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Topics - Hellbringer616

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Hey everyone, i am hoping you can help me out with a unique issue.

A client of mine had a bad patch from MS and had to do a reinstall, all was well until i tried installing his security software, at which point it detects the previous installation (which doesn't exist) and refuses to install.

So to work around this i want to install this software on a VM and capture the changes it makes, then either manually copying the files or repacking the installer to get it working on the other machine.

Reinstalling Windows would work, but would be extremely time consuming and i'd rather avoid it (took 5 hours to patch..)

Q-Gears / Ogre3d version change
« on: 2015-02-18 14:20:55 »
Something that brings me a bit of concern involving q-gears and Ogre is that Ogre switching to it's new 2.X version, with a ton of changes, as well as the drop of OGL2, OpenMW has opted not to switch to it (reasons listed here

Assuming q-gears wants to maintain the same userbase, wouldn't the drop of OpenGL 2 cause an issue?

edit: Ogre, not Orge. This was driving me crazy. ~Covarr

Completely Unrelated / Enjoy n64 emulation?
« on: 2014-08-07 14:20:49 »
Well i use "Enjoy" loosely.. Ever notice how a million and one things seem broken on n64? Look no further than Majors Mask and the lens of truth. most the time, it doesn't display correctly..

Well may i introduce you to this:

the writer of Glide64 is creating a new graphics plugin. But he needs some help, Basically he no longer has a job, and he figured, rather than finding a new one, he may beable to crowd source one so he can spend more time writing the plugin. details are in the link. Even if you aren't interested, pass the project around. Hopefully it'll gain traction. i myself dream of a day i can play through OoT and Majors Mask with high res texture packs, and no damn bugs! haha

Okay, So last night i was playing Alice: Madness Returns on my PC, having a blast, when the same old bug hits me, I aim, and i can't stop aiming, i am stuck. so i just say screw it i'm done, and take a break, come back. and it didn't save at the last check point.

So at this point i am annoyed because two known bugs that are semi game breaking are in this game. I knew that had been reported long ago, But i decided. screw it, i'm going to contact EA directly about this. waited on their tech support for 30 minutes, Than spoke with a nice gentleman, who was annoyed at EA's BS about not patching shit.

So i think, Hey maybe this will be good ya know? Maybe, even if in a few days, if i get an e-mail that says it won't be fixed, Hell i tried.

This was at 2AM EST this morning, so i go to bed, wake up do my usual running around and marketing, check my e-mail, Oh shit it's from EA! "your case has been closed. Reason: Known issues" So i know they knew about them before, but in less than 12 hours they dismissed it, Wouldn't be surprised if it was a machine.

Now i get it, they are busy, don't wanna waste the man hours, thats fine. Spicy Horse, the original coders and writes, Offered to fix it, And those bastards denied them, To fix their buggy ass product, for free, And they say know.

I'm so glad i haven't purchased an EA game since Mass Effect 3, and i will continue to not do so.

General Discussion / Steam or original?
« on: 2014-07-01 21:28:26 »
Just curious guys, I own the original FF8 for PC, but seeing how cheap it is on steam, Which will give me the best experience?
From what I've read where before it may have been the original (like it is with 7) now the Steam version has better mod ability.
The "boosters" Do not interest me, so if i have to break the mods i'm fine with that.

Unless there is zero impact than  I'll just keep the old version

Team Avalanche / file names
« on: 2014-05-16 01:40:29 »
Does anyone know the file names for the battle models changed in this mod? i believe it's only Barret in the installer and maybe clouds weapons. Trying to combine all of the mods i have together haha.

or if anyone has just the zip of the battle models i'll happily accept that (providing TA is okay with that)

I found one that changes it for the Steam version but it doesn't detect my 1998 version for whatever reason..

I know i can change it when i start my game but jesus is that annoying haha.

Hey guys, is anyone here aware of how I can extract, modify, than replace the 2D elements of FFX? I ask not to replace them with high res replacements (though I wish I could) but anyone who plays pcsx2 knows that the gui has some serious scaling issues. And I'm hoping simply moving some objects on the textures a few pixels over will solve it.

Completely Unrelated / The Avengers *possible Spoilers*
« on: 2012-05-04 13:19:37 »
Did anyone check out it's release last night?! It was amazing

Troubleshooting / FF7 and nVidia control panel
« on: 2012-04-22 20:48:52 »
I can't seem to add FF7.exe to the nvidia control panel (to fiddle with AA AF and anything else i can mess with :D) when i add it then it accepts it like it should, but doesn't add it to the list. Anyone else have this issue?

