Author Topic: In other news... (serious)  (Read 66464 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 2005-06-17 04:07:30 »
Like I said, it was a tacit agreement. I know I shouldn't have and I've apologized time and time again so... "quit being mad at me and just love me again -- Dr. Phil"

James Pond

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« Reply #51 on: 2005-06-17 08:44:00 »
An agreement for what exactly?


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« Reply #52 on: 2005-06-19 00:56:03 »
Jesus Christ .. Jari is still here?

Jari what the hell are you doing here? Honestly.. I thought you were leaving and blah blah blah..

Jari I've never had a problem with you.. I still dont.. But if you say you are going to leave then get the fuck out and quit annoying people.

I was just talking to this guy about how nice of a community this was.. Well until this thread I guess we were doing decently..

I don't feel that I'd be a good moderator here.. I think a good moderator should check the forums much more than I visit here.

Qhimm you know about how often I show up here.. If that doesnt bother you then I will help moderate.. I've already been moderating a huge mess of a forum for over a year now. ~_^Actually, I'm an admin there..

If I were you .. I'd make your moderator staff global, and ban whoever else is pissing you off at the moment.

It's your community.. I miss the old community too. I miss the nice Jari, and fice.. All the technical talk and M$ bashing.. Ha.. and Joey bashing.. Ok.. Well I wont go as far to say that I miss joey, but my point is .. Do what you have to do.

Do what you want to do.

As Bob Ross would say.. If you want a happy little tree there put one there..


Jari.. I'm confused.. Perhaps its because of my absence from this forum, but what exactly is your uh.. plan? Staying? Going?

Sad Jari

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« Reply #53 on: 2005-06-19 11:17:47 »
Well, if it ain't the junkie himself.

You sure bitch a lot, considering that you "don't have a problem with me", don't you?

But whatever, I can give as good as I get...

Quote from: Caddberry
Qhimm you know about how often I show up here.. If that doesnt bother you then I will help moderate.. I've already been moderating a huge mess of a forum for over a year now. ~_^Actually, I'm an admin there..

That truly is a rather accurate description of it.

Quote from: Caddberry
Jari.. I'm confused.. Perhaps its because of my absence from this forum, but what exactly is your uh.. plan? Staying? Going?

Oh, it would seem that I'll stay, just because it pisses you off.

Or did you mean seriously? Do you really think that I would stay in a forum you moderate?

EDIT: PS. Hey Qhimm, thanks for adding insult to injury. I knew you could do it, if you really tried. :) Go ahead, make the freakboy mod too, I know you want to. :lol:


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« Reply #54 on: 2005-06-19 12:52:10 »
Quote from: Monkey on your back
EDIT: PS. Hey Qhimm, thanks for adding insult to injury. I knew you could do it, if you really tried. :) Go ahead, make the freakboy mod too, I know you want to. :lol:

Yeah, I do these things explicitly to piss you off, you know. Thanks for noticing. ;)

If you and Caddberry have a problem that affects his judgment as moderator negatively, he'll be relieved. It's that simple, for you or for any other user/moderator. Seriously, please don't go looking for insults in what I do; I'm just trying to get some structure back here, and for the time being I need more active admins/moderators to cover for me until I can get my own plans working.

Sad Jari

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« Reply #55 on: 2005-06-19 13:43:00 »
I don't have to look for them.

*sigh* Yes, I came back to have fun at Alhexx' expense, who appeared to be really eager for more power.

Then I decided to offer a freaking olive branch, despite that it was you who lied to everyone, in order to make me lose my face and appear like I had lied. (Yeah, it hurts when someone you have known for several years and a person you considered to be your friend, does it. It hurts a lot. There is nothing worse you could have done to me.)

I was never planning to stay, as you understand the word. I just wanted to make a peace offering to part in better terms.

But whatever. I see that I was wrong. I should have understood from the first time.

Have it your way.


