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Final Fantasy 7 => Graphics => Releases => Topic started by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-04 12:14:54

Title: [FF7PC-98/Steam] FMV Restoration (Discontinued, use Steam FMVs)
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-04 12:14:54

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Final Fantasy VII FMV Update

Status:  Complete.


Video Editing and manager:

PSX FMV Extraction/Decoder tool jPSXdec:

Special thanks to Mirrors: 
t9999clint, indrema, pyrozen

Main Files

Released.  Place all parts in the same place and run FMVRes.exe, found in Part 0.  Click on the hyperlinks below.

Part 0 (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0ByaJayPcq6ieZGIzNzQ5ZTktMmZiNi00NzdmLThhNGYtYTRmNzUzYjYxODRh&sort=name&layout=list&num=50)
Part 1 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByaJayPcq6ieMmY5NGMxNmUtZmQzNi00YzNiLWIxM2MtYmRmNDAyMGJmOTBh&export=download&hl=en)
Part 2 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByaJayPcq6ieZWI3YjYxZjUtNzhiNy00ZjA5LWI3NzgtZjZhZDg2MzhlZTVl&export=download&hl=en)
Part 3 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0ByaJayPcq6ieNDY0Mzc0MjctMzEyYS00YjlmLTg5OGQtOGYzNGIwZGVmNWYw&export=download&hl=en)
Part 4 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BxWMYNJS0W28M2E0M2NkZjctYWQ4OC00MGU2LWE2YmYtZDBkNDc3NzA3MmJm&export=download&hl=en)
Part 5 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BxWMYNJS0W28MmZmMmY4NTQtYzJkOS00Yzk5LWJjYWMtNmMwYzI0ZDJjZDM2&export=download&hl=en)
Part 6 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BxWMYNJS0W28Y2NkNGQxODktNjdhOC00YTQzLWEzZTgtNTE1NzUwNzQwZjkz&export=download&hl=en)

http://www.mediafire.com/?25vbb3thcenh8a2 (use for individual files)

Mirror 1
Part 0 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes.exe)
Part 1 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-1.bin)
Part 2 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-2.bin)
Part 3 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-3.bin)
Part 4 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-4.bin)
Part 5 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-5.bin)
Part 6 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-6.bin)

Mirror 2:
All Files (http://custompc.ca/DOWNLOADS/FF7-FMV/)

Other files

Make sure they are named "ending2.avi" and "jenova_e.avi" before you place them into the Movie folder.

jenova_e.avi Italian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Movies/jenova_e.avi)
jenova_e.avi Russian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_Rus.avi)
jenova_e.avi Spanish (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_spa.avi)

ending2.avi Italian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Movies/ending2.avi)
ending2.avi Russian (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16340142/Ending2Rus.avi)
ending2.avi Spanish (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/Ending2sp.avi)

Total FMV: 103 (97 in PSX version)
Total Complete: 103 (+1, the Squaresoft logo)
Release Date:  11th December 2010
Original Size: 849 MB
New Size: 1090MB (28% larger)


Now that I have finished the menu mod and will not be as busy, I think it is time to finally tackle the FMV's and update them using the PSX counterparts.  The outcome will not be "great" but it will be better than what we currently have.  We will be polishing a turd.  This project will be completed and pretty soon.

I am now in the process of re-encoding all the FMV's using the PSX counterparts.  The new method requires that I extract all frames into Photoshop and use genuine fractals on them (by batch).   The results are much better than any other method I have tried before and as far as I know, I am the only one to actually try this kind of thing.

1.  Copy FMV from Playstation disc
2.  Use http://kenai.com/projects/jpsxdec/pages/Home (http://kenai.com/projects/jpsxdec/pages/Home) PSX FMV converter tool (at highest settings), to get the FMV into uncompressed video
3.  Place video into virtualdub and extract all frames to PNG
4.  Run batch encoder in Photoshop with Genuine Fractals to enlarge the  frames to 1280*896 and place back to PNG
5.  Place PNG's back into Virtualdub and export to a lossless video with Lagarith
6. Lagarith Video goes into Sony Vegas where a Detail Enhancer by NewBlue is applied.
7.  Original sound (from PSX Video) is placed with the video.
8.  Video is exported into H.264 with AAC at high settings and average bitrate of 2000-3000KB/s, depending on scene.  For low action scenes 2000 average with 4000 maximum, and for high action, 3000 with a maximum 4000.  I may well have gone a bit over the top using 2000 and 3000, s this is animation at 15fps.  It may look almost as good with 1500-2000 average.

It isn't TOO daunting a task, nothing could possibly be as mind numbing as the nightmare I just finished.

Some of the following have also had a translation fix.  These are marked in Red.


Disc 1 (Total: 31, Complete: 31) Size: 319MB

bike.avi - Escape from Shin-Ra Building on bike. [Midgal corrected to Midgar]
biskdead.avi - Dyne and Barrett have their arms shot off  :-P
boogdemo.avi -  View of Space in Bugenhagen's observatory.
boogstar.avi - Explanation of the Lifestream and The Planet.
brgnvl.avi - Bridge snaps at Mt. Nibl.
earithdd.avi - Aerith is killed.
fallpl.avi - Avalanche escape from falling tower in District 7.
funeral.avi - Aerith is Buried.
gold1.avi - Skyline to the Goldsaucer
gold7_2.avi - Goldsaucer Gondola (Aerith with Cloud)
hiwind0.avi - First view of the Airship Highwind
jairofal.avi - Tiny Bronco falls to the ocean.
jairofly.avi - Tiny Bronco lifts off.
jenova_e.avi - Sephiroth confronts Jenova at Niblheim.
junon.avi - View of Junon
mainplr.avi - Last Train From Midgar comes around the main pillar
mk8.avi - Avalanche blast their way out in District 8
mkup.avi - View of Mako Reactor 1
monitor.avi - CCTV in the Shin-Ra building
mtnvl2.avi - View of Nibl mountains and Mako Reactor
mtnvl.avi - View of Mt. Nibl Mako Reactor
nivlsfs.avi - Sephiroth walks through flames at Niblheim
northmk.avi - Mako Reactor 1 explodes
nvlmk.avi - Pod at Nibl Mako Reactor opens
ontrain.avi - Cloud jumps on train in District 8
opening.avi - Introduction to Final Fantasy VII and Midgar [Midgul corrected to Midgar]
plrexp.avi - District 7 pillar is destroyed
rcktfail.avi - The Rocket  fails take off
setogake.avi - View of petrified Seto
smk.avi - Platform is destroyed at Mako Reactor 5
southmk.avi - Cloud falls from damaged platform at Mako Reactor 5

 Disc 2 (Total: 42, Complete: 42) Size: 390MB 

biglight.avi - Weapons are released from the Great Crater
c_scene1.avi - Sephiroth and his cocoon break free at the Great Crater
c_scene2.avi - Sephiroth and his cocoon make their appearance.
c_scene3.avi - Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black Materia
canon.avi - Mako cannon at Midgar fires.
canonh1p.avi - Fire from the cannon and Diamond Weapon intersect
canonh3f.avi - Rufus is killed (and yes he was).
canonht0.avi - Diamond Weapon retaliates.
canonht1.avi - Diamond Weapon is blown away.
canonht2.avi - Sephiroth's barrier is destroyed.
canonon.avi - The Cannon at Junon has been moved to Midgar.
dumcrush.avi - Cloud and Tifa are thrown into the Lifestream at Midhir.
feelwin0.avi - Diamond Weapon walks.
feelwin1.avi - Diamond Weapon leaves.
fship2.avi - Highwind view [PC only.  Updated.]
gelnica.avi - The airship Guernica
greatpit.avi - First view of the Great Crater
hwindfly.avi - Tifa falls off the cannon at Junon
hwindjet.avi - The Highwind has a new propulsion system
junsea.avi - View of ocean around Junon
meteofix.avi - Meteor in space, after rocket mission
loslake1.avi - Music key activates device at the Forgotten Capital
lslmv.avi - Water for screen at Forgotten Capital cascades
meteosky.avi - First view of Meteor
nrcrl.avi - Train crashes into North Corel
nrcrl_b.avi - Train does not crash into North Corel
parashot.avi - Party parachute into Midgar
phoenix.avi - Condor egg hatches
rckethit0.avi - Escape pod from rocket deploys
rckethit1.avi - Escape pod enters The Planet's atmosphere
rcketoff.avi - The Rocket in Rocket Town takes off into space
weapon0.avi - Junon's guns at the ready for Sapphire Weapon
weapon1.avi - Junon's main gun fires into the ocean at Sapphire Weapon
weapon2.avi - Junon in all out assault against Sapphire Weapon 1
weapon3.avi -  Junon in all out assault against Sapphire Weapon 2 [My fave!]
weapon4.avi - Sapphire Weapon emerges from Ocean
weapon5.avi -  Sapphire Weapon fires at Junon but has its head blown off
wh2e2.avi - Water Screen at the Forgotten Capital shows Aerith and White Materia
white2.avi - Water Screen, animation loop [Only in PC game.  Updated from Playstation game using fraps and pSX.]
zmind01.avi  -Midhir flashback, into Niblheim
zmind02.avi - Midhir flashback, starry night
zmind03.avi - Midhir flashback, into Tifa's room

Disc 3 (Total: 8, Complete: 8) Size: 289MB

ending1.avi - Cloud meets Sephiroth inside The Planet
ending2.avi - Sephiroth is killed (and yes he was)
ending3.avi - 500 years later
last4_2.avi - Inside the planet, background animation loop 1 [Only in PC game.  Updated.]
last4_3.avi - Inside the planet, background animation loop 2 [Only in PC game.  Updated.]
last4_4.avi - Inside the Planet, After Jenova Synthesis battle
lastflor.avi - Before battle with Rebirth Sephiroth
lastmap.avi - Sephiroth with Holy, background animation loop [Only in PC game.  Updated.]

Not Disc specific: (Total: 22, Complete: 22) Size: 91.6MB

boogdown.avi - Platform back down from Bugenhagen's main observatory.
boogup.avi - Platform up to Bugenhagen's main observatory.
car_1209.avi - Spec of a Shin-Ra car.  [Makou corrected to Mako]
d_ropego.avi - Ropeway station carriage leaves for the  Goldsaucer
d_ropein.avi - Ropeway station carriage returns from the Goldsaucer.
Explode.avi - FFVII logo at credit screen. [Appears only in PC version.   Updated anyway. ]
fcar.avi - Duplicate of Car_1209 [Makou corrected to Mako]
gold2.avi - Goldsaucer Gondola 1 (Speed Square roller-coaster)
gold3.avi - Goldsaucer Gondola 2 (Chocobo)
gold4.avi - Goldsaucer Gondola 3 (The Invincible Dio)
gold5.avi - Goldsaucer Gondola 4 (Ghost Hotel)
gold6.avi - Goldsaucer Gondola 5 (Event Square)
gold7.avi - Goldsaucer Gondola 6 (Fireworks and Goldsaucer view)
junair_d.avi - Platform in Junon down to the troops and locker-room
junair_u.avi - Platform in Junon back up to the airport area
junelego.avi - Lift down to Lower Junon 1
junelein.avi - Lift to Upper Junon 2
junin_go.avi - Lift to Upper Junon 1
junin_in.avi - Lift down to Lower Junon 2
mtcrl.avi - Falling down in-between the train tracks in Corel
u_ropego.avi - Ropeway carriage leaves the Goldsaucer
u_ropein.avi - Ropeway carriage arrives at the Goldsaucer

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Timber on 2010-11-05 02:52:27
Awesome, I still have some of the videos from when I think you guys were testing it, and they really do look much better.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2010-11-05 04:54:49
I'll definitely will be keeping an eye on this. Hope it can be done. :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-05 04:57:05
I'll definitely will be keeping an eye on this. Hope it can be done. :)

It can be done :P and is being.  I have started testing now.  Yes these tools are helping...  looking good now.  It also looks as if the output will be around the same size as the originals.

Oh this is looking VERY good now!  :)

Alright, compare this one to the original PC:

Niblheim Sephiroth - Enhanced (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B1JH_wU1qqN4OTFiYzRlZTktNWZjNS00NTI3LTg4ZDUtYWY5NTcwMDQ0NDFk&sort=name&layout=list&num=50)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-05 06:46:18
I can't believe my eyes.  Simply incredible!
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-05 06:53:04
Fast moving video with lots of different details fare worse, like the opening movie, but it is an improvement :)  :mrgreen:  That released video is the final quality but do not use it in game as it will not work properly.  Wait until the full release date.

I thought that I would need to do a lot more testing but tbh this is already as good as I can do it.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-05 09:29:35
I went back and did a side by side comparison and I'm just astonished that you found a way to polish this terd so well.  Honestly I was convinced that loss of quality was a one way road but this is some spectacular work.  Taking out the artifacts and effects of low res lossy compression in video.  I know it has been tried many times with little decent results but perhaps after this you could take a look at the field backgrounds.  ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-05 09:38:20
well, I used the PSX videos which are 1 step ahead of the PC ones.  Then did a slight bit of enhancement.  The PC vids were encoded from the PSX ones with a crap codec. 
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-05 13:24:01
Clearly.  I always thought there was some debate over the actual difference in quality between the PSX FMVs and the PC FMVs but I'm fairly convinced now.  I bet this trick doesn't work with field backgrounds since they're probably still downsized to the ridiculously low resolution on both platforms.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-11-05 13:57:26
Field backgrounds are the same
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-11-05 14:28:57
I was working on a project like this. However! I just couldn't get my head around the video editing part. That and when i ripped them from the PSX they seemed... Wrong i guess. The FPS seemed off.

Although, The PSX versions are VASTLY superior then the PC ones
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-05 18:02:58
Clearly.  I always thought there was some debate over the actual difference in quality between the PSX FMVs and the PC FMVs but I'm fairly convinced now. 

Anyone debating that is an idiot.

And here is the working Opening.avi  (I haven't tested it yet, but should be perfect)

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-11-05 21:41:19
please do NOT use the  H.264 OR the AAC codecs..

they are both properitary... stick to the free codecs xvid will do just fine, it can even use the same matricies as the h.264 codec and can result in better compression when done correctly w/ no noticable loss (and the psx source is only gonna make it work better). Ogg its a fine audio codec  the AAC codec will just bloat the file size.  ffmpeg is also more likely to have issues w/ H.264 or aac then any open codec, since they don't have source code for them.

just my 2cents....
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-05 22:02:23
h.264 is without doubt better than divx and all the others.  It has been chosen because it is pretty much the best and was chosen for Blu Ray.  It is also the easiest to use inside vegas.

Whilst it is a private codec, that is something I am willing to overlook.  I don't forsee any issues and I don't think there is any law against decoding a h264 file.  Aali's driver plays them fine.

As for bloating file size, file size is dependent on the bitrate, not the codec.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-05 23:37:50
just viewed the video you posted, and all i can say is great work! The results are very promising, thoug the large filesize is somewhat limiting on the size of the final package. If one video is around 50MB, and a conservative average for the size of all movies is 25MB, that 47x25=11.75GB....unless my math is way off, which is as likely as the sun rising tomarrow.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-11-06 00:51:53
just viewed the video you posted, and all i can say is great work! The results are very promising, thoug the large filesize is somewhat limiting on the size of the final package. If one video is around 50MB, and a conservative average for the size of all movies is 25MB, that 47x25=11.75GB....unless my math is way off, which is as likely as the sun rising tomarrow.

The Opening movie is so much longer than the average that a conservative estimate is really more like a couple of MB for most movies. Bear in mind that a lot of them are shorter than 10 seconds.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: InuRa on 2010-11-06 02:40:00
Definitely worth the effort. Looks much smoother than the old one after all that. Nice job there.

I'd still be up for an "original size" and 2x reconversion too.  :wink:
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-06 03:47:01
just viewed the video you posted, and all i can say is great work! The results are very promising, thoug the large filesize is somewhat limiting on the size of the final package. If one video is around 50MB, and a conservative average for the size of all movies is 25MB, that 47x25=11.75GB....unless my math is way off, which is as likely as the sun rising tomarrow.

The Opening movie is a major exception.  For example, the Sephiroth one with flames is around same size as original.  FMV with large amount of movement and difference between frames will be larger in size.  I cannot be sure yet but so far I think 30% larger is a reasonable estimate overall.  I will keep updating that estimate.

I am doing more tests with ff7/aalis driver/vegas output due to a few faults creeping in.  Like opening.avi with a pause half way through. 
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Timber on 2010-11-06 04:48:59
I am doing more tests with ff7/aalis driver/vegas output due to a few faults creeping in.  Like opening.avi with a pause half way through.

FYI, I just tested your opening.avi in my FF7, and the sound is quite distorted.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-06 05:49:56
yup, I am on it :P  hopefully won't be aalis driver to blame....
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-06 07:21:34
Now I could be wrong here but that sounds like a codec problem.  Are you sure the plugin that's beige used for playing that video supports that codec.  There are lots of reasons a codec might not be working right and I doubt aali's current driver supports most codecs out of the box.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-06 08:33:15
Well latest test I did it seemed to be OK again...  I think it is an audio setting or 2 that the decoder does not like...


The issue is solved.  Will upload new opening soon.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-07 08:46:58
Well I have been looking about with new tests and that's when I went back to Genuine Fractals.  The results are even better when I use it, but that means exporting every frame in every movie.   The quality difference is such that I can't really ignore the possibility that I may have to encode these files by extracting every single frame and then applying vegas encoder later.  Not to mention that there is a Super Resolution plugin somewhere which could possibly also increase quality.

The issue is that a video editor enlarges the video from 320*224 with a simple algorithm...  It does not try to keep the information whereas fractals does. 

The following is the sephiroth video with flames again, this time after fractals + enhancement.  It is the best I think is possible tbh.  The process is as follows:

1.  Use PsxJ to decode the movie from the PSX game
2.  Extract every frame with virtualdub to PNG/BMP
3.  Use Genuine Fractals on every frame
4. Use virtualdub to place files back into a video file (at 15 fps) with lossless encoder lagarith
5.  Place new video file into Sony Vegas and add a detail enhancer filter I have to it.
6.  Place original audio to the video
7.  Output vegas file with h.264+AAC encoder.

As you can see this is a sh*t load of messing about.  Not to mention harddrive and CPU resources.

An example of resulting quality is below:


Well, looks like fractals option is by far the best of all.   Better than any other method. Sadly it is also the hardest of all.


This is the FIRST video to be replaced with new method.  And the beginning of this project:


Go to junon and test the airfield elevator out (Upwards) and then try downwards and see the difference.  At 800*600 window mode, these fmvs are now better than the prerendered backgrounds.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-07 14:15:31
In case anyone doesn't believe him here's a comparison of frames near 5 seconds:
1st update:  http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o236/willis936/update.png
latest update:  http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o236/willis936/quality.png

Kinda quick an dirty.  Not native resolution, just to show what it'll look like in game.

