Author Topic: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool  (Read 44212 times)


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SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« on: 2012-11-24 16:20:54 »
For those who want to (re)create field files for TA....
I uploaded SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool in the repo.
so it is accessable only for the people who have the appropriate access.

notes V01A: (2012-11-24)
runs on windows
works with psx version of FFVII
delivers only maxscript with walkmesh and camera.

I included a pdf with all walkmeshes and their names in the same folder.

any bugs, suggestions or anything else, just let me know in this thread.

How to use it:

 - insert your psx cd, and select a dat file from the field directory.
 - the maxscript will appear in the export folder.
 - in max open the maxscript editor, load or copy paste the script inside, and press [ctrl]-E (or use tools, evaluate all)
 - set 1 viewport to the camera.
 - load the background image as a background ([Alt-B] and set the display to match bitmap or render settings)
 - set the rendersize in the rendersettings to the size of the background image, and press [shift]-F in the viewport to display the
   saveframe accordingly.
 - slightly adjust the fov to match the walkmesh on the background, and if needed adjust the roll of the camera to match.

notes V01B: (2012-11-28)
Blender exporter included.
    - note that in the script all objects in the current scene will be deleted....

notes V01C: (2012-11-28)
    For all people with different modeling packages, I decided to include a Wavefront object exporter, for the walkmesh and camera.
    The catch here is that you can't export a camera in this format, so The camera is created as a simple line,
    starting from the camera position, towards the target. At least you can easily set the camera on the exact position,
    but just have to play with the fov or focal length of your modeler.
    Another negative issue with this format is that it can not handle animation, or keyframes.
    Could do a camera track as a spline also, but that will take a lot of time to set up I think

enjoy, and post your results. Especially when you have some nice shiny hardware to show off...... :-D
« Last Edit: 2012-11-28 21:50:44 by SpooX »

Mayo Master

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #1 on: 2012-11-24 20:59:12 »
Thanks for sharing  :)
By the way, probably I'll ask you for the background ad walkmesh in Blender for a new scene pretty soon, given that I'm done with eals (or at least, my most advanced version is so heavy that I cannot work more on it with my current hardware.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #2 on: 2012-11-25 00:03:20 »
Hi Mayo, I'm glad your still alive, hope your laptop can still manage :-)

I don't know if blender can use layers, where you can hide and unhide objects, that's how I work with max. (imagine Junon with 7 streets containing 10 detailed houses per street...that definately slows my laptop down, just by working on that, or a detailed plate of Midgar, with tables and candles inside Les Marroniers....) :-o

The next stage of the tool will be to include the blender exporter.

Mayo Master

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #3 on: 2012-11-25 17:54:36 »

Well, actually my laptop problems are probably due to a failing display cable. After some troubleshooting, I connected my laptop to my HDTV and I've been able to use it  :-P  I'll have to get that fixed one of these days, though.
As for my blender scene, between the smoke simulation to make the waterfall and the particle system to make the flower field, my computer cannot handle everything at once. Thankfully, hellbringer616 is currently helping me out with the render, what took me more than 2 hours took him about 10 mins  :o
I did try to rely on separate layers which do not interact with one another (make the flower fields on two distinct layers for two distinct renders, and then combine them in paintshop), but my computer could not handle even that!
Oh, and as a very lame anecdote: I realized that the first PSX disk of my FF7 game is missing (probably lost during one of my 15 moving in and out in the past 15 years  :cry: ), does that mean that I won't be able to extract the field screens corresponding to the first disk? (I actually don't know what's on each disk, data-wise - I assume the necessity for several disks stemmed from the weight of the FMVs). Otherwise I have the downloaded version of FF7 to play it on PSP/PS3, though I don't know what can work with that. Anyways, thanks in advance for the blender exporter  :)


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #4 on: 2012-11-25 20:22:50 »
Thankfully, hellbringer616 is currently helping me out with the render, what took me more than 2 hours took him about 10 mins  :o
That's a huge difference...makes me wonder what kind of hardware you guys are using..... :-o

I did try to rely on separate layers which do not interact with one another (make the flower fields on two distinct layers for two distinct renders, and then combine them in paintshop), but my computer could not handle even that!
...makes me wonder what kind of hardware you are using...... :)
though if you have a HDMI connection, it can't be that old...

Oh, and as a very lame anecdote: I realized that the first PSX disk of my FF7 game is missing (probably lost during one of my 15 moving in and out in the past 15 years  :cry: ), does that mean that I won't be able to extract the field screens corresponding to the first disk? (I actually don't know what's on each disk, data-wise - I assume the necessity for several disks stemmed from the weight of the FMVs).

