Author Topic: [FF7PC][Tsunamods] Cosmo Memory: Complete Sound Overhaul  (Read 81476 times)


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I played through the last section of Midgar (Disc 1) with this mod and it was great!

I got so used to the Remake's amazing voice cast that the original now feels lackluster in comparison, since the characters don't really say anything when attacking.
Those new "hya" voice clips the mod adds are simple yet they help a lot with creating more immersion.

The ambience sounds are also great and they make the good old environments feel a little more unique and fresh.  ;D
Thanks a lot for this! I would recommend everyone to at least try this out for a bit.
« Last Edit: 2021-07-11 21:59:54 by potchy »


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Hi guys!
 it is not working for me, have installed ffnx steam version, sfx option on vgmstream and the mod turned on and not working. have i to do something else? could you help me please, guys? my game is  not a jack sparrow copy and i using 7thHeaven-v2.3.1.101
« Last Edit: 2021-07-24 16:26:21 by evil_joky »


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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I've tested it every way I possibly can and have never had it not work. The only thing I can tell you to do is mess with your audio device settings.Join our Discord if you can't figure it out. it'll be a lot easier to troubleshoot from there.
« Last Edit: 2021-07-25 08:20:39 by Bonez »


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It doesn't seem to be New Threat 2.0 Compatible. Installed the latest version of 7th Heaven. I have selected that I am using New Threat.


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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It doesn't seem to be New Threat 2.0 Compatible. Installed the latest version of 7th Heaven. I have selected that I am using New Threat.
It definitely is. You're either not using the latest New Threat, your load order is incorrect, or you're using a different language.
« Last Edit: 2021-07-28 08:22:00 by Bonez »


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This is a beautiful mod bones, thank you for your hard work.


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Do you have any changelog for the revisions ?


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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Do you have any changelog for the revisions ?

Since 1.0:
-Automatic footstep activation
-Automatic VGMStream activation
-Updated New Threat Kernel to 2.0991
-Built in foreign language grunt support for Spanish, German, Italian and French.
-Added New Threat 1.5, 1.5 Vanilla Combat, True Necrosis, Scavenger and other grunt support.

Nothing you need to worry about for SYW, though.


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Great thanks ^^


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Since 1.0:
-Automatic footstep activation
-Automatic VGMStream activation
-Updated New Threat Kernel to 2.0991
-Built in foreign language grunt support for Spanish, German, Italian and French.
-Added New Threat 1.5, 1.5 Vanilla Combat, True Necrosis, Scavenger and other grunt support.

Nothing you need to worry about for SYW, though.

Bonez, i'm still using an old 7th Heaven 2.0 version, for 60 FPS animations, so i can't activate this Cosmo Memory mod.

how can i get your old file, for the Sound Effect suite ??


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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Do you know that that old 60fps mod that you're using doesn't include interpolated animations so the only thing that's actually running in 60fps is the menu? 7H has never had 60fps character animations.
« Last Edit: 2021-08-24 09:04:23 by Bonez »


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Do you know that that old 60fps mod doesn't include interpolated animations so the only thing that's actually running in 60fps is the menu?

i know that the creators of 7th Heaven have been promising to add a 60 FPS fix, for over a year, & that there are constant requests for a 60 FPS fix, on these forums.

can i please have the old file, for Bonez Sound Effects suite ??


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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Sorry, I'm no longer supporting the old version. I don't even have the old .iro's anymore. But since you're not really experiencing 60fps character animations, you're really not missing out on anything by upgrading.  :)


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This is the best mod alongside the lighting mod!
i have 2 requests / questions:

1. one thing i wish i could do is lower a little just the volume of the footsteps sounds, it's a little loud for my taste.
how can i do it without lowering everything else?
i unpacked the .iro, the footsteps are all from the 5000's range or there's more ogg with them?
i lowered and repacked but it crashes the game.
how can i make loose files only from footsteps for the game? or you can help me with another ways?

2. which is the battle swirl ogg? i like the original from ps1 and wish to use it!
again can i make loose file for the battle swirl sound too? how it works?

thanks in advance!


