Author Topic: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)  (Read 998118 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1775 on: 2020-09-12 01:42:41 »
I'm running into a slight issue when trying to use the randomizer. I am attempting to randomize NA PS1 ISOs. When I put in the same random seed for all four discs, with all the same options selected, I'm getting different results for each disc. For example, the seed 756029 might have the Mage Masher teach Blizzaga on Disc 1, but on Disc 2 it will teach Float, etc.

Is this intended? How can I get around this?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1776 on: 2020-09-13 22:34:01 »
Hello i have a question.

When i open the Hades Programm and File open and choose the launcher nothing happens, and the programm dont react , anymore even i wait 15 min. But when i open Unity Asset Viewer and File open the Launcher, everything is alright. Do i am something wrong?

Edit: I reinstalled FF9 without Memoria Engine, then it works.

« Last Edit: 2020-09-16 23:17:19 by LeOsTyLe »


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1777 on: 2020-09-20 01:40:18 »
It's been a little while since I tried any FFIX modding but I decided to mess around with changing the character in the field again.

One thing I wanted to try was giving all of the characters animations for riding on Choco in locations like Chocobo's Paradise. However, for Freya, I actually want to have her sitting sideways, with her head facing the same direction as Choco's. I have a pretty good sitting animation for her, I just need to adjust the orientation of the body and head, and then maybe the coordinates slightly. Anyone know what functions I need to use to achieve that? I tried stuff like "TurnInstant" but couldn't get it to work.

Here's an image of how it looks right now. Basically I want to make her sit with her front facing Choco's right side, with her legs hanging down, and Freya's head looking to her side so she is looking at whatever is in front of Choco:


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1778 on: 2020-09-24 18:30:14 »
Bit of a long shot here, but I get this error when I try to run Hades Workshop.
The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

I run Windows 10, 64-bit, however I used BCUninstaller (Bulk Crap Uninstaller) to remove such wonderful applications as the WordPad (Now With Ads!), the People icon, Contacts, Maps, and numerous others which I have thankfully forgotten.

Trying to reinstall the framework which google tells me contains MSVCP140.dll doesn't make Hades Workshop work, so I assume something else is required or a configuration file is broken.

If you know, could you tell me more about what Hades Workshop requires to run on Windows 10? Or should I give up and run it on a Linux machine instead?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1779 on: 2020-09-27 02:21:08 »
how do you save a change you make in hades workshop?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1780 on: 2020-09-28 17:15:55 »
So... as you've seen, I am not responsive anymore. I'm afraid that it won't get any better in the future.

1) You can batch import multiple script files at once; they need to be named "something_number.txt" and you have to write "something" or "something_" in the file selector. You may also merge the text files into one big file.
2) The "Inactive" animation might be not automatically preloaded (that's the case for the "SetJumpAnimation" but I don't remember about "SetInactiveAnimation"): you can force the preloading by using lines "SetStandAnimation( Your inactive animation )" then "SetStandAnimation( The normal stand animation )".
3) I don't know about the model exporter. It used to work (export as FBX) on pretty much all the models listed in the archives (you must export the "GameObject", always). Exporting as OBJ or others might work but usually with much data loss in the process (typically, animations are not exported).
4) The model importer, however, doesn't work well. You can do very few things that would work (modifying animations and moving vertices should be OK) and you must absolutely keep the same hierarchy as exported: you can't add/remove bones and things like that, and you must be careful that the model editor you use (I'm not sure if there's a free one that works) doesn't automatically change the hierarchy.
5) When you add/remove enemies from a battle, you must change the "Group" settings and the scripts accordingly. Typically, the "InitObject" lines of the "Main_Init" function of the script, and create script codes for the enemies you add (out of the script window "Edit Entries" and reflect the add/remove there, then in the script window right-click on the list of functions and add functions there).
6) You are correct about "AddParty", "RemoveParty" and such. I guess that you just missed several lines in the Prima Vista's cargo room because there are several moments at which the party is set in that field (IIRC, it's setup twice at the very start, then once right before the battle then once again after). Also, be sure to setup Freya's datas with "SetCharacterData".
7) I'm not sure if changing the orientation with a "AttachObject" line is possible.
You might be forced to completly change the system: use a variable that, when set on, changes Freya's position and orientation to the ones of the chocobo every frame, like this:
Code: [Select]
Function Freya_100
    if (CustomVar_FreyaRiding) {
        MoveInstantXZY( GetEntryPosX( Choco's entry ), GetEntryPosZ( Choco's entry ), GetEntryPosY( Choco's entry ) )
        TurnInstant( GetEntryAngle( Choco's entry ) + 60 ) // 60 is an example there, adjust it
        // Optional: have Freya's animation depend on the situation
        // I don't know what to use to replace "Is Choco Running": you may use "IsButtonDown( 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 )"
        // or write the XZY pos of choco in custom variables and compare the old/new position each frame
        if ( Is Choco Running ) {
            SetStandAnimation( Riding_Move ) // Animation of Freya when Choco moves
        } else {
            SetStandAnimation( Riding_Normal ) // Animation of Freya when Choco doesn't move
    Wait( 1 )

