I've got the TIM PhotoShop plug-in working perfectly, and I'm able to edit extracted TIM files, and re-inject them manually with a hex editor (none of the purported re-injection apps work without corrupting some data; although it appears that TIMViewer104b may, it looks to be about as tedious as manual re-injection).
There is a significant snag, however: some TIM files have more than one set of CLUT data. TIMViewer can run through multiple sets per file, but the PhotoShop plug-in cannot (the documentation even explicitly states this). How exactly would I go about separating sets of CLUT data into individual TIM files, and editing those (and then rejoining the different CLUT data sets and re-injecting as usual)? Or is there another way to accomplish this?
Also, hotdog963al once shared an app on these forums called MNU-TIMjector (in the thread
HERE), which has since disappeared from the face of the earth (it was on MegaUpload.com, which has since been taken down). Does anyone have a copy of this app? I've PM'd the author, but received no response thus far...and people have already been penalized for reviving the dead thread itself to request the app (apparently, here at Qhimm.com, we're so flooded with traffic that a few threads being brought back from the dead is more of a problem than stifling everyone's ability to ask for help from more than one long-absent user at a time).
Any help would be much appreciated.