Author Topic: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)  (Read 995025 times)


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #850 on: 2017-06-04 13:39:02 »
Enough, you guys. Warnings issues. Drama deleted. Now stop it. ~Covarr


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #851 on: 2017-06-04 17:17:01 »
Hey guys!

i am trying add a extra atack in to a loop :
Code: [Select]
            set #( SV_Target = SV_FunctionEnemy ) // i set the target
            AttackSpecial( 3 ) // atack
            while ( IsAttacking != 0 ) {
                Wait( 1 )
            RunBattleCode( 35, 0 ) // continue battle
            while ( GetBattleState != 4 ) {
                Wait( 1 )

But fail


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #852 on: 2017-06-04 19:10:27 »
@sutebenukun: Hey, glad to see you enjoy it and want to personalize it :)
Unfortunatly, it is not convenient to modify the spell effects, and you can't go very far. It's in the CIL Code, more precisely the class "btl_calc".
Hades Workshop's CIL Code is quite buggy: it sometimes crashes if the edited methods are too big. It seems that you can't edit the main method related to spell effects ("CalcMain") without crash. You can however edit the sub-methods and put the HP cost in them.

For instance, the spell effect "Physical Strike" use the sub-method "CalcSub_203", which setups the damage for its target. What you can do is adding a script there that removes HP to the caster only if the caster is Steiner.
The C# script for removing HP to the caster is something like this:
Code: [Select]
// "flag 1" states that the spell will modify the HP (of "ct" = caster, here). Setting both flags 1 and 2 can be used for healing
v.ct_flags |= 1;
// The damage is based on caster's max hp. The operation ">> 3" is equivalent to "/ 8"
v.ct_hp = (short)(v.caster.max.hp >> 3);
But you can't write C# scripts with HW (that's where the Memoria tool is more convenient), so you need to use a CIL code counterpart:
Code: [Select]
ldfld 0x40007F6 // CALC_VAR::ct_flags
stfld 0x40007F6 // CALC_VAR::ct_flags
ldfld 0x40007EC // CALC_VAR::caster
ldfld 0x4000229 // BTL_DATA::max
ldfld 0x4000809 // POINTS::hp
stfld 0x40007F8 // CALC_VAR::ct_hp
"ldarg.0" is the object of type CALC_VAR that contains all the information about the damage calculation. It was called "v" in the C# above.

Now, if I am telling you about C# code, it's because it is much more easy to read (even though it's still a programing language), and you can see here the whole class of "btl_calc" in C#:
I added a few comments and renamed the methods "CalcSub" with less opaque names there.

The CIL script above can be used to remove HP to the caster in one of those "CalcSub" method. Verify that the hexadecimal IDs are the same with your game, which should be the case if it's up-to-date. For instance, the non-edited method "CalcSub_203" should start like this:
Code: [Select]
ldfld 0x40007F0 // CALC_VAR::at_pow
ldfld 0x40007F1 // CALC_VAR::df_pow
If the 0x..... numbers are different, you need to update your game beforehand (in Steam, "FF9 -> properties -> Verify the integrity of local game file").

Now, we need to add the information that only Steiner's attack should remove HP to him (he's not the only one to cast spells using that "CalcSub_203" method). You can do it like that:
Code: [Select]
if ( == 3) {
    // Do you stuff
Code: [Select]
IL_POS0: ldarg.0
IL_POS1: ldfld 0x40007EC // CALC_VAR::caster
IL_POS2: ldfld 0x400022D // BTL_DATA::bi
IL_POS3: ldfld 0x4000272 // BTL_INFO::slot_no
IL_POS4: ldc.i4.3
// Do your stuff
IL_POSEND: // After the "if" block

