Version 0.9.3 Changes:
-New sequences with extended story of Nova and Captain Galbadia (New combat in Corel and in the Whirlwind Maze a new combat and boss model).
-Changed one of the bosses of the challenge simulator.
-Fixed a bug that did not hide Meteor in the Postgame.
-Resolved the "Truck mistery" in the battle against Palmer O_o.
-Changed the Source assignment system, to make it more agile (now you can assign all the Sources at once to a character, if they have accumulated).
-Revised the retranslation of the game (several corrections and readjusted many original dialogues and new stories).
-Adjusted some magics (like White Wind) and some erroneous text of magics.
-Temporarily disabled avatar images in the dialogs.
-Some minor adjustments and corrections that I forgot because it took me so long to update :/