If I'm correct, you don't have to worry about that, since all field files are on all the discs for the psx.
The only difference is the fmv's.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #5 on: 2012-11-26 13:13:53 »
That's a huge difference...makes me wonder what kind of hardware you guys are using..... :-o

i5-3570k @4.6ghz
MSI Hawk GTX560 ti (basically factory overclocked to be close to a 570)
Doubt anything else matters much really. I use both my CPU and GPU for rendering the scenes.

Mayo Master

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #6 on: 2012-11-27 15:06:53 »
That's a huge difference...makes me wonder what kind of hardware you guys are using..... :-o
...makes me wonder what kind of hardware you are using...... :)
though if you have a HDMI connection, it can't be that old...
For comparison, my laptop has a core2 Duo processor at 1.8 GHz, and 2 Go of RAM, with a nVidia GeForce 7300 card. And I don't have a HDMI cable to plug it to the TV, I just did that with a good old VGA cable  :P   My laptop is 5 years and a half old, now. By the way, I'm bringing the laptop to a repair store today.

If I'm correct, you don't have to worry about that, since all field files are on all the discs for the psx.
The only difference is the fmv's.
If I can have access to all the field screens, that's pretty cool. Anyway, I'll be into some down time before I can get back to business.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #7 on: 2012-11-27 16:58:18 »
For comparison, my laptop has a core2 Duo processor at 1.8 GHz, and 2 Go of RAM, with a nVidia GeForce 7300 card. And I don't have a HDMI cable to plug it to the TV, I just did that with a good old VGA cable  :P   My laptop is 5 years and a half old, now. By the way, I'm bringing the laptop to a repair store today.
ah, that's more 'real-world' for me :)
I'm at a T7200 (Core 2 @2GHz) with a whopping 4Gb (3,25 Gb usable grrmble >:()
for a GPU I have an nVidia QuadroFX 2500M (home cooked...... never thought I'd put computer parts in the ;D)
Right now it's at the age of 6.5 and still running.
But at least it's running, and (somewhat) portable.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #8 on: 2012-11-27 19:19:41 »
Well SpooX i offer my computer as a render farm for you as well. Case you run into something you can't do. But your Quatro is designed for that. So hell, it might be better then my desktop card haha

Timu Sumisu

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #9 on: 2012-11-27 19:29:04 »
I should get this working to make blender scripts!


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #10 on: 2012-11-27 23:23:11 »
Well SpooX i offer my computer as a render farm for you as well. Case you run into something you can't do. But your Quatro is designed for that. So hell, it might be better then my desktop card haha
thanx for the offer, but I use my laptop mostly for modeling....

I should get this working to make blender scripts!

try this as a test:
Code: [Select]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# EALS_1 walkmesh (and cam) Blender Python script generated by SpooX
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
import bpy
import math

def clearScene():
    #clear scene of all objects
def createMesh(name, verts, edges, faces):
    me ='Mesh')
    ob =, me)
    ob.show_name = True
    me.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
    return ob

def putCamTarget():
    # Create Empty as target
    bpy.ops.object.add(type='EMPTY', location=(859.9117,335.7209,155.5186)) = 'CamTarget'
def putCam():
    # Create a camera and get the shape name.
    data ='EALS_1Cam')
    vcam ='EALS_1Cam', data)
    vcam.location = (937.4153,-3487.447,1835.102)
    vcam.scale = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    #data.angle_x = 30.0336
    data.lens = 65.2343812616088
    data.draw_size = 100
    data.clip_end = 10000.0
    data.sensor_width = 35.0

def addTrackToConstraint(cam, name, target):
    cns ='TRACK_TO')
    print(dir(cns)) = name = target
    cns.track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z'
    cns.up_axis = 'UP_Y'
    cns.owner_space = 'LOCAL'
    cns.target_space = 'LOCAL'
def run():
    verts1 = (

    faces1 = (

    ob1 = createMesh('EALS_1WalkMesh',  verts1, [], faces1)
    cam =['EALS_1Cam']
    target =['CamTarget']
if __name__ == "__main__":

and let me know what you think (it's EALS_1).

<edit:removed import mathutils line from the code >
« Last Edit: 2012-11-28 10:57:31 by SpooX »

Timu Sumisu

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #11 on: 2012-11-28 03:44:32 »
Just tested all my new computer parts tonight, will have it built in the next few days and can get testing/tweaking on this. At a quicdk go on my laptop, it said mathutils didnt exist >.>

Will have to update my python stuffz.

Note: Said computer is notably awesome, and sweet pics are sure to come!
« Last Edit: 2012-11-28 03:47:41 by Timu Sumisu »


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #12 on: 2012-11-28 10:56:25 »
Just tested all my new computer parts tonight, will have it built in the next few days and can get testing/tweaking on this. At a quicdk go on my laptop, it said mathutils didnt exist >.>

Will have to update my python stuffz.

