Author Topic: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog  (Read 12953 times)


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About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« on: 2019-05-11 20:00:07 »
Ok, first of all I'm new, and I'm sorry I know there is a post about this somewhere but 1. I can't find it to quote it, and 2. I don't wanna do necro so here ti goes.

I've recently decided to install 7th Heaven to have a better way to put and remove mods from my Final Fantasy VII instalation without having to reinstall every time. So I installed it, got it to work and imported the most updated version of New Threat, then I saw a few mods that gave better looking field items and weapons ingame and decided to try them out. Then I came across this very cool remodel mod for the weapons in the catalog, which is the one i name on the title of this post and download it and install it. Check the configuration to see if there are diferent models to chose and I find sets for various characters which is great :D and then i get to Cloud and his weapons and find this option that sais "Millenia + Mike" and I see the buster sword and I like, and I see the Ăšltima Weapon and I love it! However! when I chose this option i get Buster Sword form Millenia and the Ultima Weapon... well...

I looked up the mod and found it, downloaded it and it said it was compatible, but that it needed both Aali Driver and Team Avalanche 2D Overhaul to work. Perhaps it is because i need this last addition to make it work propperly and give me the buster sword and Ultima Sword I want for Cloud? please help


Ok guys I fixed the issue of the white textures, however good Alyz pointed me another problem with Kaldarasha's model. I redid the IRO file again, but I could not fix the problem with Kaldarasha's Model. However I discovered the issue and added a txt explaining how to fix if you wanna use this weapons with his awesome Cloud model, here's the download link of the fixed IRO: -link removed for update-


Ok I managed to fix the whole problem, I've managed to make all the weapons work with Kaldarasha's model and with all the other models as well. I've checked everything personaly one by one each option on both Battle Models - Main Chracters and Battle Models - Weapons and finally made it work and here is the fixed iro of the mod.!puoylKYB!1abHm_19blfoIaw_gZnrd7YHRe63pMgnfIaHCE770ao

Just gonna say tho, all weapon models need the file "rtaa" to work properly, this file should be able to adapt to any character model. to make it work without breaking Kaldaraha's Model you gotta take that model's "rtaa" file and place it in the weapon's models folder, ovewriting the original rtaa, Cloud's model shouldn't be affected if you are not using Kaldarasha's model and the weapons should keep working as they should, again, no matter what model is used, seems like the link between model and texture is stored in the rtaa file, and depending on the mod the textures are saved on the "rtaf" file (of course, all of this is going around cloud's model, hence I'm naming "rtxx" files... anyways! I'll stop ranting here I'm just happy I managed to make this work.
« Last Edit: 2019-05-20 17:41:32 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #1 on: 2019-05-12 03:35:49 »
This generally happens when you have two mods that have conflicting changes to the weapons. For example, some Ninostyle models will make Millenia + Mike's weapons white, in either field or battle depending on what dynamic or other weapons you have turned on or off. Sometimes you may have to even just disable other mods to make one work. Good luck.


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #2 on: 2019-05-12 10:28:19 »
I only downloaded that one mod for weapon models, I have no other mod for it since it was the only one in the catalog


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #3 on: 2019-05-13 06:36:22 »
I only downloaded that one mod for weapon models, I have no other mod for it since it was the only one in the catalog

:O Only one in the catalog? Um, no, no, MANY mods ALSO effect the characters weapons, that's my point, that mod won't work with SEVERAL others turned on.

You'd need to list out every single other mod you are using with it to even begin to pinpoint the cause, and that includes things you may have turned off but not disabled, sometimes they still mess with specific combinations.

That is the only way to even troubleshoot outside of, turning off and disabling all other mods and testing the weapons alone, first, then add your mods ONE by ONE until you see the issue, that's the other way to figure this mystery out. good luck.
« Last Edit: 2019-05-13 06:52:50 by tracido »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #4 on: 2019-05-13 12:25:18 »
hmm... ok thank you, I'll try to do it like that, but as I said the only mods I'm using and have activated are:

in order first to last:

1. Battle Models - Weapons
2. Filed Models - Objects
3. FF7 NT IRO 1.5 May 2019 (an IRO file he updated that fixed a problem with field models character models missing the changes)
4. Menu - Avatars and Backdrops

this is what I have active for a Profile to Play the New Threat mod and don't know what might be the problem. I guess I'll do what you say about disabling them all and see if the model changes work

Edit: I've found another problem. I deactivated all the mods I got activated, but when i start the game it looks as if I had active mods that should have been deactivated. I don't know what's happening anymore, could it be that 7H is trying to load the mods from the Library tab instead of the Active mods tab? I've tried uninstalling the mods i got there but after uninstalling the mods and then launching the game turns out the mods are still active... I don't know what to do anymore here I'll try a new installation of the game or something again because this is starting to get on my nerves.

