Buenas, quiero compartir este mod que he preparado. Es un mod que cambia de forma masiva el juego. Básicamente, es un mod que incluye nuevas historias, enemigos, contenido opcional,etc.
Si queréis una nueva experiencia en el Final Fantasy 7, probadlo, la verdad es que el resultado final me ha dejado muy satisfecho
Hi, I want to share this mod that I have prepared. It is a mod that massively changes the game. Basically, it is a mod that includes new stories, enemies, optional content, etc.
If you want a new experience in Final Fantasy 7, give it a try, the truth is that the final result has left me very satisfied
ENGLISH VERSION available in the catalogCatalogo de mods del 7th heaven: https://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=21179.0NEW VERSION*The final expansion is in development.
EDIT 03052024: I decided to stop making content for FF7.VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCs30xcoxyA&ab_channel=MisterMarkulYT:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5gJsAqiQhI&ab_channel=MisterMarkulRecursos para Mods, usalos libremente, pero deja creditos por favor, en respeto al trabajo realizado en este mod


Lista de cambios del Mod Des-Enlace(el mod esta en Español):
-Retraducción del juego y censura eliminada.
-Más de 10 mapas nuevos .
-Sistema dia/tarde/noche
-Nueva mazmorra de desafío(Volcán Gaia).
-Muchos nuevos modelos de mapa
-Varios enemigos nuevos y algunos originales modificados
-Parámetros y ataques de todos los enemigos modificados
-Imágenes coleccionables por el juego
-Cambio de modelos de personajes ingame
-Se han incluido algunos minijuegos
-Nuevos desafíos en Gold Saucer
-Nuevas historias secundarias(originales y basadas en el FF)
-Nuevo personaje que se unirá al grupo al comienzo de la segunda parte
-Habilitados y recreados algunos eventos del juego original
-Cambiadas algunas secuencias originales
-Selección de dificultad(Bonus y penalizaciones de las materias)
-Parámetros de armas ,armaduras y accesorios modificados
-Parámetros y efectos de magias de Materias modificados
-Ataques por sorpresa en los bosques.
-¡Y muchas más cosas por descubrir!
List of changes of the Mod Des-Enlace (the mod is in Spanish):
-Retranslation of the game and censorship removed.
-More than 10 new maps.
-Day / afternoon / night system
-New challenge dungeon (Gaia Volcano).
-Many new map models
-Several new enemies and some modified originals
-Parameters and attacks of all enemies modified
-Collectable images by the game
-Ingame character models change
-Some mini-games have been included
-New challenges in Gold Saucer
-New sub-stories (original and based on the FF)
-New character who will join the group at the beginning of the second part
-Enabled and recreated some events from the original game
-Changed some original sequences
-Selection of difficulty (Bonus and penalties of the materia)
-Modified weapon, armor and accessories parameters
-Modified Materia magic parameters and effects
-Surprise attacks in the forests.
-And many more things to discover!
I want to give thanks to this guys O_o
In the mod, i put a special map for more credits xD
Tools Credits
Makou Reactor := myst6re "Your tool its awesome, you made an impressive work, thank you very much
Kimera := Borde "Thanks for this model editor, i found, in the creation of models, a good entertainment, in all of my mods O_o
Deiling := myst6re "Thanks again xD with Deiling i could create many new maps based in FF8"
Palmer := Aali "Thanks Aali, with your program ,prepare the background of the maps its really easy(even to me :/ )
Proud Clod & Wall Market:= NFITC1 "Wow...just wow, thank you so much,your tools and the Makou Reactor, i think are the Triforce of FF7 modding O_o)"
Fix Loop/Hex Tools := Dlpb "Thanks DLPB , your program to add loops to the music its very good and also the tools for the hex files
Ulgp := luksy/Aali "Thanks to both of you, this program its really great, i think i pass hours checked the extracted files from the game O_o"
Materia Keeper := Sega Chief "Thanks Chief , for this tool,change the Materia stats with this its really easy. Also, thanks for let me translate your mod ,thanks to you i found a good hobby with all of this . Anything you need, tell me.
Tex Image Tool := SeiferAlmasyFF8 "Thanks for this tool, its very easy to use, and help me a lot to modify textures
Content Credits
DLPB/Kranmer "Thanks for give me permisson for use the hex codes that i use to modify the spacing of the fonts, to keep the compatibility with other graphic mods(specifically the ESUI mod where i found this codes) ^_^"
Chrysalis(ESUI mod) " Thank you so much for the permisson for use the hex codes from your mod
(spacing fonts), so i can make my mod still compatible with ESUI.