General Discussion / Found a good modeler
« on: 2012-04-22 20:30:05 »

Was searching for various mods on youtube when i stumbled on this guy, As you can see he did a nice job redoing the chibi models. i invited him over to have a look at our site, in the meantime. enjoy.

General Discussion / FF7 with true widescreen
« on: 2012-04-04 16:25:01 »
A user on has found a way to patch FF7 to make it truely widescreen (hor+ not vert- i might add) working on either getting the info for you guys or just the patch it's self, as well as the permission to use it, But i thought i'd let you all know :D

Completely Unrelated / CAD designing with Blender?
« on: 2012-02-06 04:30:23 »
My dad is an Engineer who (sadly) has been out of the work force for a while. And he wants to brush up on his CAD skills with some more modern tools (for any Engineers out there, the most recent program he used was IdeaZ and Catia 3)

Was just curious is Blender could be basically used as a CAD application? Or if there was a suitable alternative? As these programs are a few thousand dollars we don't have haha.

Any blender savvy folks who don't know what i mean, In CAD programs you get set a physical mass to an object, as well as type of material. And constraints (for example. make a hole thats roughly 80cm and you tell it to make it exactly 80cm and it makes it 80cm)

So any help on this subject would be awesome :D

Completely Unrelated / I found Millenia!!
« on: 2012-01-02 22:39:08 »

Seems he moved on to bigger. higher textured, things haha

Completely Unrelated / Sooo.. Unreal SDK?
« on: 2011-09-28 16:58:10 »
I was bored looking at demos of game engines and thought.. Isn't unreals SDK open to the public? I wonder what would happen if FF7 was built on that?

I know it never will be, But i just wanted you all to think about that :P

Completely Unrelated / nVidia 280.47 beta drivers
« on: 2011-09-15 17:52:14 »
Was wondering if anyone has tested these with Aali's driver to see if they fixed the shader issue?

I'd test it, but i'm at work :P

Completely Unrelated / new 280.26 nvidia drivers
« on: 2011-08-10 12:08:56 »
Has anyone used them with Aali's driver? I know that the 270/275 releases fail on his driver. And i'd like my Witcher 2 SLI profile haha..

I'd download it and use it. But my roomy only has 1Mbps internet @.@

Completely Unrelated / Other video upload sites?
« on: 2011-07-30 16:55:39 »
I am making a mod showcase. And the video it's self is 17 minutes long. And that over the limit for youtube. Does anyone know of any other places without that limit? (that is also free as i don't wanna spend cash :P)

Completely Unrelated / Happy Turkey day!
« on: 2010-11-25 23:03:59 »
Just wanted to say happy thanks giving to all of you here at Qhimm's. May your belt buckles bust. And you pass out from over eating! :D

I recently was hired to fix a cracked mac laptop screen, so i bought one brand new, it arrived yesterday, i put it in turned it on annnnnddd...... White screen... still hear sounds, but my screen is white.

So i could think of asking help nowhere else but here, where all the smartest people are!

So, anyone ever heard of this before?

Was browsing OCN and i found this. Thought i'd share it. I found it interesting.

Completely Unrelated / 64bit rejoice!
« on: 2010-09-18 14:33:46 »

Thats right, 64bit flash is not only back for Linux, but also for Windows and Mac OS X!

Thought i'd let any 64 bit uses here know. sad that to my knowledge only IE8/9 have 64bit versions at the moment since FireFox discontinued their and chrome/opera don't have 64bit versions (speaking only on Windows at the moment)

Completely Unrelated / WALLPAPPERS! (in HD)
« on: 2010-09-15 22:41:18 »
So i know we have a post your desktop thread. But i was thinking this thread could be a place to share wallpapers, Or request em, Or something i dunno.


here is one i have that i like.

Uploaded with

I wish i could find more like it. (it being old XP wallpapers with a HD twist)

WARNING! above image is a 9.6mb PNG file, not for those with dial up :P

So. post away, awesome HD wallpapers you'd like to share, or places you can get em.

Completely Unrelated / Experiences with Verizon wireless
« on: 2010-06-08 23:33:20 »
So, Verizon has ticked me off for the, what feels like hundredth time.

three days ago the "home/Windows" button broke on my brand new Imagio. So i call them up and ask if i can take it in to replace it. they say they can't as the phone has been "used" So they will send me a "good as new" Imagio.

I went through 7 Touch Pros because the screen cracked on my good one.

So i'd like to know, Has anyone else been shafted by Verizon with their replacements being shitty? Or just me? haha

Also, Wireless carrier stories from hell are also welcome :-D

Completely Unrelated / Anyone here F@H?
« on: 2010-04-11 01:39:49 »
Was wondering who here folds at all. I just started for my first foldathon :D

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