Note: Said computer is notably awesome, and sweet pics are sure to come!
oh you can remove the mathutils line, it's just a line which comes from some experimenting with calculations in the script, it runs perfectly without it. In fact the calculations have moved into the exporter.

PS I test these scripts on Blender 2.6 and above.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #13 on: 2012-11-28 21:51:44 »
Just a small message to notify that some new export features are added, for details see first post.

Mayo Master

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #14 on: 2012-11-29 00:22:05 »
I tested your Blender exporter for mds5_i...
It's brilliant! Very easy to use, and great results (and by the way, I accessed the file through disk 2, worked perfectly).
Note for newbie Blender users like me: be mindful about adjusting the camera front and end clipping distances, not only for having the scene viewable at all, but for avoiding z-fighting issues.
Anyway, that sure will make everyone's job so much easier.  ;D  Worth being sticky-ed, in my opinion.
Again, thank you so much!
« Last Edit: 2012-11-29 00:36:31 by Mayo Master »

Timu Sumisu

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #15 on: 2012-11-29 02:31:35 »
Worth being sticky-ed, in my opinion.

Done aaaaaand... Done!


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #16 on: 2013-01-05 13:11:32 »
have I been excluded from the repo due to my low activity?
I only have visited it once or twice, but wasn´t the login data the same as here?

Mayo Master

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #17 on: 2013-01-05 15:52:38 »
Access to repo is granted after specific request made to the moderators, it's not the same as a login here. Given your contributions (and if we want your work to get in the repo), I am pretty sure the moderators will agree if you ask. I don't know if you need to maintain a specific activity to keep your access though. I suggest you PM Timu or sl1982 on this.
« Last Edit: 2013-01-05 15:54:34 by Mayo Master »


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #18 on: 2013-01-05 16:30:04 »
PM me your info and i will make sure you have access. I have not removed any access to the repo, are you sure you had it?


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #19 on: 2013-01-05 17:49:56 »
Hi Anaho,

welcome back :)
I've upladed MDS7PB2 as a blender file into the Repo.
Since you already did:

You might as well play around with this one:

if you want. (or anyone else for that matter)


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #20 on: 2013-01-07 11:28:28 »
Just realised that the pword was indepedent from this account- my bad.
On that MDS7PB1 blender file:
I would like to do that since 99% of the modelling seems to done already.
However the conversion from 3DS totally ruined the whole geometry ( bad normals everywhere, scrambled UVs, everything is in tris...).
Maybe you should just post the 3DS file in the repo and I will do the conversion to blender myself and extract the camera data. Been doing that for every scene file anyway XD

Mayo Master

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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #21 on: 2013-08-10 18:23:24 »
I would like to add a side note for Blender users:
After running the script given by SpooX's ShinraTools, I strongly recommend you scale everything in the scene (with respect to the central 0,0,0 coordinates) by 0.01.
Everything should look the same, but downscaling everything in this manner appears necessary whenever you want to run a smoke or a fluid simulation in the scene. My works on eals_1 and colne_be3 had me facing these issues.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #22 on: 2016-11-12 18:40:57 »
How so I align the camera in Blender to the file I recreate? Is there a script for it? I used to do it manually SKetchup-> 3DSMax-> Blender but the exporter from 3DSMAX to Blender is long lost and no one seems to have backup.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #23 on: 2016-11-13 10:13:12 »
How so I align the camera in Blender to the file I recreate? Is there a script for it? I used to do it manually SKetchup-> 3DSMax-> Blender but the exporter from 3DSMAX to Blender is long lost and no one seems to have backup.
Hi Anaho
if you use the tool, you get the alignment of the camera in the script already.

as an example:
Code: [Select]
def putCamTarget():
    # Create Empty as target
    bpy.ops.object.add(type='EMPTY', location=(-29,-221.4932,977.2385)) = 'CamTarget'
def putCam():
    # Create a camera and get the shape name.
    data ='ANFRST_2Cam')
    vcam ='ANFRST_2Cam', data)
    vcam.location = (-29,-9015,977.2385)
    vcam.scale = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    #data.angle_x = 9.320189
    data.lens = 214.687522024547
    data.draw_size = 100
    data.clip_end = 10000.0
    data.sensor_width = 35.0

So you don't need to do the whole sketchup-->3ds-max-->blender workflow, but can start directly using blender or 3dsmax...

I hope this helps.


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Re: SpooX Walkmesh exporter alias ShinraTool
« Reply #24 on: 2016-11-13 14:25:22 »
This will help very much. Thank you for your great help as always :)