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.

1: There's no way to specifically lower the footsteps sounds. But I'll consider lowering them as a whole If I get enough complaints about it.

1.5: I don't support the mod once it's been unpacked. As you found out, it's pretty easy to break by poking around in there. Unfortunately, once you open it up, it's on you.

2: As far as the battle swirl goes; I spent 2 years carefully mixing and creating sounds for this mod to my own personal tastes. If I started changing sounds or telling people what sounds are what so they could change a single sound, It would be a full time job considering how many requests/suggestions I've gotten -  just because that one sound out of 1300 doesn't jive with their own personal taste. So, I hope you understand when I say: If you don't like the new battle swirl, at least the new one isn't made out of pitched static like the original was. You'll get used to it  ;)
« Last Edit: 2021-09-20 05:59:25 by Bonez »


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I'm loving this mod!  Thanks!

I have two questions, but I'll save the 2nd for later. 

When I'm running this mod, the game crashes when I enter the secret hallway in Wutai to get the Magic Shuriken.  This crash is 100% consistent for me, even when it's the only mod I have activated.  I'm running ff7 through 7th heaven.

If its just my setup, it's NBD as it's a 30 second workaround to turn the mod off.  But the consistency of it, plus the more "hidden" location, make me curious if the bug is in the mod itself.  Have you playtested this hallway?



  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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I'm loving this mod!  Thanks!

I have two questions, but I'll save the 2nd for later. 

When I'm running this mod, the game crashes when I enter the secret hallway in Wutai to get the Magic Shuriken.  This crash is 100% consistent for me, even when it's the only mod I have activated.  I'm running ff7 through 7th heaven.

If its just my setup, it's NBD as it's a 30 second workaround to turn the mod off.  But the consistency of it, plus the more "hidden" location, make me curious if the bug is in the mod itself.  Have you playtested this hallway?

You're talking about this hallway?:
I just tested it and it seems fine. No crashes here - with a bunch of mods on and with just CM on. I know I've also been there before while playtesting. There's nothing in CM that should cause any kind of crashes, at least not in this particular case. It's just sound files. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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No, that's the secret hallway for the Hairpin, which also worked fine for me.  The hall for the magic shuriken is in the same building, attached to the room you sleep.

(see arrow for "treasure":   

I appreciate you double checking this!  I don't know why the mod would cause this either, but it's at least linked somehow in my setup. Thanks!


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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No, that's the secret hallway for the Hairpin, which also worked fine for me.  The hall for the magic shuriken is in the same building, attached to the room you sleep.

(see arrow for "treasure":   

I appreciate you double checking this!  I don't know why the mod would cause this either, but it's at least linked somehow in my setup. Thanks!

That one also works for me.


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Got it, thanks!

2nd Question:  Footsteps aren't working for me.  I have menu sounds, voiced attacks, field and battle ambience, and movie sounds.  But no footsteps (even though it is turned on in my config).

Anyone have suggestions from anyone how I can hunt down the problem/fix this? 


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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Got it, thanks!

2nd Question:  Footsteps aren't working for me.  I have menu sounds, voiced attacks, field and battle ambience, and movie sounds.  But no footsteps (even though it is turned on in my config).

Anyone have suggestions from anyone how I can hunt down the problem/fix this? 

Update both 7h and FFNx to Canary.


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Hello good, would it be possible to create an iro file with only the sound of the footsteps and the voices of the battle attacks?

Personally, I don't like the sound when battles are skipping in this mod, but I love the footsteps and attack voices.


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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Already answered you on Nexus, but the answer is no.


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Just started a new playthrough with this mod using 7th Heaven, it's the only sound mod I'm using. I'm noticing a consistent, random crackling sound when playing. All 7th Heaven sound settings are at the defaults.

Any thoughts or suggestions on this?


  • Cosmo Memory Dev
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Yeah, we had some sound issues with a couple of the recent versions of FFNx... Make sure you're on the latest canary .194+ and all sound issues should be good for now.