Author Topic: [FF7PC-Steam] Maximium quality audio with perfect loop editing (2013-11-16)  (Read 35885 times)


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As has been explained to you several times, this mod is just the original PSX/OST songs... Which exactly what FFNx Music is... Use that instead. There's no reason to keep asking for this.
« Last Edit: 2022-12-24 01:12:56 by Bonez »


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As has been explained to you several times, this mod is just the original PSX/OST songs... Which exactly what FFNx Music is... Use that instead. There's no reason to keep asking for this.

Sorry I was awol for so long. If they did the same obsessive editing and inclusion of missing intros that I did, then that's cool. If not, here's mine:


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Sorry I was awol for so long. If they did the same obsessive editing and inclusion of missing intros that I did, then that's cool. If not, here's mine:
Does your mod fix the music issue in the revelation scene about Cloud's memories? When he throws Sephiroth into the mako. That scene is bugged in every version of the game other than the original PS1 version.

Here's a timestamp to a twitch video that shows it:

I don't know if the FFNx music mod fixes it; the last time I did a full playthrough of the game was three years ago, and the music was still bugged then. If it does fix it, great! If not, then perhaps your mod could be of use.


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Huge apologies! I seem to have uploaded the wrong music folder. Working on recovering the correct one. I have no idea why my game file didn't contain it. Working on going through my backups.


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I looked into seeing what FFNx had done, and as far as I can tell, it's the PS1 midi files used (someone correct me if I'm wrong). The original point of my project back in 2013 was to use the OST CDs as they are far better in sound quality than the PS1 midi files. It's a shame I lost so much work, and I'm going to get back to it as soon as I can (by Spring time at least). Just have way too many projects in queue right now. Very sorry about this false hope.


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That is what I was thinking. FFNx is not the same since has not the quality of the OST. Maybe somebody else has your work on his computer and can upload it when you allow?


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You can try uploading on

LeonhartGR do you still have the files?


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I looked into seeing what FFNx had done, and as far as I can tell, it's the PS1 midi files used (someone correct me if I'm wrong). The original point of my project back in 2013 was to use the OST CDs as they are far better in sound quality than the PS1 midi files. It's a shame I lost so much work, and I'm going to get back to it as soon as I can (by Spring time at least). Just have way too many projects in queue right now. Very sorry about this false hope.
You might be interested to know that a musician has started to "restore" the Final Fantasy 7 OST using the original uncompressed samples that he tracked down over a number of years. He goes by the handle TSSF. He had already made a handful of tracks some years back, but he's starting over from scratch now.

He made the rounds recently after finishing his Chrono Trigger project, which sounds amazing.

Since some of your work has been lost, perhaps it'd be better to wait until TSSF is done with his project, and you could work off of his files? It would sound way better than the official CD OST released by Square since the tracks on that are still the ones that have been processed and compressed for the game.

Just a thought!


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You might be interested to know that a musician has started to "restore" the Final Fantasy 7 OST using the original uncompressed samples that he tracked down over a number of years. He goes by the handle TSSF. He had already made a handful of tracks some years back, but he's starting over from scratch now.

He made the rounds recently after finishing his Chrono Trigger project, which sounds amazing.

Since some of your work has been lost, perhaps it'd be better to wait until TSSF is done with his project, and you could work off of his files? It would sound way better than the official CD OST released by Square since the tracks on that are still the ones that have been processed and compressed for the game.

Just a thought!

Already been friends with him for a while. It's a hit and miss concept though, as often times the original instruments don't sound quite right compared to the original playback. At least with the OST's it's uncompressed original files before they made their way onto the PS1 discs, and the stereo reverb is amazing. I once sent the musician that did Doom on the PS1 the output files of how it sounds on the PS1, and he was shocked to find out commercial PS1's sounded so awful, and were lacking his original reverb effects as well. Seems dev kits had far superior sound quality and capability over consumer-grade PS1 consoles.

At any rate, eventually I will get this tackled again. At least I don't have to start completely over.


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You might be interested to know that a musician has started to "restore" the Final Fantasy 7 OST using the original uncompressed samples that he tracked down over a number of years. He goes by the handle TSSF. He had already made a handful of tracks some years back, but he's starting over from scratch now.

He made the rounds recently after finishing his Chrono Trigger project, which sounds amazing.

Since some of your work has been lost, perhaps it'd be better to wait until TSSF is done with his project, and you could work off of his files? It would sound way better than the official CD OST released by Square since the tracks on that are still the ones that have been processed and compressed for the game.

Just a thought!

FBX and I have known each other for a while.

I think this is a different kind of preservation. While the restorations I'm doing are nice and all, the preservations that he's doing is keeping original soundtrack quality alive

The reverbs sound different on hardware, emulation, and other things. I honestly would love to hear the originals preserved. I'm still trying to find the original soundtrack to find the best quality to compare to when I do my restorations

My restorations are also a personal taste, I could simply use the samples edited in the same way they were for the PS1 but then how different would it be ha ing the music play back at a higher sample rate with less PS1 frequency response?

So when I make my versions, I usually try to keep the patch (unless the whole patch sounds bad) playing from a spler that plays the sounds back similar to how original romplers used to play them, with a reverb that was released around the same time (ie: they're designed to sound kind of like how Uematsu could have made it sound off of PS1 hardware)

Good luck fbx! Looking forward to seeing this revived


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Thanks for coming back on this FBX. It is another interesting work, this time on top of the OST CDs.

Just out of curiosity:
"The OST's it's uncompressed original files before they made their way onto the PS1 discs."
Any source about the aforementioned? I don't think we do have evidence the soundtrack was created pre-PS1 hardware.

One more: Did you record it off PS1 hardware?

Also: Does this reprint help the cause somehow? "FF7 Revival OST" official 2019 release by SE with its audio hi-res 24bit/96kHz quality
« Last Edit: 2023-01-03 10:21:18 by Kuraudo. »


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My friend is in contact with LeonhartGR who downloaded your version but he can not find the file. Any idea what the filename of the archive was when you created it? Maybe we can restore your files like this.