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Messages - markul

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The problem is that 7th heaven does not work with the Japanese version. The program crashes when it does not detect english files and folders.

WIP / [FF7 PC]Shei-kul Avatars
« on: 2023-09-28 18:04:55 »
We are working on a new mod to update all the portraits of the game. I will publish it in my catalog of 7th heaven when its finished:

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 crashes after reaching Nibelheim
« on: 2023-09-23 17:03:38 »
It seems that its trying to load some new model in that maps. Reinstall your ff7 to clean any posibble mod that you could have still installed in the ff7 folder  . You are using 7th heaven ? Check if you have files in  C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\direct\flevel  , delete all of them , if you have more files in C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\direct\  folders, delete them also.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-09-02 09:23:03 »
Another great work of Shei, cant wait to see the rest. But the ingame image quality its not as good as the original :(

I made some design changes in the Triple Triad minigame, its better now i think.(Still dont like the back image of the cards, was a weird test with an AI) :/

Edit: Also working (deciding)in a new way to show the dialog avatars :

By next year I hope to be able to release 1.0.

Hi! i want to replay some of the firsts FF from 1 to 9 and  i was thinking what is the best version for every game to play it.
For example, there is the original game, but also there are versions for PSX,PSP, PC, PC mod, the pixel remasters.....  :-\ I dont really know what should be the best option to replay this titles. Anyone can give me some advices?
Thanks   :D

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-08-20 18:40:23 »
In my PC environment, if I use 7th Heaven, Aerith will go to the ground. :|

The iro data for 7th Heaven has been updated and uploaded
I'm curious if other people will use it and see if Aerith will dive on the ground.

It may be a problem of the file hosting site that the installer cannot be uploaded, so I will try it on another site at a later date.

Hey Aerith! That's the ground! No holes! ;D

xD Poor Aeris, the game wants her underground ASAP!
I guess its an animation problem, delete the rvda files in the .IRO,  that should work O_o
Well, the files **da you dont need to put it in the .IRO (if you put it maybe could cause incompatibilities with the 60 FPS mod :/)
EDIT: For the installer, are you uploading it compressed as ,for example .rar ,right?

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-08-17 07:04:42 »
Thank you for letting me know how to update the file.
I've been busy lately and haven't had much time.

However, since Aerith is complete, I will put off the creation of the weapon and add Aerith for the time being.

7th heaven was able to be installed, but what, Aerith is going into the ground!
I would like to know if the same thing happens in other environments.

¿Uh? Thats strange. You put all the files of the Aerith model in the two folders(Battle.lgp and battle) and add the lines for Aerith in the configuration file? If you want put here a link to see the mod compiled with the changes you made  to see what happens or by private message.

Finally, I installed it for Steam, but the Steam version is not sold in Japan, so I can't confirm the installation.

Also, the other problem is that I uploaded the zipped installer, but for some reason the link didn't work.
I don't understand why I can't download.

It would be great if you could let me know if it works!

Once Aerith's weapons are finished, Barrett will be next!
You upload the program with the new changes, but when you uploaded dont let you to download your own file?

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-08-01 20:42:42 »
Version 0.9.3 Changes:   
   -New sequences with extended story of Nova and Captain Galbadia (New combat in Corel and in the Whirlwind Maze a new combat and boss model).
    -Changed one of the bosses of the challenge simulator.
    -Fixed a bug that did not hide Meteor in the Postgame.
    -Resolved the "Truck mistery" in the battle against Palmer O_o.
    -Changed the Source assignment system, to make it more agile (now you can assign all the Sources at once to a character, if they have accumulated).
    -Revised the retranslation of the game (several corrections and readjusted many original dialogues and new stories).
    -Adjusted some magics (like White Wind) and some erroneous text of magics.
    -Temporarily disabled avatar images in the dialogs.
    -Some minor adjustments and corrections that I forgot because it took me so long to update :/

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-07-16 08:47:20 »
Its nothing  ,good to know that this help you :)
Oh, well thats a good moment to you to try to update the files. In the IRO yo will see that there is 2 folders with your models for every characters (battle and battle.lgp) update the new changes in both and thats all , the other folders  like char.lgp are for the field maps, if in the future you want to try to create them.