Edit 2: I've done a fresh installation of everything, the game, 7th Heaven the patching and everything, only installed and activated the "Battle Models - Weapons" with no other mods on the game... the weapon is still broken so I think the issue is with that particular mod.

Edit 3: Aactual mods installed and active:

Battle Models - Weapons
New Threat mod 1.5 (mencionado arriba)
« Last Edit: 2019-05-13 16:06:36 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #5 on: 2019-05-14 01:29:49 »
hmm... ok thank you, I'll try to do it like that, but as I said the only mods I'm using and have activated are:

in order first to last:

1. Battle Models - Weapons
2. Filed Models - Objects
3. FF7 NT IRO 1.5 May 2019 (an IRO file he updated that fixed a problem with field models character models missing the changes)
4. Menu - Avatars and Backdrops

this is what I have active for a Profile to Play the New Threat mod and don't know what might be the problem. I guess I'll do what you say about disabling them all and see if the model changes work

Edit: I've found another problem. I deactivated all the mods I got activated, but when i start the game it looks as if I had active mods that should have been deactivated. I don't know what's happening anymore, could it be that 7H is trying to load the mods from the Library tab instead of the Active mods tab? I've tried uninstalling the mods i got there but after uninstalling the mods and then launching the game turns out the mods are still active... I don't know what to do anymore here I'll try a new installation of the game or something again because this is starting to get on my nerves.

Edit 2: I've done a fresh installation of everything, the game, 7th Heaven the patching and everything, only installed and activated the "Battle Models - Weapons" with no other mods on the game... the weapon is still broken so I think the issue is with that particular mod.

Edit 3: Aactual mods installed and active:

Battle Models - Weapons
New Threat mod 1.5 (mencionado arriba)

New Threat is a .exe specific mod, if you use it, it absolutely may be the cause, it even requires ONLY booting with a specific .exe or it breaks everything. Try without it installed.
« Last Edit: 2019-05-14 01:38:42 by tracido »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #6 on: 2019-05-14 07:39:38 »
I did, after a clean installation of the game following on the steps that are specified at the frequently asked questions about 7h, the first thing I did was try the mod with Mike+Millenia option and the sword was still broken I no longer know what to do except chose another option and wait and hope until the catalog gets officially updated and that this mod gets a fix that way...

Another thing that happens is that the buster sword instead of using Mike's Buster Sword it uses Millenia's instead for the textures when I activate the option of mixing both so I think it's a problem on how the mods where put in that combined pack for that option. I would love to install them manually, but it requires opening a file I don't know how to open and I don't wanna dive there in case I break anything
« Last Edit: 2019-05-14 07:57:07 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #7 on: 2019-05-14 09:19:38 »
I did, after a clean installation of the game following on the steps that are specified at the frequently asked questions about 7h, the first thing I did was try the mod with Mike+Millenia option and the sword was still broken I no longer know what to do except chose another option and wait and hope until the catalog gets officially updated and that this mod gets a fix that way...

Another thing that happens is that the buster sword instead of using Mike's Buster Sword it uses Millenia's instead for the textures when I activate the option of mixing both so I think it's a problem on how the mods where put in that combined pack for that option. I would love to install them manually, but it requires opening a file I don't know how to open and I don't wanna dive there in case I break anything

Um, just opening .iro files is an option right in the top tab, click Workshop, select IRO creation tool. Next, click the Unpack IRO tab. Then make a folder, copy the folder location and paste the location in, Output Folder. Finally, select the Source IRO and find where your .iro mods are, generally  in your FINAL FANTASY VII\mods\7th Heaven folder..

Look at what comes out and see if something's broken that way, because I have zero issues with any battle mods UNLESS I use other mods at all.