Oh, and here's the original for lols:  http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o236/willis936/original.png
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Marc on 2010-11-07 17:05:11

The difference in quality is staggering.

I have a hexacore CPU which is not doing much ATM.  If you're interested, send me a PM and a detailed method on how to properly extract from PsxJ, use virtual dub to extract to PNG, apply the fractals and repackage the movie and I'll do that for the files you want me to do.

By detailed method I mostly mean which software version, which settings, etc to keep consistency and get the best possible results.

I'll let the vegas part up to you though as I don't have the software and don't plan to buy it.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-07 17:20:20
Thats ok, I will get back to you when I need to do the opening movie and the ending.  You will need:

Genuine Fractals (latest)
Lagarith codec

Once you have the resulting lagarith encoded video, thats what I will need off you.  The resulting video for the opening alone, will be pretty large.  We can work this out at another time.  It may take 2 hours to encode the opening movie with even your computer.  The ending could take 10-20 hours.

I will give you a bat file which will do all the decoding (of PSX) for you without you having to mess with command line.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-07 17:39:55
Wow so do you actually have to open every frame in photoshop, apply genuine fractals, save, rinse, repeat?  That seems like a lot of work in just opening, saving etc.  Is there anyway to make a batch that could knock out this operation for all pngs in a folder?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Covarr on 2010-11-07 17:52:18
Yes, he's using a batch operation. So he said in teh irc.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-07 18:10:29
Yes, he's using a batch operation. So he said in teh irc.

Except it still takes ages for it to do the batch but yes that's exactly what I am doing.  Good results have never come cheap,  nothing worth doing is as easy as telling sony vegas to go encode.

Big studios frequently have people working around the clock brushing individual frames.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-07 19:13:57
Big studios frequently have people working around the clock brushing individual frames.

!! wow, i never knew this. I'd hate to spend years of schooling just to touch up individual frames of animation for a living! Certainly the folks who do this have much greater talents!
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-07 19:17:17
Well take star wars for example.   The camera frequently shows up in CP30's metal, someone has to go through all those frames manually getting rid of it. [saw it on official documentary] And of course they are probably paid crap loads for the effort.

Sci fi likes you to believe its as easy as applying a filter.  It isn't.   
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-08 01:01:42

And sephiroth with jenova


No more updates now til it is done.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-08 01:46:27
Is this using your second/longer method?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Timber on 2010-11-08 02:30:46
At 800*600 window mode, these fmvs are now better than the prerendered backgrounds.

Perhaps using Genuine Fractals on the matching pre-rendered background would help towards your goal of blending to the field graphic better?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-08 09:55:30
Is this using your second/longer method?

Yes, but of course even with that, the result will not be perfect and at times there are serious pixeallation effects due to the original PSX FMV sucking so much.

Perhaps using Genuine Fractals on the matching pre-rendered background would help towards your goal of blending to the field graphic better?

It can't really be done because any matching up at that resolution will make the FMV slightly different to the blocky background (in game).  But so what :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-08 21:34:45
OK, 1 last FMV, the Opening.  Now with new method and I have hand painted "Midgul" on the car to "Midgar" (not amazing...  but it isnt even seen it goes that fast).


The opening video fares badly because the original PSX vid encoder did not do a good job with it (lots of action and motion).  But this video is still an improvement over other methods.

New Method in full:

1.  Copy FMV from Playstation disc
2.  Use http://kenai.com/projects/jpsxdec/pages/Home PSX FMV converter tool (at highest settings), to get the FMV into uncompressed video
3.  Place video into virtualdub and extract all frames to PNG
4.  Run batch encoder in Photoshop with Genuine Fractals to enlarge the  frames to 1280*896 and place back to PNG
5.  Place PNG's back into Virtualdub and export to a lossless video with Lagarith
6. Lagarith Video goes into Sony Vegas where a Detail Enhancer by NewBlue Essentials 1 is applied.
7.  Original sound (from PSX Video) is placed with the video.
8.  Video is exported into H.264 with AAC at high settings and average bitrate of 3000KB/s

The opening vid will be out of sync until Aali corrects issue with driver, or we change a few things in the file.

I also suggest you play the game at 800*600 window, as the videos look pretty decent at that res.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Timber on 2010-11-09 04:54:12
I have hand painted "Midgul" on the car to "Midgar" (not amazing...  but it isnt even seen it goes that fast).

Haha that's pretty cool. Makes me wonder what else can benefit from being touched up manually.

Looking at your jenova_e.avi video, for the subtitles, it may be possible to simply paste a higher res font on top of the existing one.
Or possibly a high res FF7 logo on the opening?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Covarr on 2010-11-09 07:24:07
Sir, this looks fantastic. Miles better than the horrible opening on the PC version.

At first, when I tried it in Media Player Classic, it was also playing a midi of "Open Your Heart" from Sonic Adventure. Turns out, I had another file in my downloads folder, opening.mid, and MPC was automatically playing that at the same time because it was in the same folder with the same filename. Like you'd expect it to do with external subtitles, only with a freakin' midi.

edit: A couple of (http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/5585/example2l.png) side-by-sides (http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/9800/example1.png). Link'd because they're pretty big.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-09 15:18:51
I have hand painted "Midgul" on the car to "Midgar" (not amazing...  but it isnt even seen it goes that fast).

Haha that's pretty cool. Makes me wonder what else can benefit from being touched up manually.

Looking at your jenova_e.avi video, for the subtitles, it may be possible to simply paste a higher res font on top of the existing one.
Or possibly a high res FF7 logo on the opening?

I tried it.  But would need the exact font and even then it would be a task in vegas, plus there are compression artifacts around the writing.  If you can work out the exact font, I will try again.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Timber on 2010-11-10 05:04:35
I tried it.  But would need the exact font and even then it would be a task in vegas

In Vegas? I was thinking doing it directly on the PNGs before they are put back into vdub.
But yeah the font thing is an issue. Oh well just throwing out ideas.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-10 07:00:04
Doing it on the pngs would take my life away :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: Boulotaur2024 on 2010-11-10 11:00:26
Problem is that you're also enhancing blocking and ringing effects, those would need filtering before doing any resizing. I'm also looking for the best way to deblock without losing too much details (quest of the Holy Graal I guess :D). Nice job anyway, I didn't know there were people so devoted to this game.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-10 13:02:54
There is little point trying to denoise or deblock it, that just ends up with loss.  Doesn't matter how you do it, they are so poor at the start that it is a worthless task :)  Short of manually editing each image, forget it.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-11-15 01:18:47
You know, there's no point in upscaling such low quality videos to 4x the original resolution. You'll just put the CPU under unnecessary stress when decoding them.

2x the original resolution would be optimal for these videos. Let the codec do the rest of the resizing.

Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Covarr on 2010-11-15 01:37:04
You know, there's no point in upscaling such low quality videos to 4x the original resolution. You'll just put the CPU under unnecessary stress when decoding them.

2x the original resolution would be optimal for these videos. Let the codec do the rest of the resizing.

Just my 2 cents.
I used to think the same, until I saw the results of his current method. No on-the-fly resizing could possibly deliver edges this sharp.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-11-15 01:57:42
You know, there's no point in upscaling such low quality videos to 4x the original resolution. You'll just put the CPU under unnecessary stress when decoding them.

2x the original resolution would be optimal for these videos. Let the codec do the rest of the resizing.

Just my 2 cents.
I used to think the same, until I saw the results of his current method. No on-the-fly resizing could possibly deliver edges this sharp.

Of course not, but 2x the resolution using this method will already make the edges sharp enough without looking too over filtered.

The videos don't have that much detail to begin with, there's no reason to make older CPUs struggle to decode these at full speed. Save that for a higher quality source (like HD videos).

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-11-15 02:11:36
You know, there's no point in upscaling such low quality videos to 4x the original resolution. You'll just put the CPU under unnecessary stress when decoding them.

2x the original resolution would be optimal for these videos. Let the codec do the rest of the resizing.

Just my 2 cents.
I used to think the same, until I saw the results of his current method. No on-the-fly resizing could possibly deliver edges this sharp.

Of course not, but 2x the resolution using this method will already make the edges sharp enough without looking too over filtered.

The videos don't have that much detail to begin with, there's no reason to make older CPUs struggle to decode these at full speed. Save that for a higher quality source (like HD videos).

I'm not sure older CPU's would use this, Being as they would be to large of a resolution, As is you'll need at least 1280 x 960 to use them.

Any CPU in the past 5 years could do it easy. PC's older then that probably wouldn't be running them in an "HD" Res anyway
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-15 14:38:36
You know, there's no point in upscaling such low quality videos to 4x the original resolution. You'll just put the CPU under unnecessary stress when decoding them.

2x the original resolution would be optimal for these videos. Let the codec do the rest of the resizing.

Just my 2 cents.
I used to think the same, until I saw the results of his current method. No on-the-fly resizing could possibly deliver edges this sharp.

Of course not, but 2x the resolution using this method will already make the edges sharp enough without looking too over filtered.

The videos don't have that much detail to begin with, there's no reason to make older CPUs struggle to decode these at full speed. Save that for a higher quality source (like HD videos).

It has to be 4X, 2X will not create this level of quality and CPU speeds increase all the time.  It is better to overdo than to underdo and I have chosen 4X.  8-)  Too late now.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: obesebear on 2010-11-15 18:34:30
Also if your computer can't handle 4x but 2x works fine, there are dozens of video editing tools that can shrink them for free.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-15 18:36:54
yup :)  And since it is shrinking, the loss will be smaller.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-11-15 20:34:21
Also if your computer can't handle 4x but 2x works fine, there are dozens of video editing tools that can shrink them for free.

True, I forgot about that for some reason. I guess it's fine then.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-15 22:30:59
Also if your computer can't handle 4x but 2x works fine, there are dozens of video editing tools that can shrink them for free.

True, I forgot about that for some reason. I guess it's fine then.

It won't be me doing it though  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-15 22:44:24
Have you considered adding this to the all inclusive Team Avalanche?  I know they want to remake everything from scratch but this quality is surprisingly good and some of the scenes (see: nearly every FMV) will be hard to reproduce to the letter.  Not only do you need full models of everything but you need a lot of animation and camera work that involves a lot of guess work.  I think this is the best alternative to a Square remake.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-15 22:47:02
If they want to, that's up to them.  I have no objections :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-11-16 13:27:24
Also if your computer can't handle 4x but 2x works fine, there are dozens of video editing tools that can shrink them for free.

True, I forgot about that for some reason. I guess it's fine then.

It won't be me doing it though  ;D

That's fine, I already have the necessary tool installed.

No need to bother.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-17 23:26:18
Here is what I am gonna do.  I am going to release them as 4 parts.  Each part will have a basic installer.  Starting with the "Non Disc Specific" which will be the first finished.  It should be less than 100MB.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-18 06:54:07
Well here is part 4 :)  Tell me what you think!  I hope you enjoy my slavery.  Bed time in 5, and I have a savage cold.  Never let life dictate to you though.

FMV Restoration Part 4 (https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B1JH_wU1qqN4NWE1MjNmMDItMDIxMy00M2QwLWE4ZmItYzU3ZDUyMDgxY2I3&export=download&hl=en)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-18 13:19:31
Gonna go ahead and be the first to say Great work and thank you!
I'm flipping through them right now.  I'd say the most dramatic difference is the d_rope set.  I remember d_rope_go was always the most painful thing I'd ever have to look at in a video game.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2010-11-18 18:29:18
Great work ^_^ An impressive method to resize video)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-18 19:26:46
videos look amazing! I'm glad you finally found a good method to convert the PSX videos with.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Kranmer on 2010-11-18 20:24:07
Nice work on the video's DLPB, i am just checking them out now, a BIG improvement over the old ones.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-18 21:11:49
Nice work on the video's DLPB, i am just checking them out now, a BIG improvement over the old ones.

Dan to you  :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-11-18 22:01:46
Whoa! That's a big step head!
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Timber on 2010-11-20 02:49:20
When this project is completed, would you be able to put some mirrors up on megaupload or similar?
I seem to have trouble downloading large files from google docs, they cut out half way through for some reason.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-20 04:57:00

here's a mirror for pack4 on my mediafire for anyone who doesn't like googledocs.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-21 07:43:41
I decided to stay up and finish the long ending movie.  It is almost done now.  I am just making ultra sure of the syncing of the music and effects.  I will add Italian, Japanese, English and Retranslated English subtitles only.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: AlbusJC on 2010-11-21 12:37:02
I decided to stay up and finish the long ending movie.  It is almost done now.  I am just making ultra sure of the syncing of the music and effects.  I will add Italian, Japanese, English and Retranslated English subtitles only.
Is there any chance that you add subtitles in Spanish? If the answer is no, could you tell me how to add subtitles in my language? please. I'll try to do it myself
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-21 15:30:56
I will add it.  But bare in mind it takes 1.5 hours for this monster to render.  The normal English one is done and the quality is surprising, even to me.  I have never seen somethin so bloody good with an improvement. 


It will need to be spelled correctly and have perfect grammar.  I will only do it ONCE.  If you make a f*ck up and say "Whoops" / "My bad" / "Wait a sec"  / "But I got it wrong, damn" AFTER I HAVE STARTED RENDERING....


Ending movie:

verdana font subtitles
Fractals on every frame
detail enhancer on every frame
Colour enhancer on every frame
PSX sound placed with the video in perfect Sync.
OST Music placed with the Video in perfect Sync.

Black: Original
Blue: Retranslated by my team. [and pending further changes]
Green: Spanish
Orange: Italian
Brown: Japanese if anyone wants to submit it.


......I think I'm beginning to understand.
......I think I understand it now.


An answer from the Planet...
The Planet's answer...

the Promised Land...
The Promised Land.

I think I can meet her... there.
I think we can meet her there.

Yeah, let's go meet her.
Yeah, let's go and meet her.

Hey, where is everyone?
Oh yeah, where is everyone else?


I'm glad you're all safe!
Thank goodness!  Everyone seems to be alright!

They all seem to be safe, too.
Looks like they're OK, too.

But... now what're we going to do?
But... now what're we gonna do?

Holy should be moving soon,
Holy is going to act soon, right?

and that means this place will...
Then, this place will...

Oh, Lady Luck don't fail me now...
Ahh, oh Goddess of fate... don't fail me now! [verify Goddess]

Cid:  sh*t!
Cid: sh*t! [Technically Damn]

Marlene:  The flower girl?
Marlene:  The flower lady?

Wait a damn minute!
Hey, hey, hey!

What's going to happen to Midgar?
Damn it! What's gonna happen to Midgar? [verify this is happening as opposed to going to]

We can't let that happen!
This is bad!<<<<<<<<<<<<[needs further work]

I had everyone take refuge in the slums,
We had everyone evacuate to the slums, [verify this is "we" and make Scottish dialect]

but the way things are now...
but the way things are now... [make Scottish dialect]

Red: It's too late for holy.
Red: Holy was too late.

Meteor is approaching the Planet.
Meteor got too close to the Planet.

Holy is having the opposite effect.
Holy is just making matters worse.  [verify more  2 v 1 in favour of original.]

Forget Midgar,
Never mind Midgar,

We've gotta worry about the Planet.
the entire Planet might...

Tifa: What's that!?
Tifa: What's that!?

Barrett: What the hell IS that...?
Barrett: What the hell IS that...?

.......The Lifestream.

It's coming.
It's coming.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Eslava on 2010-11-21 21:50:59
Heres the spanish version, hope this helps.

Black: Original
Blue: Retranslated by my team. [and pending further changes]
Green: Spanish
Orange: Italian
Brown: Japanese if anyone wants to submit it.

.......¿La corriente de la vida?

......I think I'm beginning to understand.
......I think I understand it now.
.......Creo que empiezo a entender.


An answer from the Planet...
The Planet's answer...
Una respuesta del planeta...

the Promised Land...
The Promised Land.
la Tierra Prometida...

I think I can meet her... there.
I think we can meet her there.
Creo que me podré encontrar allí ...con ella.

Yeah, let's go meet her.
Yeah, let's go and meet her.
Sí, vamos a verla.

Hey, where is everyone?
Oh yeah, where is everyone else?
Ehh, ¿dónde está la gente?


I'm glad you're all safe!
Thank goodness!  Everyone seems to be alright!
Me alegra que estéis bien.

They all seem to be safe, too.
Looks like they're OK, too.
Todos parecen estar bien, también.

But... now what're we going to do?
But... now what're we gonna do?
Pero...¿qué vamos a hacer ahora?

Holy should be moving soon,
Holy is going to act soon, right?
Sagrado empezará a moverse pronto

and that means this place will...
Then, this place will...
y eso significa que este lugar...

Oh, Lady Luck don't fail me now...
Ahh, oh Goddess of fate... don't fail me now! [verify Goddess]
Oh, suerte no me falles ahora...

Cid:  sh*t!
Cid: sh*t! [Technically Damn]

Marlene:  The flower girl?
Marlene:  The flower lady?
¿La florista?

Wait a damn minute!
Hey, hey, hey!
¡Espera un momento!

What's going to happen to Midgar?
Damn it! What's gonna happen to Midgar? [verify this is happening as opposed to going to]
¿Qué le va a pasar a Midgar?

We can't let that happen!
This is bad!<<<<<<<<<<<<[needs further work]
¡No podemos dejar que eso suceda!

-The spanish version has two addittional lines of dialogue since they were too long to fit in one, ill post the times they open and close if it helps.

I had everyone take refuge in the slums,
We had everyone evacuate to the slums, [verify this is "we" and make Scottish dialect]
He hecho que todo el mundo 5:53-5:55

se refugiara en los suburbios, 5:55-5:57

but the way things are now...
but the way things are now... [make Scottish dialect]
pero de la forma en que están ocurriendo 5:58-6:00

los acontecimientos... 6:00-6:02 (closing at the same time the scene changes to red)

Red: It's too late for holy.
Red: Holy was too late.
Es demasiado tarde para Sagrado.

Meteor is approaching the Planet.
Meteor got too close to the Planet.
Meteorito se está acercando al planeta.

Holy is having the opposite effect.
Holy is just making matters worse.  [verify more  2 v 1 in favour of original.]
Sagrado está teniendo el efecto contrario.

Forget Midgar,
Never mind Midgar,
Olvídate de Midgar,

We've gotta worry about the Planet.
the entire Planet might...
Nos tenemos que ocupar del planeta.

Tifa: What's that!?
Tifa: What's that!?
¿¡Qué es eso!?

