Author Topic: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)  (Read 995029 times)


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #950 on: 2017-12-30 21:15:59 »
This tool is about modifying the game, not your scores or stats or whatever related to your game save.
You *could* make it so a hot & cold game gives you more score but that's quite tricky and the Memoria save editor would be better for that. I thought it was possible with it :/


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #951 on: 2017-12-31 08:55:15 »
Ah got ya, I think at one point it was possible with the memoria editor however the boxes seem to be greyed out now and you cant edit the values.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #952 on: 2018-01-06 17:46:30 »
Does anybody knows how to edit the Jump Rope minigame, so it automatically jumps 1000 times with one press or jump automatically?

More practical than using GameShark and this useless key item hurts my OCD. :-P


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #953 on: 2018-01-10 12:14:45 »
Hello it me again !

It possible to PC steam version change.

Speed = Basic Speed + [Level / 10] + [Bonus Fragments / 32]

Force = Basic Force + [Level * 3/10] + [Bonus Fragments / 32]

Magic = Basic Magic + [Level * 3/10] + [Bonus Fragments / 32]

Psy = Basic Psy + [Level * 3/20] + [Bonus Fragments / 32]

Max Speed: 50      Max Force: 99    Max Magic: 99    Max Psy: 50     Max HP: 9999       Max MP: 999    Max Magic stone  99

Change to

Speed = Basic Speed + [Level * 5/13] + [Bonus Fragments / 44]

Force = Basic Force + [Level * 5/13] + [Bonus Fragments / 44]

Magic = Basic Magic + [Level * 5/13] + [Bonus Fragments / 44]

Psy = Basic Psy + [Level * 5/13] + [Bonus Fragments / 44]

Max Speed: 99      Max Force: 125    Max Magic: 125    Max Psy: 99     Max HP: 15000       Max MP: 2500      Max Magic stone  111

thanx ^^


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #954 on: 2018-01-10 13:43:48 »
Yes for most of it. I am not sure about changing the Max values of stats though.

For changing the stat progressions:
Go to CIL Code, then search for "ff9level" in the list on the left, then "FF9Level_GetDex", then Edit Code.
Spot the following lines near the bottom of the code.
Code: [Select]
ldc.i4.s 10
ldfld 0x4000885 // FF9LEVEL_BONUS::dex

Replace that portion by this:
Code: [Select]
ldc.i4.s 5
ldc.i4.s 13
ldfld 0x4000885 // FF9LEVEL_BONUS::dex
ldc.i4.s 44

Then do the same for the "FF9Level_GetStr", "GetMgc" and "GetWpr". The codes are pretty similar (always replace the few lines between "ldarg.1" and "shr/add").

For changing the max values, it's at the same place but right below: you have two lines "ldc.i4.s 50" at the end of these codes (or "ldc.i4.s 99" for Str and Mgc). Replace that with 99 or 125.
In "FF9Level_GetCap", you have the limit for the magic stones ; the code is similar to the others and you'll find two lines "ldc.i4.s 99" at the end.
In "FF9Level_GetHP" (resp. "GetMP", the code is much smaller but still with two lines "ldc.i4 9999" (resp. "ldc.i4 999").

If you increase the limit of strength, magic, spirit or speed, you also need to remove the limitation from equipment boosts. It's in the method "ff9play::FF9_GetSkill". Near the 4/5 of the method, you'll find lines like these:
Code: [Select]
ldfld 0x40008AD // FF9PLAY_SKILL::Base
ldloc.s 6
ble IL_0328
ldfld 0x40008AD // FF9PLAY_SKILL::Base
Just replace the line "ble IL_0328" by "br IL_0328" and it should remove the limit totally.
It is not easy to choose the limit yourself by CIL code editing because the limit is stored in an unreachable array ("<PrivateImplementationDetails>::$$field-545").
In practice, it will then be that the base stats are limited (by whatever limit you want) and the equipment stat boosts can still increase that limit a bit.

I am not sure that increasing the max values is safe. If the HP of a character is beyond 9999, it will display a bit strangely but work just fine. However, there might be more troublesome bugs.
« Last Edit: 2018-04-19 20:30:26 by Tirlititi »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #955 on: 2018-01-10 19:45:13 »
thanx you ^^
Is work.