However, with multiple uninstalls and re-installs it's possible some of your IRO files got messed up. See, I have to completely uninstall the iro's and re-download them, too I can't use 7th Heaven backups, I never run without fresh ones, in a separate, clean backup folder, if any at all, AFTER uninstalling them from 7th Heaven, and I tear my IRO's apart to check if things are in the right places..
« Last Edit: 2019-05-14 09:29:22 by tracido »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #8 on: 2019-05-14 12:21:46 »
Um, just opening .iro files is an option right in the top tab, click Workshop, select IRO creation tool. Next, click the Unpack IRO tab. Then make a folder, copy the folder location and paste the location in, Output Folder. Finally, select the Source IRO and find where your .iro mods are, generally  in your FINAL FANTASY VII\mods\7th Heaven folder..

Look at what comes out and see if something's broken that way, because I have zero issues with any battle mods UNLESS I use other mods at all.

However, with multiple uninstalls and re-installs it's possible some of your IRO files got messed up. See, I have to completely uninstall the iro's and re-download them, too I can't use 7th Heaven backups, I never run without fresh ones, in a separate, clean backup folder, if any at all, AFTER uninstalling them from 7th Heaven, and I tear my IRO's apart to check if things are in the right places..

Oh gods, sorry for making you explain all this, but I have Zero idea of what I'm looking for and have no program to check what I'm touching. What I meant with unpacking the thing is that I went and looked for and downloaded Mike's Weapon mod separately but it has no IRO format, so the only way of installing it is doing so manually for that you gotta unpack the battle.lg... something, and that's the kind of file I don't wanna touch least I break something from the game itself. And I always Downloaded the mod again after reinstalling the game fresh.

If your's works perfectly can I burrow your IRO file of that mod then and try that?
« Last Edit: 2019-05-14 14:47:22 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #9 on: 2019-05-15 01:07:55 »
I had the same issue with that weapon combination, you can either use the other combo like, millenia or like I did I ended up fixing it tho it's been awhile so I don't remember what I did to fix it, but I also added my own changes to the mod.


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #10 on: 2019-05-15 01:59:16 »
I had the same issue with that weapon combination, you can either use the other combo like, millenia or like I did I ended up fixing it tho it's been awhile so I don't remember what I did to fix it, but I also added my own changes to the mod.

at this point i just want an iro that works since I've been wanting to play for days and have not because i want mike's buster sword and Ultima weapon and also Millenia's weapons. I don't like almost half of the models from Slayer sorry and I don't know what else to do, if you still got the mod installed and working properly could you please, PLEASE get it into an IRO or something and send it to me? I'm just desparate at this rate! T^T

I've moved the rtaa from one folder to the other i tryed taking the iriginal files from Mike and put them into Millenia+Mike from this mod, packed and unpacked the iro a lot... I don't know what else to do anymore and I've tryed to use pcreator tool even to change texture IDs but it won't open saying it's missing don't know what file now... It's 2:50am for me and I've been at this since 11:30am...


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #11 on: 2019-05-15 16:48:45 »
at this point i just want an iro that works since I've been wanting to play for days and have not because i want mike's buster sword and Ultima weapon and also Millenia's weapons. I don't like almost half of the models from Slayer sorry and I don't know what else to do, if you still got the mod installed and working properly could you please, PLEASE get it into an IRO or something and send it to me? I'm just desparate at this rate! T^T

I've moved the rtaa from one folder to the other i tryed taking the iriginal files from Mike and put them into Millenia+Mike from this mod, packed and unpacked the iro a lot... I don't know what else to do anymore and I've tryed to use pcreator tool even to change texture IDs but it won't open saying it's missing don't know what file now... It's 2:50am for me and I've been at this since 11:30am...

There isn't anything anyone can do if your PC refuses to actually work with the mod; unless the original mod creators can tailor it to your specific rig at this point, if it is in fact the mod, there is no solution.

I told you you can uninstall it and you may need to completely reset your installs because of the multiple re-tries, as it may have wrecked some of the files and how they load. It means you can't just do a simple re-install. It has to be a completely clean install and re-download from scratch of any network .iro you had been using.

Why I suggested taking it apart, is because if it's still not working, your rig may have specific issues with this mod itself, which would require the attempts to change it you already seem to have tried inside the files or by moving it into one that works..

I know it's tricky to learn, but nothing in this title has mod-friendly involved in it..

