Author Topic: Bootleg with Aali's new driver and other goodies. [FF7PCsteam/convertion]  (Read 6495 times)


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This will be one of my very own rarely seen threads! Yippie!   

Anywho,  down to business!  I have finished the game on Steam,  however now that has been done I am looking to resume my old work experimenting with the mods and working with some basic changes to new versions.  For instance, Aali's driver for 0.8.1 and AH.  Reunion as well.

The last time I have tried , or rather attempted such a feat. I have had problems, I read one particular threat about the music, got it to work but then there is the driver.    I have tried the Reuinion's latest installment and for some reason these issues occur with bootleg.    The game will crash, texture errors occur where collisions are made, certain things are being mushed together .   In the menu, the game will crash at the Magic menu,  when going into battle all because of exceptions. 

Could anyone on the team give me some thoughts and pointers on what to do exactly? I do not want to go in blind again,  like a durrdurr like I used to.