Is possible change stats regular items arms and all armor stats,  attack, defence,  evade,  magic defence, magic evade to steam and change formula effet ?
Thanx you verry much ...
« Last Edit: 2018-01-12 14:18:08 by Tedrainbow »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #956 on: 2018-01-13 19:21:45 »
thanx you ^^
Is work.

Is possible change stats regular items arms and all armor stats,  attack, defence,  evade,  magic defence, magic evade to steam and change formula effet ?
Thanx you verry much ...

The stats of all equipment can be edited in the Inventory panel, including the healing amount of Potions, the damage formulas used by weapons, and other stuff like elemental properties, status attacks, abilities learned from the equipment piece etc.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #957 on: 2018-01-15 19:58:35 »

Still no way to stop ATB filling during animations? Actually the system the ATB work causes all status to be quite ineffective (too short duration) with high Spirit, and Regen to be horribly overpowered. No Way to fix this?

If fixing this is not possibile, it is possibile at least to manually increase the Regen healing interval?

Thanks in advance


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #958 on: 2018-01-19 21:52:30 »
I am not sure that increasing the max values is safe. If the HP of a character is beyond 9999, it will display a bit strangely but work just fine. However, there might be more troublesome bugs.

What kind of bugs would this cause? Tried it and haven’t seen any yet.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #959 on: 2018-01-19 23:39:45 »
@ste459: Controlling the ATB that accurately is not possible with Hades Workshop. It is possible with Albeoris's Memoria but you'd need to recode part of the engine for that.
However it is indeed possible to increase the Regen frequency, with both HW and Memoria. In HW, you go to CIL Code, search for the method "btl_stat -> SetOprStatusCount" and remove that part of the code:
Code: [Select]
ldfld 0x400022A // BTL_DATA::elem
ldfld 0x400080F // ELEMENT::wpr
It's the four lines under a "ldc.i4.s 60". The Regen frequency formula is indeed "Frames to wait = (60 - wpr) << 2", which is, in a more standard writing, "(60 - Spirit) * 4". Removing these four lines will remove the spirit part so you will always regen with the same frequency (the overall duration is something else and will still increase though). You may change the number in "ldc.i4.s 60" to adjust it if you think it's too slow (or too fast).

@Incinerator: I was bugged by the task of giving a precise answer but replying to ste459 gave me one : if you use regen on a character with 60 spirit or more, the formula above goes to negative which can either mean regen will never trigger or it will trigger every single frame (having a quick look at the code, I would incline to the latter).


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #960 on: 2018-01-20 00:29:52 »
I see thanks.
Is it possible to not make the sfxs no pitch with speed booster on?
« Last Edit: 2018-01-20 02:07:10 by Incinerator »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #961 on: 2018-01-20 15:41:34 »
That one is in the method "SfxSoundPlayer::PlaySfxSound". You have, in the second half of the method, the following lines:
Code: [Select]
ldfld 0x40038A0 // SoundProfile::Pitch
stfld 0x40038A0 // SoundProfile::Pitch
Remove the last 3 lines (ldloc.0, ldloc.2, stfld).
Surely that, because you don't have high pitch, you will still end up with weird sounds, with each one on top of the others. It's something to try but I'm not sure that the result will be satisfying.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #962 on: 2018-01-20 20:06:43 »
It works! Thanks Tirlititi!
Does this tool also fix some of the broken sounds and missing enemy death sounds too?
« Last Edit: 2018-01-20 23:15:46 by Incinerator »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #963 on: 2018-01-21 08:43:45 »
For the missing enemy deaths, the sound files are present in the assets and all is correctly setup except that they forgot to register these sounds in the meta-data. You need to replace one meta-data file in the resources.assets by this one:

XenoBrain did a great job fixing the audio quality here:


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #964 on: 2018-01-21 10:32:17 »
I see, thanks.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #965 on: 2018-01-22 17:26:22 »
Thanks Tirlititi. I use PSX version of FF9, no way to edit this script for psx? I know that CIL code editing is available only for Steam Version.

Another question, is it possibile to increase enemies speed above 50 (for more competitive fights when 4 vs 1 enemy)? Or bugs may occurr, as you said above regarding Spirit?


