This is a mod converting Battle model into Field model bearing in mind to keep the SD(Super Deformed)
element of FF7 intact.
in this release i already converted
Aeris and her flower girl model.
Barret(sailor model not yet included)
Cloud main field model(i have not included the model when cloud need to do different actions e.g in a wheel chair,going nuts
Tifa(just the main model)
Biggs (added hands but still matching the SD element.Fixed his hair and face)
Wedge(hands added with SD element intact.Change his face)
Jessie(Hands added)
Everything done with Kimera with just content from char.lgp and battle.lgp
as far NPC goes only Biggs wedge and Jessie is done.(i was just experimenting with it.you may choose not to use it at all)
Im not aiming to fix the NPC though..
Maybe just the playable characters.
Installation procedure:
Just copy all the files in the folders.(just the files not the folders inside the folders)
to already extracted char.lgp
you can choose which model you want to use or add.
e.g if you want to use only cloud copy the files from cloud folder to your char.lgp files that you are about compile.
NOTE:in a a character folder. e.g Aerith,she have two model folders.Model 1 being the field model you see in game that does the basic exploration activities such as running/walking/jumping
and model 2 being the model that do all the selling flower activities.
It's recommended to copy all files from each folder into the char.lgp.
download link:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XVVU7QWPEDIT: Edited the topic.though the screenshot remains.actually there's already another brilliant chibi reconstruction.