Author Topic: Crash Immediately at Startup  (Read 1387 times)


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Crash Immediately at Startup
« on: 2019-05-25 14:46:57 »

I have been playing FF7 with 7H ver 1.56 for about a month now with almost no problems (occasional crash if alt-tabbing during a cut-scene). This morning I went to play and when I hit Launch Game, the black window comes up to start the game, makes a beep, and then closes without any error code.

Not sure if it helps, but the only changes I've made to my PC since I last played was I had to take all my USB connections out and reconnect them (keyboard, mouse, headset, and wifi-adapter).
Last thing I did in-game was get Cid and park the plane on an island to save. I also have my profile saved to a .txt file, but not sure how I'd link it. Any advice is appreciated!


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Re: Crash Immediately at Startup
« Reply #1 on: 2019-05-25 19:24:35 »
Two thoughts:
1.  Moving all your USB stuff around may have inadvertently changed a drive letter (particularly if you were mounting the FF7DISC01.ISO images, or had renamed a drive to FF7DISC01).
2.  Has Windows patched recently?

If either of these are to blame, you may be able to recover just by re-running the 7H converter, and choosing "overwrite" when prompted at the beginning.