@Rodimus Primal
I love your romhack!!, I have been using so far and I only had one crash in it. I also used Dancing Mad Music Mod (It replaces the music in game for High Quality), maybe I shouldn't mix the 2 romhacks.
How the bug/crash started > I was trying to learn all the rages for Gau, doing leaps rage, and using Sketch from Relm to learn the maximum skills for Strogo, on WoR. I had like 33 hours of gaming.
So far I dunno what triggered, I remember before the crash I was equipping some relics on Gau and I was also able to equip weapons on him. *very strange* I left it but it might have been the trigger. The bug started to happen more like after 3 or 4 battles and chars started to change, including the menu, during the battle. The game was normal after the battles so I saved a couple of times, but after more bugged battles it became slow and crashed.
After loading a previous save I noticed my itemlist was strange the items passed more the number 0-99-00-10-99 and after a bunch of iterations of 00-99 the last one was 0. I was able to fix the problem by selling everything *Made a bunch of money xD *, took me a while to sell everything, but it solved the bugs and crashes. I also optimize Gau to unequip the weapon.
I was able to take a screenshot >
https://puu.sh/sHvOV/f9a4dcca65.jpg of the the crash. Don't know if it helps to detect the problem
I wanted to ask you if you will keep adding more bug fixes to your version, I saw more improvements/features this week on romhacking, if you could add them that would be great. Also I wanted to ask you if i can break the game with Dancing Mad Music Mod, and if you can add the mod in your romhack as well

Thanks for all your hard work.