Barrett: What the hell IS that...?
Barrett: What the hell IS that...?
¿Qué diablos ES eso......?

.......The Lifestream.
.......La corriente vital.

It's coming.
It's coming.
Se acerca.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-21 21:58:42
sure does now make sure EVERY SINGLE LETTER is correct.  I am not redoing it :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Eslava on 2010-11-21 22:09:56
You wont be redoing it, i reread it a few times, counted all the periods and checked the spaces. Still if someone wants to check feel free to, its never checked enough
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Armorvil on 2010-11-21 23:35:22
I'm very, very impressed! Awesome work, DLPB  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-21 23:47:52
Spanish is done, it will be rendered now and then uploaded.  That means the Spanish version will be the first to be seen in the high resolution.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-22 02:31:32
Spanish FF7 Ending2.avi below.


I need someone to act as a mirror soon too, especially for these ending movies and perhaps other releases.  My google account is full.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-22 04:44:38
I need someone to act as a mirror soon too, especially for these ending movies and perhaps other releases.  My google account is ful

i will continue to mirror them as they become available, my mediafire still has alot of room.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ice_cold513 on 2010-11-22 08:58:03

I had everyone take refuge in the slums,
We had everyone evacuate to the slums, [verify this is "we" and make Scottish dialect]

I think you got the "we" wrong mate (we) mean (little) as scottish people say We(Little) Bonnie(pretty) Lass(Girl)

Just letting you know

P.S. Nice work keep it up
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-11-22 09:21:18
There is the Italian version of Ending2:

Black: Original
Blue: Retranslated by my team. [and pending further changes]
Green: Spanish
Orange: Italian
Brown: Japanese if anyone wants to submit it.

......Il Flusso Vitale?

......I think I'm beginning to understand.
......I think I understand it now.
......Credo, finalmente, di cominciare a capire.


An answer from the Planet...
The Planet's answer...
Quale sia la risposta del Pianeta...

the Promised Land...
The Promised Land.
La Terra Promessa.

I think I can meet her... there.
I think we can meet her there.
Penso che la troveremo qui.

Yeah, let's go meet her.
Yeah, let's go and meet her.
Va bene, andiamole incontro.

Hey, where is everyone?
Oh yeah, where is everyone else?
Certo, dove sono tutti gli altri?


I'm glad you're all safe!
Thank goodness!  Everyone seems to be alright!
Grazie al cielo! Sembra che stiate tutti bene!

They all seem to be safe, too.
Looks like they're OK, too.
A quanto pare, anche voi state bene.

But... now what're we going to do?
But... now what're we gonna do?
Ma... adesso? Cosa possiamo fare?

Holy should be moving soon,
Holy is going to act soon, right?
Sancta dovrebbe manifestarsi a momenti, giusto?

and that means this place will...
Then, this place will...
Quindi, questo posto sparirà...

Oh, Lady Luck don't fail me now...
Ahh, oh Goddess of fate... don't fail me now! [verify Goddess]
Oh, dea bendata... Non abbandonarmi ora!

Cid:  sh*t!
Cid: sh*t! [Technically Damn]

Marlene:  The flower girl?
Marlene:  The flower lady?
...uh? La signora dei fiori?

Wait a damn minute!
Hey, hey, hey!
Hei, hei, hei!

What's going to happen to Midgar?
Damn it! What's gonna happen to Midgar? [verify this is happening as opposed to going to]
Maledizione! Cosa sta succedendo a Midgar?

We can't let that happen!
This is bad!<<<<<<<<<<<<[needs further work]
E' un disastro!

I had everyone take refuge in the slums,
We had everyone evacuate to the slums, [verify this is "we" and make Scottish dialect]
Ho fatto in modo che tutti si rifugiassero nei sobborghi.

but the way things are now...
but the way things are now... [make Scottish dialect]
Ma... con quello che sta succedendo...

Red: It's too late for holy.
Red: Holy was too late.
Sancta è arrivata troppo tardi,

Meteor is approaching the Planet.
Meteor got too close to the Planet.
e Meteor è troppo vicino al Pianeta.

Holy is having the opposite effect.
Holy is just making matters worse. [verify more  2 v 1 in favour of original.]
Sancta sta ottenendo l'effetto contrario.

Forget Midgar,
Never mind Midgar,
E' inutile pensare a Midgar,

We've gotta worry about the Planet.
the entire Planet might...
l'intero pianeta, potrebbe...

Tifa: What's that!?
Tifa: What's that!?
E quello cos'è?!

Barrett: What the hell IS that...?
Barrett: What the hell IS that...?
Ma cosa diavolo è quella roba...?

.......The Lifestream.
.......Il Flusso Vitale.

It's coming.
It's coming.
Sta arrivando.

Wait for the English txt for jenova_e movie
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Beavii on 2010-11-22 10:29:31

I had everyone take refuge in the slums,
We had everyone evacuate to the slums, [verify this is "we" and make Scottish dialect]
Ho fatto in modo che tutti si rifugiassero nei sobborghi.

but the way things are now...
but the way things are now... [make Scottish dialect]
Ma... con quello che sta succedendo...

As a Scotsman may i suggest,

We had everyone evacuate to the slums - Wi had aw'bawdy git doon tae the slum's (We hate real words)

but the way things are now - Bit wi the way 'hings are noo

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-22 15:27:25

I had everyone take refuge in the slums,
We had everyone evacuate to the slums, [verify this is "we" and make Scottish dialect]

I think you got the "we" wrong mate (we) mean (little) as scottish people say We(Little) Bonnie(pretty) Lass(Girl)

Just letting you know

P.S. Nice work keep it up

I said "make Scottish"  the whole sentence isn't Scottish dialect, that is the translation in basic English.  We means "We"  as opposed to "I"  and "small" is not "we" it is "wee"

And Prince Lex is in charge of the Scottish dialect :P

Forget Midgar,
Never mind Midgar,
E' inutile pensare a Midgard,

< well that's a mistake already.  It is a name and it is "Midgar".  Are you using our translation (you seem to have made your own under ours which looks the same).  If so, I suggest you wait until we have finished.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-22 18:20:30
I also need your translations for the Niblheim FMV.  Blue is translated by Lusky, Defade and Glenn Morrow and localised slightly by me.

But they...
But they...

Those worthless creatures
Those worthless fools

Are stealing the Planet from Mother
stole the planet from Mother and her people.

But now I am here with you...
[Not used]

So don't worry.
You need not be sad any longer.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Eslava on 2010-11-22 19:49:54
Green = Spanish
Btw good work on the ending fmv :)

But they...
But they...
Pero ellos...

Those worthless creatures
Those worthless fools
Esas criaturas inútiles

Are stealing the Planet from Mother
stole the planet from Mother and her people.
le están robando
el planeta a la madre.    These lines appear together but in two rows

But now I am here with you...
[Not used]
Pero ya estoy aquí contigo,

So don't worry.
You need not be sad any longer.
no te procupes.

EDIT: I checked in youtube the original fmv to see the differences and its funny how the spanish version seems to have the subs in italics...
Ill put a comparison pic to explain what i mean, they turned off italics when writing the ending...
(http://i52.tinypic.com/ae3cko.png) (http://i56.tinypic.com/30a49wi.png)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Gemini on 2010-11-22 21:50:45
If you're really making this multi language, here goes the italian retranslation for both movies:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ-ShahsMWc <-- ending
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnXaZs5VsOI <-- jenova
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-22 22:05:06
I have done the Spanish original, but I will do only 1 more.  The Italian version is from a request and not the original text.  I'd do more but it takes way too long.  People can always re render the movie and do it themselves (of course will be some loss).

As for Italics.  Do you want me to use them?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-11-22 22:08:54
There is the Italian version of Niblheim (jenova_e):

Black: Original
Blue: Retranslated by my team. [and pending further changes]
Green: Spanish
Orange: Italian
Brown: Japanese if anyone wants to submit it.

But they...
But they...
Ma costoro...

Those worthless creatures
Those worthless fools
Quelle patetiche creature

Are stealing the Planet from Mother
stole the planet from Mother and her people.
ti hanno sottratto il pianete, Madre.

But now I am here with you...
[Not used]
Ma ora ci sono io qui con te,

So don't worry.
You need not be sad any longer.
dunque non temere.

If you're really making this multi language, here goes the italian retranslation for both movies:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ-ShahsMWc <-- ending
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnXaZs5VsOI <-- jenova

Those Italian FMW are already ripped from PSX version, so if you upscale it and re-encoding, have a lot more artifact.
For the best quality I think is better use your technique, directly on Playstation FMV, like in the Spanish movie.
In the post you can find all the needed translated text.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-22 22:11:04

do you want me to proceed with what you have written in the Ending movie....  despite the fact it says "midgard" etc.  After I start rendering I won't do it again.  So make sure everything is correct.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Gemini on 2010-11-22 22:14:11
The Italian version is from a request and not the original text.  I'd do more but it takes way too long.
Then just do the revision with the best translation. ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-22 22:20:43
indrema  It has come to my attention that your translation is littered with spelling mistakes.  If you are using  translation by sadnes, I will use Sadnes' text instead. 
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Eslava on 2010-11-22 22:23:22
As for Italics.  Do you want me to use them?

Well I would use italics for the sake of keeping up the original style (although every other version doesnt have italics) but for coherence between fonts I'd use the same as in the ending, so your choice :) I dont care much about that anyways.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-11-22 22:43:15
indrema  It has come to my attention that your translation is littered with spelling mistakes.  If you are using  translation by sadnes, I will use Sadnes' text instead.

For ending movies I have made some modify for make the dialogue more similar to your team re-translation.
About the translation littered, Sancta is the way the sadnes have transate Holy and I have correct Midgard in Midgar, you have found anything else?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-22 22:57:01
I have used this:


Ma costoro...

Quelle patetiche creature

ti hanno sottratto il Pianeta, Madre.

Ma ora ci sono io qui con te,

dunque non temere.


.....Il Flusso Vitale?

.....Credo, finalmente, di cominciare a capire.


Quale sia la risposta del Pianeta...

La... Terra Promessa...

Io penso che la troveremo... proprio qui.

Va bene, andiamole incontro.

Ehi, dove sono tutti gli altri?


Sono felice di vedervi tutti sani e salvi!

Mi sembra che anche loro stiano bene.
Ma...adesso? Cosa possiamo fare adesso?

Sancta dovrebbe manifestarsi a momenti.

Ciò significa che questo posto sparirà...

Fortuna mia non mi abbandonare proprio ora...

La signora dei fiori?

Ehi!! Dannazione!! Un momento!

Ma cosa diavolo sta succedendo a Midgar?

Noi...dobbiamo fare qualcosa!

Ho fatto in modo che tutti si rifugiassero nei sobborghi.

Ma...con quello che sta succedendo...

È troppo tardi...troppo tardi per Sancta.

Meteor ormai sta precipitando sul Pianeta...

Sancta sta ottenendo l'effetto contrario.
Dimenticatevi di Midgar...

È al Pianeta che dobbiamo pensare adesso.
E quello cos'è?!

Ma cosa diavolo è quella roba...?

.....Il Flusso Vitale.

Sta arrivando.

< If you want to make slight alterations to this, do so now.  Make sure all is spelled correctly.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Klaid Liadon on 2010-11-23 09:51:09
Imho I think that "Lifestream" should not be translated because it's the same in JAP and US version. I'll keep "Lifestream"instead of the Italian translation "Flusso Vitale". Only a suggestion :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ice_cold513 on 2010-11-23 12:02:30
I see what you mean now.
   I'm 50/50 on if it I or We,  people like Rufus who have power would say I as he believes it's him and him alone doing it
Some like Reeves would most like say We as he not power hungry and believes in working with the people.
Well that my take on him anyway

But they...
But they...

Those worthless creatures
Those worthless fools

Are stealing the Planet from Mother
stole the planet from Mother and her people.

But now I am here with you...
[Not used]

So don't worry.
You need not be sad any longer.

This is what i believe
Those worthless creatures
Those worthless fools
Creatures sounds like all humans are below/beneath  Sephiroth and Jenova. Which is what i believe Sephiroth was thinking at the time.

Are stealing the Planet from Mother
stole the planet from Mother and her people.
I think Jenova was the only one of her kind and even if she wasn't sayings (her people) sounds like they are her equal
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Gemini on 2010-11-23 12:23:51
I think Jenova was the only one of her kind and even if she wasn't sayings (her people) sounds like they are her equal
Sephiroth didn't know about Jenova being an alien (and thus alone). Sephiroth refers to her "people" as the Ancients, since that's what he believed she actually was. Only later he discovers the truth and never again mentions these other people.

Imho I think that "Lifestream" should not be translated because it's the same in JAP and US version. I'll keep "Lifestream"instead of the Italian translation "Flusso Vitale". Only a suggestion :)
Seifer is just redoing the movies with the original SadNES cITy's script. Their translation refers to Lifestream as Flusso Vitale, hence why it should stay the same.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Caledor on 2010-11-23 13:44:40
I have used this:


Ma loro...

Quelle patetiche creature

ti hanno sottratto il Pianeta, Madre.

Ma ora ci sono io qui con te,

dunque non temere.


.....Il Flusso Vitale?

.....Credo, finalmente, di cominciare a capire.


Quale sia la risposta del Pianeta...

La Terra Promessa...

Io penso che la troveremo... proprio qui.

Va bene, andiamole incontro.

Ehi, dove sono tutti gli altri?


Sono felice di vedervi tutti sani e salvi!

Mi sembra che anche loro stiano bene.
Ma...adesso? Cosa possiamo fare adesso?

Sancta dovrebbe manifestarsi a momenti.

Ciò significa che questo posto sparirà...

Fortuna mia non mi abbandonare proprio ora...

La ragazza dei fiori?

Ehi!! Dannazione!! Un momento!

Ma cosa diavolo sta succedendo a Midgar?

Noi...dobbiamo fare qualcosa!

Ho fatto in modo che tutti si rifugiassero nei bassifondi.

Ma per come si stanno mettendo le cose...

È troppo tardi...troppo tardi per Sancta.

Meteor ormai è troppo vicina al Pianeta...

Sancta sta ottenendo l'effetto contrario.
Dimenticatevi di Midgar...

È del Pianeta che dobbiamo preoccuparci adesso.
E quello cos'è?!

Ma che diavolo è quella roba?

.....Il Flusso Vitale.

Sta arrivando.

Those are the changes I would do to Italian translations, if Gemini and Indrema are ok with it. And for the Jenova video I think we should use Crisis Core translation, being the only official italian source for Final Fantasy VII we have.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-23 14:29:45

Creatures sounds like all humans are below/beneath  Sephiroth and Jenova. Which is what i believe Sephiroth was thinking at the time.

I am assured the Japanese says fools.  Not creatures.

I think Jenova was the only one of her kind and even if she wasn't sayings (her people) sounds like they are her equal

He said "and her people".  You shouldn't let what you think he is saying interfere with what he actually is saying.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Shuffle on 2010-11-24 09:16:45
I can translate this subtitles into Russian language. Will you render it?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-24 09:32:48
I am afraid the answer for now is no.  The time it takes is just too much and I still have to finish this whole project.  At the very end and when I have time, I may do it for you.   On otherhand you may have to render it yourself.  I will see at the end. 
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-25 01:14:50
part 3 is done.  289 MB.  I am using a new file uploading service now, but I will need mirrors for sure :) 



At the end, someone may mirror the 4 parts but I will use a split file rar for 1 big installer.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-11-25 22:55:14
part 3 is done.  289 MB.  I am using a new file uploading service now, but I will need mirrors for sure :) 



At the end, someone may mirror the 4 parts but I will use a split file rar for 1 big installer.

I can mirror it without problems :).
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-25 23:23:14
part 3 is done.  289 MB.  I am using a new file uploading service now, but I will need mirrors for sure :) 



At the end, someone may mirror the 4 parts but I will use a split file rar for 1 big installer.

I can mirror it without problems :).

Cheers.  Oh and, the italian text is above (I had it wrote out for me), if you want to make some slight changes to it, I suggest you do it now because come tomorrow it is too late.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Marc on 2010-11-26 04:43:34
As I stated earlier, I'd be more than happy to supply the rendering power for this project.

Since you seem to not need my assitance for regular files, I'd be more than happy to provide the render for the alternate language versions as long as I get a clear set of instructions (and possibly the clean file without subtitles).
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Caledor on 2010-11-26 13:18:01

Cheers.  Oh and, the Italian text is above (I had it wrote out for me), if you want to make some slight changes to it, I suggest you do it now because come tomorrow it is too late.

So what are you going to do with Italian text?

Are you going to use my changes or will you use the text from your post?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-26 13:43:26
As I stated earlier, I'd be more than happy to supply the rendering power for this project.

Since you seem to not need my assitance for regular files, I'd be more than happy to provide the render for the alternate language versions as long as I get a clear set of instructions (and possibly the clean file without subtitles).

The problem is it would still take longer to explain it all and get it all working.   I have got the file all ready now :)  I will render the other languages, I may as well :)


I am waiting for indrema to make his corrections to the text, otherwise I am using the text I placed up earlier, unless you think I should use something else?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Caledor on 2010-11-26 15:00:16

I am waiting for indrema to make his corrections to the text, otherwise I am using the text I placed up earlier, unless you think I should use something else?

I did some corrections to your (indrema's?) text. Reply #93 of this thread, corrections are in bold.

If you want we can work together to the italian part of the game so DLPB and others don't have to hear multiple points of view about the same thing. What do you think about it? PM or e-mail me an answer and please check your PM settings, I think you can't receive messages from forum members.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-26 15:06:51

I am waiting for indrema to make his corrections to the text, otherwise I am using the text I placed up earlier, unless you think I should use something else?

I did some corrections to your (indrema's?) text. Reply #93 of this thread, corrections are in bold.

If you want we can work together to the italian part of the game so DLPB and others don't have to hear multiple points of view about the same thing. What do you think about it? PM or e-mail me an answer and please check your PM settings, I think you can't receive messages from forum members.

Yes that's what I need.  Some sort of consensus, because once I start rendering I am not doing it again. :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-11-28 09:39:47

I am waiting for indrema to make his corrections to the text, otherwise I am using the text I placed up earlier, unless you think I should use something else?

I did some corrections to your (indrema's?) text. Reply #93 of this thread, corrections are in bold.

If you want we can work together to the italian part of the game so DLPB and others don't have to hear multiple points of view about the same thing. What do you think about it? PM or e-mail me an answer and please check your PM settings, I think you can't receive messages from forum members.

I've re-checked the text, for me is OK!

