Author Topic: The New State of CHAZ...  (Read 7181 times)


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The New State of CHAZ...
« on: 2020-06-13 03:53:45 »
In case you haven't heard, some miscreants have set up their own "country" on capital hill in Seattle.

Comments? Concerns? Raging angry rants? Just curious what you guys think.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #1 on: 2020-06-13 04:45:48 »
i dont know, its definitely absurd

i'm tired of our president saying things like "I am the least racist person in the entire world."

the real 'least racist person in the entire world' would not say such things

this tactic of putting pressure on the torso to hold people down on the ground obviously needs to be stopped, there are better ways to do the same thing

at the same time every teenager and adult need to realize that disobeying or even hesitating on a direct order from a police officer is a risk to your life

but at the same time how did george zimmerman get a not guilty verdict? when a neighborhood watchman pulls a gun and murders a guy he was questioning, he obviously needs to go to prison

imho even though these issues existed way before Trump took office, him being in office is making this worse, this guy is not looking out for the many, he incites hate, division, and violence... but our political system is all about the 2 parties, so half of the country will defend each and every action he takes as president no matter what he does  ::)

trump literally makes me think of kefka, the dude is a violent, insane, frightening clown

this probably comes off as angry rant, and perhaps it is
but i assure you there is way more concern than anger
« Last Edit: 2020-06-13 06:07:49 by Orichalcon »


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #2 on: 2020-06-13 14:30:33 »
Just popping in to remind everyone to remain civil.  Leave the hate mongering for the media.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #3 on: 2020-06-13 14:57:42 »
I just find it amusing... in the last day, I've seen two posts on FB regarding CHAZ.  One from a MAGA Trump girl who linked an article from SOFREP (which I'd never heard of before, but apparently has links to US Special Forces) that it's like we suddenly have warlords and gun-toting anarchists parading around downtown Seattle with impunity, the other from someone who went into CHAZ and took pictures of what really reminded me of my lib-arts college town, complete with brightly painted road murals, dog walking in short skirts, kids toting around on scooters in front of "WE'RE OPEN" signs, and not a single gun in sight.  So who are we supposed to believe?


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #4 on: 2020-06-13 17:34:28 »
The US has become a shitshow.

Political Correctness > Law Enforcement. And that is not good.

2 Political factions that go beyond simply disagreeing, they have reached the point of actually despising each other. There's very little constructive debate happening, if any at all.

The news media are all a bunch of arsonists. There are no unbiased media sources left. It's either right news media or left news media. Both contributing MASSIVELY to the hostile environment.

As for Donald Trump, he's not the cause of all evil, he's not even a symptom of it. He is the same as pretty much everyone in politics. A powerful person seeking more power. His big mouth simply exposed what's been happening for decades. You always had racists, you always had crazy socialists, you always had bad police, you always had shady corporations, and you always had politically aligned media. He just shed a massive light on it all.

And the people who claim to be hell-bent on defeating him, are the same people who chose a senile, barely functional man as his opponent. Let that sink in.

Come November, regardless of who wins, the situation will escalate.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #5 on: 2020-06-13 17:55:55 »

And the people who claim to be hell-bent on defeating him, are the same people who chose a senile, barely functional man as his opponent. Let that sink in.

thats the same way he gained office in the first place, democrats figured he would be easy to defeat in the polls, and tried to put a party puppet in office instead of leading with the strongest foot

and they've done it again

donald trump not even a symptom of it?
anyone who holds a bible in their hand for show is pretty evil in my book, that is deceit at the highest level (and unfortunately there are so many gullible people in the world that it works), even if he was extremely religious (which its easy to see he is not)

for the record, i'm a democrat, but not even close to a far left democrat, IMO republicans favor the rich and democrats give out handouts to too many people who could work but refuse to (in order to win at the polls...which also works)
« Last Edit: 2020-06-13 17:59:44 by Orichalcon »


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #6 on: 2020-06-13 17:59:18 »
that is deceit at the highest level

Oh, it absolutely is. But then again, is it something new? It's the same shit that all politicians have been pulling for decades. On both sides.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #7 on: 2020-06-13 21:45:38 »
I just find it amusing... in the last day, I've seen two posts on FB regarding CHAZ.  One from a MAGA Trump girl who linked an article from SOFREP (which I'd never heard of before, but apparently has links to US Special Forces) that it's like we suddenly have warlords and gun-toting anarchists parading around downtown Seattle with impunity, the other from someone who went into CHAZ and took pictures of what really reminded me of my lib-arts college town, complete with brightly painted road murals, dog walking in short skirts, kids toting around on scooters in front of "WE'RE OPEN" signs, and not a single gun in sight.  So who are we supposed to believe?