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« Reply #56 on: 2005-06-19 14:14:21 »
Call me stupid (and I suppose you will), but I've yet to find anything I lied about, or anything I said to make you appear like a liar. If I did, then please tell so clearly here for all to see, because I don't want something like that to be hidden and not apologized for. I know of no one else here who sees you as a liar either. I didn't want to attack your argument back then, nor did I have any quarrel with it, apart from the fact that you and that other guy were starting to affect more of the forum than was necessary. At least give me something I can honestly apologize for, for christ's sake. If I'm going to feel like an ass for hurting my friend, then at least I want to know precisely what I should regret.

All I know I did was point out the fact that at one point in time, you resigned from being a moderator, and gave both of you a warning for disrupting other topics. I should have asked you again in private, but I wanted to publically promote fair and civilized discussion... never publically deny your authority in the community. It wasn't meant as an attack on your person, nor on the validity of your argument, and I didn't know it would come out that way and you would take it so badly. I'm sorry.


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« Reply #57 on: 2005-06-19 20:40:30 »
If you are looking for a Mod, I have experience. I am a Moderator @ BWHacks we deal with floods of newbies on regular basis.


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« Reply #58 on: 2005-06-20 00:55:02 »

Someone didn't read the entire first page =P

Seriously, not to put words in qhimm's mouth, or claim that i know a lot about him, but, well, given that you're relativly new, i think you getting moded is a rather unlikely proposition at this point.  Silly human.

I mean hey, -i- have modding experience on forums, AND i've been here a while, but I don't have the gaul to ask to be modded...

But what do I know, right? =P

//probably shoulda not even said anything

Sad Jari

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« Reply #59 on: 2005-06-20 05:43:01 »
I believe that your exact words (to me) were: "You are not a moderator".

Fair enough, I'm not - and was not - in practice. Unfortunately I had claimed otherwise - which also was true - in an argument. If it weren't for that argument, I wouldn't have minded at all.

You took your high and mighty position, lied to make me lose my face, lose the argument and appear as if I had lied.


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« Reply #60 on: 2005-06-20 07:07:49 »
Quote from: EmperorSteele

Someone didn't read the entire first page =P

Seriously, not to put words in qhimm's mouth, or claim that i know a lot about him, but, well, given that you're relativly new, i think you getting moded is a rather unlikely proposition at this point.  Silly human.

I mean hey, -i- have modding experience on forums, AND i've been here a while, but I don't have the gaul to ask to be modded...

But what do I know, right? =P

//probably shoulda not even said anything

The amount of time you've been in the forums is far from being a critical factor, that's like saying "I am l33t because my post count is bigger than yours". Also I'm talking about a 500+ daily posts forum.

L. Spiro

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« Reply #61 on: 2005-06-20 07:54:37 »
The amount of time you've been in the forums is far from being a critical factor

No, actually it’s one of the most critical.
As Qhimm already specifically stated, if you weren’t here to see the old days, how things were, how the site was run, and what is expected if we are to get back into that type of forum-style (it’s like lifestyle, only in this case the forum is the life!), then you can’t be a moderator.

I’m not saying you aren’t competent for the job; I know you are a contributing member who seems to have a decent head, mature, etc.  No one has ever complained about you.
But “being around for a long time” isn’t as linear as post count.
Look at how long I’ve been here and then look at my post count.

“Being around for a long time” involves seeing how the site was, knowing how this site was specifically run, and being able to compare how it was then to how it is today.

I am sure you do a fine job on your other forum (where I may even post my project), but different forums are run in different ways and by a different set of standards.
It may be true that you have a lot of what it takes to be a good moderator, but you’re only half way there.

Proving yourself stable, reliable, responsible, and forum-knowledgeable is of course expected of any moderator, generally for any forum.
But when we get down to forums that go past the general forum standard and into their own social standards, this is where you, as a moderator, would also be expected to have more than general moderating experience.

