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Messages - sithlord48

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Releases / Re: Ff 7 save load mod ?
« on: 2022-05-22 18:36:10 »
There was a save anywhere included patch w/ FFNx as a hext it seams it was removed recently you can just dl the file from github (look thru the history) use that to save anywhere.
As for load there With FFNx you can press all L1, L2, R1,R1 START , SELECT to restart to the menu and load a save from there.

Or you can use the trainer ochu if your exe is supported by it.

Releases / Re: Ff 7 save load mod ?
« on: 2022-05-20 19:12:30 »
Can you explain it a bit more detail what your looking for ?

game time doesn't seem to display correctly when converting psx saves to pc saves. time is stuck at 0 and theres no level description underneath. It shows properly on the save slot but not in game when you enter it.
Can you tell me a bit more about what your trying because i was unable to reproduce this
  I Tried the following with both the continuous and 1.1.0 release

Opened a Raw Psx File  (extracted from a psx memory card via a card reader), used Save As to save it as a save02.ff7
Opened a mcr  save (full of ff7 saves) used Save as to save the file as save03.ff7
Opened a Pc Save and used "import to current slot" to pick a save from a Raw PSX Save
Opened a Pc Save and used "Import to current slot" to pick a slot from a mcr file

First update to the current continuous version. There is a bug fix for vmc format writes.
Black Chocobo will automatically set the PSX name to the first available name based on the contents of your psx memory card. You can change this after you imported the save in the "Test Data" tab (enable it in options). Make sure slot number you pick does not conflict w/ an existing save's slot name or your gonna have a bad time.

I Will find a better way to expose this feature in a future release.

FF7 Tools / Re: IroNite - .iro packer and unpacker
« on: 2022-01-25 14:57:55 »
As noted above you can run IroNite in wine but it never finds the file to extract or pack. I have found a workaround.

Download IroNite from the link above and extract it somewhere
Wine will need .net 4.5.2 so use winetricks to install it in your prefix
Completely forget about using IroNite, Just Delete the IroNite.exe and the Packed and Unpacked folders.
In the data folder is a utility that IroNite uses to work with Iro files we are just going to use this directly

IrosArc is is a CLI application so to use it we have to run it from the command line.
 Open a terminal in the path of the IrosArc application
 Use the command
Code: [Select]
wine IrosArc.exe  To see the following help.
 IrosArc does not Make the Output Directory when extracting so be sure to the path you want to extract to exists.
Code: [Select]
Usage: IrosArc [Create|Extract|List|MakePatch|ApplyPatch] [ArchiveFile] (parameters)

IrosArc Create [ArchiveFile] [BaseFolder] [CompressionType]
    BaseFolder = folder to pack
    CompressionType = Nothing|Everything|ByExtension|ByContent

IrosArc Extract [ArchiveFile] [DestinationFolder] [filter]
    DestinationFolder = folder to extract into.
    Filter = (Optional) Filename(s) to extract.

IrosArc List [ArchiveFile]
    Describe contents of archive

IrosArc MakePatch [OriginalArchive] [NewArchive] [PatchFile] [CompressionType]
    OriginalArchive = original archive you want to make a patch for
    NewArchive = updated version you want the patch to update to
    PatchFile = location to save patch into

IrosArc ApplyPatch [ArchiveFile] [PatchFile]
    ArchiveFile = Original archive
    PatchFile = patch to apply
    Archive is updated IN PLACE. Take a backup copy first if you need to keep the original!

I copied the iro i wanted to extract to the folder with the tool (i also renamed it) and made an dir named output used the command below to extract "mod.iro"
Code: [Select]
wine IrosArc.exe Extract mod.iro output/

FF7 Tools / Re: IroNite - .iro packer and unpacker
« on: 2022-01-21 13:02:12 »
Is there any source for this or is the IRO format documented anywhere you know of ?

you can check out the file reconstruction project that should tell you what parts from what model .

Glad you were able to get it sorted. If you wanted to create a mod where you could fight them over and over and they never died I would suspect that the place to look would be in either the battle or world or world map modules if you noop the part to set it in the save then you just exit the battle and see ruby / emerald standing right in front of you.  I am not sure what battle script or world script editors are around check out the tools area.

No event flag that i know of (but if you do find one lmk) There is only space to save one save crystal location. If that data is non 0 then you can't place the item (again not sure but i seam to remember this is testing) You can change the location of the save crystal by setting it in the "test data" tab (you will need to enable it in the options to be able to see the tab). This will move the save crystal. Or try setting all its values to 0 and if you can place that second one. Please report back.

Save files are stored locally on the computer. These can be found in a folder with the user's ID, within a "FINAL FANTASY VII" folder, within a "Square Enix" folder which is found in My Documents by default.

