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Messages - markul

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Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2022-07-12 20:07:18 »
Spoiler: show

WIP / Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« on: 2022-06-24 13:50:40 »
Opps, I may have been thinking of your mod when commenting it was New Threat. Sorry if that was the case. Just knew I saw pic/clip of Cobalt and Indigo on the Zack Cliff overlooking Midgar.
Yes, that is a scene of the mod, but i think in New Threat 2.0 i saw a battle with Cobalt, so maybe you are not wrong about that O_o

WIP / Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« on: 2022-06-22 14:19:32 »
Well,i made something similar for Cobalt and Indigo(also Deneh xD),in my mod, "Des-Enlace".
I put Cobalt and Indigo as optional enemies, with his own history and random encounters to fight with them in the forests of world map. But........the mod is in spanish :/

Well ,mod all of that could take some time, its not an easy task ,as Furzball say. Think that you need to create the models, the battles, create dialogs,create the events without fuck the rest of the game xD, etc,etc ,you need maaaany time to do that,but  all that you say could be done  :wink:.

Catalogs / [FF7]Markul Catalog (Spanish-English Mods)
« on: 2022-06-12 14:36:33 »
En este catálogo de mods he incorporado algunos de los mods que he ido preparando a lo largo de los años, a ver si con esto por fin puedo organizarlos un poco mejor :_) . Ninguno de estos mods se encuentra en los catálogos por defecto del 7th Heaven, a excepción del New Threat, pero está en inglés.

[URL del Catalogo para el 7th Heaven]

[Añadir el catálogo al 7th Heaven]
Añadir esta url (  iros://Url/https$  )en el listado de catálogos, desde el menú "Opciones Generales" y ya estarán visibles desde la pestaña de "Examinar catálogo" junto al resto de mods.

[Listado de Mods]
-Avatares:Before Crisis -> Mod gráfico para el cambio de avatares del menu del juego.
-New Threat 1.5 de Sega Chief(Español) -> Mod que cambia jugabilidad y contenido del juego
-New Threat 2.0 de Sega Chief(Español) -> Mod que cambia jugabilidad y contenido del juego
-Mod Des-Enlace(Español)  -> Mod que cambia jugabilidad y contenido del juego. Cuenta con una retraducción al español.
-Mod Elemental(Español) -> Mod con mi retraducción al español, sin más, con la posibilidad de cambiar mecánicas jugables.
-Mod Rebeerth (En inglés y español) ->  Expansión de contenido para la Posada de la Abeja
-Mod Saint Fantasy -> Mod grafico para cambiar la apariencia de tus personajes
-60FPS New Threat 1.5 -> Mod para hacer compatible New Threat 1.5 con el mod de los 60 FPS
-Triple Triad 7
-True Necrosis Mod ESP
-Gjoerulv Hardcore Mod ESP
In this catalog of mods i have incorporated some of the mods that i have been preparing over the years, to see if with this i can finally organize them a little better :_) . None of these mods are in the default 7th Heaven catalogs, except for New Threat, but it is in english.

[Catalogue URL for 7th Heaven]

[Add catalog to 7th Heaven]
Add this url (iros://Url/https$ in the list of catalogs, from the "General Options" menu and they will already be visible from the "Browse catalog" tab next to to the rest of the mods.

[Mod List]
-Avatares:Before Crisis -> Graphic mod that change menu avatars.
-New Threat 1.5 by Sega Chief(Spanish) -> Mod that changes gameplay and content of the game
-New Threat 2.0 by Sega Chief(Spanish) -> Mod that changes gameplay and content of the game 
-Mod Des-Enlace(Spanish) -> Mod that changes gameplay and content of the game. It has a retranslation into Spanish.
-Mod Elemental(Spanish) -> Mod with my retranslation into Spanish, without anymore changes, with the possibility of changing playable mechanics.
-Mod Rebeerth (In English and Spanish) -> Content expansion for the Honey Bee Inn
-Mod Saint Fantasy -> Graphic mod  to change the appearance of your characters
-60FPS New Threat 1.5 -> A mod that add 60 FPS animations for New Threat 1.5
-Triple Triad 7
-True Necrosis Mod ESP
-Gjoerulv Hardcore Mod ESP

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2022-06-10 05:42:22 »
Not too much for end the next content expansion.
Meanwhile....gods are warring.
Spoiler: show

Troubleshooting / Re: FF VII EXE
« on: 2022-05-01 19:44:42 »
I have now the .exe translated myself.

