Hey, long time I didn't post anything here !
I've updated the tool to v0.30 (yes, I passed from 0.28b to 0.30 because I'm totally crazy

), you can read the changelog at the end of the post.
@resinate : About Hot & Cold, I'll try to decipher the script and make it a bit more readable. The way it is coded doesn't allow to just "loop for an infinite amount of items" though, so you'll have to get creative to find a way to do it.
About the items incompatible effects, that unfortunatly can't be fixed : there are indeed missing fields, but that's not that I didn't find them, that's because they simply don't exist. Adding an accuracy field for items or such requires knowledge I don't currently have.
@Yugisokubodai : Thank you, but that's strange... The 1st bug you mentioned, I thought I fixed it a while ago and when I check, it's fine. The 2nd bug is different though : the height of windows seems to be calculated automatically in the japanese version. I adjusted the text preview to fit a bit more with that.
@Kuroda Masahiro : It is perfectly possible (though tedious) to replace a character by another, minus the well-known fact that Cinna, Marcus and Blank share some data (the levels in particular) with Quina, Eiko and Amarant respectively. You can't have both Cinna and Quina in the team either, for instance. To replace a character, you can put the following lines inside scripts, at points before you can change your party (in the Hildaguard 3, for instance) :
PARTY_RESERVE( 4095 ) // Adjust this argument if you want fewer people
PARTY_BATTLE_DATA( 8, 1, 255, 22, 15 ) // Beatrix
PARTY_BATTLE_DATA( 9, 1, 255, 21, 8 ) // Cinna
PARTY_BATTLE_DATA( 10, 1, 255, 21, 10 ) // Marcus
PARTY_BATTLE_DATA( 11, 1, 255, 21, 12 ) // Blank
NAME( 8, 75 ) // Rename Beatrix (shouldn't be important)
NAME( 9, 72 ) // Rename Cinna (or else he's called "Quina")
NAME( 10, 73 ) // Rename Marcus (or else he's called "Eiko")
NAME( 11, 74 ) // Rename Blank (or else he's called "Amarant")
You'd need to add that kind of script anywhere the party is somehow modified to make it persistant ; or use a similar script to revert the changes if you want Quina, Eiko or Amarant back in the team.
There are bugs that can happen at some point of the game, however. I don't know if the Oeilvert part will be ok, for instance, because the script looks for your party members to see which character should be present in the cutscenes. Also, things that heal the whole party on the fields (regenerative springs...) will likely not work on Cinna, Marcus and Blank because the script misses the healing code for those particular characters.
@uzoko1 : I don't understand what you said... What was the questions?
@shikulja : Ok, I'll try to make that feature. Maybe not for the next update, but likely the next one (once all the texts of the game can be edited).
Kefka's bug is serious and I can't find any way to solve it. Hecteyes' model animations are handled through script and spell sequencer and it seems to make it impossible to have more than 2 hecteyes models in the same battle. For 2 hecteyes, strangely, it seems to work fine.
Ok. For the v0.30, I added few more things. The .hwf files will update so be sure to create it with an unmodified version of the game (and then change the .hwf file name if needed). If it updates well on a modded version, that's fine though.
- Added a "Party Special" panel. It will contain special list of spell and command-related things, that are handled specially by the game. For now, it only contains the Magic Sword requirements (the spells Vivi needs to learn in order to unlock the related Magic Sword) but it should also contain things like Meteor's accuracy formula or Roulette randomness script in the future.
- Added a "Tetra Master" panel. You can modify the name and the random range for the statistics of cards (not pictures yet). You can also modify the card decks used by the NPC. The naming rules for decks are the following :
-- For decks used by NPC in Treno Stadium, Memoria or by the Fat Chocobo, the name of the NPC is used,
-- For the others, the name of the town where you can first meet a NPC playing that deck (provided you don't change the script for that) is used,
-- If decks are used by NPC of several towns, a dot dot dot is added.
Thanks to Froggy25 who totally cracked the Tetra Master deep mechanics btw.
- Added an "Interface" panel. For now, it contains all the menu and special texts that were not available yet, including the casting names of Eiko's Eidolons and a bunch of other things.
- Enhanced several features :
-- Spells : you can decide of the "casting name" of spells. For instance, Fira Sword's name is only "Fira" but a " Sword" is appended at the casting time. You can decide of that.
-- Enemies : you can define the default attack used by the enemies under the Berserk and Confuse status ailments (it will always target 1 random character). Also added the "Link enemies" flag in the groups submenu : it is, by default, used exclusively by the Sand Golem, Movers and Kraken to make several targeting parts for 1 enemy. When enabling that flag, the scripts for all the linked enemies but 1 must be deleted and the remaining one will handle all the attacks and counter-attacks (See
Kraken's AI script for an example).
-- Text editing : in the japanese version, the height of the preview window is properly displayed. It is also displayed (instead of being of infinite size) in all the game versions for menu texts and such, where you can't modify the size of the text window.
-- Script editing : you can determine how many local variables you need in each entry of scripts. Local variables seem to be recognized by the fact the 1st number in their name is odd (such as "VAR_B7_0" or "VAR_A11_0"). You need to make the local variable amount strictly higher than the 2nd number of the name of every local variable you use in an entry. For example, in
this post, I explain how to add more than 65536 HP to Trance Kuja but I make use of "VAR_B7_60". It works by miracle but it would need to set the local variable amount to 61 or higher to properly be done. Note that VAR_B7 are 1 byte-long, VAR_B5 are 2 bytes-long and VAR_A11 are 3 bytes-long. I'll go in details for the next version and use that to make the final version of the script editing window.
The function names are a bit more meaningful now.
Also, the scripts for exiting to the world maps are properly un-parsed now. I think that was the last case of script problems.
Next time, if I'm not distracted by something else, you should be able to modify the name of locations on the World Maps (that'll conclude the non-picture texts tour) and a better script editing window should be available (with the feature to name variables, that'll at last look like something).
Tell me if you find problems ^^