Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3085532 times)


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Unknown cause.  Very likely linked to:

?   ?   Returning to md1_1 from md1_2 can cause Cloud's model to become huge and upside down. This happens more regularly after a battle. [This bug is confirmed to not be caused by field script. I think it might be some sort of weird memory issue - or something unique to this field compared to others.  Currently testing field scale value. - DLPB]   Uprisen      

It seems to happen only on mtcrl_3 and md1_1.  Checking for commonalities. 

-- current suspects: 

1. Faster loading field code in Reunion. Seemed to happen to me when screen loaded faster than it should have - which is itself a bug though.  Can anyone confirm if this bug happens in original aali dll with no reunion enabled?

2. It's very rare for a field to have a character model size of 1024 along with a field scale value of 1024.  Usual is 512.  I will test Corel Desert in a minute as that's a place where we get random battles AND it's a field you can go into and out of.   Nearly all the other fields that have 1024 field scale don't have random battles and you don't go back and forward to them.  They;re one off fields.  I'd have to say this is the likely contender - there is a model /background size commonality with this bug.  Especially if desert fails.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-13 03:09:40 by DLPB »


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its already been mentioned that marlene has been changed to marin, not that big of a deal, but now
i just noticed that Reno has been renamed Leno for some reason, i have Jay Leno's son out to kill me and kidnap aeris, lmao.... please help

May be worth checking help file - I think you may have not chosen the incorrect name option on main install.

also i would love to
help work with the translation
there are way more dialogue you fix and give clarity to, there are also a couple of things made worse IMO
by a weird word choice, for instance "spare me the speeches" is a quote from cloud at the beginning instead of "spare me the lecture"... i've never in my life heard
anyone say "spare me the speeches"

I'm only working with Charlie Beer and Luksy tbh - there's no way to expand on this as this will never get done otherwise. There will always be issues or things one person or another disagrees with - that will happen with any and all translations and localizations.  That said:


Has a lot of results and it certainly is a reasonably common phrase - even used in American film and TV scripts.

It's subjective which is better.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-13 03:15:48 by DLPB »


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@Timber:  Please turn off New Translation option and try to replicate the bug.


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May be worth checking help file - I think you may have not chosen the incorrect name option on main install.

will look into this, i remember being confused on what to do on that setting, and ty (many names are changed in my game and its becoming quite annoying... Reno - changed to Leno, Tseng - changed to Zeng, Nibelheim - changed to Niblheim, Marlene - changed to Marin, etc etc)

i am also getting a set of character models being stuck while moving, i originally thought it was kalderasha's 3d models, but i have disabled that mod and still get the same results, i then tried disabling reunion but then my save file wouldnt load (do i just need to move the save file out of the reunion folder? or will the save file not work without it?)

but to the bugs... 1. i could not visit the group hive room in the honey bee inn, mukki gets stuck while running off the bed, i worked around this by visiting the other room

2. then in shinra HQ right before the recruitment of Red XIII, barret would get stuck while running out of the party, (he continuously ran into the control panel that was in the way) and i managed to fix this by moving him to the lead spot in the battle order so he would 'run off' from a different start point

3. in nibelheim i could not visit cloud's mom, when i first entered the house the other cloud model runs in place continuously into the corner by the entrance to the hall (i worked around this by just not going through this scene)

after i disabled the 3d models the only mods i had active were Reunion06 and satsuke's graphical mod, the next time i come across this same type of bug i will do a fresh install and install mods 1 by 1 to figure out if its even a mod causing it ... unfortunately i'm an idiot and when i got passed each part i over-writ the save i had

lastly, seriously thank you very much to everyone helping on here, i know how annoying it is to troubleshoot for a never ending supply of lazy newbies :P


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Please see the first post and look over The Reunion Database.  It lists the known bugs and all of those are there, I think.


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I'm kind of confused... If I remember correctly, back in R05, I could select a lot of options during installation. Most of these have now probably been moved to the options.ini, but I cannot change any options concerning keeping or translating the original character names. In my game, Marlene is called Marin at some times and Marlene at others.

I have seen the issue in the Reunion database and it will probably be fixed in R06b, but even if I wanted to change that option, where can I do so? I don't see it anywhere in the options.ini. And if I wanted her name to always be Marlene (as well as Reno being Reno and so forth), should I activate or deactivate original character names?

Also, I think I remember an option to swap the X and O button graphics (not the buttons, just the graphics), or was that a 7H feature? (Not running the bugfest that is 7H this time around :P) If not, where can I change this setting?

