Author Topic: How to Enable Steam Deck Controllers?  (Read 100 times)


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How to Enable Steam Deck Controllers?
« on: 2024-05-07 04:01:39 »

Having successfully deployed 7th Heaven through dotaxis's innovative Steam Deck installer, I find myself encountering a minor setback. Despite meticulous configuration, I encounter a vexing issue when initiating gameplay in game mode: my controller fails to respond, denying me the invaluable analog input unless I manually reallocate button assignments to their keyboard counterparts.

Remarkably, I've managed to circumvent this inconvenience by transitioning to desktop mode, where, upon accessing 7th Heaven's controller settings and invoking the "Open Game Controllers Window," I can assert control by prioritizing the Steam Deck controller. However, this solution eludes me within the confines of game mode, as the aforementioned controllers fail to manifest within the same menu.

I am eager to solicit your esteemed guidance. Could there be an oversight on my part? Your insights and counsel would be profoundly appreciated.