Author Topic: FAQ - Where do I Download QGears / Errors on startup and DLL missing, read this!  (Read 13838 times)


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So you have downloaded qgears and you are trying to get it running and you encounter the dreaded DLL errors!?

Well fear no more as this thread is dedicated to finding the DLLs and packages required to run the game.

0. The most important question of them all: Where can I download Q-Gears!?
Once you have downloaded it, run the launcher/data-installer and install your game data, more info on getting the game to run is here:

1. The program can't start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer.
Download these Visual C++ runtime components:

2. The program can't start because OgreMain.dll is missing from your computer.
If you are playing the compiled binaries from the installer, please re install the program.

If you are compiling from source, goto your OgreSDK folder and copy OgreMain.dll OIS.dll and OGREOVERLAY.DLL into your game folder.

3. The program can't start because lua.dll is missing from your computer.
If you are playing the compiled binaries from the installer, please re install the program.

If you are compiling from source, goto your LuaJIT folder and find the compiled lua.dll file and copy it into your game folder.

4. There are no renderers to chose from!.
If you are playing the compiled binaries from the installer, please re install the program.  If you want to run the game with DirectX then you must download OgreSDK from the github page and copy the RenderSystem_DX9.dll file.
If you are compiling from source, goto your OgreSDK folder and find the RenderSYstem_GL.dll file and paste it into your game folder, then open up the plugins.cfg folder with any test editor and remove the hash key ("#") from the line that says Plugin=RenderSystem_GL

5. The game runs, a black window opens and then closes!.
Run the q-gears-launcher program and use the "Data Installer" to import your data.  You must select a folder in the "Import Data Source:" box, select your FinalFantasy7 folder in your program files directory.  Proceed to Install Data afterwards.
« Last Edit: 2016-01-11 10:32:35 by Tom »


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Re: FAQ - Errors on startup and DLL missing, read this!
« Reply #1 on: 2015-06-09 21:06:23 »
     b. If Q-Gears force closes after running the data installer, it means that the data installer probably failed to install some data  ;D


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Re: FAQ - Errors on startup and DLL missing, read this!
« Reply #2 on: 2015-06-16 13:09:30 »
The data installer will spew out errors if it fails to install data.  I'm pretty sure you would notice that way before you actually ran the game.


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Re: FAQ - Errors on startup and DLL missing, read this!
« Reply #3 on: 2015-06-16 15:27:38 »
In my experience, it's when the data installer spits out files, but they aren't converted correctly and FC qgears


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Re: FAQ - Errors on startup and DLL missing, read this!
« Reply #4 on: 2015-06-19 05:51:11 »
Indeed, the converted scripts have runtime errors