Finally, I just played through the scene at Aeris house where Elmyra tells the party how she found Aeris 15 years ago. In the first flashback two scenes at the train station and where Aeris runs down the stairs and trips, she has a remade model that looks fine. But in the following scenes where she tells Elmyra about the death of her husband and the one where Tseng tells Elmyra that Aeris is an Ancient, Aeris uses the original FF7 model, which looks vastly out of place as her head is twice the size of Elmyras xD Couldn't the remade "Little-Aeris" model be simply used in all four scenes, or is this a bug?

I really enjoy playing FF7 with Reunion, it's so much better than 7H! Looking forward to R06b, keep up the good work DLPB!


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please see the first post and reunion database.


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Please excuse me, but I already read the first post and the database before I posted my question. Neither the first post nor the database tells me where these two options can be set, and I don't see them in the options.ini, that's why I'm asking  ;)

If you mean I should post my logs, I'm not reporting a bug; I'm just asking a question, hopefully politely so, don't mean to annoy or offend anyone. If I simply overlooked the settings somewhere, or them being mentioned somewhere, or if these settings have been removed, please tell me.


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I'm kind of confused... If I remember correctly, back in R05, I could select a lot of options during installation. Most of these have now probably been moved to the options.ini, but I cannot change any options concerning keeping or translating the original character names. In my game, Marlene is called Marin at some times and Marlene at others.

I have seen the issue in the Reunion database and it will probably be fixed in R06b, but even if I wanted to change that option, where can I do so? I don't see it anywhere in the options.ini. And if I wanted her name to always be Marlene (as well as Reno being Reno and so forth), should I activate or deactivate original character names?

Also, I think I remember an option to swap the X and O button graphics (not the buttons, just the graphics), or was that a 7H feature? (Not running the bugfest that is 7H this time around :P) If not, where can I change this setting?

Both the options for non-canonical names and for swapping X and O are available in the installer options when you install R06. You can miss them if you just click "Next" all the way through the install, but otherwise they are hard to miss.


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Both the options for non-canonical names and for swapping X and O are available in the installer options when you install R06. You can miss them if you just click "Next" all the way through the install, but otherwise they are hard to miss.
Thank you very much! Just tested reinstalling Reunion and found it. I indeed do not remember seeing this screen when installing it a few days ago, and I usually don't just spam-click Next, very weird... Must have clicked twice by accident or something.

Please let me make this clear from the beginning: I do not wish to annoy anyone! I love Reunion so far, but I am suffering from a quite severe case of being a perfectionist :-D and I want my FF7 experience with it to be just right, that's why I'm asking so many questions. I hope everyone understands how I feel about that ;) I'm an aspiring programmer myself and I seriously would have loved to be on board with this project from the beginning :-[

I do not see any documentation of the options on the installation screen. Do I have to check or uncheck specific fields for the results I want?
  • 1. Are there any major differences between American English and non-american english besides things like center<->centre or the like? Are there specific accents involved in one or the other for instance? Depending on that, I would take my pick...
  • 2&3. What are the specific results when I check or uncheck Incorrect Character/Place names? I'd like my characters and places to be called 'Marlene', 'Reno', 'Nibelheim' etc., the names that are from the international "compilation of FF7 canon". Do I have to check or uncheck these options for this?
  • 4. I'm quite certain I would like to check "Series canon", since I like Final Fantasy as a series a lot, so if the translation is more in line with the other games with this enabled, that's what I want.
  • 5. I know there are different controls for O and X in Japan and the US in most Playstation games, and the European versions (which are what I used to play back when I used consoles) are even weirder since some use the US standard and some the Japanese. It was a real mess back then having to relearn the controls for every new game. That said, I'd like my Confirmation button to be called X and the Cancel button O (yes, I know I can assign them whatever keyboard or controller button I wish, this is just for the button displayed in the game). Do I have to check or uncheck this option for this result?
  • 6. I guess the last option has to do with the names not being too long for dialogue windows? I leave the characters names as they are by default, so my guess is that this option is sort of irrelevant in this case, right?
Thank you everyone for bearing with me! And thank you so much DLPB for creating this mod! Looking forward to playing FF7 with it and I'm even more excited for this yet far away day in the future when you declare it finished and let us have a look at your code!


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hey DLPB, just wanted to say thanks for putting in the work on this. really digging the 60fps battles, and the fact that everyone's mouths are closed!  ;D

btw, you got any of that r06b ? :-D


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Following up on an earlier post regarding a game crash issue after battles before the exp/ap/item screens:

1. An explanation of the bug

I'm getting an issue that happens immediately after completing a random battle, right before the blue exp/item rewards screen pop up, where the screen will just stay black with the victory music looping, and my game crashes with the Error window. This has happened three times, and I haven't fought the Air Buster yet. I have Reunion plus hotfix 6 plus Satsuki's textures plus Grimmy's minigame textures, and that's it.