I'm not sure; you seemed to have done things properly...
Maybe double-check that the "Wht Mag" you changed is the good one? Like maybe you mixed Dagger's and Eiko's command? But that doesn't work for "Blk Mag"... So maybe you didn't install your mod properly after generating it.
Best way to have more abilities in the commands is to use the Moguri mod or Memoria Engine mod: with these, many datas are read as .csv files (excel-like files that can also be opened with a text editor). The file for that is "Data\Characters\Commands.csv". HW can generate these .csv files if you choose "Save Steam Mod -> Spreadsheets" that can then be used by Memoria.
We can't make a Waterga Sword because of our lack of knowledge on the format of the spell animations.

It *might* be because of a deprotection patch that is applied to your german version of the game (Paradox patch).
One of these compresses datas and make them impossible to edit with HW, although it should warn you when opening the game instead of bugging like that.
In any case, it is very strange that "Open -> FF9_German_CD1.bin -> Do changes in HW -> Export as PPF -> Apply that PPF with PPF-O-MATIC on FF9_German_CD1.bin" would lead to an error "Bin/block check fails" or such... A small part of the binary file is copied in the PPF when generating it with HW and it's then compared to the file you want to patch with PPF-O-MATIC, so there shouldn't be any difference whatever you did in HW...
I have worked with the german version of the PSX game, but never did a HW update specifically for that version for what I remember...

Unfortunatly, that's a problem I oversighted when including the randomizer inside HW... also it wouldn't be so easy to solve ><
What you can do is to apply the randomizer for disc 1, then "Save as HWS", then for each other disc, apply the randomizer + "Open Mod -> the HWS of disc 1" (in that order); no need to look for the random seed that way.
Alternatively, you may want to use Meteor on FFIX instead for the PSX version, even if it has a couple of differences...

I didn't know that MSVCP140.dll was required for running HW... It looks like a developer library (Microsoft Visual Studio C++) although you never know with Microsoft.
Anyway, downloading only the DLL (here for instance) and putting that DLL in the same folder as HW should make it work, or at least throw a different message.
Windows 10 is the most suited operating system to run HW since it was compiled on that OS.

You may save your mod using 4 different ways:
- Save Mod (PSX and PC): save the game datas and the modifications inside a file that can only be read by Hades Workshop without modifying the game’s disc image. This is the most preferred way of saving modifications when you don’t want to apply them at once.
- Export as PPF (PSX): basically does the same as makeppf.exe (only faster): create a PPF3.0 file that can be applied to a disc image using the appropriate tool. You should never use this method if the file on your hard disc has been altered (using Hades Workshop or any other tool). This is the most preferred way of saving when you want to share your modifications.
- Overwrite Binary File (PSX): save the modifications inside the disc image for a ready-to-go game. The modifications can not be undone. This is the most preferred way of saving when you want to test your modifications and have a backup of the original file.
- Save Steam Mod (PC): duplicate the Steam files and apply your modifications to the duplicate. Replacing the Steam files by the created ones will enable the changes. May also generate "Spreadsheets" and "Raw Unity Assets" files instead that can be used as a Memoria mod (to be configured in "Memoria.ini" when Memoria is installed).


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1781 on: 2020-09-29 07:46:18 »
@Tirlititi I have a new error message, it occurs with all versions of the DLL in the English version of that link.

HadesWorkshop.exe - Application Error
The application was unable to start correctly(0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.

Tried running it from Powershell both with and without the DLL for more informative error messages, but none were printed.

Would building Hades Workshop help, you think?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1782 on: 2020-09-29 10:20:32 »
If you can't run it, it is very dubious that you can build it in this situation (besides, installing Visual Studio is far worse than having Wordpad if you go that way).

