There isn't anything anyone can do if your PC refuses to actually work with the mod; unless the original mod creators can tailor it to your specific rig at this point, if it is in fact the mod, there is no solution.
I told you you can uninstall it and you may need to completely reset your installs because of the multiple re-tries, as it may have wrecked some of the files and how they load. It means you can't just do a simple re-install. It has to be a completely clean install and re-download from scratch of any network .iro you had been using.
Why I suggested taking it apart, is because if it's still not working, your rig may have specific issues with this mod itself, which would require the attempts to change it you already seem to have tried inside the files or by moving it into one that works..
I know it's tricky to learn, but nothing in this title has mod-friendly involved in it..
Also, I haven't touched mine, I did tear it apart and look inside, however, and I wish it had more options and weapon sets personally.. Have a link.
thing is, that moving around the "rtaa" for cloud's in battle model and for the textures of the weapons I've been able to make Mike's Buster Sword and Ultima Weapon work, but at the costs of Millenia's Weapons not showing when i Equip say... Organics, so the mod works, perhaps what is bad is the rtaa on the combination that the option Mike + millenia uses, not sure.
Thanks for the iro I'll try it

Ok I think I fixed the issue gonna say what exactly did I do on this last one:
1. Upacked the iro of the mod with 7th Haven tool for Iro converssion.
2. Went into Cloud - Mike Folder
3. Coppied the "rtaa", "rtae" and "rtaf" files from Cloud - Mike and pasted them into Cloud - Mike + Millenia and everything seemed to work.
I also copied the "rtck" and "rtcz" files which left the Ultima Weapon without effects so I don't fully know if the effect of the sword are still broken or not, but I'm on that right now
---------EDIT 2----------
Ok all is fixed. as I thought, the Ultima wepon with special effects had the efects texture still bugged, however, I fixed this by copying slayer's "rtaa" file form his part of the mod and pasting it into the combined mod for Millenia + Mike weapons and now everything works perfectly! I tryed to do it without copying Mike's rtaa file first but the weapon kept being white so i coppied it, then had to get a new rtcz file for the ultima weapon with efects (thanks that i decided to make a second copy of the unpacked iro i could get another without unpacking) and then to fix the effects was just what i said i did with the rtaa file from Slayer's folder of the mod combining all these files i've managed to make it work finally so to fix it it would be like this:
1. Unpack the iro into a folder.
2. In Cloud - Mike folder go into battle and copy the files "rtae" and "rtaf" ----Edit 3----: also copy the "rtck" file for the Buster Sword, as it seems the one in mike + Millenia is the Millenia one instead of mike's.
3. Paste those files into the Cloud - Millenia + Mike folder (overwrite if asked)
4. Go to Cloud - slayersnext and copy the rtaa file there, and repeat step 3.
5. Pack back the iro and install.
I hope this helps more people that are having this issue with this mod. I know there is someone that had this problem but telling them this in that post would be doing necro... :/
----EDIT 3----
Well thanks to KohryuZX I uploaded the modified IRO file on Mega with this problem fixed with the steps above, I'll leave it here so you don't have to go through the hassel of diving into the mod files

Here is the link of the iro I modified to get it to work properly for Battle Models - Weapons:
Link to IRO: updating iro, doing some last checks
If there is any problem with the download link tell me through PM and I'll upload again and update this link, I hope this helps everyone having this issue ^^