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Messages - whgang99

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Wow! You're the best! Although I already played the Android version, now I gotta buy the PC version again, because of YOU!! :lol:
Adding filters to improve backgrounds already sounded good enough, but hearing that you also dealt with those masks, I can't but get the PC version to play with this mod. Those dirty masks always bothered me throughout the gameplay... Thank you for making this game look much, much better!

It's a Japanese character too with a different meaning -

凶 (hiragana きょう, romaji kyō)
ill fortune

"Ill fortune."

See The Reunion Database (link on first post)

It is an ill fortuned attack because the attack can inflict paralysis.
Thanks. I never knew it had such meaning in japanese. (and also that it inflicts paralysis)

Hello, I have a question about the translation of "curse slash", which is "凶斬り" in japanese. As long as I know, chinese character 凶 has meaning similar to 'violent' or 'bad' (and is far from 'curse') and 斬 means 'slash'. And Cloud swings his sword in "凶" shaped track, which was probably why the name was translated as "cross slash" in the original translation. Is it really sure the name should be translated to "curse slash"?

Thank you. I'll search for details and decide.

Hmm. I see. Thank you.

What about filters? I'd love just to have some filters like on FFIX. Can I get any filters for FFVII?

I played FFVII in PS1 version and now considering to get the steam version to use mods. I've seen lots of 3D graphics mods that make everything in 3D look good, but as long as pre-rendered backgrounds are pixellated, modding only 3D part doesn't improve overall graphics IMO.

I know team Avalanche is working on remaking pre-rendered backgrounds. Remaking 3D sources for all backgrounds must be an enormous task, so I don't expect a lot, but I want to know how much portion of all pre-rendered backgrounds are done.

Or are there any suggestable filtering methods that can be applied to original 320x240 backgrounds, like SE recently did for FFIX steam port? FFIX looks much better than FFVII just with filters. I want to use filters on FFVII if there are any.
I'm not interested in any other mods than that can improve those horrible pre-rendered backgrounds. I just wish not to see that pixellated backgrounds.

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