For the installer, the files to update, for Cloud, are in this folder : FF7 Model Installer\Recursos\batalla\v1\cloud\battle.lgp  . With that should be enough.
If you want to add more models for the other characters , you will need to prepare some things:
1- There is a config file called "Seleccion.xml" . Right now yo will see this in the file:
<AerisCuerpo Value="0" />
    <BarretCuerpo Value="0" />
    <CidCuerpo Value="0" />
    <CloudCuerpo Value="1" />
    <CaitCuerpo Value="0" />
    <RedCuerpo Value="0" />
    <TifaCuerpo Value="1" />
    <VincentCuerpo Value="0" />
    <YuffieCuerpo Value="1" />
Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie has the value 1 , that means that the selection by default (when you open the program)its gonna be the first new model  loaded for them, value 0 is for the original FF7 model.

2- There is a config file called "Configuracion.xml"  . Every "<BloqueConfig>"  in the file ,its a model. For example:
 For Cloud:
This represents the original model.
      <NumeroConfig Value="0"/>
      <Pestaña Value="Cloud"/>
      <Tipo Value="Cuerpo"/>
      <Nombre Value="Original"/>
      <Imagen Value="Imagenes\Cuerpo\batCloud0.png"/>
      <Ficheros Value="Recursos\batalla\v0\cloud"/>
      <Batalla Value="1"/>
      <Mapa Value="1"/>
      <MinijuegoMoto Value="0"/>
      <MinijuegoChocobo Value="0"/>
      <TipoConfig Value="3"/>


This is the config for your new model.
      <NumeroConfig Value="1"/> // new config number, if you add other model for Cloud, the number should be 2.
      <Pestaña Value="Cloud"/>
      <Tipo Value="Cuerpo"/>
      <Nombre Value="FF7 G-BIKE"/>  //Name for the selection
      <Imagen Value="Imagenes\Cuerpo\batCloud.gif"/>  //Image path (I made the images in the Kimera program by Borde)
      <Ficheros Value="Recursos\batalla\v1\cloud"/> //folder for the files of your new model
      <Batalla Value="1"/>
      <Mapa Value="1"/>
      <MinijuegoMoto Value="0"/>
      <MinijuegoChocobo Value="0"/>
      <TipoConfig Value="1"/>

 3- The folders with all the data are in : Imagenes(Images for the selections) and Recursos(data of the models)  . You will see that Barret and Vincent has more folders, thats because they have more models ,so i separate them in folders.

With this you should be able to add more models for the others characters

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-07-15 12:22:38 »
Dont worry, im Spanish , if i dont understand well what you say or you dont understand what i say, its good to ask  xD
Well i prepared you 2 files:
IRO for 7th Heaven:
Model Installer(Non 7th Heaven):

With the .iro you have all the folder and configs prepared. If you decompile the .IRO with the 7th Heaven, you can see all the folders and the configuration file, so you can modify and add more models ,always you want.

The Model Installer, is something that i did some years ago for my own model mod, i simplidied the program, it should work on steam versions of the game(tested on windows 7), there is a configuration in the program to let you select the folder of the FF7 where is installed ,by default is the folder of the Steam FF7.There is a compatibility options for NT 1.5 and 2.0, by default the installation is for FF7 vanilla . When you want to upload your models to the game , only need to push the button of the menu ,and wait until the process finish.
I dont know if it works in the japanese PC version(never saw the files or folder structure), i tried to buy it in the past, but the web of Square Enix dont let you pay with non japanese credit cards xD
The program let you add more models ,if you add some configurations and some files, iy you want to use the program and add more models i could explain you how to do it.

I made a quick test with both files ,and should work.

EDIT: Also, i put your model of Cloud to modify the model of Cloud in the final battle with Sephiroth. Let me know when you download the files to remove them:/

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-07-13 20:23:30 »
thank you!
I want many people to enjoy it, so I want to upload it in various formats.
I live in Japan, so I can't play 7th heaven in Japanese, but I had it installed on my PC quite some time ago.
Aaaaah, i see. Its weird that until today there is no Japanese compatibility  :( .
When I tried to create an iro format file and introduced it earlier, Cloud was reflected, but Tifa and Yuffie were not reflected... :-\
Hmm, I'll try a few different things, but it's an area I'm not good at... :'(
I'll try to do my best
Reflected? Like the model was inverted?Weird.
Well if you want i can prepare you an .IRO ,and always you want you can extract the files and modify them every time you want to add more models.
Also , maybe i can help you with an installer for non 7th heaven FF7. If i have time i will share something for that.