If we put that together at the start of the method "CalcSub_203", we end up with a method like this:
Code: [Select]
ldfld 0x40007EC // CALC_VAR::caster
ldfld 0x400022D // BTL_DATA::bi
ldfld 0x4000272 // BTL_INFO::slot_no
bne.un IL_003E
ldfld 0x40007F6 // CALC_VAR::ct_flags
stfld 0x40007F6 // CALC_VAR::ct_flags
ldfld 0x40007EC // CALC_VAR::caster
ldfld 0x4000229 // BTL_DATA::max
ldfld 0x4000809 // POINTS::hp
stfld 0x40007F8 // CALC_VAR::ct_hp
ldfld 0x40007F0 // CALC_VAR::at_pow
ldfld 0x40007F1 // CALC_VAR::df_pow
bgt IL_0055
ldfld 0x40007F7 // CALC_VAR::tg_flags
stfld 0x40007F7 // CALC_VAR::tg_flags
ldfld 0x40007F3 // CALC_VAR::at_num
bge IL_0077
stfld 0x40007F3 // CALC_VAR::at_num
ldfld 0x40007F3 // CALC_VAR::at_num
ldfld 0x40007EE // CALC_VAR::cmd
ldfld 0x400028B // CMD_DATA::info
ldfld 0x4000293 // SELECT_INFO::short_summon
brfalse IL_009B
ldc.i4 9999
ble IL_00AC
ldc.i4 9999
ldfld 0x40007F5 // CALC_VAR::flags
brfalse IL_00C8
ldfld 0x40007F7 // CALC_VAR::tg_flags
stfld 0x40007F7 // CALC_VAR::tg_flags
stfld 0x40007F9 // CALC_VAR::tg_hp
(If you copy-paste it, verify that the "IL_POS" numbers are correct: the program tends to update them automatically and not always the right way.)
I tested and it worked wonder for me.

Now you need to do the same thing for other "CalcSub" methods so that it doesn't apply only to damaging spells.
Modifying the engine is the most tedious feature of HW, sorry. I hope it helped you though ^^"

@dclem and Lein: Maybe you can just stop arguing? You both said that you were over with the other and kept posting just to have the final word... that's ridiculous.
Lein, as it was already said, you can't expect everyone to have the same priorities as you. Besides, modding is something that requires time.
I told you that increasing the encounter rate back to normal means understanding what was changed in the Steam version. Those figures that you increased in the fields' scripts are exactly the same between Steam and PSX: if you want to have an encounter rate consistent and balanced as in PSX, that's not what needs to be fixed. If you want a quick and dirty fix, then you're done.
And yes, keeping repeating a few bullets is not going to make those go faster.

No comment about the trendy "autist" insult... That is a very dumb one.

Thank you so much! I do however have a few questions if you don't mind, it's been awhile since I've had to do anything with code and even then it was just hex editing FF6.

What program would I need to access the btl_calc or to get to the CIL Code? I'm as beginner as it can get so please bear with me.
The other things I sort of understand since it was similar to what I have done years and years ago, but I'm sure I'll get it back once I'm able to locate the file that I need and have the program that I'll need to modify the btl_calc.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #853 on: 2017-06-04 19:50:34 »
In the hunter chance, i am trying combat with sargar, i up HP of sagnar and i hope can display a battle dialog with the hp its low, i have this code in sargar loop:
Function Sagnar_Loop
    if ( !VAR_LocUInt8_30 ) {
        set VAR_LocUInt8_30 = 1
        while ( !( GetBattleLoadState & 8 ) ) {
            Wait( 1 )
            set VAR_GenUInt8_206 = GetRandom
        set VAR_LocUInt16_33 = FirstOf(SV_FunctionEnemy[HP])
        set SV_FunctionEnemy[MODEL_SIZE] =$ 6144
        while ( !( GetBattleLoadState & 16 ) ) {
            Wait( 1 )
            set VAR_GenUInt8_206 = GetRandom
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_24 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 0 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_24 |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 1 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_26 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 2 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_28 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 3 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_28 |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 4 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_28 |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 5 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_28 |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 6 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_30 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 7 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_30 |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 8 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_32 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 9 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_34 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 10 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_34 |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 11 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_36 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 12 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_38 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 13 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_40 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 15 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_42 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 16 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_42 |= ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 17 ) )
        set #( VAR_GlobUInt16_44 = ( SV_PlayerTeam[MODEL_TYPE] ==$ 18 ) )
        while ( GetBattleState != 4 ) {
            Wait( 1 )
    if ( #( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT_A], 4355) & VAR_GlobUInt16_24 ) ) {
        set VARL_GenBool_2655 = 0
    } else {
        set VARL_GenBool_2655 = 1
    if ( #( NotMatching(SV_PlayerTeam[STATUS_CURRENT_A], 4355) & VAR_GlobUInt16_36 ) ) {
        set VARL_GenBool_2648 = 0
    } else {
        set VARL_GenBool_2648 = 1
  if ( #( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] <=$ 10650 ) ) {
        BattleDialog( 6 )