You do have the DLLs packed with the download link of HW next to the program, right? "libfbxsdk.dll", "ucrtbased.dll" and the "wx" DLLs? You may try to use my version of msvcp140.dll which is slightly newer than the versions on the website above, but I don't expect it to work...

The DLLs used directly by HW are the ones packed with it in the download link plus:
- OPENGL32.dll
- GLU32.dll
- USER32.dll
- KERNEL32.dll
- VCRUNTIME140.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll
- api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll

Maybe try (re)installing these. The DLLs put in HW's folder have priority other the DLLs installed in your system directories, so you should just download clean DLLs and put them in HW's folder to test if it works before replacing any of your system files (and maybe never replace them at all if HW is the only program with problems).


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1783 on: 2020-09-29 10:53:39 »
It *might* be because of a deprotection patch that is applied to your german version of the game (Paradox patch).
One of these compresses datas and make them impossible to edit with HW, although it should warn you when opening the game instead of bugging like that.
In any case, it is very strange that "Open -> FF9_German_CD1.bin -> Do changes in HW -> Export as PPF -> Apply that PPF with PPF-O-MATIC on FF9_German_CD1.bin" would lead to an error "Bin/block check fails" or such... A small part of the binary file is copied in the PPF when generating it with HW and it's then compared to the file you want to patch with PPF-O-MATIC, so there shouldn't be any difference whatever you did in HW...
I have worked with the german version of the PSX game, but never did a HW update specifically for that version for what I remember...
Thanks for the reply.
Like I mentioned, the image I'm working from has not been modified and the checksums match the ones in the redump db.
And it doesn't just fail with the PPF method, but also when writing directly to the disc image from HW (fail as in the game will boot, but freeze when accessing the equipment window, and likely other places that load in the equip tables).

There isn't much else I could think to mention as it's a simple and 100% reproducible case on my end, but if you need any more info, I'd be happy to help.
If you no longer have the time to develop or maintain HW, I understand.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1784 on: 2020-09-29 12:45:17 »
Here's the output of dir > files.txt
Code: [Select]
    Directory: C:\Users\pc\Downloads\HadesWorkshop

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                 
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                 
d-----        9/29/2020   1:27 AM                msvcp140                                                             
-a----        9/29/2020   6:22 AM              0 files.txt                                                             
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM          39609 HadesWorkshop.conf                                                   
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM       42273792 HadesWorkshop.exe                                                     
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM        6919640 libfbxsdk.dll                                                         
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM         294931 LocalVariableSettings_v1.hws                                         
-a----        9/29/2020   6:21 AM         590096 msvcp140.dll                                                         
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM        1526976 ucrtbased.dll                                                         
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM        2134528 wxbase31u_vc_custom.dll                                               
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM         143360 wxbase31u_xml_vc_custom.dll                                           
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM        1350144 wxmsw31u_adv_vc_custom.dll                                           
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM         441344 wxmsw31u_aui_vc_custom.dll                                           
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM        5010944 wxmsw31u_core_vc_custom.dll                                           
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM          75776 wxmsw31u_gl_vc_custom.dll                                             
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM         605696 wxmsw31u_html_vc_custom.dll                                           
-a----        9/20/2020   3:21 PM        1512448 wxmsw31u_richtext_vc_custom.dll                                       