Save location depends on your version of ff7 for PC we have:

FF7 Pc(1997):
Code: [Select]
FF7 Pc(2012):
Code: [Select]
<userDir>\Square Enix\Final Fantasy VII\user_<ID>\
FF7 Pc(Steam):
Code: [Select]
<userDir>\Square Enix\Final Fantasy VII Steam\user_<ID\>\
FF7 Pc(Steam Proton):
Code: [Select]
<userHome>/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/39140/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Square Enix/FINAL FANTASY VII Steam/user_<ID>
Code: [Select]
Internal storage/Android/data/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.FFVII/file/Documents
Other PC Versions include IOS, Switch, PS4, XBoxOne (If its a "modern" release its the PC Version)

This game is so huge, in fact, that it spans three different discs, a tactic that wasn't uncommon at the time. Each disc is around 450 MB, and they add up to a total of 1,317 MB.

The game is not huge because of its "game" data in fact every game disc has the same copy of this data. The data taking up that space its all FMVs. If the PSX could use modern videos. The entire FMV set would take up about 175MB. The android release has videos twice the resolution of the PSX release and its FMV set only 250MB.

7th Heaven / Re: Stuck because of wrong party leader
« on: 2021-12-20 17:26:15 »
This may not work but try changing the party leader on the world map tab in Black Chocobo.
By default you can not have Red XII lead the party on the field so this may be a chance from one of the mods your using and this may be creating a problem on that field.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] World Map Stuff
« on: 2021-11-30 12:24:36 »

Hello I would like to try some of the mods packed as IRO only but am unable to use 7th Heaven is there a tool (for linux) to extract the iro files? If not can you point me to how the iro's are made so i can make such a tool .

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] World Map Stuff
« on: 2021-11-21 12:22:22 »
Can you provide a release of just the dds files for use in direct mode?

I'm pretty sure that the steam info is only used when generating metadata for cloud syncing. I've never used steam to launch but have you tried customizing the controls from the in game menu?

Nice to see this is continued to be worked on. If Anyone would like to help make Italian translations for the applications black chocobo and / or makou reactor please let me know. Now that the game is translated the tooling is next ;)

Project Updates.

I've updated Black Chocobo for Qt6.

For the time being i will release both a Qt5 and a Qt6 version.

What is the difference?  Qt version 5 is no longer developed and Qt6 will be the focus of development for the Qt Project. Unfortunately Qt6 no longer supports windows 32 bit.
What does that mean? From now on the Qt6 version will get alot of focus and may be used for the next version or when supporting specific features.

All Users should Download try out the Qt6 version and report any bugs you find while using it.

The most recent continous version contains some fixes:
 - Fixed (ff7tk): export of single slot save types.
 - Fixed (ff7tk): output of possible incorrect characters to the psx description (shown in memory card management tool)
 - Fixed (bc): Mac os version of Black Chocobo from crash on start up.
 - New: Polish Translation.

Lots of work has gone into ff7tk and should at some point have some announcements for this as well.

Try it out 

Troubleshooting / Re: Converting Mods to Switch
« on: 2021-10-23 12:46:58 »
The  Switch, PS4, Xbox, IPhone and Android versions are all the PC (2012) version using the newer video driver (like what aali's / ffnx does) and in the case of the non windows deployments running under a layer of x86 windows emulation. Some may have data checks to detect any modified data so may break the install Always keep a backup copy. If you have to put files into LGPs be sure they are in the correct FF7 formats. exe mods might fail.

@sithlord48: man could you add an option in your save editor to unlock the damage cap? Thanks in advance.
No I can not. This is not something that is controlled by the save game.

General Discussion / Re: Question about Yuffie warping
« on: 2021-10-13 12:14:27 »
Set the Game progress  to the correct value.. There may also be additional Checks on some fields for other progression items. Progress is the last frontier of save editing.

General Discussion / ATTN: FF7 MODDERS Quick Questions.
« on: 2021-10-10 12:44:55 »
Hi Everyone I just have some questions about what you all working on, So i can decide what i want to work on  :wink:

0. What Version of FF7 are you modding ? (PC97 / PSX / Steam / Switch ... )

1. What Kinds  Mods are you working on (Conversion, Models, Kernel,  Text, etc... )

2. What Tools are you currently using to make your mods?

3. Where do these tools fail for you ?

4. What tools do you need ?

Announcements and site development / Re: We were hacked.
« on: 2021-07-18 13:07:26 »
Great to see https finally!

FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1.11.2)
« on: 2021-06-25 18:00:01 »
can you tell us what OS and provide a link to the file you have downloaded since all the files are working and have all 3 languages. ( just tested them)

FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1.11.2)
« on: 2021-06-25 01:44:41 »
you have to select english from the language menu .

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2021-06-09 11:58:01 »
They work in direct mode. I just looking for the older ones in that format

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