    if ( #( SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] <=$ 10000 ) ) {
        set SV_FunctionEnemy[HP] =$ 0
    Wait( 1 )

its Ok, when i play and the saganar life if 650 or less, display dialog ok, but freija atack dont have more efects, whats i make wrong?
« Last Edit: 2017-06-04 19:57:19 by elberuss »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #854 on: 2017-06-04 20:03:39 »
@sutebenukun: You access to the CIL Code using Hades Workshop, there's a panel "CIL Code", the list of classes (including "btl_calc") is on the left and the classes' methods ("CalcMain", "CalcSub_203", etc...) appear next to it once you selected a class.

You may also see the C# and CIL code using programs like JetBrains dotPeck, but it can only display it, not modify it. I don't know any free tool that allows to inject CIL code in a dll.

@elberuss: Zaghnol has a protection against Freya. If she's about to land a killing blow, Zaghnol is regenerated and doesn't die (while it's not the case for Zidane). There is a limit to that protection ; I think he can regenerate up to 5 times IIRC before Freya gets indeed able to kill him. So you'd have to attack him repeatedly with her without attacking him with Zidane for Freya to deal the killing blow.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #855 on: 2017-06-04 20:26:52 »
@sutebenukun: You access to the CIL Code using Hades Workshop, there's a panel "CIL Code", the list of classes (including "btl_calc") is on the left and the classes' methods ("CalcMain", "CalcSub_203", etc...) appear next to it once you selected a class.

You may also see the C# and CIL code using programs like JetBrains dotPeck, but it can only display it, not modify it. I don't know any free tool that allows to inject CIL code in a dll.

Alrighty, I looked in the actual program but the only option I see is MIPS Code. And while it'll let me edit it for the PSX version, it brings up a window saying it has been disabled for the Steam version, which is the version I'm attempting to modify. Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #856 on: 2017-06-04 20:38:21 »
Either it's a bug, either you don't have the latest version of the tool. I hope it's the latter ^^

You can see the version in the "About" window (F1). If it's not v0.37c, get the newest version in the opening post of the thread.
If it is v0.37c, then I guess it's a bug. Maybe try to open only the Steam version? (You have to select the FF9_Launcher.exe.)


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #857 on: 2017-06-04 21:14:03 »
Either it's a bug, either you don't have the latest version of the tool. I hope it's the latter ^^

You can see the version in the "About" window (F1). If it's not v0.37c, get the newest version in the opening post of the thread.
If it is v0.37c, then I guess it's a bug. Maybe try to open only the Steam version? (You have to select the FF9_Launcher.exe.)

My apologies, I had the 0.34 version so I just downloaded the latest and the tab is available and working! I hate to be a hassle but I was fiddling around with the Stats category and was wondering how I might give Beatrix the ability to go into Trance. I created a specific skillset for her and connected it to her Seiken command a la Zidane's link with his Skills, but was wondering if that was enough to give her a Trance or if there was something more I would have to do.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #858 on: 2017-06-05 09:49:03 »
I couldn't successfully add a trance to Beatrix ; you need at least two things for that:
1) Making this character a permanent party member, that is removing the flag "temporary character" in the "SetCharacterData" call (in fields scripts),
2) Add a trance model to the list of character models, in the CIL "btl_init::..ctor" method.

With that, however, the trance gauge appears and fills correctly, but the game freezes once it's fully filled. So there has to be something else that I didn't spot :/
Also, the "temporary character" flag determines whether the game will use the temporary character or the permanent counterpart (Marcus/Eiko for instance). So for adding trance to Marcus, Blank or Cina, it would also require something else (maybe changing the condition (1) for the trance bar to appear).


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #859 on: 2017-06-05 12:54:57 »
I couldn't successfully add a trance to Beatrix ; you need at least two things for that:
1) Making this character a permanent party member, that is removing the flag "temporary character" in the "SetCharacterData" call (in fields scripts),
2) Add a trance model to the list of character models, in the CIL "btl_init::..ctor" method.