If you want make some correction or change on my translation there is no problem :)

Tnx for your work, wen you need the mirror tell me :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-11-28 22:04:34
Ok so I will use the slightly altered text?
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Gemini on 2010-11-29 00:01:38
In all honesty, I'd just use SadNES cITy's original script since that's what the patch uses. Just go with the unaltered text and cut the baby in half, there's really no need for all those changes.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Caledor on 2010-11-29 12:37:36
I just thought this was a chance to update Sadnes text, which was done a long time ago and without sources like retranslated japanese script or Crisis Core, our ONLY official source for italian Final Fantasy VII.

My changes were merely an attempt to bring the text as close as possible to the Japanese script or Crisis Core but if you don't agree it's ok, it's only my opinion after all.

Cheers, Dei92
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-01 03:22:01
part 1 is completed. 

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-12-01 11:46:44
I have to say man, I am shocked at how well these turned out. Pretty damn nice, if i do say so myself.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-01 16:09:55
Thanks, I am a perfectionist.  If a job's worth doing, it is worth doing properly :)  I think some of these FMV are exceeding the originals by far, some by a bit, while some are just improvements.  But all of them are better :)  Biglight.avi is probably the best quality one.

I also corrected Midgal on that Shin-Ra car in Bike.avi :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-01 16:43:14

Italian Ending2.avi  Please mirror this as I will have to remove it in 1 week :)  I have tried to make the words appear as the mouths are moving (done the same with my own translation)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-01 16:58:43
Just played the opening in-game so far, and there were issues with the audio. It was crackling and out of sync. Is anyone else having this problem?

I'm using the custom driver 0.7.8 (don't feel the need to update yet).

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-01 17:00:03
The sync issue is known.  The crackling issue should not be there (if you downloaded part 1).  The sync issue isn't a problem with other movies because it isn't noticible, but the opening movie fares badly.

Aali is the only one who can fix those issues.  It is a problem with the custom driver and needs his attention :)  If you play the movies back with a normal video player you will notice they are perfect.

Use latest driver to get rid of the crackling issue?

note:  I am not sure if these issues even exist in all movies, or just the opening.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-01 17:15:34
Well, converting the AAC audio to WAV fixed both issues, but the filesize increased significantly (It is PCM after all).

The original files are also encoded in PCM, so maybe FF7 handles it better.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-01 17:17:02
For sure converting them to wav will solve the issue but as you say, massive increase in size, but the custom driver needs work so that it solves the AAC issue. 
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-12-01 20:52:26

Italian Ending2.avi  Please mirror this as I will have to remove it in 1 week :)  I have tried to make the words appear as the mouths are moving (done the same with my own translation)

Very, very, very good work! It's really amazing! All the text looks good!
Here (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Movies/ending2.avi)(right click, save as) is available the mirror for ending2 restored in Italian, just put it in Movies folder of FFVII!
When everything is ready I've made a patch for my Final Fantasy VII ITA Reloaded (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=10829.0) whit all movies!
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-02 18:24:54
If you are going to downsize these FMV, remember that bitrate is what matters.  I used 2000-3000 average with a maximum of 4000.  You should probably use 1500 average.

I also used 2 pass.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-03 01:18:51
If you are going to downsize these FMV, remember that bitrate is what matters.  I used 2000-3000 average with a maximum of 4000.  You should probably use 1500 average.

I also used 2 pass.

Thanks, but I tried downsizing them and for some reason they are bright in-game, but not on MPC (wrong color space?). Your encodes don't have that problem. I encoded them with the exact same settings (x264 2-pass/3000kbps with [email protected]).

I used VirtualDub. Any idea why this is happening?

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-03 01:38:53
x264 is the problem.  Brightness change is caused by incorrect gamma.  I stay well clear of "3rd party" encoders.  All I hear is people bigging them up for their 13583975357 options, and yet the basics are never right.

 Also, if you are using 3000 kbs they are just gonna come out the same file size as mine.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-03 01:51:34
x264 is the problem.  Brightness change is caused by incorrect gamma.

But if that was the case, it would be bright when playing on a media player too. I tried encoding in XviD, and it's bright in-game too.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-03 01:57:21
Hmm, well perhaps aalis driver isn't playing the file correctly....
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Aali on 2010-12-03 05:15:55
Yeah, the YUV transform is a bit off if you use the shader, there was another post about it some time ago but I never found the "right" values to make it look like other media players and whatnot. Feel free to experiment with yuv.frag to find something better.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-03 06:46:03
Figured it out.

uniform sampler2D y_tex;
uniform sampler2D u_tex;
uniform sampler2D v_tex;

const mat3 rgb_transform = mat3(
   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,
   0.0,   -0.344, 1.77,
   1.403, -0.714, 0.0

void main()
   float y = texture2D(y_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.0625;
   float u = texture2D(u_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
   float v = texture2D(v_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
   vec3 yuv_color = vec3(y, u, v);
   vec4 rgba_color = vec4(rgb_transform * yuv_color, 1.0);
   gl_FragColor = rgba_color;

The value in red was missing for some reason. Adding that resulted in correct brightness.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Aali on 2010-12-03 07:56:46
And thats based on what information exactly?
I appreciate the effort but I'm going to need some proof that its correct before I change anything.

Also you want to change the values in the matrix, adding other operations is just a waste of precious GPU resources.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-03 09:38:37
Also, I solved the looping issue.  Seems that using baseline profile and only 1 reference frame solves it. So make sure you are not using advanced encoding options when it comes to the 5 looping videos. 

I also recorded the frames from the playstation version using fraps for white2.avi.  Have a look at it and you will see why I had to. 
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-03 12:17:58
And thats based on what information exactly?
I appreciate the effort but I'm going to need some proof that its correct before I change anything.

Also you want to change the values in the matrix, adding other operations is just a waste of precious GPU resources.

I just took the value from here:

http://code.google.com/p/sage-graphics/source/browse/trunk/bin/yuv.frag?r=187&spec=svn187 (http://code.google.com/p/sage-graphics/source/browse/trunk/bin/yuv.frag?r=187&spec=svn187)

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Aali on 2010-12-03 16:43:36
Seems like there is some merit to that after all, the YUV format used is probably not full range.
Try this shader, see what happens:

Code: [Select]
uniform sampler2D y_tex;
uniform sampler2D u_tex;
uniform sampler2D v_tex;

const mat3 rgb_transform = mat3(
1.164,    1.164,   1.164,
0.0,   -0.391, 2.018,
1.596, -0.813, 0.0

void main()
float y = texture2D(y_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.0625;
float u = texture2D(u_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
float v = texture2D(v_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;

vec3 yuv_color = vec3(y, u, v);
vec4 rgba_color = vec4(rgb_transform * yuv_color, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = rgba_color;
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-03 18:05:14
Seems like there is some merit to that after all, the YUV format used is probably not full range.
Try this shader, see what happens:

Code: [Select]
uniform sampler2D y_tex;
uniform sampler2D u_tex;
uniform sampler2D v_tex;

const mat3 rgb_transform = mat3(
1.164,    1.164,   1.164,
0.0,   -0.391, 2.018,
1.596, -0.813, 0.0

void main()
float y = texture2D(y_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.0625;
float u = texture2D(u_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
float v = texture2D(v_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;

vec3 yuv_color = vec3(y, u, v);
vec4 rgba_color = vec4(rgb_transform * yuv_color, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = rgba_color;

That worked just fine as well. I couldn't tell the difference between either one though (probably not very noticeable).

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-05 05:16:33
Someone please mirror this for me as well. 


Ending2.avi, Russian.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2010-12-05 07:17:48
Someone please mirror this for me as well. 


Ending2.avi, Russian.

......Поток жизни?

......I think I'm beginning to understand.
......I think I understand it now.
......Похоже я начинаю понимать.


An answer from the Planet...
The Planet's answer...
Ответ, данный Планетой...

the Promised Land...
The Promised Land.
Земля обетованная...

I think I can meet her... there.
I think we can meet her there.
Думаю, я могу встретить её... там.

Yeah, let's go meet her.
Yeah, let's go and meet her.
Да, встретимся с ней.

Hey, where is everyone?
Oh yeah, where is everyone else?
Эй, куда все подевались?


I'm glad you're all safe!
Thank goodness!  Everyone seems to be alright!
Я так рада, что вы все в порядке!

They all seem to be safe, too.
Looks like they're OK, too.
Похоже они тоже не пострадали.

But... now what're we going to do?
But... now what're we gonna do?
Но... что же мы будем делать теперь?

Holy should be moving soon,
Holy is going to act soon, right?
Святой должен выбраться с минуты на минуту,

and that means this place will...
Then, this place will...
и вероятно все здесь...

Oh, Lady Luck don't fail me now...
Ahh, oh Goddess of fate... don't fail me now! [verify Goddess]
Ох, Госпожа удача... не подведи меня...

Cid:  sh*t!
Cid: sh*t! [Technically Damn]

Marlene:  The flower girl?
Marlene:  The flower lady?

Wait a damn minute!
Hey, hey, hey!
Эй, погоди-ка!

What's going to happen to Midgar?
Damn it! What's gonna happen to Midgar? [verify this is happening as opposed to going to]
И что же случится с Мидгаром?

We can't let that happen!
This is bad!<<<<<<<<<<<<[needs further work]
Мы должны остановить все это!

I had everyone take refuge in the slums,
We had everyone evacuate to the slums, [verify this is "we" and make Scottish dialect]
Я уже отправил всех в трущобы,

but the way things are now...
but the way things are now... [make Scottish dialect]
но теперь...

Red: It's too late for holy.
Red: Holy was too late.
Святой опоздал.

Meteor is approaching the Planet.
Meteor got too close to the Planet.
Метеор был слишком близко.

Holy is having the opposite effect.
Holy is just making matters worse. [verify more  2 v 1 in favour of original.]
Святой только все ухудшит.

Forget Midgar,
Never mind Midgar,
Забудьте о Мидгаре,

We've gotta worry about the Planet.
the entire Planet might...
Мы должны беспокоиться о самой Планете...

Tifa: What's that!?
Tifa: What's that!?
Что это!?

Barrett: What the hell IS that...?
Barrett: What the hell IS that...?
Что, черт возьми это такое...?

.......The Lifestream.
.......Поток жизни.

It's coming.
It's coming.
Он приближается.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-05 08:32:59
I mean mirror, as in make a mirror for the actual file.  So it can be downloaded elsewhere and not my google account :)  Also, all links are down now for the main files because I am just gonna create 1 installer.  Too much pissin about.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-05 22:08:46
I mean mirror, as in make a mirror for the actual file.  So it can be downloaded elsewhere and not my google account :)  Also, all links are down now for the main files because I am just gonna create 1 installer.  Too much pissin about.

At least make a 4th installer for those of us who already downloaded the others >_>

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-05 22:31:19
I will :)  and I will leave it up 1 week.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-06 01:41:40
In fact, given I have had to leave the Japanese in place with the jenova one, it may be wiser that you all get me the FMV from the playstation discs (of course that would mean 0 editing of text)?

Well, see how this goes.

If you want to supply me with the actual FMV it is on Disc 1 and usually has "jenova" etc in the title.  It is MOV extension.

On english version it is called Jenova_E.mov

If that is what you want me to do, I will only do Spanish and Italian.




Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-12-06 02:10:32
December 10th huh? Wanna a hold it for a day and make it a birthday present for me? :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-06 02:22:02
December 10th huh? Wanna a hold it for a day and make it a birthday present for me? :D

That would make me a liar, but I will consider it :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-12-06 02:43:17
December 10th huh? Wanna a hold it for a day and make it a birthday present for me? :D

That would make me a liar, but I will consider it :P
Well... a day early is fine. Don't want ya bein a liar now :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-06 02:44:04
Too late, I have changed it :)  11th it is.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-12-06 03:06:15
Woohoo! happy birthday to me :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DestroGalacticmon on 2010-12-06 11:08:45
I have a question.

Do I need Aali's custom driver for these?
(asking just because my graphic card has no love for openGL stuff)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-12-06 15:41:14
Yes you do. The video are in a format that ff7 use natively
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Shuffle on 2010-12-06 19:44:49
Someone please mirror this for me as well. 


Ending2.avi, Russian.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DestroGalacticmon on 2010-12-06 20:09:34
Yes you do. The video are in a format that ff7 use natively

Ah, alright...
Well, thanks anyway for telling.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-07 21:03:24
Looks like I messed up big time. That whole deal with the video too bright was my fault. I was re-compressing the videos in RGB24 format instead of YV12 format.

Looks like there was nothing wrong in the yuv.frag file to begin with.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-07 21:07:11
oops :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Aali on 2010-12-07 22:26:54
Yes there is something wrong with the yuv shader and I've fixed it for the next version. It assumes the y component is always full range, while infact that differs between codecs, most of them are not full range.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-12-08 10:10:22
Here (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Movies/jenova_e.avi) you can find the mirror for jenova_e in Italian.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-08 22:29:29
Can someone mirror the other languages too?  There are 2 FMV's for each

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-12-08 23:17:30
Can someone mirror the other languages too?  There are 2 FMV's for each


I can do it, tomorrow :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-08 23:19:46
Cheers, anyone else up for being a mirror?

Total FMV: 103 (97 in PSX version)
Total Complete: 93
Release Date: 11th December, project took 1 month 2 days.  On schedule.
Original Size: 849 MB
Estimated New Size: 1070 MB, original estimates accurate.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-10 18:10:48
I have ran into an issue with the final FMV, hwindjet.avi , which does not decode with M35's program.  I have used PSXMC to decode it for now in case I am forced to use it but I would rather use the new and superior decoder.

Also, rather bizarrely, eidos used Cvid codec with fship2.avi

Due to a bug in M35's program, I will probably have to release the FMV on its own at a later time.  I will release part 2 now, and then in a few days I will release the FMV on its own.  I will then add all videos to 1 installer.  It was less than 1% chance of this happening and sadly it did.  Of all the FMV, I chose that one last and it was the one which was broken inside the program.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-11 04:33:51
Part 2: 


I will delete this in 48-72 hours.  Then begin work on main installer.

Part 2 is missing 1 FMV which will be up for download when the bug is fixed.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-11 04:57:54
Great, Disc 2 has the best FMVs  :D

Thanks for the hard work you've put into these FMVs, they really do make the game a lot better.

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-11 04:59:20
Cheers, be sure to check out Biglight.avi, it's class imho
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-11 05:06:27
Yeah, I love that one. All the Weapons leaving the crater is just epic.

I noticed you also updated the Square intro video, that's always a plus (too bad about the Eidos video though).

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-11 05:10:27
The eidos video is already updated, I did it a while back for Team Avalanche :)  I will add a separate download link to it sometime.  Well, if you install TA, it probably adds it anyway.

Also, M35 has corrected the bug so I will sort the final vid now.
Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-11 05:46:53
They don't seem to have included it in their installers  :(

EDIT: Thanks  :)

Title: Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-11 06:04:58


Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2010-12-11 08:00:42
The problem with that Eidos intro is that it has Team Avalanche logo in it. In case you're interested, I've converted the higher res intro from FF8 in a lossless codec and added FF7 audio (Video lasts longer than it though). Maybe you can do something with it (Like adding a fade-out effect to match the end of the audio, other than upscaling the video, of course).

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B7VWQL3H (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B7VWQL3H)

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-11 08:09:27
Yeah I have the FF8 one, but to be honest, it is such a dinky little logo that I will stick with what I have done.  I will use yours.  Afterall pretty much everyone will be using TA.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: t9999clint on 2010-12-11 19:54:25
I'm up for being another mirror. I got a server you guys can use for this, send me a PM for the info. Project looks great. Some scenes don't look to well with the deblocking method you used, but there's not to much that can be done about that. Still it's far better then the default PC videos. I hate megaupload and rapidshare, so I try to make it so people don't have to use those whenever I can.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-11 20:55:57
I didn't use any deblocking.  All artifacts are there in the original.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-12 03:36:39
Released.  Place all files in the same place and run FMVRes.exe found in Main.

See main post in this thread.

For those who downloaded the standalone part 2 pack, it was missing this FMV:


Also note, the next revision of Aali's driver fixes the sync issues.

I will delete standalone packs and this FMV in 3 days time.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: dahfa on 2010-12-12 07:11:42
hmm..i guess ill wait for mirrors.couldnt get to download it from google.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-12 07:14:59
What error does it give you?  It's strange that so many cant download from google.  Try Internet explorer browser.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: dahfa on 2010-12-12 11:10:59
it was something about lots of people are downloading the files and they have some problem with it.

EDIT:Okay it's working now.Im on firefox though.downloading part 1.i'll tell you what happen after if i start to download part 2.

EDIT2:Yep its working now.maybe there was just too much traffic earlier.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: indrema on 2010-12-12 15:47:20
I've made some mirrors:

Ending 2 Spanish (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/Ending2sp.avi)
Ending 2 Russian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/Ending2Rus.avi)
Jenova_e Spanish (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_spa.avi)
Jenova_e Russian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_Rus.avi)

Fmv Restoration Main (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes.exe)
Fmv Restoration Part 1 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-1.bin)
Fmv Restoration Part 2 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-2.bin)
Fmv Restoration Part 3 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-3.bin)
Fmv Restoration Part 4 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-4.bin)
Fmv Restoration Part 5 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-5.bin)
Fmv Restoration Part 6 (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/fmv_restoration/FMVRes-6.bin)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: AlbusJC on 2010-12-12 16:17:15
I think you forgot two videos to restore them. Am I right?
- gelinca.avi
- greatpit2.avi
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: dahfa on 2010-12-12 17:05:38
was the eidoslogo.avi not part of this mod?
though no biggie i just used the original eidoslogo
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-12-12 17:07:43
i just want to applauded you guys for finishing this project so quickly and with such great results! After years of talk, someone finally stepped up and not only got the job done quickly, but exceptionally well.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: AlbusJC on 2010-12-12 18:04:31
i just want to applauded you guys for finishing this project so quickly and with such great results! After years of talk, someone finally stepped up and not only got the job done quickly, but exceptionally well.

You're right pyrozen. by the way, I have a problem with these new FMV's. The videos are very slow during the game and even lose the sound. In my app.log appear this message: INFO: slow output format from video codec mpeg4; 0.
is there any way to fix it? thanks for your great job! :)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-13 01:19:12
I think you forgot two videos to restore them. Am I right?
- gelinca.avi
- greatpit2.avi

There is no such thing as greatpit2.

As for gelnica.avi, it is there.

i just want to applauded you guys for finishing this project so quickly and with such great results! After years of talk, someone finally stepped up and not only got the job done quickly, but exceptionally well.