I am not trying to speak FOR Qhimm, but rather I am breaking down what he already said that you may have missed:
Quote from: Qhimm
For the record, I'd never, ever entrust as much as a trashbin to someone who hasn't even seen what the forums used to be. How the hell do you expect to be able to uphold ideals if you think the last year is how the forums are supposed to be? Sure you could read a few old topics, but most of the signature topics are long sinced purged, and when you do find a good topic, most likely you're just sitting and thinking "gee, I wish I could talk like that". I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't have any purpose to post other than "it's fun", "it's a friend", "I've got nothing better to do", etc., then keep your fingers off your keyboard or I'll physically come over there and shove it up you.

This is what EmperorSteele wanted you to read.

L. Spiro


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« Reply #62 on: 2005-06-20 17:08:59 »
Yeah, I probably misunderstood that, anyway I'll drop my case here... hopefully I'll be the New Apprentince :lol:


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« Reply #63 on: 2005-06-20 17:15:21 »
Quote from: Monkey on your back
I believe that your exact words (to me) were: "You are not a moderator".

Fair enough, I'm not - and was not - in practice. Unfortunately I had claimed otherwise - which also was true - in an argument. If it weren't for that argument, I wouldn't have minded at all.

You took your high and mighty position, lied to make me lose my face, lose the argument and appear as if I had lied.

What should I have done then in order to not destroy our friendship? Lie for your sake? Agree and say you were a moderator, even though you had resigned long before? Make it appear like I support members taking the law into their own hands to hunt down newbies? In principle and practice you were not a moderator, not of that forum or of any of the other forums, apart from an honorary moderator position of the Administration forum, to which you were appointed pretty damn nearly against your will after your resignation. I would say that "you are not a moderator" was perhaps not the complete truth (since you still had a great deal of influence, and still do), but it was far closer to it than your argument was. But I didn't post in that thread in order to counter your arguments, I posted in order to stop the flame flood raging through the forums. You were becoming what we used to ban instantly in the old days, rapidly burning up your good reputation in the community. You'll probably laugh and not believe me, but stopping that fight was also motivated by wanting to preserve your image.

Had I known doing what I did would cost me our friendship, would I still have done it? No. Hell no. I thought I was doing the right thing for the community. It turned out not to be, and I regret it deeply. I tried to take the moral high ground, but the ends didn't justify the means. I'm sorry.

But for the record, you didn't lose your argument, everyone that matters agreed with your basic principles, and no one would have thought any less of you if you had just backed off the argument at that point. You would have been the winner regardless, having made your point and since no one likes people trying to sneak in the last word after an argument (thus his rather quick ban after that). I even remembered you saying proudly during an earlier, similarly heated debate, something to the effect of "if the moderators feel I'm going too far, they can give me a warning and I'll quietly back down". That was what I was hoping would happen; things would quiet down and people could get back to agreeing with you both in principle and in practice.

Quote from: bulk_4me
Yeah, I probably misunderstood that, anyway I'll drop my case here.

Actually, bulk_4me is probably higher up on my consideration list than most members. Not that he's seen the old days, but he's at least shown that he can post sensibly and contribute to the forums. While your time with the forums do rate highly, those two qualities do so too. The text quoted by L.Spiro is important though, because I won't let someone moderate who can't represent the ideals we strive for.

Sad Jari

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« Reply #64 on: 2005-06-22 21:01:30 »
Different wording, for example?

"You are not moderator of this forum" would have carried the same idea, yet would not have directly countered my argument.


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« Reply #65 on: 2005-06-23 01:10:28 »
Quote from: Monkey on your back
Well, if it ain't the junkie himself.

Yes, the Junkie Chess Master second to Nori at your service.

Quote from: Caddberry
Qhimm you know about how often I show up here.. If that doesnt bother you then I will help moderate.. I've already been moderating a huge mess of a forum for over a year now. ~_^Actually, I'm an admin there..

That truly is a rather accurate description of it.

.. Yeah.. I dont really know what you are saying here.. That I dont show up enough to moderate this board, or if you are insulting AnimeNfo, but I dont think you should speak ill of a community you know nothing about. The only reason I called it a mess was because it's insanely active with things to do constantly.

Quote from: Caddberry
Jari.. I'm confused.. Perhaps its because of my absence from this forum, but what exactly is your uh.. plan? Staying? Going?