With that, however, the trance gauge appears and fills correctly, but the game freezes once it's fully filled. So there has to be something else that I didn't spot :/
Also, the "temporary character" flag determines whether the game will use the temporary character or the permanent counterpart (Marcus/Eiko for instance). So for adding trance to Marcus, Blank or Cina, it would also require something else (maybe changing the condition (1) for the trance bar to appear).

Interesting. I was wondering about adding trance to "guest" characters. I bet there's an animation call that it's missing when you activate trance and that's why it freezes, just a hunch. I haven't looked at this games data too hard yet.

 Would it be possible to switch the character the temporary characters are tied to? I like Eiko, but I also want to use Marcus. Can I place him over someone else instead? Better yet, can we add character slots? I know Beatrix is a special case and seems to actually have her own slot, so I'm sure it would be complicated.

Has anyone tried to swap assets such as Zidane with his Pluto Knight gear, or Garnet with her dress or whitemage hood?

Lastly, is there something I can use to preview .fbx models?
« Last Edit: 2017-06-05 15:29:11 by Tetraspore »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #860 on: 2017-06-05 15:08:07 »
Reading your talk I thought of a mod that might be worth doing in the future, imagine replacing all the silly characters that are over the top, for example Eiko and Quina with characters that are a bit more mature. Maybe the summoner in the ruined village could be garnet's older sister, or maybe an old granny. Quina could be replaced by some character that isn't so fat, maybe some muscular wild man.

The modeling and animation wouldn't be difficult to do, what might be difficult is to remake entire cutscenes, thinking specifically of the love letter event in Alexandria. Just throwing this out there, because if Final Fantasy is suffering from anything it's silly characters.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #861 on: 2017-06-05 17:06:29 »
Hey, so I tried deselecting the "update level" flag and indeed the characters do join at lvl. 1. Specifically, I tested it with Freya at the Conf. Room in Lindblum castle and Quina. The other chars were at level 50 (I downloaded the save from GameFAQs). Instead of joining at level 33, they join at lvl 1. I haven't tested it anywhere else.

However, this would be a problem for Eiko, I assume. For Blank/Amarant, it's probably okay, because Blank is in the party for a very, very short time. But when Marcus join at CD2, I take it Eiko level will be that of Marcus?


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #862 on: 2017-06-05 21:59:55 »
Reading your talk I thought of a mod that might be worth doing in the future, imagine replacing all the silly characters that are over the top, for example Eiko and Quina with characters that are a bit more mature. Maybe the summoner in the ruined village could be garnet's older sister, or maybe an old granny. Quina could be replaced by some character that isn't so fat, maybe some muscular wild man.

The modeling and animation wouldn't be difficult to do, what might be difficult is to remake entire cutscenes, thinking specifically of the love letter event in Alexandria. Just throwing this out there, because if Final Fantasy is suffering from anything it's silly characters.

I don't think we are able to utilize custom meshes quite yet for player characters, so my current mission is to try and give some characters some alternate costumes that already exist (hooded Zidane, Knight Zidane, hooded Garnet, dress Garnet, short/long hair, etc). I could use a list as to what model is what, or something to preview the FFIX models with. The autodesk FBX previewer closes as soon as any FFIX model is opened.

I've personally always had a soft spot for Eiko and Quina, but I like the idea. The pre-rendered cutscenes would be out of the question. Scripted cutscenes would probably be more doable.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #863 on: 2017-06-06 23:49:22 »
I couldn't successfully add a trance to Beatrix ; you need at least two things for that:
1) Making this character a permanent party member, that is removing the flag "temporary character" in the "SetCharacterData" call (in fields scripts),
2) Add a trance model to the list of character models, in the CIL "btl_init::..ctor" method.

With that, however, the trance gauge appears and fills correctly, but the game freezes once it's fully filled. So there has to be something else that I didn't spot :/
Also, the "temporary character" flag determines whether the game will use the temporary character or the permanent counterpart (Marcus/Eiko for instance). So for adding trance to Marcus, Blank or Cina, it would also require something else (maybe changing the condition (1) for the trance bar to appear).

Where can I find that script to edit the temporary character flag? I want to ditch Cinna for Quina while retaining marcus and blank. If possible, I'd like to put Marcus over Steiner, but it seems the slots are specifically set up for specific characters? Meaning Marcus will always share a slot with Eiko?