You're right pyrozen. by the way, I have a problem with these new FMV's. The videos are very slow during the game and even lose the sound. In my app.log appear this message: INFO: slow output format from video codec mpeg4; 0.
is there any way to fix it? thanks for your great job! :)

Aali's driver will probably fix these issues on next release.  It certainly fixes the sync issue.  Perhaps it is just the speed of your computer?

was the eidoslogo.avi not part of this mod?
though no biggie i just used the original eidoslogo

Eidoslogo was left out because I have already updated it for team Avalanche.

i just want to applauded you guys for finishing this project so quickly and with such great results! After years of talk, someone finally stepped up and not only got the job done quickly, but exceptionally well.


Thanks :)

I've made some mirrors:

MUCH appreciated.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: BloodShot on 2010-12-13 03:33:30
Very nice mod. The PC version has always bugged me because of the lackluster video quality compared to the original.

My only problems with it are the sound Issue, but as you said that is something to be fixed by later versions of the OpenGL driver.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: t9999clint on 2010-12-13 22:28:46
Ok I'm setting up another mirror now...

http://custompc.ca/DOWNLOADS/FF7-FMV/ (http://custompc.ca/DOWNLOADS/FF7-FMV/)

Some of the files are still transferred and wont be up for another half an hour or so...
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-12-13 22:31:19
if you have any interest, i can setup a semi-permanent torrent of this package as well. It'll only work if others seed though....
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-12-13 22:40:19
if you have any interest, i can setup a semi-permanent torrent of this package as well. It'll only work if others seed though....

I'd seed between the hours i am home (averages between 9pm - 12am EST)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-13 22:51:27
if you have any interest, i can setup a semi-permanent torrent of this package as well. It'll only work if others seed though....

Yeah that sounds good :)  Best off waiting a few days probably.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: t9999clint on 2010-12-13 23:13:35
ok file transfer's done my mirror is up.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-14 07:22:56
thankyou very much.  I have added credits for the mirrors :)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Soul on 2010-12-14 09:36:53
Can anyone put this in torrent? Coz mine's alot faster when downloading in torrent. Don't worry, I'll seed.  :)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-12-14 20:27:40
building and uploading a torrent version right now. I'll post the link in an hour or two when the tracker updates.

Anyone who has a bittorrent client, please jump on for a bit just to get the seeding started. You don't have to download the whole thing, but a bit of sharing helps speed it up initally.



Here's the link to the page on TPB, tracker may take a while to figure it out, but i am seeding.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Soul on 2010-12-14 21:48:32
Downloading it right now. Only have one seed, guess that you pyrozen.   :D More seeds! Wee need moore seeeds!  ;D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-12-14 22:09:22
not just seeds, peers help boost your speed very quickly. Hopefully some passerbys see it on TPB and jump on as well. my upload rate is not very high, but i'll do what i can.

To anyone who has already downloaded this, you can help seed without redownloading the whole thing.
Make a folder called FMVRestoration_ENG, and place all of the files related to this project in it.
Place that folder in your completed torrent directory.
Download the torrent on the pirate bay and point your BT client at it.

You will simply start seeding the files you already downloaded, which could greatly help this torrent get going. I'd like to see it go self-sufficient if enough people can hear about it. There's something cool about starting a torrent, and finding it again 6 months after you stopped seeding.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Soul on 2010-12-15 12:06:59
Just finished downloading it. Tried to run it while seeding. It says that the source file is corrupted.  :| Should I run it after seeding? Or do I have to redownload it again?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-12-15 19:20:18
hmmm, it appears the first .BIN file did not compeletly transfer for some reason. You can download it individually for now, and i will fix the torrent.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2010-12-15 21:02:19
Are you sure that the 4th bin file is fine?  Shows here as not 190 MB.  2 and 5 show 190 and 6 might be wrong too?  Check file sizes and checksums against the the files
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Soul on 2010-12-15 21:20:04
Is it safe to download now? Are the files fixed?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-12-15 21:46:11

Two of them were corrupt, i have no idea why since i used the files i downloaded from google. Anyway, these are verified to be working. I transferred them to another computer on my network to do the seeding, so it will be up on my end as long as I can or have to host it. Anyone who was helping seed the old torrent, please stop and continue with this one.

Apologies all around, I'm clueless as to what happened to the other torrent. I've posted bunches of torrents and never had any issue.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Soul on 2010-12-15 22:13:40
Downloading it now.  ;D Thanks for the link update. I'll seed again after. Almost seeded 5gb in the last link.  ;)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-12-16 02:29:48
downloading and seeding. nearly done.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: cloudi on 2011-01-23 08:44:21
tanks is beautiful
sorry for the position it is placed just above the default text but it does not interfere in any way
french jenova  ;)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: HeWhoWas on 2011-01-25 10:15:19
I just jumped on the torrent with my seedbox - you should see some speed increases soon :-P
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: buncorleone on 2011-01-25 14:30:27
I just wanted to drop by and say thanks to you all for doing such a great job with the FMVs. I recently decided to try installing and modding FF7 to look a bit better and can't believe the staggering amount of work that has been done to the game.

Also just a note, you may want to include a link or a small description in the opening post on how to get these to work in game. It's easy once you know how (editing the registry string to point to the new movie files), but I had to go searching Google to find that info. It would be nice to have it here so n00bs like me can get these fantastic FMVs working ASAP.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-01-25 15:01:25
I was going to edit the key with the installer but then I realised that the key might not even exist.  I should have done something to add it regardless.  Oh well.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Silent Warrior on 2011-01-28 04:38:36
Well, this is a cause for celebration! %&"#%& shame I'm not at home where FF7 is...
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Napper on 2011-02-01 17:08:22
I used the Installer and everything has worked fine. But can someone help with the gamma/brightness on the FMVs. They are very dark for and was wondering did I make some mistake somewhere? When i play them using Windows Media Player they look great but in game, they are very dark.

I'm also using aali latest opengl driver (7.10)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Rumbah on 2011-02-01 17:23:06
You could try using driver 7.9 as perhaps the latest version converts the video thinking it is tv range.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Napper on 2011-02-01 17:25:05
Ill try that now and get back to you.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Napper on 2011-02-01 17:28:53
PERFECT STUFF! That did the charm. You are a gent sir.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: metastigmat on 2011-02-01 22:59:31
can some1 tell me this FMV's just like in Remix patch or not? (cuz I download it & it is awful) - 1GB of original video & replaced intro & some cuts from CRISIS CORE (my dovnload speed is 128 kbs...think u understand what i feel when i saw it quality...link 2 patch is www.finalfantasy7pc.com/mods/remix-patcher - DON'T EVEN TRY 2 DOWNLOAD IT!!!)))
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-02-01 23:01:07
This isnt from Remix.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Covarr on 2011-02-01 23:01:29
No, the remix patch intended to replace content. This is simply much higher quality versions of the videos already in FF7.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: metastigmat on 2011-02-01 23:05:40
If all of them like Jenova rus that i saw then it's "MUST HAVE" for collection with no doubt
...so anybody know how to make "Perfect Resize"(new "Genue Fractals") work with Photoimpact? (I don't have Photoshop...standalone "perfect resize" do not support batch conversion)...also "PhotoZoom Pro" is god for resizing but I wanna try all of them
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Napper on 2011-02-08 15:45:45
I've realised that my sound is out of sync with the FMVs. I noticed this during the bike.avi that all the sounds were delayed (example when he goes through the glass and skids). However when I watch the avi normally with WMP the sound is perfect and accurate.

Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-02-08 16:10:28
update to latest aali driver
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Napper on 2011-02-08 16:59:03
Im using aali 7.9 because when I use 7.10b the movies are very dark looking. How do I resolve that with the newest aali driver?

UPDATE: I fixed it using aali latest driver 7.10b. I went into the shaders folder and into the yuv.frag file and erased the line

"if(!full_range) y = (y - (1.0 / 255.0) * 16.0) * (255.0 / (235.0 - 16.0));"

Once that was gone. The movies had perfect gamma again.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-02-08 18:34:54
From what I remember Aali is fixing the gamma for his next driver, too.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: jeffdamann on 2011-02-09 00:29:34
Lol I dloaded to seed an Im getting 1.3 kbps. ETA: 1 week 6 days.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: metastigmat on 2011-02-19 14:43:12
whether there is an opportunity to raise framerare  at 30 frames per second without video acceleration? (using Google translate)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Daedelus on 2011-03-02 02:12:03
It's probably something minor that I'm doing wrong, but whenever I run the setup, I always get an error when it tries to install the movies. The error states "Access is denied" on all attempts to install any video to the default folder, "E:\FF7\Movies". I figure all I'll have to do is allow access to the folder, but for some reason, I do not have the option to do so. What am I doing wrong?

And if it's of any importance, I'm running this on windows 7 32-bit.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Covarr on 2011-03-02 02:24:28
Access denied issues can usually be fixed by right clicking the application and running as an administrator.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Daedelus on 2011-03-02 02:57:07
Access denied issues can usually be fixed by right clicking the application and running as an administrator.
Right, but in this case, it's the folder in the iso I'm not allowed to access.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Covarr on 2011-03-02 04:32:56
Oh I see. I misinterpreted your post, assumed E: was a hard drive, not a disc image.

To use these videos, you need to install them to a separate folder on your HDD. Just like you can't write to an actual game disc, you can't write to an ISO like that.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Daedelus on 2011-03-02 04:34:50
Ah, I understand now. Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: yarLson on 2011-03-07 13:21:36
ehm im sorry i feel kinda retarded, but um there aren't any installation instructions in the original post and I don't know how to get these working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Should I put them in my data folder perhaps? I dunno I guess I'll just keep trying stuff.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-03-07 13:25:28
You have to change the registry key to match the folder you want to use, and place the movie files into a folder (the installer will place them where you want).  Your problem is the registry is still pointing to the disc location and not the folder the movies are now in.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: yarLson on 2011-03-07 14:17:46
yeah well you were right the value was set to the wrong directory but when i changed it nothing happened it still playing movies from the disk. Confused?!
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-03-07 21:23:29
make sure it has a leading \

for example, c:\movies\ and not c:\movies
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: yarLson on 2011-03-07 21:26:49
ah okay I will double check that. Thank you very much sir.

*edit* it worked thanks again! However now I am having a new problem, the sound doesn't really work, as in it cuts in and out or is just way off, in the intro video the song even restarts half way through. Now you'll probably say to upgrade my aali's driver. I am using 0.7.8 right now. Wish I could use 0.7.10 but it pretty much breaks all of my custom models (doesn't use them, shows all kinds of glitchy things in place etc) and also seems to have problems with the mod path if memory serves. If you know how to resolve these issues with 0.7.10 I would love to hear it, or if there is another way to fix the sound that would be great to. Or perhaps could there be a problem with ff7music?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-03-07 21:58:35
Wish I could use 0.7.10

Yup you will need it or above to run these properly.  And it might be ff7music or windows vista / 7.  Windows vista and 7 have problems with sound.  Check forum.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: yarLson on 2011-03-08 00:42:03
i got super lucky. I updated to the latest driver at it actually works. Man this thing has destroyed my install 3 times already but now for some reason it works without a hitch. Thanks again for the help :D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2011-03-24 02:56:27
An issue I noticed in your FMVs is that there is a distortion in the four sides of the picture of every video, which causes them to not align properly with the backgrounds (most noticeable in the Opening).

It's not very noticeable at first, but once you do notice it, it's impossible to ignore. You probably won't redo them, but I though I should make you aware anyways.

You also forgot to add the "fullrange=on" flag in the H264 settings when encoding them. Without that flag, Aali's driver renders the videos in the wrong colors (0.7.10b).

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-03-24 03:13:37
vegas doesnt have such an option...  and it did work fine in the older driver.  So I guess people will have to use older settings for the range?

Any case, I havent noticed any shifting.  They were compiled at perfect resolution.  The same as original.

Show me what you mean in screenshot.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2011-03-24 03:46:50
(http://img195.imagevenue.com/loc542/th_37961_mplayerc2011_03_2400_37_25_39_122_542lo.jpg) (http://img195.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=37961_mplayerc2011_03_2400_37_25_39_122_542lo.jpg)

Pay attention to the text on the top and left side of the screen. It bends slightly when it reaches the border. That distortion isn't there in the original movie files.

It could be the fractals resizer that is causing this, or an X264 setting. Whatever it is, it's not present in other restoration projects in the forum.

And the fullrange option does exist: http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#fullrange (http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#fullrange)

There's probably a way to add flags manually.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-03-24 03:54:26
In vegas.  I used vegas h264 (mainconcept).  Not x264.  That distortion is simply the way it goes :)  probably fractals.  It is just gonna have to be one of those things, there's another working on FMV's and so people will get a choice.  I am impressed by his noise reduction but I will probably stick with mine because they don't look as "fake" with the loss of some detail.

There is always some sort of issue months after it is finished.  I am afraid I cannot correct the problem now, it is far too late.  Still, as I said, there is another doing FMV's ;)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Terid__K on 2011-03-24 03:59:25
Just making sure you're aware of the issue, in case you ever decide to try something different on them.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-03-24 04:02:14
It's a shame that the problem has only just surfaced but it is too late :)  I am not sure what has added that problem tbh, probably fractals though.  had I done them again I would just batch the way the other guy has.

We will see what he comes up with.  Personally I feel the problem is small...  it's taken this long to find it so it can't be that bad ;)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: moothead on 2011-03-24 21:03:40
Is this for PC and if it is, where do you put the files?

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Timber on 2011-03-25 02:32:27
Is this for PC and if it is, where do you put the files?

Yes it is, and it is an installer.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: moothead on 2011-03-25 13:32:49
I've installed it to the FFVII directory but it still seems to be showing the original movies from the disk. Is there a specific directory or anything else i have to do to get it to work?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Kyo13 on 2011-03-25 16:00:09
Yeah you'll have to change your videopath on your register.

Use Regedit and search for Final Fantasy VII :

Or for x64 system :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII

And change the value MoviePath to this one :
C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\Movies\

Or for x64 sytem :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\Movies\

That must be the folder where you've placed new movies.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: moothead on 2011-03-25 16:36:55
Yeah you'll have to change your videopath on your register.

Use Regedit and search for Final Fantasy VII :

Or for x64 system :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII

And change the value MoviePath to this one :
C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\Movies\

Or for x64 sytem :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\Movies\

That must be the folder where you've placed new movies.

Thanks a lot. I had trouble because the installer was creating a new Final Fantasy VII folder in the Square Soft, Inc folder and so it obviously couldn't find them.

Great mod, the PC videos are horrendous.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ThePreacher on 2011-04-06 14:59:34
Just installed it, and it's working great. Great job, many thanks!!

One question: you write "Total Complete: 103 (+1, the Squaresoft logo)". That means, that the Squaresoft logo remains original and will not be changed, correct?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-04-06 15:05:33
No it means the squaresoft logo has been updated, although it is crap to begin with and looks crap afterwards... just not as crap.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ThePreacher on 2011-04-06 15:54:58
Ah, OK, thanks. I have mistaken "sqlogo.avi" for "eidoslogo.avi", that's all. My bad!

But you're right. At least it is less pixelated now. But the other FMV's are far better than before!
Since I own the PSX Version AND the (german) PC Version I have compared them and it seems to be even better than the PSX ones through maximum settings ePSXe on Pete's plugin!
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-04-07 06:45:49
There is no seems about it ;)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: drzewko on 2011-04-09 09:23:33
Hey, great work on the restoration.
However I have a problem, I can play the movies fine outside the game, Media Player Classic or Windows Media Player works.
But inside the game I get a black screen and no movie, no sound.
I'm using Aalis ff7_opengl-0.7.10b
MoviePath in the registry is setup correctly.
Eidos intro plays fine from disk.

What do you guys think could be the problem?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: yarLson on 2011-04-09 09:38:42
I had the exact same problem, make sure that your registry movie path is set up with a dash \ at the end of it and not just open ended.
For example "D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\Movies\"
Doesn't seem like much but this will cause the problem you describe if there is no dash
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-04-09 10:00:01
I really should have added a registry editor to that installer...

oooooh well.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: drzewko on 2011-04-09 13:54:24
This is what it's set to now, dash at the end present

"X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\Movies\"
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-04-09 13:58:27
Assuming that is where the movies are and that path is 100% correct it should work.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: drzewko on 2011-04-09 14:48:44
If I put the original movies back in there, they all work ingame.
I suspect some kind of codec issue, but standalone players work without problems so I'm out of ideas.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Covarr on 2011-04-09 17:15:33
I'd be willing to bet that Aali's driver is not installed correctly, as it should be able to play these without any external codecs.

Please post your APP.LOG
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: drzewko on 2011-04-09 19:26:24
Game is started, eidos logo plays, I interrupt it, menu shows up, new game is selected, black screen, alt+f4 after a while.

Code: [Select]
TOTAL 519634944 FREE 512578944
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 4096 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 4608 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1360 H 768 P 5440 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1366 H 768 P 5464 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1600 H 900 P 6400 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1600 H 1024 P 6400 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1680 H 1050 P 6720 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 2304 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1360 H 768 P 2720 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1366 H 768 P 2732 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1600 H 900 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1600 H 1024 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1680 H 1050 P 3360 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 720 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 720 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 800 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 1152 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1360 H 768 P 1360 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1366 H 768 P 1366 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1600 H 900 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1600 H 1024 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1680 H 1050 P 1680 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1440 H 900 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1440 H 900 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1440 H 900 P 5760 RGB 1 BPP 32
Ramp Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D Mono(Ramp) Software Emulation
RGB Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D RGB Software Emulation
Direct3D HAL
  Microsoft Direct3D Hardware acceleration through Direct3D HAL
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 5:6:5:0
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 5:5:5:0
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 5:5:5:1
  PALETTE 0 BITS 16 RGBA 4:4:4:4
  PALETTE 0 BITS 32 RGBA 8:8:8:0
  PALETTE 0 BITS 32 RGBA 8:8:8:8
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 1:LoopBe Internal MIDI, mid=1, pid=102,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
MULTIMEDIA ERROR: The function is not supported. in FILE C:\lib\src\sound\midi1.cpp LINE 356
midiOutGetVolume returned: ffffffff
Volume control unsupported
set music volume: 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 100
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
MIDI set volume trans: 127->0; step=60
MIDI stop - OK
MIDI stop - OK
Entering MAIN
set music volume: 127
Exiting MAIN
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save03.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save04.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save05.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save06.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save07.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save08.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE X:\Laptop\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save09.ff7
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Field Start
MIDI stop - OK
Field Quit
MIDI stop - OK
resetting MIDI driver volume - OK
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: sl1982 on 2011-04-09 19:34:15
Go get Aali's driver and install it. Or if you have it already you did not install it properly.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Covarr on 2011-04-09 19:36:49
Since you said you had it installed, the problem is that Aali's Driver is not working. Open up ff7config, go to the graphics tab, and choose "Custom Driver" from the drop-down menu. If you're using Windows Vista or Windows 7, you may need to run ff7config as an administrator.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: drzewko on 2011-04-09 19:47:56
you may need to run ff7config as an administrator.

