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Messages - markul

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7th Heaven / Re: Conditional Format
« on: 2020-08-27 12:46:55 »
I don't believe that is a correct format. I believe Option is strictly for use in Configure Mod. However, if by some miracle that worked if you added the variable to the var file, then I will note that there was a bug in previous versions of 7H (2.0) that didn't work with custom variables, but that has since been fixed.

With that said, I believe the proper format would be combining these 2 examples in the Help documentation:
Oh, thanks ! I tried some combinations and now it seems to work! I didnt know that i could put the "ActiveWhen" tag into the "Conditional " tag  .
<Conditional Folder="Ojos\ojosCloud\Aeris"  >
      <Option>CloudOjos = 3</Option>
      <Option>gameplay = 1</Option>      </And></ActiveWhen>
      <RuntimeVar Var="Byte:0xDC091B" Values="5" />

New Update 1.3
- 1 more set of battle/char models for every character :D
- Some fixes in models ,and eyes textures

Test with the new models:

Im very proud with the Vincent model xD

EDIT: I updated the link with a 1.3.5 Version
-Fix some problems with ingame changes
-Thanks to Unabomb i can activate the Eye Texture change with the "Ingame Changes " configuration.
-I added the new set for the Ingame Changes

New Version 1.2
-In the set models "Incomplete Armour" i removed the original model parts in char.lgp models ,now they look like the battle model
-Added  integration with FF7 original in English, and i translated the text to english for the integrations to english versions(Original and NT 2.0)
-I put some texts in english in the configuration in 7th Heaven
-I put more options to change the eye textures for  the battle and field models.But it only works in the models "Incomplete Armour" and  also dont work with Ingame configurations.

7th Heaven / Conditional Format
« on: 2020-08-22 12:39:39 »
Hi  ;D , one question about the 7th heaven  xml format.
Im triying to load a mod folder with this conditions:
  <ModFolder Folder="Ojos\ojosCloud\Cloud"  >
      <Option>CloudOjos = 0</Option>
      <Option>gameplay = 1</Option>
      <Option>Byte:0xDC091B = 1</Option>

But it seems that dont work for the variable  Byte:0xDC091B, (i tried with a 7th heaven variable and it work  and i know that Byte:0xDC091B has the correct value when i test it) i can make this conditions in other way?


The field id should show only your four chosen cards, and your opponent's four.

The choice is between 50 cards for example, or 100, I really do not see possible that 7hv can load the selection, do you have any idea?

If for the minigame you have all the models spaces that you need (  8  ) and your problem is the selection screen between your 100 cards, as says grymmy,with 7th heaven i think you could do that. Just show 16 cards and let the user an option to move backward or forward , and when the user select one of this options, change the variable to show the nexts 16 cards

New Update: The mod now has 4 sets of models for every character and has the posibility to change the models Ingame(Npc in Wall Market and Junon) or by 7th Heaven config.

Version 1.1:

To know  how it works:
Also i fix a problem  in the previous version with Cait Sith and Cid Models :/

EDIT: I changed some things and reupdated the link for a problem with the Ingame change for the models of Cait Sith and Yuffie

Added  Cait Sith and Red field/battle models O_o

For next update  :more models and the posibility to  change the models ingame , i think i will put some npc's in some maps, i will try to do it compatible with NT 2.0

Releases / [FF7 PC]Saint Fantasy : Selection Model Mod
« on: 2020-08-02 17:24:32 »
Hi, here i share this mod that can change the battle , field,worldmap,and minigame  models from all main characters.Also ,you can change the eyes textures ,weapons,dolls and head, for some models.

[ Version 2.1 - 06122022]
Im gonna update the new changes here :
Catalogo de mods del 7th heaven:
To know  how it works:

Thanks to Borde, for the Kimera tool, a very useful and complete Tool :)
Thanks to myst6re, for the Makou Reactor Tool, the Holy Grail o_O
Thanks to SeiferAlmasyFF8 for the FF7 Tex Image Tool, allowed me to easily convert all textures :D
Of course...thanks also to Aali for the lgp/unlgp tool :)


This would be the main menu (I have by far more lines, of course, but I have not finished it yet). I have to do this at hand checking the EXE in hexa because the hext tools are not available... :( I'm not sure if there is a method more easy to use...

Spoiler: show

################      MAIN MENU SECTION      ################
# 0x5192C0

91A8C0 = 2F 42 4A 45 54 4F FF

91A8D4 = 2D 41 47 49 41 FF

91A8E8 = 2D 41 54 45 52 49 41 FF

91A8FC = 25 51 55 49 50 4F FF

91A910 = 25 53 54 41 44 4F FF

91A924 = 2F 52 44 45 4E FF

91A938 = 2C 72 4D 49 54 45 FF

# #ONFIG (Not needed in SPA)
# 91A94E = 23 4F 4E 46 49 47 FF

91A974 = 27 55 41 52 44 41 52 FF

91A988 = 33 41 4C 49 52 FF

You could translate the 7th heaven ff7.exe to spanish with TouphScript, then use HexCompare to check the changes between your ff7.exe and the original ff7.exe, finally you could make a little program script to read the file from hexCompare and modify the Hext address of every line to adapt it to 7th heaven .Thats the way of how i did it and didnt take too much time.
Oh ,now i see why did you say that the tools are not available ,sorry O_o

Im testing with spanish language ,first problem that i have is that i cant import .IRO mods O_o
I cant select the file to import , and if i push "Aceptar" or "Ok" the program return me an error message because i didnt select a .iro file :/

EDIT: In English language ,it doesnt happen

General Discussion / Re: [FF7] Recreation : Trap
« on: 2020-06-13 14:28:17 »
Ok here is the map.Its not perfect but.... :P
Its based on the map hyou5_4  and i used this tools : Palmer(Aali)  and Makou Reactor(myst6re)

General Discussion / Re: [FF7] Recreation : Trap
« on: 2020-06-07 07:53:49 »
Oh, so the bit in the middle has a cave? I just through it was a rock. Wonder what was in there?
Well its just mi interpretation of the map,of course this "cave" could be only a shadow of the rock and also this could be just a simple rock,but for me, looks like an 2000 years old geological stratum xD .