Oh, it would seem that I'll stay, just because it pisses you off.

Your presence doesnt piss me off. I dont really care. I liked and respected you when you were here before. I don't really get pissed off over things people say to me online when they dont even know me.

Or did you mean seriously? Do you really think that I would stay in a forum you moderate?

You wont stay in a forum that I moderate? Well.. I'm a moderator of this one. I imagine that you will eat those words since you can't seem to get enough of this community, and I am staff now.

EDIT: PS. Hey Qhimm, thanks for adding insult to injury. I knew you could do it, if you really tried. :) Go ahead, make the freakboy mod too, I know you want to. :lol:

I don't really see how my becoming a moderator here insults you. Do you feel that I lack the intelligence to be a moderator? An Administrator? Well.. Whatever.. I suppose it doesnt really matter anyway.

As far as my bitching about your still being here.. I really wasn't. I was more or less just curious as to why you were still here when you claimed to be going away forever.

Jari, I wouldnt mind if you stayed here forever. I wasn't meaning to pick a fight or anything. I just thought after all that work you did to clear yourself from this place what were you doing back here again?


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« Reply #66 on: 2005-06-23 02:27:42 »
Quote from: Monkey on your back
Different wording, for example?

"You are not moderator of this forum" would have carried the same idea, yet would not have directly countered my argument.

I suppose it would have, yes. I apologize for my bad choice of words.

Quote from: Caddberry
You wont stay in a forum that I moderate? Well.. I'm a moderator of this one.

Heh, the irony. Caddberry, to be precise you are not a moderator of this forum. :) </bad joke>

Anyway, for the record, I'm pretty inclined to let the new forums, when they're ready, start from a blank slate; not carrying over the crap from these forums, only storing current content in an archive. Part of the problem today is that new members see slightly less new members post a load of crap (that hasn't been cleaned out yet), and so think it's okay to do shit like that.

Sad Jari

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« Reply #67 on: 2005-06-23 19:18:12 »
Quote from: Caddberry
Yes, the Junkie Chess Master second to Nori at your service.

You must be pissed that the custom title went byebye. :lol:

Quote from: Caddberry
.. Yeah.. I dont really know what you are saying here.. That I dont show up enough to moderate this board, or if you are insulting AnimeNfo, but I dont think you should speak ill of a community you know nothing about. The only reason I called it a mess was because it's insanely active with things to do constantly.

Latter, but the former is true, too.

Gee, you assume a lot about what I know and don't know. :)

Quote from: Caddberry
Your presence doesnt piss me off. I dont really care. I liked and respected you when you were here before. I don't really get pissed off over things people say to me online when they dont even know me.

So, you just sound like you are pissed off. Okay, fair enough.

Quote from: Caddberry
You wont stay in a forum that I moderate? Well.. I'm a moderator of this one. I imagine that you will eat those words since you can't seem to get enough of this community, and I am staff now.

Oh, I think that you won't be a moderator for long, if you keep your current pace up. :)

Quote from: Caddberry
I don't really see how my becoming a moderator here insults you. Do you feel that I lack the intelligence to be a moderator? An Administrator? Well.. Whatever.. I suppose it doesnt really matter anyway.

Let's see;

  • you seldom visit, leading to things like this. Now tell me, what exactly was the point of closing the thread... after it had died down on its own?

  • you lack common sense

  • you have stated yourself that you don't really remember much about the Rubicant incident, because you were so stoned. Clearly a good attribute for a moderator.
  • animenfo general forum is a horrible mess.
  • Combine all that with the fact you obviously have a beef with me and have had ever since the Rubicant incident.... that would make me see your appointment as a personal insult, rather than a smart choice for moderation.[/list:u]

    Quote from: Caddberry
    As far as my bitching about your still being here.. I really wasn't. I was more or less just curious as to why you were still here when you claimed to be going away forever.

    Ah. My bad then, seeing this as bitching:

    Quote from: Caddberry
    Jari what the hell are you doing here? Honestly.. I thought you were leaving and blah blah blah..

