Final Fantasy 9 > FF9 Tools

[PC] Save editor - Memoria (

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Ye, Memoria assumes it's a "normal" save file and is based on absolute positions inside the files. This works fine for the PS1 save map. But the "quick-fix" for the re-release is just an update of indexes, basically, so any "custom-made" additions to the structure will naturally break it. Saving might be dangerous for mods, as it still changes the bytes at the absolute positions.

As-is, Memoria is not very user-friendly for mods.

Completely forgot about the GitHub. I'll see if I can make one.

Link to github

Oh, and thanks @Tirlititi ^^

I'm trying to port my old PSX save to the Switch/Steam. I've opened my .mcr in memoria and exported the single save file. I then opened a Steam Save and tried to import the save but it says "wrong file size".

Is there any way to "convert" an old psx to steam/switch?

Any plans on getting this to work with the PS4 version?

Would it be possible to add a function that allows you to get a Kupo Nut as well? I have almost 100%, but now I'm missing a Kupo Nut that I can't get anymore.   ;((((

Hi everyone!
Is this project still on?

I'm playing a PSX version of FF9 on Retroarch.
I was searching a solution online, not only to get rid of the "stats growing via equip" thing, but even to max out the stats as far as the game allows.
So, i've found Memoria Tool, but using it, I can only find direct values edits (base and total stats).
This "limit", makes the stats reset everytime a character levels up.
So, I'm asking if anyone has figured out how to edit the "stats growing via equip" values instead.
I already know that if i equip all the characters with their best gears, make 'em grind a bit and keep resetting the level via Memoria, I can reach the goal but maybe this is just the dumb long way.

Is there an alternative?

Thanks to anyone who's reading

And sorry if i'm rising a dead post from the grave...


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