General Discussion / [FF7] Recreation : Trap
« on: 2020-06-06 15:57:12 »
My version of the map  Trap.(Field and flevel files).

Its based on the map hyou5_4  and i used this tools : Palmer(Aali)  and Makou Reactor(myst6re)

I'm currently working on the next version of Makou Reactor, with many fixes and new features. Do someone managed to export Walkmesh to obj or collada formats?

Here is the current WIP changelog:

New features:
 - Add/remove field maps (+ show missing maps from the LGP archive)
Oh! Nice!So, now its posible to add more maps in the index?? :O

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-06-01 17:27:47 »

What I'm looking for now is any further suggestions for options. The way scripts work in this game is that field scripts are unique to each field screen, meaning there is no centralised script for Save Points on field screens. That means it takes a lot of time to spread a change to every Save Point in the game, given that there's quite a few of them. So if you have any ideas/suggestions for extra options to be added to this menu then now's the time to make them. I'll be implementing the new save point script across all of 2.0's fields in a couple of day's time.
You have prepared the jump point to Mr Smile in the save points,so maybe you can use that to make in that map all the scripts you need for the Extended Menu like for example , the square button makes the jump,initialy the background is set to black and there is no music(or yes) then the menu options appear, and if the user want to go to the rank up screen, only need to show the background ,activate the music ,and execute the script. Its just an idea

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Next Fantasy I Mod
« on: 2020-05-31 20:19:06 »
New English version with the last changes of the Spanish version O_o

Im gonna try to create a version compatible with NT mod,because i dont like play with the original gameplay xD
(i suppose that i only need to put the scene.bin and kernel, adding my enemies , and it should work least until NT update with more enemies :P )

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Next Fantasy I Mod
« on: 2020-05-30 20:45:54 »
New version

Im working in the english version .

-All the FF8 maps are added as new maps in the flevel,the only map modified in the flevel is games_2

-New Animation Battle for Seifer/Vincent

-New Map:Im still working in the content but the map is accesible and also the NPC

-Team party following Cloud

-Field Models

-Some maps has fix in the structure

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-29 11:34:54 »
Wow, awesome!. O_O
Magic in .png format

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Next Fantasy I Mod
« on: 2020-05-27 16:51:26 »
New map o_O

And i found a solution to the bad animations of Seifer :D

Once i finished the scripts in this map , and fix some things, im gonna try to do a test to see if the changes that i made will let me play without problems the original history of the game with the mod activated. Right now,only 1 map has modifications from the original flevel(Gold Saucer Games Room), the rest are new maps.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Remade Honey Bee Inn : Rebeerth Mod
« on: 2020-05-24 17:13:06 »
Is that the Trap field I spy on the TV?
Oh, yes. Originally,  the TV in this rooms showed other fields of the game(like cosmo canyon) so i thought that it could be more interesting to see something 'new'

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Remade Honey Bee Inn : Rebeerth Mod
« on: 2020-05-24 12:11:08 »
Mod Updated.
I changed some npc animations  and the maps Onna3 and Onna6 has the correct image instead the original, with some modif.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-22 16:22:26 »
Hi Sega! One suggest ,for the  optional end bosses, what do you think about put  some custom music in that battles
Spoiler: show
Like Zack, or Shinryu and Omega,  in the same way that Ozma
. Now that you start to put specific things in .IRO version  ...why stop now ?? xD

Troubleshooting / Re: Need Help with my new FMV
« on: 2020-05-06 12:04:23 »
Create new cinematics? you mean use different movie files instead replace that already exist?I dont  think so.
But you  can replace the movie files and if u use 7th Heaven i think its posible to change ingame movie files just changing some Variable,in theory  :/

Well,if you didnt modify anything in flevel scripts, for what i know, the cinematics have some camera scripts, i think if your new intro has the same duration of the original, the models should be appear, also that intro has some scripts in the flevel that check every frame of the cinematic to do X things.
So, if you want a perfect intro with the zoom models and all, you will need that your intro has the same duration and frames that the original theory :/

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Remade Honey Bee Inn : Rebeerth Mod
« on: 2020-05-02 07:36:38 »
That’s di the trick! Thanks, by the way I‘be noticed that the two side room are a lot more pixelated compared to the main one.
I’ve try to upscale PNGs by using AI Topaz but it’s give me a lot of lines artifacts, and ideas?
Thats because initially i used the 3 maps edited like onna1,but when i recreated the other 2 maps to the update,it seems that i take the original maps instead of the ones that i edited.I will fix it for next update.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Remade Honey Bee Inn : Rebeerth Mod
« on: 2020-04-30 06:00:05 »
I have manually connected onna_1 by using Makou Reactor, but now when Cloud entry into Honey Been Inn it’s remains stuck in place, everything else works well.
Any helps?

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