@resinate: frog catching can be accessed through "GetFrogAmount" but not through a local variables.
Reminder (this is in the help):
- Local variables area of effect is an entry. Outside that entry, a local variable can't be accessed and trying to do so will access to another local variables instead. The number of local variables (or moreover the allocation size for them) is specified by "allocate N" in the local variable panel.
- Global variables area of effect is a script. Be it a field script, a battle script (AI) or a world map script, it's a kind of variables that are shared by all the entries but not usable for long-term systems.
- General variables are shared along the whole game and also saved in Memory card / Steam saves.
I finally understood parts of your last post, but it's hard... "how to ID attacks" doesn't mean anything. I guess you mean you want to have scripted attacks like, let's say, Beatrix's ending moves, right?
You need to check how it's done in those battles (I can't check it myself right now). It mainly consists of:
1) Pausing the battle and hide the UI (some "RunBattleCode"),
2) A call to "AttackSpecial",
3) Ending the battle, optionnally flagging the enemy as defeated ("set SV_FunctionEnemy[DEFEATED_ON] =$ 1").
Another important thing for you to look at is the special attack's animation sequencing. It's inside it that you find the pieces of dialogs, which spell animation is performed, etc...
1. That's not a bug. Freya's trance works like this.
2. You can't change them using Hades Workshop yet, but you can do it with Memoria (it's in the function "CharacterDefaultName" of the file "FF9TextTool.cs").
3. Not with HW neither. That's changing the engine quite a bit and can be done with Memoria as well, but chances are that I'll never include such a feature in HW.