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #864 on: 2017-06-11 02:02:34 »
Interesting. I was wondering about adding trance to "guest" characters. I bet there's an animation call that it's missing when you activate trance and that's why it freezes, just a hunch. I haven't looked at this games data too hard yet.

 Would it be possible to switch the character the temporary characters are tied to? I like Eiko, but I also want to use Marcus. Can I place him over someone else instead? Better yet, can we add character slots? I know Beatrix is a special case and seems to actually have her own slot, so I'm sure it would be complicated.

Has anyone tried to swap assets such as Zidane with his Pluto Knight gear, or Garnet with her dress or whitemage hood?

Lastly, is there something I can use to preview .fbx models?

I hate to keep bothering you, I looked into what you told me about the SubCalc's but I honestly haven't the foggiest idea how you discovered Physical Strikes subcalc, I have Steiner using the absorb strength/magic, the quadraslash effect you used, and the ???def-less (and a couple others) if I can find out how you found the subcalc's I should be able to go into those effects subcalcs and add the HP reduction conditional for Steiner, yes?

Also one quick thing, I saw that tere was a UI rescaling mod posted on the steam community but it looks like it requires memoria to use, if I recall correctly Hades Workshop and Memoria are not compatible with one another so I wouldn't be able to utilize that mod, would I?

Thanks for all your help, I really do appreciate it.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #865 on: 2017-06-11 18:22:35 »
Srry guys, I know that yous are talking about more technical things but ...

the corret way to edit "spanw" enemys is with battle spots?


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #866 on: 2017-06-11 20:30:54 »
Enemies on the world map is used from battle spots; but Tirltiti said it was buggy, (and it's not fixed in this current version, it doesn't work if you change it).
In the field, battle 'spawns' are handled in the SetRandomBattleFrequency~set enemies battles for that field. 1-4.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #867 on: 2017-06-11 20:42:12 »
Enemies on the world map is used from battle spots; but Tirltiti said it was buggy, (and it's not fixed in this current version, it doesn't work if you change it).
In the field, battle 'spawns' are handled in the SetRandomBattleFrequency~set enemies battles for that field. 1-4.

thanks, this explained why me changes no working


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #868 on: 2017-06-12 02:35:47 »
You're welcome.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #869 on: 2017-06-12 07:44:26 »
I'm trying to use Hades Workshop to open the p0data*.bin file under FINAL FANTASY IX\StreamingAssets\. However, the program just crashes with an error message. So can anyone help me please? Sorry if I post this in wrong way:

Code: [Select]
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
  Application Name: HadesWorkshop.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp: 58ee662c
  Fault Module Name: HadesWorkshop.exe
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp: 58ee662c
  Exception Code: c00000fd
  Exception Offset: 029ccb53
  OS Version: 6.3.9600.
  Locale ID: 1033
  Additional Information 1: e860
  Additional Information 2: e86090bc8c91ffd3c86d18fa8cdf1f70
  Additional Information 3: de7f
  Additional Information 4: de7f9705878d75421aa697c1b4f19d18


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #870 on: 2017-06-12 08:11:44 »
You need to open the launcher not the bin files.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #871 on: 2017-06-12 09:44:12 »
You need to open the launcher not the bin files.

Whoops, my bad. Now everything works fine. Thank you very much for your help :roll:


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #872 on: 2017-06-18 04:17:02 »
I think I see some of the requirements for model importing in game.
with tis settings:

only got one weapon import with crashing but,
still not working fully; tried replace characters with mine and game still crashes...  :-\
Only close I got was with replacing "Eiko"; the model was there, but it was textureless.
Modify message


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #873 on: 2017-06-18 14:28:17 »
I am trying search "regena" status (for revitalia or winds dragons) but i cant find,
its posible edit script of these status?


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.37c)
« Reply #874 on: 2017-06-28 02:28:04 »
I saw that the software now has a viewer for environment walk meshes, though its a little fiddly at the moment, I was wondering if you have support planned for the cameras too, and exporting the camera+environment to FBX/DAE at all.

Making edits and new sections in outside 3D Software would be faster than in-tool for the majority of areas I'd think.