Also, I haven't touched mine, I did tear it apart and look inside, however, and I wish it had more options and weapon sets personally.. Have a link.
« Last Edit: 2019-05-15 17:02:10 by tracido »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #12 on: 2019-05-15 17:24:59 »
There isn't anything anyone can do if your PC refuses to actually work with the mod; unless the original mod creators can tailor it to your specific rig at this point, if it is in fact the mod, there is no solution.

I told you you can uninstall it and you may need to completely reset your installs because of the multiple re-tries, as it may have wrecked some of the files and how they load. It means you can't just do a simple re-install. It has to be a completely clean install and re-download from scratch of any network .iro you had been using.

Why I suggested taking it apart, is because if it's still not working, your rig may have specific issues with this mod itself, which would require the attempts to change it you already seem to have tried inside the files or by moving it into one that works..

I know it's tricky to learn, but nothing in this title has mod-friendly involved in it..

Also, I haven't touched mine, I did tear it apart and look inside, however, and I wish it had more options and weapon sets personally.. Have a link.

thing is, that moving around the "rtaa" for cloud's in battle model and for the textures of the weapons I've been able to make Mike's Buster Sword and Ultima Weapon work, but at the costs of Millenia's Weapons not showing when i Equip say... Organics, so the mod works, perhaps what is bad is the rtaa on the combination that the option Mike + millenia uses, not sure.

Thanks for the iro I'll try it :)

Ok I think I fixed the issue gonna say what exactly did I do on this last one:

1. Upacked the iro of the mod with 7th Haven tool for Iro converssion.
2. Went into Cloud - Mike Folder
3. Coppied the "rtaa", "rtae" and "rtaf" files from Cloud - Mike and pasted them into Cloud - Mike + Millenia and everything seemed to work.

I also copied the "rtck" and "rtcz" files which left the Ultima Weapon without effects so I don't fully know if the effect of the sword are still broken or not, but I'm on that right now

---------EDIT 2----------

Ok all is fixed. as I thought, the Ultima wepon with special effects had the efects texture still bugged, however, I fixed this by copying slayer's "rtaa" file form his part of the mod and pasting it into the combined mod for Millenia + Mike weapons and now everything works perfectly! I tryed to do it without copying Mike's rtaa file first but the weapon kept being white so i coppied it, then had to get a new rtcz file for the ultima weapon with efects (thanks that i decided to make a second copy of the unpacked iro i could get another without unpacking) and then to fix the effects was just what i said i did with the rtaa file from Slayer's folder of the mod combining all these files i've managed to make it work finally so to fix it it would be like this:

1. Unpack the iro into a folder.
2. In Cloud - Mike folder go into battle and copy the files "rtae" and "rtaf" ----Edit 3----: also copy the "rtck" file for the Buster Sword, as it seems the one in mike + Millenia is the Millenia one instead of mike's.
3. Paste those files into the Cloud - Millenia + Mike folder (overwrite if asked)
4. Go to Cloud - slayersnext and copy the rtaa file there, and repeat step 3.
5. Pack back the iro and install.

I hope this helps more people that are having this issue with this mod. I know there is someone that had this problem but telling them this in that post would be doing necro... :/

----EDIT 3----

Well thanks to KohryuZX I uploaded the modified IRO file on Mega with this problem fixed with the steps above, I'll leave it here so you don't have to go through the hassel of diving into the mod files :)

Here is the link of the iro I modified to get it to work properly for Battle Models - Weapons:

Link to IRO: updating iro, doing some last checks

If there is any problem with the download link tell me through PM and I'll upload again and update this link, I hope this helps everyone having this issue ^^
« Last Edit: 2019-05-19 15:37:56 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog -FIXED-
« Reply #13 on: 2019-05-16 03:10:00 »
If I run into any issues like this, this is good to know, and as I haven't gotten the Ultima Sword I have no idea if it might effect my setup.

My Buster Sword I have as the Crisis Core model flipped over thanks to Kal, but that was an interesting find for this late game sword.

I will use your fix if I need it for Ultima, so thanks to you, too, and enjoy the game.