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #966 on: 2018-01-22 23:29:44 »
Ah... Then no it's not possible to do that with the PSX version, sorry :/
More precisely, it is possible because I'm quite sure that this code is in the MIPS assembly code reachable within HW, but it's not in one of the parts that are related to spell effects, so you would need to be an expert in MIPS + spend several hours to search for that code (I guess it's humanly possible by firstly spot the code using NO$PSX and then hex-searching for it, but it's barely possible).

Actually, Tiamat can increase his strength above 99 up to 255 with his strength stealing skill and there's the same skill existing for magic. I guess that only the spirit and speed can cause problems. For speed, a value of 60 is already the fastest possible, instantatly filling the ATB. I'd say that it has no effect to increase it even further.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #967 on: 2018-01-23 11:36:34 »
there is a mod that fixed all sound individually; I found it. nvm
« Last Edit: 2018-01-24 22:41:43 by Incinerator »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #968 on: 2018-01-23 15:41:32 »
hello, first of all, thank you for this tools
its great and handy to use. however I got an error when trying to edit commands
for example I want to edit Zidane commands from steal to Seiken
or I just want to edit set spell in the Party > commands > set spell tab so I can use whatever ability I want
but after saving it I got an error (in game) when battles begin like every name in the UI changed to zidane even though in my party there are vivi, dagger etc and even only zidane in the party. Everyone got 9999HP and 999MP, fully ATB but I cant attack at all (I dont edit anything related with HP/MP/ATB)

can anyone help me?
image bellow
Spoiler: show

sorry bad english.
« Last Edit: 2018-01-23 15:48:18 by Rosevalt »


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #969 on: 2018-01-25 16:08:28 »
So, I finally got around to buying the Steam version as well. First I thought I could just keep using the PSX version as it'll be essentially the same, but it seems that the steam version just offers so many more modding possibilities. My next step now is to import all my changes I already made to the PSX version to the steam version, and here I've got a couple questions:

1) It was said a couple pages back that text cannot be imported from hwf files from the PSX version, but that was with an older version of the tool when steam compatibility first came out. Is this still true, and does this only refer to dialogue (I hope), or does it also include the names and descriptions of items, spells, enemies etc?

2) Also a couple pages back, there was the rumor that the random encounter rate in the steam version is far lower than in the PSX version despite the encounter rates in the various fields being identical. Is this true? And if so, is there a way to remedy that? Because that would leave you seriously underleveled under normal circumstances, so I'd really prefer playing the game with the original encounter rate.

3) And last, about the saving instructions you posted earlier:

Saving Instructions
You have to backup your files yourself. The program asks for the "FF9_Launcher.exe" file when opening the game, and then for a folder where you want to save your modded files. In any case, never choose the folder in which the selected "FF9_Launcher.exe" lies, either create a new folder either save it in a folder containing another "FF9_Launcher.exe".

The files created this way are intended to replace the files in the sub-folders of your "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder.

Here are the 2 safest possible choices :
1) Start by creating a backup of your "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder. When you use HW, only open the backup files and choose the non-backup "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder when you save (it's important that you keep that default name). As that's the game launched by Steam, you'll have your game directly modded.
2) Start by creating a backup of your "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder and use that backup for HW, but create a new folder somewhere else for the saving. To apply the mod, you need to replace manually the files in the "FINAL FANTASY IX" folder by the modded ones.

In any case, a 3rd backup is not a bad idea, unless you don't mind downloading the game again in case of problems.

So do I get this right, whenever I save my changes on an unmodded file, it'll change every file in this entire FFIX folder, and then I have to copy each one of them over the original ones in the different FFIX folder that I will be using to play?

Thanks for your answers, and thanks again for your awesome work so far, tirlititi!


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #970 on: 2018-01-25 18:16:03 »
Hey Kefka :)

1) The text still can't be imported properly from PSX to Steam, and it concerns all the texts, not only the ones in the "Texts" panel.
If there is one thing that HW does less well for Steam than for PSX, it's editing and managing the texts... I have been working on multi-language support lately but I will need more time to work on the Steam text opcodes (that's what makes it troublesome).
The best solution for now would be to use file batching for dialogs, I guess, but for the rest, you'll have to copy/paste and write the Steam opcodes yourself (you can have 2 windows/panels of HW opened: one of PSX and the other for Steam).