Somehow I was running config as non admin, UAC was popping up and asking for confirmation, so I thought it was requesting admin rights, also config said that the driver was working and I should edit the .cfg file.
Forcing it to run as admin did the trick, although nothing visibly changed.

Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Sanctifer on 2011-04-12 16:43:43
Hi !

I seem to have a problem with this mod :
Everything installed correctly, I can totally read your enhanced fmv's with a media player, and the path in regedit is correct (with a / at the end and everything)
I use the latest version of Aali's custom driver (0.7.10b if I remember correctly)

My problem is that, whenever a movie is read ingame, it's reaaaaally slow.
I can see that it's your enhanced fmv's that are read, I just don't know why it's so slow (it took me more than two minutes to watch the movie of the "cabin" to go to the glod saucer -_- )

Did I do something wrong ?
Do I have to set something special in FF7opengl.cfg ?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-04-29 08:17:47
Hi. I'm new... Bought this game yeaaarz ago and could never get it to work. Now it is working really nice Since i found this forum few days ago.

This is the one mod I cannot get to work. Ive rebuilt ff7 5+ times now in last few days, but the videos will not run for me.

I suspect it is because I am on XP. Heres my App.txt:

INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.7.10b
INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: ATI Technologies Inc. Radeon X800 Series (Omega 3.8.442) 2.1.7169 Release
INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Max texture size: 2048x2048
INFO: Number of texture units: 8
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1280x960, output resolution 1280x960, internal resolution 1280x960
INFO: Shader limits: varying 44, vert uniform 512, frag uniform 512
INFO: vertex shader compile log:
Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

INFO: fragment shader compile log:
Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
INFO: main program link log:
Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 0:Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth, mid=1, pid=102,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
midiOutGetVolume returned: ffffffff
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 100
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
INFO: C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\Movies\eidoslogo.avi; h264/aac 1280x960, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 9.800000, frames: 147
ERROR: unhandled exception

that is the logo avi from this thread. with aali .7.9 itl play that same file, at about half speed, and then crash on the sqlogo file. the movies are sooo much better ;p please help me i want to incorporate them into the game ;p its keeping me up at night
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: yarLson on 2011-04-29 21:01:10
you need version 0.7.10b of aali's driver to use these videos
also make sure your movie path in the registry is setup correctly to wherever your movies are located on the hard drive. That should do it.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-04-29 21:55:46

i appreciate the response

from the APP.txt readout there u can see i was running aali's 7.10b and that it attempted to run a video at high res (the OP's eidoslogo) and crashed.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: sl1982 on 2011-04-30 00:32:43
Turn of texture compression in aali's driver. 0.7.10b with texture compression and AMD cards do not play nicely.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-04-30 00:44:47
yah, took me a little while to figure that out but, unfortunately it doesnt make these videos play in game ;(
i wonder if its a setting from opengl config or not. Somehow i suspect if i had windows 7 wouldnt be having this issue. If anyone with XP is able to use these FMVs please lemme know :p
Title: little help
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 00:34:02
newbie here, you guys do exellent work... anyway, ive downloaded the fmv files and the installer and ive installed them, but there appears to be no change in the cutscenes when I play ff7, I imagin ive got the folder in the wrong place or something, Ive got it in the ff7 directory, so if anyone could help me out id be much abliged.

thank you
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-05-01 01:00:44
that's an easy fix ;p need to run regedit and modify the movie path setting for the FF7 registry. The path is the place on your hard drive where you installed this movie pack, by default the game will play the avis off the CDs. You'll also find you need an eidoslogo.avi file in that directory since the pack doesnt actually come with one. if they work for you, im jealous, cus the quality is unbelievable compared to orig. I'm working on getting these files to play in game myself, no luck so far.
some of the files provided by Trojak in a different thread do work for me, including a nice opening.avi
anyway, good luck
Title: regedit?
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 01:49:10
how do i get regedit?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 01:49:45
Windows + R then regedit
Title: so...
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:01:56
how do i get to the ff7 folder from regedit?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:02:42
are you running 32 or 64 bits?
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:07:14
how do i tell?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:08:51
do you have one Program Files or two? if so, is one called Program Files (x86) ? then you're 64 bits. if not, you're 32 bits
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:11:03
you meen in the c drive right? just got the one
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:13:58
ok, then, in regedit :

Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:15:56
ok yeah, i got it, but exactly what do i do?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:17:29
copy/paste the directory where your videos are in the moviepath field. Add "\" without quotes at the end.
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:22:47
could you be a ta..................ad more specific please?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:25:27
(http://s3.noelshack.com/uploads/images/8025233196420_20110430_222422.png) (http://s3.noelshack.com/upload/8025233196420_20110430_222422.png)

Can you see it?
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:34:30
nope, it skipped the cutscenes, do I need that eidios logo thing?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:35:11
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:36:33
how do i get it?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:37:09
it's included... isnt it?
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:38:56
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:39:45
in the download package...
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:41:57
that template guy further up was sayin there wasnt one
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:43:11

Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:48:06
there were no other files besides the ones in the movies folder, it should've  have worked if it was in there but it didnt, so...
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:48:47
did you downloaded the files? you MUST
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:51:48
i downloaded the first type which were listed
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:52:42
ok. then launch the .exe and select the directory
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 02:55:01
it reads

c:\program files\square soft, inc\final fantasy vii\data\movies
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-01 02:55:44
add \ at the end. this is primordial
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-01 02:56:43
add \ at the end. this is primordial

People need to start reading this thread before posting questions.  You should be electrocuted if you make that mistake.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 03:04:47
sorry DLPB, k the cutscenes are running but with slow down

ANYWAY thanks for helping me get this far guys, thanks template and vgr255, and thank you DLPB for your hard work on this mod

ps, i did skim through the thread but couldnt really find any further instructions
Title: ok, so...
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 15:03:00
how do I fix the slow down?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Covarr on 2011-05-01 18:39:43
No need to double post to ask the same question twice in a row.

Slowdown is typically caused by having a crappy video card, outdated drivers, or having texture caching enabled in Aali's driver on an ATI card.
Title: k
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 19:37:54
so how would I go about disabling texture caching?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Kίпg Ģµяµ on 2011-05-01 20:00:03
# store external textures in a compressed cache for increased performance
# compression is not lossless, some artifacts may appear when this option is in use
# texture cache does NOT update automatically if the source image changes, however, deleting anything from the cache
# will cause that file to be recreated from the source
compress_textures = no

This is how it should be in your configuration.
Title: .
Post by: crackinglazer on 2011-05-01 20:10:49
no it didnt work, i guess my computer is not good enough, thanks anyway.
what do I have to put in the movie path to make it run the fmv's on the disks?
(in other words normally)

ok, I took DLPB's advice and read the thread properly, and found people with the same problems, and most were solved, so I tried a few things and found that my version of alli's custom graphics driver was 8b, so I downloaded the 10b version and found that the fmv's still ran in slomo even with texture caching disabled, there was somebody at the bottom of page 10 talking about fmv slow down and they didn't get answered, although not everyone has encountered the slowdown problem, those who have dont know how to remedy it, but for now Im using the regular fmv's until a sollution reveals itself   
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Sanctifer on 2011-05-18 14:21:55
So I assume there's no solution yet ^^
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: obesebear on 2011-05-18 16:37:03
So I assume there's no solution yet ^^
You either buy a better computer or hope Aali figures out some way to better optimize movie playback.  Or you yourself convert the movies to a smaller size.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-18 17:11:00
Yes I am afraid there is no magic trick for a poor computer. 
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2011-05-18 18:37:05
Yes I am afraid there is no magic trick for a poor computer. 

There is a way actualy... You buy liquid nitrogen, cool down your cpu and overclock it! }=)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-18 20:24:17
bah always 1 smart ass.   :evil:   :-D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Xion999 on 2011-05-25 04:23:06
Hey guys.

I used to lurk around here back in the day. I just recently got the urge to get Final Fantasy 7 and 8 back on my pc and running smooth when I (re)stumbled upon this site. In any case, I noticed that the original eidos logo video looked god awful, and you guys didn't include it in the restoration (of course not). That being said, I thought the FF8 eidos logo looked much better--so I extracted it, converted it, and uploaded it for anyone who would like to use it with FF7.


All you have to do is stick it in with the rest of the movies.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-25 15:13:54
I used ff8 eidos with the avalanche logo I think.  It is a bit better but at the end of the day I left it out of official release because it is not from FF7.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Xion999 on 2011-05-25 15:38:50
Yea I get it. But the original eidos logo for FF7 is....just...so....BAD.

I am currently considering trying to find a newer, higher res eidos logo to replace it with. But most games nowadays don't use video for the opening credits. The idea is to get a higher res eidos logo and a higher res squaresoft logo to go with my new high res title screen.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-25 15:46:55
No idea...  haven't looked into logos really :)  Only thing I can think of for Squaresoft is to extract the texture from FF8 and then use something like Perfect Resize on it.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Xion999 on 2011-05-25 16:43:13
The one thing I did find that is in 720p is an eidos montreal logo on youtube. I fugre you could extract it and use video editing tools to remove the montreal moniker. As for the squaresoft logo, I'm sure there are high res iterations of it already online. All that would be left to do is animate it and convert it to Indeo avi.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-05-25 16:55:55
Did i hear high res squaresoft logo?

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Xion999 on 2011-05-25 17:07:52
perfect. Just need to recolor the black lettering white and animate it. I'm not sure where my animation tool is right now, but once i get it animated I'll need someone to convert it to avi and tweak it or whatever.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-25 22:08:06
The one thing I did find that is in 720p is an eidos montreal logo on youtube. I fugre you could extract it and use video editing tools to remove the montreal moniker. As for the squaresoft logo, I'm sure there are high res iterations of it already online. All that would be left to do is animate it and convert it to Indeo avi.

indeo?  why you using that?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Xion999 on 2011-05-25 22:36:09
If I'm not correct isnt that the codec FF7 uses for its FMVs?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Timber on 2011-05-26 04:38:25
Yea I get it. But the original eidos logo for FF7 is....just...so....BAD.

If you wish to save time, as well as your eyeballs, just delete the logo videos, and the game skips them.

If I'm not correct isnt that the codec FF7 uses for its FMVs?

Aali's driver support H.264, so that's your best bet.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: blackveyron on 2011-05-26 20:04:09
guys the jenova_e.avi Spanish video file link is broken can someone upload it again i really need it :(
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-27 00:53:05

You missed the backup mirror.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: bjaxx87 on 2011-05-29 19:42:59
jenova_e.avi Italian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Movies/jenova_e.avi)
jenova_e.avi Russian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_Rus.avi)
jenova_e.avi Spanish (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_spa.av)

ending2.avi Italian (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Movies/ending2.avi)
ending2.avi Russian (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16340142/Ending2Rus.avi)
ending2.avi Spanish (http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/Ending2sp.avi)

I have the German PSX version of FF7. If I provide my FMV files, could someone reconstruct those 2 videos in German language? I would be very grateful!
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-05-29 20:03:13
This project is completed... all my files and so forth are deleted and I am not personally doing anymore languages.  Someone may be able to make them for you based on an ordinary restoration process.  Not me though, I'm sorry.. 
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-30 01:59:35
French versions were done by someone here, you might be able to do it yourself, aren't you?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DestroGalacticmon on 2011-06-07 13:48:07
Can someone slap me please? Or at least tell me where I'm going wrong.

The deal is this; I put the new FMVs in a movie folder under the main FF7 folder, and did a bit of this and that to the registry. Well, something is wrong with it, because what I get is an APP log full of errors opening movie files. It's like this; I run ff7.exe, and it skips straight to the credits. I blame the registry for that.

Yep. My disc is inserted in the F drive. That's for sure. And I'm 100% sure the movie path is where I installed the new movies in. But no, they won't even dare to load up. I've been trying with a dummy ISO because it doesn't contain the old crappy movies. (I still can't tell the difference cuz I haven't seen the new quality live.)

Can someone tell me what exactly is it that I need to fix here, and if the AppPath and DataPath values are wrong too?

EDIT: Never mind. Stupid me tried to use a separate reg edit file to do the work for me, but it was after I posted this that I realized it can't touch something that needs admin rights.  :-[
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Beavii on 2011-06-16 19:28:37
This mod is 28.39% larger than the original, Not 22%.
Sorry I'm  bit of a maths geek, You done your maths in reverse.

Nice work though.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-06-16 22:53:21
You are right...  I am too used to percentage calcs being from the lower number to higher.  Well spotted.

next time do it in PM and save me the embarrassment.  :-D :-D :-D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Beavii on 2011-06-17 22:46:56

My Bad.. :P
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: doru1 on 2011-07-13 13:46:04
Ok I've downloaded all of the parts and ran the exe but I have no idea what to do next and I cant find instructions for this anywhere. Ive got the movies folder and nothing happens. I've tried running the .bat file in the folder too. There has to be something else I've got to do ???

Please help  :|
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-07-13 14:49:23
Shouldn't be a bat file anywhere. It's just a .exe file and a few .bin files

EDIT: What version of Windows are you running?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: doru1 on 2011-07-13 15:14:25
windows 7 64bit

the bat file was inside the movies folder. I just changed it to a txt file and it says this

Code: [Select]
copy fcar.avi car_1209.avi /y
not sure what that would be for

EDIT: Is there a specific folder I need to have the exe put the movie folder
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-07-13 15:27:06
It is making the duplicate of 1 of the FMV to save space.  2 of the FMV in the game are the same file.  The bat file should be deleted, it has nothin to do with your problem.  Make sure your registry movie path is correct and ends with \
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-07-13 15:32:11
Here is a text version of a .reg file.
Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]
"MoviePath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Square Soft, Inc\\Final Fantasy VII\\Movies\\"

Open notepad, Paste this information into it. Save as. change it from .txt to all file types. and name it

Movie fix.reg

Or download it from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?9bk5nv5eub40u1v

EDIT: Of course make sure your movies are in the above mentioned location. (%PathToFF7%\Movies\)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: doru1 on 2011-07-13 15:34:06
Where do I need to put it?

EDIT: never mind that was me being dumb
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-07-13 15:34:44
You just double click the .reg file, it'll warn you not to add just any old reg files, just click okay. And you'll be good to go
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: doru1 on 2011-07-13 15:39:35
Thanks it worked ;D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-07-13 15:42:44
You're welcome.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-07-13 15:47:24
You're welcome.

Oh no... not another covarr!  :o  ;D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-07-13 19:56:59
Haha! But it isn't, as it misses the capital W ;D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-07-14 13:25:16
ah ha! but it wouldn't be capital :P
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Falkiner on 2011-07-21 02:30:57
Hi guys, I've been using this, but I noticed that the video cames first, and the audio cames later.
Any solution for this?

I'm Using Windows 7 Ultimare
Phenom X4 II 955
GeForce 9800 GT


And I want to use that because I've noticed that some .avi files from the original disc, don't have sound! And I don't know why! Maybe is a codec missing?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-07-21 13:19:29
Which FMV's specifically? (what parts of the game) i have not run into these issues yet myself.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-07-21 17:16:47
Install k lite mega codec pack and see what happens.

Reinstall true motion as well.

Ignore that. 

Aali's driver is required to play the FMV's.  The new FMV's (and indeed ANY with the driver) are not played by ANY external codec.  And before you give help (above), please get informed first.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Falkiner on 2011-07-21 18:22:47
Which FMV's specifically? (what parts of the game) i have not run into these issues yet myself.

On the first, when you start a New Game.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Borde on 2011-07-22 14:34:49
There are some videos that have no music. That's correct, because the game uses a midi there.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-07-22 15:28:08
On the first, when you start a New Game.

I have no issue with that video at all, sound is synced up perfectly. Try a reinstall of the files? Which version of Aali's driver are you running?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Falkiner on 2011-08-06 19:40:52
I have no issue with that video at all, sound is synced up perfectly. Try a reinstall of the files? Which version of Aali's driver are you running?
The last i think, but well forget, I'm playing with the old FMVs :p
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: willo182 on 2011-08-09 23:17:57
i copied the fmv's from the game discs into a movies directory and edited the registry to point to it, that worked fine, ff7 played like a dream.

installed restoration and every time it tries to play the sqlogo video ff7 crashes with the "oops!...." dialogue box.

i swithed out that vid for the original and then it gets to menu fine and plays fine, if i select new game though the new opening fmv plays but the sound is sparadic.

i know i should do an install with just fmv restoration installed but to be honest if you or anyone can think of something it could be i will just stick to the old fmv's
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-09 23:22:02
cant see how Menu can affect them.  Send app log
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: willo182 on 2011-08-09 23:35:08
Yeah i really dont think it is an issue with any mods or anything maybe a setting in the driver or maybe windows or my hardware, also rereading through notice that sound issues are inherant with windows 7

Code: [Select]
INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.7.11b
INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: ATI Technologies Inc. Radeon X1900 Series 2.1.7275 Release
INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Max texture size: 4096x4096
INFO: Number of texture units: 8
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1280x960, output resolution 1280x960, internal resolution 1280x960
INFO: Shader limits: varying 44, vert uniform 512, frag uniform 512
INFO: vertex shader compile log:
Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

INFO: fragment shader compile log:
Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
INFO: main program link log:
Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
INFO: FF7Music helper plugin loaded
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
set music volume: 127
set music volume: 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
INFO: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\movies\eidoslogo.avi; truemotion2/pcm_u8 320x240, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 10.133333, frames: 152
INFO: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\movies\sqlogo.avi; h264/aac 1280x896, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 14.533333, frames: 218
ERROR: unhandled exception
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-10 00:28:54
and it crashed on that video?  Well I cant see how that happens...  you are using latest aali driver?  send the crash dump to aali.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: willo182 on 2011-08-10 01:24:31
and it crashed on that video?  Well I cant see how that happens...  you are using latest aali driver?  send the crash dump to aali.

Yeah using the latest driver (0.7.11b) and yeah i am stumped as to why it crashes too, maybe its my graphics card driver.

Anyway sent Aali the app.log and crash.dmp hopefully he can shed some light onto it.