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-07-08 17:52:50 »
Tifa and yuffie models , seems to be also very good. I see a lot of work in the models.
Mmmm i think that if there is not too many models loaded at the same time, its not going to be a problem ,probably.If the models are only for the batlles i dont think that the game could slow down. This is something that other modders that work a lot with models could help you (like Kaldarasha or Ninostyle).

One advice, not about the models ,but about how you are sharing the files of the  mod. Think that users are lazy xD so if you can give them a fast way to install your models more people will use it.
 You have alternatives like use programs that let you create installers (for example to put your battle.lgp modified directly in the folder of FF7)  or create your own installer(if you have prgramming knowledge),decompiling the battle.lgp insert your models and compile it again, also you can pack the mod in .IRO format, but with that the models can only be use it in 7th Heaven, and i dont think that you want that....or is it?

In any case, its a great work, keep going like that ;)

I personally like the Water Altar(Forgotten Capital) backgrounds.Looks pretty and misterious also .
If you want to have the backgrounds images, you can use Makou Reactor to extract them as an image from your ff7 game.

Releases / Re: G-Bike style new model
« on: 2023-07-07 09:25:48 »
Oh, looks very much like the avatar image! Good work! How many characters have you been able to create in this style??

Releases / Re: FF7 create new fields
« on: 2023-07-07 09:18:34 »
Hi! How is the project going? anything to show for curious people? ::)

hello guys, does anyone having an issue when you modified the ff7.exe app and when run the game with mods on 7th heaven and anything you modified does not take effect in game, it backs to original unmodified state. so i wonder how to get the modified data works with other mods running on 7th heaven? any help would be appriciate, thanks.
You cant use your own ff7.exe in 7th Heaven. To use your changes in your mod ,you must create a text file(in your mod folder ,must be inside a folder called hext) and put every hexadecimal change you want in FF7.EXE (not the ff7.exe file but the ff7.exe program process,  when the game is executed, the hex address are different).

Example [Hex Address = Changed Value]:


919970 = A0
919971 = 31
919972 = 55
919973 = 49
919974 = 45
919975 = 52

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-06-18 07:04:40 »
20 images has been made  ;D
Now, lets see if i can find someone that can make a new design for the background of the minigame. 

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ESP/ENG)
« on: 2023-04-21 14:44:53 »
This image just makes me so happy :)

I hope this can be the first of many :D

Edit: 20/20 cards :D . Im not going to show more, the next new images i want them to be a surprise :)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] [7H] Enhanced Stock UI (2.0)
« on: 2023-04-12 17:01:48 »
How can i fix this? i have that issue only with ESUI.

Unbenannt" border="0
Probably related to this.

I see that in the textboxs  when the dialogue makes scroll happens this. Not enough scroll, so the last line dont show correctly :/

I was testing and seems to be related to this hex values .
{field dialog text block scroll amount (refresh dialog)
632CD7 = 
{field dialog text block scroll amount (refresh dialog)
632CEC =

Releases / Re: [FF7] Recreation: WhiteBG2
« on: 2023-04-09 09:47:28 »

The mediafire link seems to no longer work, is there any way to get the file?
Sure, i probably deleted it to make space . But i will reupload it.
This file is different, has 60 fps animations and is compatible with model mods.

Its very interesting the new background editor. Now i see why the background of the  "lastmap" field is broken .I cant wait to start to experiment with this  :P .

Thanks a lot for the update  ,this adds new possibilities  for the modders :D

Catalogs / Re: [FF7]Markul Catalog (Spanish-English Mods)
« on: 2023-03-04 11:14:08 »
Added a mod that includes animations in 60 FPS for New Threat 1.5

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ESP/ENG)
« on: 2023-01-29 07:42:26 »
are you making a triple triad minigame for FF7??
Trying, at least .Now i am with the AI,thats not a problem, but there is something like a limit size editing field/map, if i reach to that limit .... its a fail.

For now ,all good. I made the structure of the AI, it needs some details , but now the code check the cards and the possibilities, to assign every card in the chosen spot.Next , the rules and the "flip"animation with the color change of the cards.

Edit 2:  8-)

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2023-01-25 20:14:05 »
Reusing things from the other minigame, i started to make this. For the final expansion of the mod story.

nice to see an eng version :) giving it a try thnx from some of vods have watched looks like a fun mod
Thanks , at least with that demo i have been able to give the english community something to play :)

FF7Voice / Re: [FF7][Tsunamods] Echo-S Voice Mod
« on: 2023-01-03 05:40:31 »
Well would ya look at this!

Echo-S has a release date!
Well done!
Congratulations on finally finish the project!  :o

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