2) Yes, the encounter rate is definitely lower in the Steam version, but the difference is indeed not in the field script. It is unclear to me what makes this difference... I've said what I saw and what I think of it here (comparing the Steam engine's code with the description of SoftReset of the PSX engine's code, it would really look like they are the same):

3) No. What you say is correct except that it only change the few files that need to be changed (that contain the modded data). If you use the 1st choice I describe, you don't have to copy/paste files since they will be replaced directly.

@Rosevalt: I am afraid that you tried to use HW on an already modded game and that what made that bug. You should follow the advices that Kefka just quoted. Also, always think to save your mod as .hws files (Ctrl+S): they are usually the safest way to save the mods that you make, and in a very small format.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #971 on: 2018-01-25 20:38:43 »
1) The text still can't be imported properly from PSX to Steam, and it concerns all the texts, not only the ones in the "Texts" panel.
If there is one thing that HW does less well for Steam than for PSX, it's editing and managing the texts... I have been working on multi-language support lately but I will need more time to work on the Steam text opcodes (that's what makes it troublesome).
The best solution for now would be to use file batching for dialogs, I guess, but for the rest, you'll have to copy/paste and write the Steam opcodes yourself (you can have 2 windows/panels of HW opened: one of PSX and the other for Steam).

I see, too bad. I guess I'll just have to redo the changes I made to some enemy, spell and item names by manually going through all of them.

2) Yes, the encounter rate is definitely lower in the Steam version, but the difference is indeed not in the field script. It is unclear to me what makes this difference... I've said what I saw and what I think of it here (comparing the Steam engine's code with the description of SoftReset of the PSX engine's code, it would really look like they are the same):

I've just googled around and it seems no one knows the reason for the indeed much lower encounter rate of the steam version. Damn, that's an even bigger bummer to my plans. So the only option is to manually go through each field and increase the encounter rate to somehow restore the battle frequency of the original PSX game (more or less)? That'll be quite tedious, but I guess there's no way around it if I don't want to remain constantly underleveled.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #972 on: 2018-01-25 21:33:02 »
Oh yes, I forgot about the enemies' spells. It's true that they are a pain to rename :/
You can also wait for an update that allows importing PSX text in Steam. That won't be the next one because it'd already be too much, but surely the one after. I plan on working on the texts a lot after the next update:
- conversion between PSX and Steam texts,
- easy way to edit the different languages,
- make the option "Edit similar enemies" apply to the spells as well.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #973 on: 2018-01-25 23:18:06 »
Hello Tirlititi,
I used HW on CSharp that already modified because HD Background mod I found on Steam. Maybe is that causing the problem?
Somehow I managed to edit the characters spells from spell tabs to create a completely new one. So i dont have to change every characters command just to use one specific spell I want. Hope you understand what I said. Again thank you so much For this tool.


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Re: [FF9] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.38)
« Reply #974 on: 2018-01-26 11:05:25 »
That may be because of that, yes. It is very easy to make your mods compatible with the HD backgrounds though. First of all, the CSharp is the only file causing problems: the p0data1X.bin are not problematic to HW. Then, for creating a mod that is compatible with HD backgrounds, open a non-modded game (or with only the p0data1X.bin swapped), go to the CIL Code -> Macros panel, then "Custom Backgrounds".
Once you're there, change the "Resolution" parameters from 32 (normal backgrounds) to 64 (upscaled backgrounds) and click on "Apply Macro". Now when you'll create the Steam Mod files, the CSharp.dll will also contain what is needed for the HD backgrounds.

Something else to know about HD backgrounds and HW: if you opened a game with the modded p0data1X.bin, containing the upscaled backgrounds, you should better go to "File -> Preferences" and change the Steam's background resolution to 64 as well. It has no effect on the mods you create, but it will display the backgrounds correctly (and HD) when viewing them in the "Fields" panel. In exchange, the loading of this panel is a bit slower, which can be boresome because it's already slow with normal backgrounds.