Watched your fmv's in vlc player and i really hope it can be resolved cos they look awesome.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-10 02:49:41
This needs placing in releases :P  8)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-08-10 03:24:02
i copied the fmv's from the game discs into a movies directory and edited the registry to point to it, that worked fine, ff7 played like a dream.

installed restoration and every time it tries to play the sqlogo video ff7 crashes with the "oops!...." dialogue box.

i swithed out that vid for the original and then it gets to menu fine and plays fine, if i select new game though the new opening fmv plays but the sound is sparadic.

i know i should do an install with just fmv restoration installed but to be honest if you or anyone can think of something it could be i will just stick to the old fmv's

i really do find it amusing that you sound surprised every time someone points this out, DLPB. my GUESS is that there are more people that CANT use your vids than can.

cant see how Menu can affect them.  Send app log

hes not saying the MENU overhaul is causing the video to crash hes saying when he tries your restored videos they crash.

The solution that those of us who CANT use DLPBs video restoration have found is to USE TROJAKS MOVIES INSTEAD
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-10 04:33:56
i really do find it amusing that you sound surprised every time someone points this out, DLPB. my GUESS is that there are more people that CANT use your vids than can.

hes not saying the MENU overhaul is causing the video to crash hes saying when he tries your restored videos they crash.

The solution that those of us who CANT use DLPBs video restoration have found is to USE TROJAKS MOVIES INSTEAD

You are beginning to irritate me, so let me just say this.  f*ck right off my threads and go install your incomplete FMV.  I am not worried since these work for me and a lot of people.  f*ck you, you ignorant selfish little ****.

As I have explained dozens of times, this is not my issue, it is aalis and the driver of which I have 0 control.  If there was some serious flaw in the FMV, use 1% of your brain and realise they would affect EVERYONE and not a select few.

Now do one.  Stop popping up ridiculing my work when you have done f*ck ALL.  I am getting mighty tired of little opportunists like you who don;t do a damn thing and think they deserve everything.  I do this in my spare time and out of goodness to the community.  I am not paid and I don;t expect a little prat turning up on my threads trying to win points on some personal crusade.


And when you have pulled your head out of your arse, go read his thead and see that at least 1 person there has serious issues with his as well.  Is that his fault as well?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-08-10 05:10:10

shocking how much of a prick he can be isnt it?

You don't have to look hard in this forum to find threads where DLPB is being an ass.

The founder of the site hates him even.

Fact remains, kiddo. Your movies don't work for everyone. So I'm responding to them on your precious thread and letting them know they have an option. Yah, it's true, I tend to troll you and only you. But it's because from day 1 I looked at this site and saw that flaming picture of yourself you use for an avatar and didn't like you. Have a nice day :)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DarkFang on 2011-08-10 05:22:13

shocking how much of a prick he can be isnt it?

You don't have to look hard in this forum to find threads where DLPB is being an ass.

The founder of the site hates him even.

Fact remains, kiddo. Your movies don't work for everyone. So I'm responding to them on your precious thread and letting them know they have an option. Yah, it's true, I tend to troll you and only you. But it's because from day 1 I looked at this site and saw that flaming picture of yourself you use for an avatar and didn't like you. Have a nice day :)

If you think he's such a prick, ignore him and stay off his threads. DLPB is a great contributor. Sure he might have been an ass in Completely Unrelated, but he's banned from that section anyways. He's done more than what you have. The only thing you're doing is causing problems and decreasing the community's morale.

The founder of the site hasn't been on since around the time you registered, so I'm not sure how you know he hates DLPB.

I can understand why you want to help people by suggesting they go download Trojak's FMVs, but there's no need to start a flame war. And maybe you should post a picture of yourself before you start saying stuff about other people's pictures.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-08-10 06:26:44
if suggesting people try a different set of movies is starting a flame war, then you are way more sensitive than i am :p which, judging by your avatar is probably true. not that I haven't found the ponies pretty adorable myself, but idk, im too lazy to make an avatar for people to make fun of.

If you tell someone a buncha nasty stuff, you're bound to get it thrown back at you.

as for how i learned qhimm didn't like Dan. HERE: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=9613.msg133025#msg133025 (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=9613.msg133025#msg133025)
guess who Seifer is?
And I notice Qhimm hasn't been around since around that time. Admittedly I don't know anything about this I just found the post amusing as I just happened to be reading through the Retranslation thread. Hard to miss it since its the very first reply.

As for me, I'm 31 years old, I have a kid of my own. I was trying to get those movies working and Dan told me to buy a new computer. So yah, maybe you got some respect from a few of these people grinding out some of these mods you've done, DLPB, but you won't get any from me. And I think it's BS that my opinion on whats wrong or might be wrong or whats a good alternative if it's broke shouldn't be voiced because I haven't made any mods for you guys to use.

Peaches :D
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DarkFang on 2011-08-10 06:59:03
I'm not saying your opinion doesn't matter, I'm saying maybe you should have said it a little bit nicer way.

I'm not defending DLPB either. I just said he's a great contributor.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: willo182 on 2011-08-10 10:37:02
Just to be clear i tried trojaks movies after and those didnt work either, the exact same problem occured.

Its cool though I dont mind using the opriginal fmv's, I think something from my game should be original at least lol, pretty much nothing else is lol
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: sl1982 on 2011-08-10 11:16:06
You are beginning to irritate me, so let me just say this.  f*ck right off my threads and go install your incomplete FMV.  I am not worried since these work for me and a lot of people.  f*ck you, you ignorant selfish little ****.

As I have explained dozens of times, this is not my issue, it is aalis and the driver of which I have 0 control.  If there was some serious flaw in the FMV, use 1% of your brain and realise they would affect EVERYONE and not a select few.

Now do one.  Stop popping up ridiculing my work when you have done f*ck ALL.  I am getting mighty tired of little opportunists like you who don;t do a damn thing and think they deserve everything.  I do this in my spare time and out of goodness to the community.  I am not paid and I don;t expect a little prat turning up on my threads trying to win points on some personal crusade.

And when you have pulled your head out of your arse, go read his thead and see that at least 1 person there has serious issues with his as well.  Is that his fault as well?

Tone it down DLPB, if he bothers you so much just put him on ignore. There is no reason for the shit you said in this post. Warned.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-10 13:43:46
The guy has been causing issues on my threads for days, it is hard to ignore someone with an obvious agenda.  Best he stays off my threads if he has nothing to contribute but "LOL people have a problem and LOL you keep telling them there isn't one"

I know there is a problem, I cannot fix it because it isn't with the files but with their compatibility to the driver for any number of reasons.  If he keeps hounding me on threads I promise I will not lambast him or anyone else, I will simply report him instead. 

It isn't the first or second time this same dude has turned up on my threads saying the exact same thing.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-10 13:51:36
Just to be clear i tried trojaks movies after and those didnt work either, the exact same problem occured.

Its cool though I dont mind using the opriginal fmv's, I think something from my game should be original at least lol, pretty much nothing else is lol

Send your crash dump and explanation to aali (if there was no crash, send your explanation of what happens, your app log, your graphics card model and driver revision).   That way maybe he can narrow down the issue and sort it out. 

Since I have no problem with it....  and others don't, this has to be some sort of compatibility issue and it sucks that you cannot use either mine or his.  But with aalis input, I am sure this issue can be resolved :)

Let's do something constructive.  I would be very grateful if everyone here would give a full report so he can narrow it down. (There are a number of ways you can find this out, such as dxdiag from run)  I will start.

OS:  Windows XP 32bit SP3
Graphic Card:  Nvidia geforce 7900GS 512MB
Driver revision: 6.14.0012.6099
Resolution of game:  1280*960 windowed or full.
Sound Card: Audigy 2 Platinum Ex
Issue:  I have no issue at all running FMV.  Sound and Video work perfectly.

Please make sure you are using the latest aali driver.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Nightmarish on 2011-08-10 13:57:50
If you think he's such a prick, ignore him and stay off his threads. DLPB is a great contributor.

Altho DLPB was a bit harsh, he's right. People should ask for help, not demand it.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-10 14:07:40
Nightmarish, your report please  ;D I think this is the best way of eliminating this issue.  Maybe we can find out if there is a pattern....

CPU: Core 2 e6600
OS:  Windows XP 32bit SP3
Graphic Card:  Nvidia geforce 7900GS 512MB
Driver revision: 6.14.0012.6099
Resolution of game:  1280*960 windowed or full.
Sound Card: Audigy 2 Platinum Ex
Issue:  I have no issue at all running FMV.  Sound and Video work perfectly.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-08-10 15:28:56
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit SP1
Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 512MB
Driver revision: 280.19
Resolution of game:1680x1050 Full
Sound Card: Creative SB X-fi Xtreme Gamer
Issue: FMV's work flawlessly with Aali's 7.10 and newer.  With the plugin 'ffmpeg_movies.fgp' from 7.9 and older, the videos are choppy.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Aali on 2011-08-10 16:33:02
Your CPU is an important piece of information here. Older versions of the movie plugin didn't use any MMX/SSE extentions because it was prone to crashing. That *should* be fixed now but its possible that there's a bug with one of the different decoding paths.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: obesebear on 2011-08-10 17:31:48

shocking how much of a prick he can be isnt it?

You don't have to look hard in this forum to find threads where DLPB is being an ass.

The founder of the site hates him even.

Fact remains, kiddo. Your movies don't work for everyone. So I'm responding to them on your precious thread and letting them know they have an option. Yah, it's true, I tend to troll you and only you. But it's because from day 1 I looked at this site and saw that flaming picture of yourself you use for an avatar and didn't like you. Have a nice day :?:
Actually, you won't troll or bait anyone or you'll be banned.  Just because someone is a "prick" to you, doesn't mean you get to do the same back.  I simply suggest that if someone upsets you, you report it and don't get further involved.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: willo182 on 2011-08-10 17:32:54
OS: Windows 7 x64 Home Premium SP1
CPU: Core2 Quad Q8200 2.33Ghz @ 2.8Ghz
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon X1900XT 256Mb
Driver version: Catalyst 7.12 (newer driver versions cause me to completely lose opengl support - stupid ATI!)
Resolution: 1280x960 windowed
Soundcard: Creative SB X-fi Xtreme Gamer
Aali Driver: 0.7.11b
Issue: any FMV except the originals crashes my game, did manage to get the restored opening one to run (used original sqlogo) but then got a crash from a short FMV during the mako reactor bombing.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DarkFang on 2011-08-10 20:19:09
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3.0GHz
Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 8800GTs 640MB
Driver revision: 280.26
Resolution of game: 1680x1050 fullscreen, 1280x720 windowed, 1280x960 windowed
Sound Card: none
Issue: No issues, FMVs work fine with Aali's driver v0.7.11b
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Template on 2011-08-10 22:24:26
OS: Windows XP 32bit
CPU: Intel P4 3.2Ghz Prescott
Graphics Card: ATI x800XT
Driver revision: Catalyst 10.2 (sigh)
Resolution of game: 1280x960 fullscreen
Sound Card: onboard SoundMAX
Issue: I have lots of issues! But seriously, I can get these videos to run in game but at a very slow speed, with sync issues on the sound obviously. Trojaks videos work but I would prefer to use these. Never demanded help. Actually, after these two posts, I gave up, though it left me frustrated:

Slowdown is typically caused by having a crappy video card, outdated drivers, or having texture caching enabled in Aali's driver on an ATI card.

You either buy a better computer or hope Aali figures out some way to better optimize movie playback.  Or you yourself convert the movies to a smaller size.

But those seem like pretty reasonable and straight-forward answers. I just kinda don't get it, it's one of those little details that just sticks in your craw. Anyway, my bad for trolling old Dan there. Carry on.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vegadawg2 on 2011-08-10 22:32:02
CPU:  Dell Studio Slim 540s
Processor:  Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
OS:  Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit SP2
Graphics Card:  ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series 256MB
Driver Revision:  8.17.0010.1065
Resolution Of Game:  1920 x 1080 (Full w/aspect ratio off)
Sound Card:  Realtek High Definition Audio (RCA)
Issue:  I have no issues running anybodys FMV's.  Sound and Video are perfect.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2011-08-10 23:08:52
CPU: Phenom II x4 965 BE (4 cores)
OS:  Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64
Graphic Card:  Nvidia GeForce 9800GS 512MB SLI (two cards)
Driver revision: 266.58
Resolution of game:  1440*1080 Fullscreen. (1920x1080 with preserve aspect ration on)
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Titanium Fata1ty Championship
Issue:  Videos 100% working, no audio or visual issues.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-10 23:31:12
Keep em coming.  Might be a coincidence but so far no Nvidia users have a problem.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-08-11 00:20:23
CPU : Intel Core 1.73 GHz 8 CPUs
OS : Win7 familial premium x64
Graphic Card : ATI display adapter (0x68C0)
Driver version : 8.692.1.0
Resolution of game : 0*0 in Aali's driver config (dunno exactly)
Issue : None. Videos work like a charm.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Kranmer on 2011-08-11 08:44:09
Tested this on 3 of my computers.

CPU: AMD Phenom II x6 1055T (6 cores running at 3Ghz)
OS:  Windows XP SP3 X86
Graphic Card:  ATI 5770 Cucore 1GB
Driver revision: 11.6
Resolution of game:  1920x1080 Fullscreen and 1280x960 Windowed
Sound Card: Realtek High Def Audio (onboard sound card) or AMD High Def (i use either depending on which screen i use)
Issue:  Videos 100% working, no audio or visual issues.

CPU: AMD Athlon XP II 5000+ (2 cores at 2.6ghz)
OS:  Windows XP SP3 X86
Graphic Card:  Geforce 9660 GSO 384MB
Driver revision: 257.21
Resolution of game:  1280x960 Fullscreen
Sound Card: Realtek (onboard sound card)
Issue:  Videos 100% working, no audio or visual issues.

CPU: Intel Celeron 1.7Ghz
OS:  Windows Vista Home Basic X86
Graphic Card:  Mobile Intel GL40
Driver revision:
Resolution of game:  1280x960 Fullscreen
Sound Card: Realtek (onboard sound card)
Issue:  Videos are slow and sound lags behind the video (to be expected with this setup)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-08-11 17:35:35
You don't do things by half Kranmer :P
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-08-11 20:43:27
You don't do things by half Kranmer :P

No, he does it by third :P
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: dkma841 on 2011-08-18 18:09:10
So i download the files then open up disk 2 and then replace movies with these is that right?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-08-18 19:01:46
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: bashful6 on 2011-08-19 07:54:15
CPU: Intel Core i7 970 Processor - 3.20GHz
OS:  Windows 7 Professional 64-BIT
Graphic Card: GeForce GTX 480 1.5GB 
Driver revision: 266.58 (downgraded from 280.XX for just this game!)
~280.XX~ "drivers cause glitches and ingame becomes a purple fade with entire ground and field character in white with shadows."
Resolution of game:  1280x960~Window / 1920x1080~Full Screen
Sound Card: Asus Xonar DX PCIe 7.1 Sound Card
Issue:  Videos work perfectly fine no spikes no slow down. I only had a issue knowing how to make the path but GOOGLE is your friend.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: dkma841 on 2011-08-19 13:18:48
Then where do i put it in sorry if this been already answered cant be bothered to read 14 pages just to find the answer. thanks
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-08-19 13:20:11
Put them in your movies folder and edit your registery.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: greenpeppers311 on 2011-08-21 00:08:19
My first registry edit... that was the most terrifying thing I've ever done to my computer (note that my personal text is "I'm not cut out for this"). It worked though! Movies look much nicer now.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: dkma841 on 2011-08-21 14:12:42
My first registry edit... that was the most terrifying thing I've ever done to my computer (note that my personal text is "I'm not cut out for this"). It worked though! Movies look much nicer now.

I feel the same with editing registries get really terrified....still haven't done it yet thinking i might mess it up :-\
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: hunk on 2011-10-16 15:01:06
how install this fmv ??? any tutorial ???
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-10-16 15:42:36
Search is your friend.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: hunk on 2011-10-16 18:12:31
i found  :)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Ouroboros on 2011-10-21 19:32:41
OS: Windows XP sp3
CPU: Intel P4 3.2Ghz Prescott / HT on
Graphics Card: Sapphire HD 2600 pro 521mb
Driver revision: Catalyst 11.9 ( Best drivers and last ones for my VC )
Resolution of game: 900x675 windowed
Sound Card: C-wave media device - SRS audio Sandbox
FF7 : Aali OGL driver 0.7.11b
Issue: Videos runs at 10 fps and sound lags way too much and after a few sec video runs at 5 fps...
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-10-21 19:54:40
Install the latest version of Aali's OpenGL Driver.

ff7_opengl-0.7.11b.zip                          Aali            OpenGL Driver from the god              Qhimm (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=11992.0) FILE (http://backup.ninjaloot.se/share/ff7_opengl-0.7.11b.zip)

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Ouroboros on 2011-10-21 19:56:20
Already have it...
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-10-21 22:14:21
Do the other video packs run just as slowly, or is the issue confined to DLPB's videos?
Are you running any software in the background like a virus scanner?
Can you play the videos at full speed in another media player?

Rarely some systems just don't like the video driver.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Ouroboros on 2011-10-22 00:32:50
Do the other video packs run just as slowly, or is the issue confined to DLPB's videos?

Are you running any software in the background like a virus scanner?

Can you play the videos at full speed in another media player?

Rarely some systems just don't like the video driver.

Yes the video pack from trojak works perfect, no lag or low fps on the videos, the DLPB FMV are slow and have that lag on the audio

No, There is no AV or Any other kind of program that can slow the performance of the video playback on ff7

Yes i can see the videos perfectly if i use a external video player like Potplayer ( Daun ) or VLC or MPCHS

I'be read the 2 previus page and it looks like is a "Problem" with some "Type" of VC from Ati, so far everyone with Nvidia didn't have this problem and the rest with the problem have ati like me

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-10-22 01:38:45
Thanks for bothering to read the thread... sadly I have no idea why it is lagging :(
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: tylerkschrute on 2011-11-05 11:38:23
Question on installing this. The only movies directory that exists seems to be on the game disc istelf, so when I try to point the installer to it it can't overwrite the files. Is there a way to make movies load from an external location other than the game disc?

Sorry for the semi bump.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2011-11-05 12:15:17
You have to create a new directory...
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: tylerkschrute on 2011-11-05 14:14:45
And stick it in the square soft inc folder? Or the mods folder? Then do I have to change something to make sure it loads the movies from the new directory instead of the game disc?

Nice attitude with the ellipses by the way. Not all of this crap is intuitive to everyone.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-11-05 14:35:27
Use Covarr's tool to set the movie folder in the registry.

ff7moviedirr2.zip                               Covarr          Registry Edit to set Movie Dir          Qhimm (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=12305.msg170841#msg170841) FILE (http://www.mediafire.com/?hub4jd8mngqwha6#1)

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: tylerkschrute on 2011-11-05 17:25:29
Thank you. I'll use this program and see if I can get things to work.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-11-05 17:44:12
I have added this note to first post.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ShoeUnited on 2011-11-07 14:20:04
I am highly impressed with the work you and everyone else here has done to this game.   ;D

However, I wouldn't be me if I didn't nitpick a little bit.  I can only guess that the reason that the file eidoslogo.avi is not included may either be due to copyright concerns or the feeling that since all they did was port the game it's not "true" to the spirit.
Unfortunately, without that file it brings up a rather ugly looking file error right at the start.  I could always copy the file right off the disc of course.  But that'd almost feel like despoiling the work you guys put in.