2. Does the bug happen at same point more than once?

Seems to happen randomly after battles.

3. App.log (found in root folder)

See link at the bottom of post.

4. Reunion.log (found in The_Reunion folder)

See link at the bottom of post.

5. crash.dmp (found in root folder)

See link at the bottom of post.

6. Your save file from just before the crash or hang

See link at the bottom of post.

[if this is a performance issue]
7. Your CPU spec

Intel i5 2600k

8. Your graphic card spec

GTX 970 x2 in SLI

9. Your operating system

Windows 10

Here are the files:

Thank you!

Hi DLPB, just following up. I fixed the link for my files (see above). I changed the FPS setting to 2, and so far, I haven't had the same crash that I had with it on 1. But when it was on 1, it crashed on 3 occasions after battles before the screen transition back to the field. I'm going to try 0 now and see what happens.


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Every time it crashes, please continue upload the app.log immediately [I only need app.log for this crash], as that's the only way I can track it.  I'll check your file now.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-17 22:33:00 by DLPB »


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In fact, scratch that.  It still isn't displaying the correct info in app.log.  Await R06b and we'll continue then :)


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@Timber:  Please turn off New Translation option and try to replicate the bug.

Confirming that I turned New Translation off and the bug still occurred.


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With regards to this bug from reunion database:

60fps Battles (mode 2 / interpolated) - Some visual effects are missing (like rifle fire / rain effect v dragon with Sephiroth).

Just as an FYI, the 'Zzz' effect is also missing when characters have Sleep status.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-18 08:53:18 by Timber »


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Just encountered 3 bugs, here is a quick video:

- In the corel flashback, there is a guy in a white hat, and his hat keeps dissappearing / glitching. This can be seen as he is walking towards the house as well as inside the house.
- After the flashback if you talk to Red XIII his dialogue seems to be missing.
- The door to the ropeway car is closed instead of being open (EDIT: This only occurs when New Translation is enabled)

« Last Edit: 2020-01-18 08:45:24 by Timber »


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i don't think all of those are reunion bugs.  please test without reunion by disabling reunion from options.ini.  any that aren't reunion should be placed in the big bug thread.    but I'll test this time.  8-)

The door to the ropeway car is closed instead of being open (EDIT: This only occurs when New Translation is enabled)

I havent touched this, so no idea why it's closed. Are you certain it's not an existing bug with original game?
« Last Edit: 2020-01-18 14:33:39 by DLPB »


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In fact, scratch that.  It still isn't displaying the correct info in app.log.  Await R06b and we'll continue then :)

Thank you for your help :)


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- After the flashback if you talk to Red XIII his dialogue seems to be missing.
@timber:  need more info... what dialogue should be presented? Are you sure it's missing?  Look for PSX play through and check.


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i don't think all of those are reunion bugs.  please test without reunion by disabling reunion from options.ini.  any that aren't reunion should be placed in the big bug thread.    but I'll test this time.  8-)

I havent touched this, so no idea why it's closed. Are you certain it's not an existing bug with original game?

I just disabled reunion and confirmed that the bugs don't occur on original game.

To clarify the Red XIII dialogue, FYI original game he says: "..."
and in Reunion he says: I

At first I thought the ropeway car door issue may have been caused by FF7 SYW "ArkTsukiVock" (v4) upscale, but again I tested and it only occurs with New Translation is enabled.


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I've looked through original psx for flashback scene and there is no "..."  - which exact part of the game is it?  Remember there is more than one flashback.


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I just disabled reunion and confirmed that the bugs don't occur on original game.

To clarify the Red XIII dialogue, FYI original game he says: "..."
and in Reunion he says: I

At first I thought the ropeway car door issue may have been caused by FF7 SYW "ArkTsukiVock" (v4) upscale, but again I tested and it only occurs with New Translation is enabled.
I can confirm that I got this bug as well at this point. AFAIK, you only see it when you talk to the party before boarding the Gold Saucer ropeway and then choose to stay rather than board the ropeway when asked. If you stay, you can talk to the party members again and Red XIII will just say "I". Nothing else installed, just The Reunion over the Steam version. Unfortunately I don't still have a save before that point.


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Checked again...  you're right.  The door is open with the original flevel....  But... there's no code to do it.  It doesn't make any sense to me.

ropest > door > script 1

is called... but I have no idea where. Could Makou have a bug and not be showing walkmesh doors properly? - or some sort of hardcoded weirdness?  It's VERY strange this. The bug exists  because touphscript has deleted the entry as it can't detect it being called... and nor can I.  Yet it definitely is called.
« Last Edit: 2020-01-19 02:26:21 by DLPB »