Author Topic: [PSX] FF7 Trainers (Pal Eng) - Lucky Tifa, Lucky Cait Sith (v1.01)  (Read 4050 times)


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FF7 trainers for PSX Pal English version of the game [SCES_00867], ][SCES_10867], ][SCES_20867].
Trainers are created with Cheat Engine with "Generate generic trainer" function.

Requirements: installed Cheat Engine 6.4 or later.
Trainers work with ePSXe 1.7.0 only, exe file of the emulator must be called: ePSXe.exe
Trainers work on Win XP 32 bit and should work on other Windows 32 bit. On Windows 64 bit does not work. Although you can try to run the ePSXe.exe file (version 1.7.0) in 32-bit compatibility mode or 32-bit compatibility with Windows XP compatibility, it is not known whether it will work. Need testers for this.

How to use:
Launch ePSXe emulator first, then launch trainer.

Lucky Tifa trainers description:
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Lucky Tifa trainer: All slots in Tifa's limit display "Yeah!". Press Ctrl+T to activate.

Lucky Tifa 3 trainer:
1) Ctrl+3: Tifa never miss - means Tifa will never get "miss" in Tifa's limit. All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
2) Ctrl+4: Some Lucky Tifa: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
3) Ctrl+5: Lucky Tifa: All slots display "Yeah!".

Lucky Tifa 3-alt trainer: same as before, but hotkeys are: Ctrl+Alt+3, Ctrl+Alt+4, Ctrl+Alt+5.

Tifa like 1st, 2nd reel trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: like 1st reel - reels from 2 to 7 look like first reel, 4 "Yeah!" icons, 12 "Hit" icons
2) Ctrl+2: like 2nd reel - reels from 3 to 7 look like second reel, 3 "Yeah!" , 2 "miss" , 11 "Hit" icons

Tifa like 1st, 2nd reel-alt trainer: same as before, but hotkeys are: Ctrl+Alt+1, Ctrl+Alt+2

Lucky Tifa 5 trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: like 1st reel - reels from 2 to 7 look like first reel, 4 "Yeah!" icons, 12 "Hit" icons
2) Ctrl+2: like 2nd reel - reels from 3 to 7 look like second reel, 3 "Yeah!" , 2 "miss" , 11 "Hit" icons
3) Ctrl+3: Tifa never miss - means Tifa will never get "miss" in Tifa's limit. All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
4) Ctrl+4: Some Lucky Tifa: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
5) Ctrl+5: Lucky Tifa: All slots display "Yeah!".
6) Ctrl+0: original limit - slots display the same as it was in the game before

Lucky Tifa 5-alt trainer: same as before, but to hotkeys "Alt" button is added

Lucky Tifa-NTSC: trainer for NTSC version (SCUS_941.63)
1) Ctrl+3: 7 Hits: All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
2) Ctrl+4: Slightly Lucky Tifa: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
3) Ctrl+5: Lucky Tifa: All slots display "Yeah!".

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Download: Lucky Tifa (v1.01).rar - for Pal English version [SCES_00867] for Windows 32 bit
                   Lucky Tifa-NTSC.rar - (for ePSXe 1.7.0) for NTSC version (SCUS_941.63) for Windows 32 bit. Trainers in the archive are standalone,
Lucky Tifa (light)-NTSC.exe trainer, requires installed Cheat Engine 6.5 or later

Lucky Cait Sith trainers: possibility to manipulate Cait Sith's "Slots" Limit Break.

How to use: Stop three reels with "O" - circle button (press the circle 3 times), then use: Right keyboard button - to the right reel; Left keyboard button - to the left reel. Up - next slot; Down - previous slot.

Lucky Cait Sith trainers description:
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Lucky Cait Sith-AA script-Enter trainer: Press Ctrl+Shift+S to activate script. Up on the keyboard - next slot, Down on the keyboard - previous slot.

Lucky Cait Sith-always disabled Evil flag trainer: Evil flag is always disabled. Press Ctrl+E to activate.

Lucky Cait Sith-standalone: standalone trainer (for OS 32 bit) - does not require installed Cheat Engine. Ctrl+F to activate; Ctrl+E to disable Evil flag.
Push "About" button on the trainer to see the following description:

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Cait Sith class trainers description:
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Cait Sith-1 class trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker: All 16 slots in each reel are changed to Crowns, he will always perform "Toy Soldier" attack
2) Ctrl+2: Cait Sith-Healer: All slots are changed to Stars, he will always perform Mog Dance
3) Ctrl+3: Cait Sith-Summoner: All slots are changed to Bars, he will always perform "Summon" attack
4) Ctrl+4: Cait Sith-Lucky Girl status Summoner: All slots are changed to Hearts, he will always perform "Lucky Girl"
5) Ctrl+5: Cait Sith-Transformer: All slots are changed to Mogs, he will always perform "Transform"

Cait Sith-2 classes trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker, Healer: 8 slots are changed to Crowns, 8 slots changed to Stars in each reel
2) Ctrl+2: Cait Sith-Attacker, Summoner: 8 slots are changed to Crowns, 8 slots are changed to Bars in each reel, etc.