But i think the cleanest way is to get the .txt from "FFVII_German_Reworked_beta04.exe" to work

if i put this .txt to the hext folder in VII, the game do not more start, it needs sure a fix that it works for 7h and FFNx
but i have no idea how, maybe someone has time and fun to do it. ;D

Have a Nice day !
:/ I tried to convert that file to the 'hext'  of 7th heaven, but i only get text in english ¿?
So, i translate by my own(with a translator program) the ff7.exe of 7th heaven, and it works (but of course if the text dont fit , thats a visual problem, and, to solve it , you must make changes in the 'hext' to change the size of the  windows or use a different textfont).
Anyway , i give you my 'hext' file for the 7th heaven,if you want it, and also, i give you the file with the text to translate. If you want , translate it , and put a link, so i can make the same process with that file.

Hext 7th heaven :

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2022-04-09 10:39:38 »
astonishing work , never thought it possible to use different ff backgrounds in 7. Mind blowing really
:D Possible, but only with the right choice of backgrounds O_o

Im still working on the first half of the new history (creating events,battles and things like that).Maybe it will take me 3 months to finish all of  it , meanwhile, some  screens of current work:
Spoiler: show

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2022-03-02 20:22:43 » gonna continue with my things  ;D
Working in the next expansion of the mod : On the way to a smile - Episode Yuffie

Spoiler: show

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2022-02-21 19:35:20 »
Cloudiar, im tired of listen you insult me with the same thing constantly -_-("your job is shit, but mine its gold because im the best" O_o)  . I can hold your attacks 1 ,2,or 3 times in this forum by private or in YT(my patiencie its high), but no more, for that its why i dont want to  see any more words from you ,you can understand this??.You are the most despicable person i have met in my life.  I saw it many times in this forum, every time you appears, a war starts.....your personality its toxic, i dont want to read any more word from you, because all of them are poison ,leave me in peace please, i dont know how many times i must say it to you . You can just live your life and accept that i dont want to pay attention to you?.
And dont come 2 or 3 posts after this , saying "Im sorry , my fault" because i know how you are and your 'modus operandi'.

I dont want to say it more, Cloudiar, just leave me in peace......
Dejame en paz de una santa vez....te lo pongo en español para que pilles el mensaje......

General Discussion / Adding new content with 7H
« on: 2022-02-18 22:31:23 »
Hi, i want to share with you some info of ,what you can do creating a mod with 7th Heaven or the possibilities that you have to add new content with it. I never found many info of all of this so many times i had fear of waste time trying something impossible, so i post this here so other people, can know that all of this its posible to make(maybe, in the future, i could explain better all of this, with better ,and more visual, examples :/  ).

Many of this things are based in the feature of 7th Heaven that check vars ingame, and use folders of your mod, depending on it. I hope this could be helpful for many new crazy ideas and i guaranteed that all of this its possible (but tricky) o_O.
BUT many of this changes, needs to load in the game (so normally you will need to change of map, to load this changes)

1-This is the last thing that i tried to do and i confirm that works(just now i finished a test play in ff7 checking this). You can change your scene.bin file ingame, with the check vars method. What this mean? Infinite new enemies, no more 255 scene limit.In one file ,the battle with the scorpion its the original ,and in the other you can put any other enemy you want. But this has trick,for what i know the scene.bin and kernel need to be synchronized, so also ,you need that your 2 files scene.bin has the same "structure".I cant explain it very well, but if in a file you add a new enemy in the scene 254,for example, in the other file you need to do the same, the goal its that your two scene.bin and your kernel are synchronized.
This gives many possibilities, with the next point :)

2-You can change the enemy models ingame, with the check vars method.  For example ,in disc/part 2 you can change the aparience of for example the guard scorpion and re use it for future battles .This can also be applied to music,pictures (like menu avatars),  characters, NPC or battle models.

3-You can change maps of the game completely , with the check vars method. For example, you know that some maps of ff7 are for debug right?,well you can for example copy 3 different maps(like maps from Sector 1)  and replace one debug map with this maps, when you want, changing a var.

