i dont know, its definitely absurd
i'm tired of our president saying things like "I am the least racist person in the entire world."
the real 'least racist person in the entire world' would not say such things
this tactic of putting pressure on the torso to hold people down on the ground obviously needs to be stopped, there are better ways to do the same thing
at the same time every teenager and adult need to realize that disobeying or even hesitating on a direct order from a police officer is a risk to your life
but at the same time how did george zimmerman get a not guilty verdict? when a neighborhood watchman pulls a gun and murders a guy he was questioning, he obviously needs to go to prison
imho even though these issues existed way before Trump took office, him being in office is making this worse, this guy is not looking out for the many, he incites hate, division, and violence... but our political system is all about the 2 parties, so half of the country will defend each and every action he takes as president no matter what he does

trump literally makes me think of kefka, the dude is a violent, insane, frightening clown
this probably comes off as angry rant, and perhaps it is
but i assure you there is way more concern than anger