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog -FIXED-
« Reply #14 on: 2019-05-16 13:11:10 »
Yo I think I'm the one from that thread who had this very same issue and seeing someone finally coming around to fixing it is great!
Right now im going to try what you did but it would probably be a good idea if you shared the iro file for others.  :)

- edit - and i must have fucked something up because i get the Millenia buster sword instead of Mike's Crisis Core one.
- edit 2 - I even went to get the original mod from Mike's own page to install to very files but somehow i still use Milenia's buster word despite trying to use the Mike Millenia combo
« Last Edit: 2019-05-16 14:21:59 by KohryuZX »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog -FIXED-
« Reply #15 on: 2019-05-16 14:31:07 »
Yo I think I'm the one from that thread who had this very same issue and seeing someone finally coming around to fixing it is great!
Right now im going to try what you did but it would probably be a good idea if you shared the iro file for others.  :)

- edit - and i must have fucked something up because i get the Millenia buster sword instead of Mike's Crisis Core one.
- edit 2 - I even went to get the original mod from Mike's own page to install to very files but somehow i still use Milenia's buster word despite trying to use the Mike Millenia combo

Perhaps you need to get the "rtck" file from Mike since that's the file for the buster sword, also did you follow the steps I mentioned that I fixed it with?

Well I can try, tho I've never uploaded anything really... perhaps I'll try mega since I got an account there, gonna do it now and will paste the iro here once it's done ^^

Here is the link of the iro I modified to get it to work properly for Battle Models - Weapons:!huhGwIZA!EkSIth5dJX9ysempYycUcnsmLtjaKgbKT4CB9YodbcI

Note: it works for me now but you get this weird thing on Cloud's face, a texture problem. To fix it I used the Battle Models - Main Characters and changed Cloud's model. Any of them should work with the weapon models, just make sure to do two things:

-1 Make sure the Weapons mod is over this one as in the load order it will overwrite the Battle models for the weapons but not the characters models.

-2 Make sure you chose one of Cloud's models that has no Buster Sword with him, I tried Kaldarasaha's model and Bloodshot - Clasic and they work perfectly with this swords (Kaldarasha's Cloud model moves slower on the "run away" animation for some reason, tho.)
« Last Edit: 2019-05-20 01:54:13 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog -FIXED-
« Reply #16 on: 2019-05-16 14:37:15 »
you mean these steps?

1. Unpack the iro into a folder.
2. In Cloud - Mike folder go into battle and copy the files "rtae" and "rtaf"
3. Paste those files into the Cloud - Millenia + Mike folder (overwrite if asked)
4. Go to Cloud - slayersnext and copy the rtaa file there, and repeat step 3.
5. Pack back the iro and install.

You dont mention that particular file in there


Thanks for the file, it's finally working as it should now.
« Last Edit: 2019-05-16 16:08:57 by KohryuZX »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog -FIXED-
« Reply #17 on: 2019-05-16 17:20:00 »
you mean these steps?

1. Unpack the iro into a folder.
2. In Cloud - Mike folder go into battle and copy the files "rtae" and "rtaf"
3. Paste those files into the Cloud - Millenia + Mike folder (overwrite if asked)
4. Go to Cloud - slayersnext and copy the rtaa file there, and repeat step 3.
5. Pack back the iro and install.

You dont mention that particular file in there


Thanks for the file, it's finally working as it should now.

Glad to be of help, perhaps the Buster Sword thing was that I too copied the "rtck" file from Mike's pack of the mod and pasted it into Mike + Millenia pack, is the only thing I think is  missing from the steps I mentioned above but that I didn't write because i thought it was correct but seems like no, I'll edit the steps of the little guide and also add the iro file as well


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #18 on: 2019-05-19 14:00:28 »
You fixed the white weapons, but if you load up Kaldarasha's option in the Battle Models - Characters, you'll see that the weapon hilts aren't being gripped and floating slightly off the hands.


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #19 on: 2019-05-19 14:48:41 »
You fixed the white weapons, but if you load up Kaldarasha's option in the Battle Models - Characters, you'll see that the weapon hilts aren't being gripped and floating slightly off the hands.

Yep you are right... the buster sowrd's hilt is a bit lower than Could's hands positioning :/ am I also seeing that Cloud's left arm is out of place too, this seems to be a thing with the skeleton perhaps one of the files I moved to get the mod to work. I got a back up copy of the unpacked Iro so I could go back to play with the files and work with it until everything is in place


No the problem with the left arm wasn't that it was out of place it was that the shoulder plate was gone I'm once again moving some archives from one to another, managed to fix the Buster Sword just by moving the "rtck" from Mike to Mike + Millenia, seems that pack got the Buster from Millenia instead. Now it's time to work with the Ultima Weapon.