Here is the output of a hashes on all those files.
Code: [Select]
pc@laptop /cygdrive/c/Users/pc/Downloads/HadesWorkshop
$ sha256sum *
16b8f2cc0647648a86a86c2a62e5bbf226f23d94f50a6b7695f9904e977e7c64 *files.txt
466a8e172708a14f526c1da86395a4e9b50456211580065617835a7a553df078 *HadesWorkshop.conf
f0bdace03cd9adb7b1089e425603d7e6904272d138099d2c6e890eaf7dbc4ebc *HadesWorkshop.exe
2dae86a328f4852380ae5f8361badaac562d1c0c72e07d2c781950891d83eedc *libfbxsdk.dll
a81208bf8cf41b8299925855b403a314415bc309f9344b06a61ba1961b87cde7 *LocalVariableSettings_v1.hws
sha256sum: msvcp140: Is a directory
a2cb9cae4b86468ca44ba36320814a204ec8ad311df624b94e12c47e328e2726 *msvcp140.dll
c8fda4b882281f5a4d921416c1f565eddbdd552ef782a32380e0975fcc2696c1 *ucrtbased.dll
313f87259aa568811f2a63fac3e308b8f661dd623317ea655d027e67314443df *wxbase31u_vc_custom.dll
ad5a595cfb4043d3334420fd71adc89c262a0b1c87ec5660d825a3d29f3c2080 *wxbase31u_xml_vc_custom.dll
e44b11ad1de31c2e123bb04dd9d038ddc07b071df3f83cf9c4ee55c856dde3c7 *wxmsw31u_adv_vc_custom.dll
205c3ae91377b9b2c303f7faa947a4978b308c09711ac26a8c03a29cd54d2ac9 *wxmsw31u_aui_vc_custom.dll
7626628b10f75bc999dbc66190c0832cabf118ede7babc06e419ad3125e72a55 *wxmsw31u_core_vc_custom.dll
091e0c4c7a362d8bbe9d2828c38ddc9d49b260ad822aede7a94daffb67c1226b *wxmsw31u_gl_vc_custom.dll
6f566491714e46ad38c4a02b60ee584a20414475a75bd486dece521e0b8c52cf *wxmsw31u_html_vc_custom.dll
44174abf00f498b2ae83827206dd4d9a961efa6ed8d37b7e37ae34f9731e2926 *wxmsw31u_richtext_vc_custom.dll

My understanding of Visual Studio or whatever it's called is that it's an Electron app; which is to say that it contains a web browser (HTML/CSS/Javascript engine), the web browser contains a sort of operating system for dealing with all kinds of stuff that it is very unfair to force a web browser to deal with, and contained within that are the things that make Visual Studio an IDE.

So yes, I probably wouldn't be terribly happy having Visual Studio on my computer.

I don't care about putting Visual Studio on a Linux machine - it's like performing a lobotomy on a cockroach - and from what I understand it's just a couple sudo apt-get installs to get it. I think I remember you saying it works on Linux.
« Last Edit: 2020-09-29 12:49:16 by MysticLord »


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1785 on: 2021-03-15 19:15:01 »
Hi there! I'm here seeking your superior knowledge about an issue... well, two issues:

1. I'm trying to alter Zidane's animations, specifically, his casting animation. I know he has animations A and B depending on the weapon he's wielding (thief sword and daggers respectively). The thing is that I'm trying to swap his thief sword casting animation with his daggers one; with no success at all. I thought it would be easy since they involve basically the same bone structure, but everytime I import and replace the renamed .anim file via Unit Assets Viewer I only get a T pose Zidane everytime he casts a spell. Can you provide me with some step-by-step instructions for this, pls?

2. Also attempting to make Zidane always have his trance model in battle. I know there is a mod for that but it affects all characters. I would really appreciate any kind of help. :)


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1786 on: 2021-04-01 23:08:42 »
I apologize if this has been asked before and I simply overlooked where it was answered but I'm trying to disable trances. Simply because it takes so long for them to activate and deactivate and they're a little more powerful than I'd like anyway. I tried changing their linked commands under stats to No Trance, which is what it shows under Marcus and Blank but they still tranced the commands still changed. Is there another flag that I'm missing somewhere? I should mention I'm working on the psx version.
« Last Edit: 2021-04-01 23:28:40 by killXtech »


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41d)
« Reply #1787 on: 2021-04-12 11:31:35 »
Update on my previous issues.

No idea what it was, bought a better computer and Hades Workshop works.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1788 on: 2021-04-27 14:59:20 »
Hello, I've been playing Alternate Fantasy and I'm on Disc 2 right before Eiko joins. I was wondering if I could use the Hades workshop to edit Eiko and Amarant to join at Lv 1. (The fact that they always end up with lower magic stones has always bothered me.)

Do you know if this would break my saves and I would be better off starting a new file?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1789 on: 2021-05-26 20:06:13 »
Hey Tirlititi,

Really appreciate your work on this wonderful game!
Hope you can answer my question. Always wondering about perfect choices with Madain Sari cooking 'mini-game'. Could you please update your game scripts folder with scripts for it? Thanks!


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1790 on: 2021-05-30 09:29:45 »
Hi there, I've got a question about casting animations. Everytime a party member cast an enemy-target spell (single-multiple) he/she goes a step forward, casts the spell and then goes backward. In contrast to self-casting or even everyone-target spells in which characters cast it from their position. My question is: do you know any way to make those enemy-target spells being casted like self-casting ones? I mean, without triggering that forward and backward movements. Thanks in advance for all the help you can offer :) .


