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Messages - Masa-Buster

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Troubleshooting / Re: ISO suddenly not working
« on: 2011-02-18 19:21:23 »
I think  it's Local_Machine -> Software -> Square Soft Inc. -> FF7

Something like that been while since I touched a registry ...

Completely Unrelated / Re: Man vs Computer
« on: 2011-02-18 19:16:44 »
Looks like we're one step closer to Skynet.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Battlefield 3 announced
« on: 2011-02-18 19:16:05 »
Looks pretty freakin good ! I'm prob gonna pick it up for PC after I upgrade mine a little though

Definitely have to say Duke3D on Damn I'm Good. That's one of the hardest difficulties ever made in a vanilla, non modded fps.

Also, if we are talking mods, The Hell mod for Diablo 1 is over the top, near impossible hard. Surprisingly though, not impossible.

Agreed. >_< Me and a Friend have been trying to get it to work with Multiplayer though, using LAN or TCP/IP over Hamachi. Got it to show up in the menu and stuff just games won't show up ><

If we're still talking mods LOL - FF1 Rebalanced was a pretty good Challenge. I don't know if it was realesed though I got sent the Beta version for the NES, I haven't gotten any emails back since September '10 >.> If you can get past the minor graphical bugs on some of the sprites then it's pretty good challenge. Alot harder compared to the Original FF1 that's for sure.

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2011-02-10 05:23:29 »
Laguna's EX Burst.

Most epic thing ever. I love his personality in it too, it's 100% Him.

Dragon Warrior 1. NES version.

AWESOME, but hard

Completely Unrelated / Handheld to Console?
« on: 2011-01-30 02:01:23 »
I was sitting on my couch like 10 minutes ago watching TV when I realized...

What would some Exclusive Handheld games (Games that weren't just ports of they're console counter-part), like Crisis Core, MGS Peace Walker etc,

Rather see them on Console, or Handheld?

Personally I'd rather see Peace Walker and other MGS Handheld games (Except AC!D) on Console, but for a Handheld MGS, It's pretty freakin amazing.

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2011-01-24 13:53:35 »

Sad thing is it's the same guy that made the music for Crisis Core :|

Goodbye more classic feel that I'd thought that I would hear....

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2011-01-19 23:08:43 »
Sounds pretty awesome, I like how they changed it up but I *DON'T* like how they based the World Map off of FF1s. That means people who played FF1 and finished it 832876 times will know it by heart even if it doesn't use the classic over-head view...maybe a mixture of the world maps from different final fantasy games just replace the towns and stuff etc. That would be pretty neat but i don't know how that would work...


I'm into modding for D1/D2 and I found a mod for D1 called Diablo Awakening think you should check it out just google search ;) It's on MODDB

The original Diablo. With an extended storyline and the ability of infinite dungeons and level ups. Considering the tiny size ofthe first game, I think they could accomplish a seemingly endless game with relative ease. Curious to see Diablo 3. But still believe 1 is the best.

I AGREE !!!! The game was too short for my tastes but still I play it today :D USEast ftw

Though I don't know if anybody mentioned this in this topic yet I haven't really read the whole thing, but i'd like to see Fallout 1 and 2 made in Fallout 3/New Vegas' Engine. That would be pretty cool, but still keeping how some of the stats and stuff from them. Keeping the Old Skills, Optional Traits, the Perk every 3/4 Levels, the same stat calculations, though I don't know how the Sequence stat would work but can always just remove that.

Legend of Dragoon for the PS1. One of my fave RPGs :D

Maybe a remake for Resident Evil 2 or 3, maybe like what they did with RE1 for GameCube

Completely Unrelated / Re: Happy new year!!!
« on: 2011-01-01 09:29:30 »
Here's to another f*cking year of slow, miserable death


Completely Unrelated / Re: Happy new year!!!
« on: 2011-01-01 04:34:17 »
Hour and half to 2011 here :D

End of the decade :\

Merry Christmas all !!!!!! Hope you all have a great time :D

<3s to the Qhimm Forum !

Completely Unrelated / Re: Best breakup ever
« on: 2010-12-23 01:06:38 »
Epic. Win.

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2010-12-18 04:22:15 »
My life is now complete.

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2010-12-17 04:29:19 »
Don't really like Squall's costume at all...really freakin excited to see Laguna in it though :D
Onion Knight looks pretty badass, alot more "mature" then his Dissidia 1 Costume.

QWOP is the hardest game I've ever played.

Zzzzzzzzzz I've been trying to beat that for 2 hours now...I haven't made it past 15m ....

No problem dude, glad you found out how to fix it :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: The leaked documents
« on: 2010-12-07 22:24:17 »
Yeah I heard about that. Guess he said if anything happens to him he'll release a "Poison Pill" AKA a #$%! load of Documents that would totally &*~! up everyone. This dude's starting to get kinda scary o.o Have a feeling some more stuff is gonna go down soon.

47 - For install,

Basicly Open the bio3.ini then find the Resoultion Text usually found by Width/Height.

Width: ####x####
Height: ####x####

that's what should be in there.

Then enter whatever resoultion you wanna test out, hopefully that'll work.

I know a few guys that mod RE3 PC / RE4 PC, I'll ask them check to check it out, get back to ya when I can :D

I'm thinking maybe your video driver/card?

EDIT: I found a High res mod, maybe running HQ resoultions...? I'll Pm or post link if you wanna test

Tomb Raider 2 getting all secrets without the internet/a guide.

Nuff said.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The leaked documents
« on: 2010-12-02 02:46:50 »
I kinda in a way, really like Wikileeks. And I heard the US Government was trying to take the site down because it was a terrorist group or something like that? And they're trying to get whoever hosts the site also known as a terrorist? That's what I've heard anyway, I think if anyone here should be known as a "Terrorist", it should be the people who actually posted the documents.

Though I'm 100% for government secrets to be out, let the public know what our government has been getting itself into, though obviously somethings MUST be kept classified though, but I'd like governments to be more...revealing, instead of really Secretive.

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