Cait Sith-3 classes trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker, Healer, Summoner: 5 slots are changed to Crowns, 5 slots are changed to Stars, 6 slots are changed to Bars in each reel, etc.

Cait Sith-4-5 classes trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker, Healer, Summoner, Lucky Girl status summoner: 4 slots are changed to Crowns, 4 slots are changed to Stars, 4 slots are changed to Bars, 4 slots are changed to Hearts in each reel, etc.

Cait Sith-6 classes trainer: reels have all 6 icons, but the same icons follow each other.

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Download: Lucky Cait Sith (v1.01).rar

Control Vincent and Vincent's attacks trainers description:
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control Vincent's attacks trainer: Use when Vincent is uncontrollable in the beast form. Ctrl+Shift+1: 0% chance to use second limit attack; Ctrl+Shift+2: 30% chance to use second limit attack; Ctrl+Shift+3: 100% chance to use second limit attack; Usually Vincent has 30% chance to use second limit attack. We can change these chances in the middle of a battle. Chances to use second limit attack, when he in the beast form, will remain to the next battles, until you reload your save.

Control Vincent and Vincent's attacks trainer: this trainer also gives the possibility to control Vincent when he is in the beast form or when he is uncontrollable we can change chances to use second limit attack.

control Vincent's attack-4 magic slot trainer: Requirements: Vincent must equip at least one magic materia. 4th magic slot has first limit attack, see screenshots.

control Vincent's attacks-4 and 5 magic slots trainer: Requirements: Vincent must equip at least one magic materia. 4th magic slot has first limit attack, 5th limit slot has second limit attack, see screenshots.
Warning: Vincent performs second limit attacks with wrong animation. Beast Flare performed with Laser animation; Live Wire performed with Bad Breath animation; Nightmare performed with Aqualung animation; Satan Slam performed with Magic Breath animation; After Beast Flare and Satan Slam with wrong animations, enemies will still stay on the screen even if they are already killed.

control Vincent's attacks-4 and 7 magic slots trainer: Requirements: Vincent must equip at least one magic materia. Same trainer as before, but 7th magic slot has second limit attack, see screenshots. Vincent performs second limit attacks with wrong animation.

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Download: Control Vincent (v1.01).rar

Other trainers:

Always run trainer: run by default.

Coin trainer: if Coin command will be chosen, 600000 will change to 10000.

small Cait Sith trainer: makes Cait Sith smaller at the beginning of the battle.

Summons speed x 3 trainer: Standalone trainer (for OS 32 bit) - does not require installed Cheat Engine. Warning: Do not launch trainer twice because it will close emulator's window with error. To work without errors: close emulator's window after trainer was closed, then launch emulator again and launch trainer again.
Speed of the Summon attacks is 3 times faster. Limit level 4 attacks will be also performed with speed x 3. To disable Summons speed x 3, close trainer.
Thanks DLPB for the idea.

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Sense 65535 trainer: Sense increased to 65535.

Time trainer: Requires Cheat engine 6.5 or later. Shows game time after 99 hours. This is infinite timer, that always shows game time. Because it will reset to 0 after 4294967295 seconds, which equals 1193046 hours 28 minutes 15 seconds, which equals ~136 years.

Text autoskip trainer: Requires Cheat engine 6.5 or later. Skips text automatically by pushing circle button, when text window appears. Stops text autoskip if you need to choose answer to a question in text window, it will continue text autoskip after answer. Works correctly at 75 %. Thanks to this trainer, you do not need to press circle button 5000 times.
Do not use together with Lucky Cait Sith-AA script-Enter trainer or with other AA script, because emulator can freeze - it is not allowed to use two AA scripts at the same time. If you want to use Text autoskip trainer with Lucky Cait Sith, then use Text autoskip trainer with Lucky Cait Sith-standalone trainer.

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Download: Other trainers (v1.02).rar

Let me know if the trainers can work on the windows 7, 8 or 10.

Thanks to all who helped to create all these trainers: Garik66, MasterGH, Xipho, AntonVit, Dino, X86Jumps and other.
« Last Edit: 2020-10-05 20:43:24 by Raziel80 »