Ok that was strangely easy to fix in the end, which hey, I'm glad it was. using the back up copy I had from the open iro I decided to copy the archives one by one and try the models. it seemed I only needed to copy the "rtaf" file from Mike's part of the pack and of course "rtck" file for the correct buster Sword and Ultima Weapon worked perfectly with effects and all, no white textures or broken effects and the model from Kaldarasha works perfectly as well. I'll upload the new modified IRO file and put it on the first post. thanks for pointing this out EQ2Alyza :)

however Kaldarasha's Cloud Battle Model animation seems to still be slower than the rest for some reason, but other than that all should be good now.

just for the sake of it, here is the new modified IRO:!huhGwIZA!EkSIth5dJX9ysempYycUcnsmLtjaKgbKT4CB9YodbcI

now I'll edit the first post


Not all is good... I've managed to fix Kaldarasha's Model missing the shoulderplate and not holding the swords as it should, however this made the BS and UW turn white for all the other options... it still works on Kaldarasha model and Bloodshot - Avalanche Edits so my guess is that classic and the models which images show cloud with a buster sword, take the texture from another Id and that I cannot fix since I don't have the tool for it and the one i got from here is not working for me saying it's missing some file that didn't come with the download :/
« Last Edit: 2019-05-20 01:53:43 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #20 on: 2019-05-20 01:53:11 »
Ok I got something to say. I've been working o this all day, trying to Fix it and I've come to realize that Kaldarasha's Cloud Model from Battle models - Characters has a conflict with weapon model mods that have an "rtaa" file in them. I checked with the three mods in Battle Models - Weapons, and, in all of them, Kaldarasha's model was missing the shoulder plate and the weapon was slightly off Cloud's hands. when only this didn't happen was when used with millenia+mike, for some reason Kaldarasha's model doesn't need the rtaa for mike's weapons to show their textures. However, in all other Cloud models from the mod, except bloodshot - Team Avalanche Edits, mike's weapons need the rtaa file to work. I don't know why this is but it is what happens, without rtaa the two models above work perfectly, with rtaa only kald's model has some issues.

the thing is, for kald's model to work properly you have to delete the rtaa file from the mods folders, but doing so will make, at least Mike's weapons, go white on almost all other models.

Here is the iro I fixed today, added a txt file to explain the problem and how to fix it for those that wanna use kaldarasha's model with this weapons:!huhGwIZA!EkSIth5dJX9ysempYycUcnsmLtjaKgbKT4CB9YodbcI


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #21 on: 2019-05-20 11:03:56 »
I never realized all this because im using ninostyle's battle models and i never noticed anything wrong.


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #22 on: 2019-05-20 11:49:01 »
You should look into Kaldarasha's Dynamic Weapons mod. It has Mike's and Millenia weapons, plus some other Buster options, that fit his Cloud model. I always use the Dynamic Weapons mod when I'm playing, so I have no experience with these issues.


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #23 on: 2019-05-20 14:29:11 »
You should look into Kaldarasha's Dynamic Weapons mod. It has Mike's and Millenia weapons, plus some other Buster options, that fit his Cloud model. I always use the Dynamic Weapons mod when I'm playing, so I have no experience with these issues.

I tried the dynamic weapons you told me and even the very ChaOS mod, the issue persists, as said, the only way to fix Kaldarasha's model problem with the swords is to take off the rtaa file from the folders as it seems something is making those have a conflict that causes the issue, then again, the white weapons would return for the other models except one... Sorry I can't be of more help with this since I don't have any experience on modeling u.u
« Last Edit: 2019-05-20 14:33:10 by Iduabren »


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Re: About Battle Moddle - Weapons in the 7H catalog
« Reply #24 on: 2019-05-20 15:49:49 »
I have done a lot of tests with the various weapon models and i honestly have no idea why this is but the Ninostyle battle models (those that are drawn over with the original artworks of the game) don't seem to show any of those issues.
As far as i can see with just Cloud at least, I'm not sure why.

This conflict didn't happen in the original mod from the catalog, I wonder if it has anything to do with some of the other files.
 "rtae" "rtaf" "rtck"
« Last Edit: 2019-05-20 16:17:55 by KohryuZX »