to make spells from the Enemy Skill materia show up on Magic Materia. However, the spells don't show up as being equipped and the game crashes when I enter a battle.

Archive / Materia editing
« on: 2008-06-24 17:38:44 »
Is it possible to place Enemy Skill spells onto a Magic Materia? If so, can it be done without a hex editor?

Pages: [1]