So! I created a simple 29 frame black screen called eidoslogo.avi that you can put right in your \Movies folder and it will stop the game from generating an error.  If you're running at 60 FPS or higher, this will be a .5 second lag between hitting Enter at the Squaresoft logo and the game menu showing up.  Almost a full second on anybody running 30fps.  It provides a nicer looking transition, imo.  And stops that ugly error from popping up.

Image file of the error, and the file I created (Free to use and rename however you want lol :roll:).  As I said, it's just 29 frames of black screen.  It is sized to 1280x896 (same file size as the other videos in this pack), mpeg4 video with no audio track saved as an avi file.  Feel free to do with as you wish.

http://ompldr.org/vYjY0aA/eidoserror.png (http://ompldr.org/vYjY0aA/eidoserror.png)

http://ompldr.org/vYjY0aQ/eidoslogo.avi (http://ompldr.org/vYjY0aQ/eidoslogo.avi)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-11-07 14:23:37
This has been done a few times... I didn't add it because it has nothing to do with FF7 :P
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ShoeUnited on 2011-11-07 15:06:56
Fair enough. lol
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: gugutz on 2012-01-02 21:57:14
Hello. I was having trouble using this pack, but i figured it out.

The problem im having now is that since i´ve installed the latest Aali´s Driver 7.11b e got your FMVs to work, the game window is now white and black.

I installed Aali´s driver correctly.
The ONLY mods i´ve made to my FF7 were the Aali´s driver, FF7 Music with the Remastered OST, and this FMV High Res patch.
The game opens normally, sound works perfectly, and the FMVs are playng in High Res but at 15fps, but the game part is this way.

I´m posting a screenshot:


Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)I´m also posting my APP.txt:

Code: [Select]
INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.7.11b
INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTS 450/PCI/SSE2 4.2.0
INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Max texture size: 16384x16384
INFO: Number of texture units: 4
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1600x900, output resolution 1200x900, internal resolution 1280x960
INFO: FBO extension detected, using fast scaling/postprocessing path
INFO: Shader limits: varying 124, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 2048
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
INFO: FF7Music helper plugin loaded
ERROR: could not open file d:\gugutz\jogos\Final Fantasy VII\ff7input.cfg
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
set music volume: 127
set music volume: 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
INFO: D:\gugutz\Jogos\Final Fantasy VII\movies-highres\eidoslogo.avi; truemotion2/pcm_u8 320x240, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 10.133333, frames: 152
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
Entering MAIN
set music volume: 127
Exiting MAIN
Field Quit
Does anyone know why is this happening?
I have a GForce GTS450 with the latest drivers installed.
The strange part is that is was running ok right before i managed to install the aali´s driver (i wasn´t running the modded ff7config.exe with admin rights...)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: gugutz on 2012-01-02 23:06:27
Some more pics to give you guys an idea of whats going on.
I should say i also recently installed the Phoenix Rejuvenation Projetc Patch. but that was after the whole problem even appeared.


I also forgot to say on my previous post that i really love this patch you created, sir.
Im really thankfull that so much talented ppl are still interested in this game as much as i am.
Really nice patchs going on for FFVII, and Aalis driver just made life a lot easier.
Thank you all for that.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-01-02 23:11:52
These issues have nothing to do with fmv, send to aali's driver help thread :)  Look to me like shader issues, either use the alternative shaders that come with the driver, or disable shaders in the open gl driver config file.

See if that works.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: gugutz on 2012-01-03 00:45:59
Disabling the shader TOTALLY DID THE TRICK!!
Thank you so much. :)
But i wonder why can´t i use it, since my VGA supports it.

Regarding the videos running slow, do you have any idead of what can i do to make them faster?
My pc config is:
Core i5 2500 @ 3.30ghz
4gb DDR3
GTS450 1gb gddr5

I disabled compress_textures in ff7opengl.cfg, but that didn´t work


Stuck @ 15 fps during the whole intro movie.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-01-03 01:08:04
It is an nvidia issue, I think fixed in next Aali driver.  15fps is correct for FMV.  That is the correct frame rate.  Read first post.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: gugutz on 2012-01-03 01:20:26
Thank you sir.

Last question: would you consider adding pt-br subtitles to the ending scene like you did to the other languages?
I would sure like to mirror it and also host it in my host (with your permission, of course), so that players of FFVII from Brasil have access to these amazing compilation.

Let me know if its not much to ask so i can paste here the translated text for the subtitles.
Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-01-03 01:27:11
I am afraid not, I have removed all editing files, and have finished this project.  It takes many hours to render and to do it, and I have already completely finished the project.  If you had been here when I was rendering a long while back, maybe.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: smsbeam on 2012-01-22 19:47:31
I can't seem to download the new aali graphics patch off his website, it looks down. Can anyone upload it somewhere else or transfer it to me by email?

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2012-01-23 20:38:54
I can't seem to download the new aali graphics patch off his website, it looks down. Can anyone upload it somewhere else or transfer it to me by email?


Last page of the Aali troubleshooting thread has a link
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: UGerstl on 2012-01-27 06:09:15

your link is faulty: jenova_e.avi Spanish

is             : http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_spa.av
should be: http://www.videoludo.it/images/stories/ffvii_ita_reloaded/Others/jenovae_spa.avi

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-01-27 13:10:34
Thanks for correction :)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Syntrel on 2012-02-18 00:33:56
After thoroughly reading your entire thread, as well as doing a search of Qhimm Forums for "FMVRes tutorial", I'm having trouble simply getting past installation.  I have all the files, FMVRes.exe and FMVRes-1.bin through -6.bin all in their own folder located on my desktop.  I downloaded ff7moviedirr2, unpacked and used it's application to change the path the game will choose for movies to "C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\movies\".  I then open the folder containing the FMVRes.exe and .bins, start the setup, make sure the file path is EXACTLY as it is written (including the movies\).  Click [ OK ] and get this every time...  <<Error: The file "FMVRes.exe-1.bin" could not be located in "C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\movies".  Please Insert the correct disk or select another folder.>>

Even though this is not a game play issue I'll post the info that has been requested of others.

Windows XP Home SP2
Nvidia GeForce 8300 chipset
Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT vid card 512mb
Realtek High Def sound card
AMD64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ 3GHz
7Gigs+ of Ram

Yes, I am using Aali's 7.11b driver.

I Installed and run from ISO's since my kids got into my FF7 Discs and used them for frisbees, hooray for thinking ahead.

I've tried running the FMVRes.exe setup from within the movies folder as well as from the folder on my desktop.  I certainly hope I am missing something or some step that will later on seem very silly and foolish.  I'd rather feel foolish or stupid than frustrated, even if it's something stupidly obvious or trivial that I did not list, do not hesitate to point it out.  Any assistance would be wonderful.


Edit- [SOLVED]  Pinned .exe to start menu and ran from there.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Syntrel on 2012-02-20 17:09:06
I know double posts are frowned upon, but after looking elsewhere this thread seems to be my best/only option still.  I'll keep it brief though.  I do not have a lot of mods (relatively) installed, just Yours, and your team's, Unified Model Installer, Avalanches HiRes/GUI upgrades and FF7 Music.  They all work wonderfully and were a breeze to install.  I am inclined to believe the problem I'm having with your FMV Resto mod is on my end, though I unfortunately haven't been able to wrap my head around it yet.  So, once again, any help, advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.

I've followed the simple install instructions, yet the "Error" (see previous post) message persists.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: UGerstl on 2012-02-20 18:31:27
@Syntrel: Move the FMVRes*.* files into a separate folder (e.g. D:\Test or C:\Test).
                Don't use the Desktop !
                And don't use the movies folder ( FF7 \movies) !
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-02-20 19:47:02
I am guessing you are not installing as admin....
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Syntrel on 2012-02-20 23:22:15
Afaik it's not an admin issue...  As I've not had any issues with "permissions" so far with any other mods or programs on my system.   I'm about to try Ugerstl's advice.  I'll post an update as an edit to this post.

Pinned the .exe to the start menu and it ran like a champ.  Sure wish I'd thought of that a lot sooner...

Thanks a lot guys.  Nice work on the movies DLPB.

Current save point was exactly prior to the planetarium vid in cosmo canyon.   Holy crap.  O.O
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-02-27 10:06:15
Hello DLPB! Since you've done an excellent work on ffvii videos maybe you could help me with my intro videos! I'm trying to directly export from adobe premier cs 5.5 and I can't achieve compatibility. I used h264 codec it exports to mp4 then image quality is the best but sound seems to restart after a while. I can't figure this out. If you could help me please. Thanks!
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-02-27 10:16:54
I would help you but I hate adobe products (apart from photoshop).  I used Sony Vegas.

  I have next to no knowledge about Adobe movie makers etc.. :(

All I can say is the videos need to be 1280*896, export h264 with aac, best bet use variable bitrate between 1500-2500 should work, experiment.  If it doesnt load at all, it is likely how the software is handling mp4 and how aalis driver works.

I had issues with audio too in adobe when using sony AAC... I switched to mainconcept.  Other people use x264.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-02-27 10:20:43
I would help you but I hate adobe products (apart from photoshop).  I used Sony Vegas.

  I have next to no knowledge about Adobe movie makers etc.. :(

All I can say is the videos need to be 1280*896, export h264 with aac, best bet use variable bitrate between 1500-2500 should work, experiment.  If it doesnt load at all, it is likely how the software is handling mp4 and how aalis driver works.

I had issues with audio too in adobe when using sony AAC... I switched to mainconcept.  Other people export to uncompressed vid/audio using lagarith and then use x264.

Geez thanks! Me too I don't like it I'll try sony vegas sometime. i just don't want to spend more time at the moment... I'm trying an encoding right now and I'm going to follow your advice if mine fails. Thanks again!

Something more... since ffvii reads only .avi extention is it a problem if I rename my mp4 to avi? Is this the reason it isn't compatible? Or it's just the bitrate? Because premier does export to .avi but has sound option uncompressed by default... There are so many options in premier but not directly avi with sound compression. Can't understand that...

*Ok tested it... worked great on 1280X960 (maybe cause I use 32'' lcd widescreen) for the first 46 seconds. I'll post my settings for anyone who maybe exporting in the future. I wonder why use 896? I mean maybe those who use a square screen won't be able to watch it fullscreen? And do I need to encode it in 896 too? I think 896 is for opening video cause it has a blank border in the bottom by default. File is 43.5 mbs for 46 seconds of video!!! Estimated file size 682mb for 11 mins video. I post the settings. Really thank you DLPB!

Code: [Select]
Format: H264
Preset: Custom
Filters: none
multiplexer: mp4
Stream compatibility: standard
Tv standard: NTSC
frame width/hight: 1280x960
frame rate: 25 fps
Field order: none (progressive)
Pixel aspect ratio: widescreen 16:9
Profile: main
Level: 3.2
Render at maximun depth (checked)
Bitrate encoding: vbr-2pass
target bitrate 8mbps, maximun bitrate 9mbps
set keyframe distance: 30 frames

audio format: aac
codec: aac (there is aac+version1or2, i used only aac)
output channel: stereo
48kh, audio quality: high, bitrate 320kbps
Precendence: bitrate
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-02-27 10:24:57
Trust me vegas makes adobe look like turd for most tasks.  The learning curve is very nice too.  That should read

"I had problems with audio too when I used AAC in VEGAS with the sony plugin, so I used the mainconcept plugin"
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-03-01 00:33:05
Please delete
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-03-01 00:40:54
I am afraid I am too busy to help.  I can't teach people how to use programs that are not my own.
This thread is for bug reports on my mod.  You will work it out like I did.  If not, ask at relevant forum
or someone else here may help, but not on this thread.  I'm sorry :)
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Juvi on 2012-03-06 15:21:16
Hey there. appreciate everything youve done, it looks great. ive installed all the videos and pointed to the folder. that was all easy, but for some reason my fmv dont play any sound. ive looked all over and cant find any help. the ones ive looked at are the square logo at the beginning and the opening scene. i get sound when i play them from the folder, but when i play them ingame its completely silent, and then after the video the midi kicks right up. any ideas on this?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: PitBrat on 2012-03-06 23:54:08
Run the FF7 Configuration tool (FF7Config.exe) as administrator and configure your sound card.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ravscool on 2012-08-26 01:41:59

I'm new to the forum and I love FF7, FF8 and FF9.

I've never finished 7 though, I think I played until the middle of the 2nd disc.

I've downloaded a few days ago the re-release version Square-Enix released and the videos are upscaled and look nice. I would like to know what's your opinion on those videos. I'm going to download the videos you've made to see how they look like.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-08-26 02:03:30
These videos are not likely to work with the new game.  Personally I like mine better.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ravscool on 2012-08-26 03:35:42
These videos are not likely to work with the new game.  Personally I like mine better.

I'm still downloading your videos. I also have the original FF7 PC version on CD but I haven't installed it for ages. I think I've tried it on Windows XP, now I'm using Windows 7 SP1 and also testing Windows 8 Pro.

I'll try to play the original game with the mods provided here and see the difference to the re-released PC version. Square improved a bit on the graphics at least in battle and upscaled their FMV but the graphics seem very simply compared to the mods from the pics I've seen.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-08-26 06:10:44
I am going to look at their new videos again soon.  I will see if theirs are better than mine or not.  From what I saw before I didn't think so, but on the re-release thread that FMV looks pretty good if it is the original.

The new game upscaled yes.  Same with backgrounds.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Kindo on 2012-09-12 17:32:14
EDIT: Apologies! It seems to be a problem with Aali's custom drivers, rather than the FMV Restoration mod. I have a different problem with those drivers, so I had disabled them temporarily, which resulted in the FMV's not playing; re-activating the custom drivers brought the FMV's back in their full glory. I'll move on to Aali's thread to ask for support there, instead. Sorry for the bother!


First of all, thanks for providing us with proper versions of the FMV's. I am, however, having problems getting it to work. I've successfully installed the movies (I chose to place them in [FF7 Root]/movies), and all seems to be well. Afterwards, I ran ff7moviedir.exe in order to alter the registry, and I still encountered no errors. For some reason, the FMV's will no longer play in the game, though, and all I'm met with are a black screen during the opening FMV, or, if an FMV is triggered during gameplay, it's instantly skipped. The unaltered FMV's (fresh installation, non-Ultima version) worked perfectly, so it's only when the game has been told to play your versions, that it doesn't seem to work. I'm hoping there's a solution, but if not, I have no idea how to restore the original movies path (basically, undo what ff7moviedir.exe did).

I appreciate any help.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Junonite on 2012-10-03 18:32:14
Hello all, I have a rather peculiar query to ask...

Are the 2012 FMV's re-encodes of the PS1 FMV's or encoded from the 1996 uncompressed master files?

Any light shed on this matter would be of great assistance.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-10-03 19:02:14
No, the 2012 version did exactly same as me (they used psx versions and upscaled), albeit their method was better and more professional, resulting in less noise and a better in-motion experience.  I still think mine have the best colour but overall I'd say 2012 fmv's are best for the game.

It is likely Square have lost any higher quality renders.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: obesebear on 2012-10-04 02:10:23
There is still that DVD of uncompressed FMVs that shipped with a DVD player...
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-10-04 03:22:13
Unfortunately those are/the CD is:

1.  Interlaced.
2. Positioned with borders which means any use of them will need the borders chopping out and the edges chopping away because the colour has blurred into the black borders.
3. Are often missing sections of video at the start and/or end
4. Are missing the orignal audio
5. Missing the vast bulk of the FMV's.

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Asshiah on 2012-10-07 13:15:17
It is easy to use the 2012's FMVs with the original version of the game? Do I need to downscale them ?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Rundas on 2012-11-07 23:25:20
since my computer is too sad to run them up to speed, how do i reverse the registry entries?
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: PitBrat on 2012-11-07 23:44:38
Modify the registry entry to point to the CD-ROM movies folder.

ff7moviedirr2.zip                               Covarr          Registry Edit to set Movie Dir          Qhimm (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=12305.msg170841#msg170841) FILE (https://rapidshare.com/files/462691753/ff7moviedirr2.zip)

Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Rundas on 2012-11-08 00:06:14
wow, u really keep up to date on the forums pitbrat
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: ProtoX on 2012-11-08 04:31:28
dont make me laugh the 2012 fmv are encoded using virtualdub. that to me seems like a piss poor of doing things cheap. if it was profressional my media info lite would not have got the info stating virutaldub and instead would have used something more professnal(sony vegas or adobe for example). i think sqaure enix did was like sega did with sonic 06, the fans wanted a new sonic game asap and what did they get a game that rushed. its no differfent then the re-release of ff7 pc everything is the same i checked it 100%. sure they added filters but thats in a seprate folder
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-11-09 17:30:43
Whoever did it knew what they were doing regarding the filters at least.  Overall it is a smoother and better game experience than my own, although the colour is worse and let's face it, using psx videos is always going to be shit.  I did not know they used VD though!

The 2012 is a nasty cash in though, and everyone fell for it again, so prepare for more.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-11-10 10:02:32
The 2012 is a nasty cash in though, and everyone fell for it again, so prepare for more.

Thumbs up... :(
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: Vgr on 2012-11-30 01:52:19

I've decided to take FF7 and play it once again, without Bootleg or anything (not a big fan of graphical mods and all that fancy stuff, just some basic stuff), and this mod was one of the few I installed. I noticed eidoslogo.avi is missing. I used FFVIII's one (which I always use anyway) but thought I'd point it out.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-11-30 02:00:46
This has already been noted several times.  The Eidos logo is not a FF7 related video so it was not done.  I did the TA Eidos one though.

Also, I have to say the new 2012 version videos are better than mine in terms of clarity and in-motion (they are also smaller in size).  Their colour and sound is worse though.  I have no idea why the sound suffered so much.

There are a few videos like the car one where mine may be a better alternative also, since I corrected spelling mistakes.  Such as Makou.

Generally 2012 versions are the best i've seen from anyone.
Title: Re: [REL] Final Fantasy VII FMV Restoration
Post by: DLPB_ on 2013-02-21 04:24:51
Support for this mod has ended.  The FMV's in the new 2012 version are superior in all but sound (and a few fixes I made).  At a later date I will release only the ones that are an improvement on these, and that's a few.

I will leave all links here.  This thread now needs locking.