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #8 on: 2020-06-13 23:18:08 »
...went into CHAZ and took pictures of what really reminded me of my lib-arts college town, complete with brightly painted road murals, dog walking in short skirts, kids toting around on scooters in front of "WE'RE OPEN" signs, and not a single gun in sight...

I'm from Richmond, VA which has one of the top art schools in the country at VCU and a heavy lib-arts college town (what American college isn't, at this point). I thought exactly the same.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #9 on: 2020-06-15 19:50:19 »
Just popping in to remind everyone to remain civil.  Leave the hate mongering for the media.

Just wanted to clarify that this wasn't meant as a trolling thread. I was unware of some of the recent controversy going on in other threads. I am just genuinely curious and appreciate everyone's response. As for me, I'm a little torn about the situation. I've heard reports of strong arming, and gangs forming what amounts to a local mafia, bullying companies into paying for protection, and then again reports of a peaceful liberal utopia.

I'm fairly conservative myself, but I have liberal views on some issues as well. Much more important than political views to me, is being respectful and tolerant of all different points of view. However, I am not opposed to calling someone out when their logic doesn't seem to hold either, I just think it should be done in a tactful and respectful manner. We are all human and thus prone to error.

I just hope this whole thing doesn't result in some sort of civil war or something, though with the apathy level in this country I somehow doubt it.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #10 on: 2020-06-15 20:27:50 »
I've heard reports of strong arming, and gangs forming what amounts to a local mafia, bullying companies into paying for protection, and then again reports of a peaceful liberal utopia.
Good luck finding it in Apple News' archives, but an article from I read (probably from The Guardian or BBC, maybe a WSJ freebie) basically said "Rumors of protection rackets were started on right-wing sites, then passed along as hearsay by police, but every business owner we contacted said that was a lie."


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #11 on: 2020-06-16 01:37:43 »
Are they using plumbing, electricity, internet, etc? If so, they kinda need to leech off of the country that surrounds them no?

I might be wrong, but this seems like crazy anarchists mixed with crazy socialists to me. The extreme end of the latter tends to lean towards the totalitarian aspect these days, so if I'm correct in my assumptions, it'll be very interesting. I mean... Anarchists paying some sort of tax willingly...

Or perhaps it's just a bunch of kids larping.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #12 on: 2020-06-16 02:37:44 »
Good luck finding it in Apple News' archives, but an article from I read (probably from The Guardian or BBC, maybe a WSJ freebie) basically said "Rumors of protection rackets were started on right-wing sites, then passed along as hearsay by police, but every business owner we contacted said that was a lie."
Def not the article I was thinking of earlier today, but here's one from Politico that also sums things up fairly nicely.

Are they using plumbing, electricity, internet, etc? If so, they kinda need to leech off of the country that surrounds them no?

I might be wrong, but this seems like crazy anarchists mixed with crazy socialists to me.
I'm sure all the meters are still running, and eventually the residents and business owners will pay for what they used/provided. As for the "types" taking part in the "festivities," all the articles I've read which aren't breathlessly screaming about chaos or doctoring photos have been pretty much in line with the above Politico... hippie commune, sure, but hardly anarchists and socialists (which, in America, is code for "Dirty pinko commie scum!").


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #13 on: 2020-06-16 03:53:12 »
Yup, the term hippie may be more accurate.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #14 on: 2020-06-18 06:01:08 »
Honeslty though, there list of demands is pretty hilarious. They are so disconnected with reality, whoeverf they are. There are definitely some extremists mixed in, which is the most concerning part.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #15 on: 2020-06-18 09:06:03 »
All I know is that in my entire life I have had way more examples of breach of ethics at political and media level from the right wing than the left wing, the last of which seems to be this Fox News scam. Not that I am surprised...


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #16 on: 2020-06-19 05:37:49 »
I'm done caring. I'm goimg to buy a place in the middle of nowhere, raise goats, and never look at the internet, a TV, or a radio ever again.
« Last Edit: 2021-04-21 13:58:11 by MysticLord »


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #17 on: 2020-06-19 06:22:47 »
It's quite a dire picture you have painted there, MysticLord.

It's sad when we lose all hope for a better future.


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Re: The New State of CHAZ...
« Reply #19 on: 2020-06-19 19:28:38 »
It's quite a dire picture you have painted there, MysticLord.

It's sad when we lose all hope for a better future.

Meh, raising goats out in the middle of nowhere actually sounds kinda nice :D