Its nothing ,good to know that this help you

Oh, well thats a good moment to you to try to update the files. In the IRO yo will see that there is 2 folders with your models for every characters (battle and battle.lgp) update the new changes in both and thats all , the other folders like char.lgp are for the field maps, if in the future you want to try to create them.
For the installer, the files to update, for Cloud, are in this folder : FF7 Model Installer\Recursos\batalla\v1\cloud\battle.lgp . With that should be enough.
If you want to add more models for the other characters , you will need to prepare some things:
1- There is a config file called "Seleccion.xml" . Right now yo will see this in the file:
<AerisCuerpo Value="0" />
<BarretCuerpo Value="0" />
<CidCuerpo Value="0" />
<CloudCuerpo Value="1" />
<CaitCuerpo Value="0" />
<RedCuerpo Value="0" />
<TifaCuerpo Value="1" />
<VincentCuerpo Value="0" />
<YuffieCuerpo Value="1" />
Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie has the value 1 , that means that the selection by default (when you open the program)its gonna be the first new model loaded for them, value 0 is for the original FF7 model.
2- There is a config file called "Configuracion.xml" . Every "<BloqueConfig>" in the file ,its a model. For example:
For Cloud:
This represents the original model.
<NumeroConfig Value="0"/>
<Pestaña Value="Cloud"/>
<Tipo Value="Cuerpo"/>
<Nombre Value="Original"/>
<Imagen Value="Imagenes\Cuerpo\batCloud0.png"/>
<Ficheros Value="Recursos\batalla\v0\cloud"/>
<Batalla Value="1"/>
<Mapa Value="1"/>
<MinijuegoMoto Value="0"/>
<MinijuegoChocobo Value="0"/>
<TipoConfig Value="3"/>
This is the config for your new model.
<NumeroConfig Value="1"/> // new config number, if you add other model for Cloud, the number should be 2.
<Pestaña Value="Cloud"/>
<Tipo Value="Cuerpo"/>
<Nombre Value="FF7 G-BIKE"/> //Name for the selection
<Imagen Value="Imagenes\Cuerpo\batCloud.gif"/> //Image path (I made the images in the Kimera program by Borde)
<Ficheros Value="Recursos\batalla\v1\cloud"/> //folder for the files of your new model
<Batalla Value="1"/>
<Mapa Value="1"/>
<MinijuegoMoto Value="0"/>
<MinijuegoChocobo Value="0"/>
<TipoConfig Value="1"/>
3- The folders with all the data are in : Imagenes(Images for the selections) and Recursos(data of the models) . You will see that Barret and Vincent has more folders, thats because they have more models ,so i separate them in folders.
With this you should be able to add more models for the others characters