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1791 on: 2021-06-09 09:39:05 »
Hello everyone.
I learned to edit stat growth with CIL code (Steam version), via ff9level, getdex, getstr, getmag, getwpr.
Is there a way to get access to these also with MIPS code (ps1 version)? I'm using Hades 0.41f, and in MIPS code there are just battle codes.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1792 on: 2021-06-19 18:43:14 »
I would like to ask if there is a way to edit Ragtime Mouse's counter of right & wrong answers.

I've unknowingly kept going and saved after giving a wrong answer the first time I met it, so I'd like to avoid having to start the game from the beginning for this sole reason.



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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1793 on: 2021-06-25 11:00:50 »
I would like to ask if there is a way to edit Ragtime Mouse's counter of right & wrong answers.

I've unknowingly kept going and saved after giving a wrong answer the first time I met it, so I'd like to avoid having to start the game from the beginning for this sole reason.


Yes, but not with Hades, because it's a matter of your savefile, not the game values.
Try with some Cheat Engine you can find online.
« Last Edit: 2021-06-25 11:10:07 by nicolo.sesta »


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1794 on: 2021-06-25 13:06:58 »
No nicolo.sesta, sorry. I don't look at the PSX version anymore and don't know where other MIPS codes are.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1795 on: 2021-06-25 13:50:32 »
No nicolo.sesta, sorry. I don't look at the PSX version anymore and don't know where other MIPS codes are.

That's so sad.
I tried also to look for the string with Cheat Engine, but I had no success.
Any suggestion?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1796 on: 2021-06-30 16:20:43 »
Yes, but not with Hades, because it's a matter of your savefile, not the game values.
Try with some Cheat Engine you can find online.

Thanks for the answer.

I don't have any idea how I would go about using Cheat Engine to change that one wrong answer to correct thou. Googling didn't help.  :(


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1797 on: 2021-07-03 20:52:19 »
Can someone confirm if this is possible: replace some abilities, like Ability Up or Gamble Defense, for other custom abilities, say Auto-Protect. In the ability tab I can only change the required AP and text (name and description) of the ability, so I assume I would have to edit it elsewhere. Perhaps the CIL codes?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1798 on: 2021-07-03 22:26:48 »
About Ragtime's rights and wrongs, the answers are stored in the AI script, in the form of a bit flag:
Code: [Select]
Function False_CounterEx
    // ...
    if ( 27789 & ( 1 << VAR_GlobUInt8_31 ) ) {
        set VAR_GlobUInt8_32 = 4 // Correct answer
    } else {
        set VAR_GlobUInt8_32 = 6 // Wrong answer
"27789" is a bit flag, that is, its meaning appears when writing that number in base 2:

27789 [base 10]
110110010001101 [base 2]

Thus the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th questions... (read the number in base 2 from right to left) must be answered False to be correctly answered. There's a symmetric code in "Function True_CounterEx".

About custom supporting abilities, they can be modified in the Steam version but not with Hades Workshop (to be exact, it is very tedious and limited with Hades Workshop), because they are way too intertwined with the rest of the game's code. The modification of supporting ability effects is a feature of the Memoria Engine modifier, which is also installed automatically if you have the Moguri mod. Open the file "FINAL FANTASY IX\StreamingAssets\Data\Characters\Abilities\AbilityFeatures.txt". Read the documentation, the examples and the way vanilla abilities are coded there to know how to modify things.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.41f)
« Reply #1799 on: 2021-07-04 21:22:26 »
About Ragtime's rights and wrongs, the answers are stored in the AI script, in the form of a bit flag:
Code: [Select]
Function False_CounterEx
    // ...
    if ( 27789 & ( 1 << VAR_GlobUInt8_31 ) ) {
        set VAR_GlobUInt8_32 = 4 // Correct answer
    } else {
        set VAR_GlobUInt8_32 = 6 // Wrong answer
"27789" is a bit flag, that is, its meaning appears when writing that number in base 2:

27789 [base 10]
110110010001101 [base 2]

Thus the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th questions... (read the number in base 2 from right to left) must be answered False to be correctly answered. There's a symmetric code in "Function True_CounterEx".

Do you know how to modify a save in order to modify an already given wrong answer into a correct one, so that the Ragtime Mouse says you got 100% correct the next time you meet it?