With all of this i only mean that the posibilities for adding new content with your mods are very high. I was thinking if the kernel could be changed also, but i never tried, i dont think that it could work well xD

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2022-01-30 10:17:09 »
Nueva versión, próximamente, para Febrero, con los siguientes cambios a destacar:
-Sistema de fuentes (Simulador de batalla y Subida de parámetros de la Mogured). Se podrán aumentar libremente los parámetros de los personajes. Para ello, será necesario superar  combates de desafío(hay más de 10 nuevos combates preparados para este sistema), pensados para ser superados a lo largo del juego.A partir de esta versión los personajes ya no aumentarán parámetros por niveles, salvo PV y PM(bueno, hay posibilidades de que suban algún que otro parametro)
Spoiler: show

-Nuevo jefe opcional
Spoiler: show

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] FULL 60FPS is finally here!
« on: 2022-01-20 19:07:18 »
Nice work! There was a lot of people asking for this feature O_o

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2021-12-26 15:06:19 »
Great indeed! Really grateful

Hey Markul, do you have that video where you showcase the On the Way to a Smile scene at the Water Altar?

Looking forward to the new end content!
Oh, yes, I have it hidden.

Version 0.7  Nuevas secuencias y nuevo Jefe Imagen
Spoiler: show

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Remade Honey Bee Inn : Rebeerth Mod
« on: 2021-12-04 11:32:29 »
Hi i have put a new version with some changes in the maps ,code and models. Enjoy it ! ;)

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2021-11-28 15:29:55 »
As i promised, months back, here is some things of the mod that i want to share with the community :

The Chocobo minigame and the Credits Map.
(Vars : 12-250  12- 252  12-254   are for the scores)

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace
« on: 2021-11-23 13:43:10 »
Hello !

Very intersting mod !

But is there a way to have direct files for those who don't use 7th Heaven ?

Hmmmm for what i know(not too much O_o), i think its not possible  :-\ . One main problem is :the mod has many  'ingame changes',checking vars, that let me change things like models,music,movies,pictures,maps,etc without closing the game,and 7th Heaven let me do that .

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace 0.5
« on: 2021-11-16 17:53:14 »
What a great effort. So creative!

I'm glad to see your release, and people that keep doing more on FF7 OG. That's just super!
Thanks a lot Markul!
Thanks Kuraudo :) !
It was a funny project   and  i'm  happy to finally be able to fully show it :D

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace 0.5
« on: 2021-11-14 11:05:29 »
It was moved this morning, you're good
Ok, perfect! Thank you Tsuna!   ;D

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC]Mod Des-Enlace 0.5
« on: 2021-11-12 23:26:39 »
Hi ,this is the first version  (^_^)/


Can ,some admin, move this thread to the "Releases" section please? :)

Hi! ;)
0- PC (7th Heaven)
1-Now, a little of all (models, flevel,kernel,battle,texts,backgrounds,etc)
2-Makou Reactor ,Kimera and Proud Clod , are the tools that i use more ,right now.
3-Mmmmm With Makou Reactor i dont have problems. Proud Clod   the only problem that has ,for me, its the script editor, its too easy that the program has an error exception and lose my last changes :( . Kimera has his limitations but for the things that i do, i dont have many problems with it.
4- Hmmm. For example: when i make new field models(to add it in char.lgp), i must rename all the files manually, to others that dont exist in char.lgp ,and edit the text of that files to put the new name of the files. A tool that can made this automatic, for me, it would be very useful :_D

Releases / Re: [WIP]Mod Des-Enlace (Un-Link)
« on: 2021-10-02 11:45:30 »
First version of the mod in November.
That is the time when we must embrace the chaos .

It's very interesting and you are very creative. Thanks for bringing up cool stuff!

I don't know if you are aware, there is another interesting fact here:
Oh yeah, and also the same guy ,XeroKynos, discovered two interesting background animations in the North Cave,i remember it. All these hidden things are really interesting.Like for example, in the Rocket Town, it has a layer with the Meteor but it was never used O_o

General Discussion / Limited Maps (Ghost Hotel and Pilar)
« on: 2021-08-09 20:11:05 »
Hi! Some maps , in this game, still have many content that i think still was not explored at 100%
For example in the Pilar map its perfectly posible to expand the map  without problems with the background, and in the case of the Ghost Hotel ,the second floor has a walkmesh and the doors have animations to use it  :O

Releases / Re: [WIP]Mod Des-Enlace (Un-Link)
« on: 2021-07-23 21:22:21 »
Some more  images :)

General Discussion / Re: FF7 - True Honey Bee Inn
« on: 2021-06-28 13:05:47 »
 Great job L@zaro and Cloudiar!The layers error was the most frustrating problem with that process!
This is the only map left  to recreate , i think xD

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