    Jari I've never had a problem with you.. I still dont.. But if you say you are going to leave then get the f*** out and quit annoying people.

    Quote from: Caddberry
    Jari, I wouldnt mind if you stayed here forever. I wasn't meaning to pick a fight or anything. I just thought after all that work you did to clear yourself from this place what were you doing back here again?

    "Then I decided to offer a freaking olive branch..."


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« Reply #68 on: 2005-06-26 02:01:34 »
Quote from: Monkey on your back
Oh, I think that you won't be a moderator for long, if you keep your current pace up. :)

If that is Qhimm's choice so be it. Until then, I'll moderate to the best of my ability.

you seldom visit, leading to things like this. Now tell me, what exactly was the point of closing the thread... after it had died down on its own?

It died down. Not died. I locked it because I felt it should have been.

you lack common sense

Well.. I thought people here might enjoy that and have questions about it if they couldn't get it to work so I posted it. I wouldn't say that someone lacks common sense because of that. The thread could have turned into a chat on Anime Music on top of the whole radio basis.  

you have stated yourself that you don't really remember much about the Rubicant incident, because you were so stoned. Clearly a good attribute for a moderator.

I dont remember much because I honestly didnt care much.

animenfo general forum is a horrible mess.

We like it to be a mess so we leave it that way.

Combine all that with the fact you obviously have a beef with me and have had ever since the Rubicant incident.... that would make me see your appointment as a personal insult, rather than a smart choice for moderation.

I haven't had any problems with you since the Rubicant issue. We even had quite a few decent chats after that whole thing. I may not have agreed with you on the Rubicant thing, but as I recall as more came to light I understood more of where you were coming from. After that I respected your opinion on that issue. That's the truth. Jari I never hated you, or had a problem with you.

As for my 'bitching' I thought you were leaving, and after everthing you went to to leave I was confused.

I think it's cool you want to help set up forum rules or throw out ideas to improve it. You are a smart person, and I've never said otherwise.


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« Reply #69 on: 2005-08-09 16:39:16 »
hehe....uh oh...i've been ratted out, oh well,


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« Reply #70 on: 2005-08-09 21:18:40 »
This thread seems to have been resurrected from the dead.

If it makes the administration feel any better, know that past a certain point, there really isn't much you can do.  I work as a Moderator on a php forum with over 3000 members, so I can attest to that fact first-hand.

As any population grows, the influx of less-than-desirable users increases.  In the beginning, it was relatively quiet and close-knit such as this forum, but as time went on, the sheer logistics of keeping things orderly became a nightmare.  I'd be more than willing to say that once you reach a certain point, it's more or less logistically impossible to keep everything in order.  And while under an ideal population there shouldn't even be a need for moderators, I assume it to be common-sense that such an ideal will never be reached.  Even with dozens of staff, there's still regular problems that pop up on an all too frequent basis.

Just be thankful you aren't to the point where people try to use security exploits and other methods against you.  And let me just say it looks like the staff here is doing a fine job.

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« Reply #71 on: 2005-08-31 22:26:22 »
Ok I know i've only been a member for a short time but i admit i messed up already, but i think you should talk to James Pond because he's been like teaching me the rules and stuff. I don't really know how this works but I nominate James Pond to be a moderator. (if it helps.)

James Pond

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« Reply #72 on: 2005-08-31 22:27:52 »
Haha, Thanks for the nomination, But there's no chance of that happening >_>


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« Reply #73 on: 2005-10-21 01:45:41 »
I wouldn't be a moderator because I just am not active enough, but yes this forum has gone down hill and I rarely visit anymore. I do miss the old school days.


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« Reply #74 on: 2005-10-21 10:38:51 »
Quote from: Forum Rules
Don't resurrect old topics. When people stop posting in a topic, it's usually a sign that everything of value has been said. Thus, if nobody's posted in a topic for more than a week or two, consider it dead and don't post in it (unless you have an important follow-up or question exactly on-topic, and the topic is still recent). If you post just a comment on something somebody said ... chances are no-one will care because it's been a while since everything was posted.

 - Alhexx